Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 46 Rescue

The little nurse was immediately shocked. It was okay to bully an honest rural man. Today, she met a powerful master, but she didn't know what to do. The noise had already shocked the dean of the hospital. When the dean saw his ability, he came to shake hands cordially and seemed to have a cordial conversation. After that, he hugged him, but he was stopped by his ability. Save my brother!" He said in a hurry, and the dean reacted and quickly said yes, and then asked someone to arrange an immediate operation.

The operation was conducted by Li Deren, a well-known doctor in China, who used the most advanced medical equipment in China for only one purpose, that is, to save Long Xiaoqi's life at all costs.

He walked anxiously at the door of the operating room, and the dean accompanied him and told him about Long Xiaoqi's situation at this moment. Mr. Fang, with all due respect, Mr. Long's current situation is a little bad!" The dean's face was full of hesitation. He was very familiar with the Fang family, and he had heard of the Long family. However, neither the Fang family nor the Long family can be offended by a small dean.

"If the dean has anything to say, just say it directly. According to your friendship with my father, no one is an outsider. In terms of generation, I have to call you uncle!" His face is uncertain. Although he knows how bad Long Xiaoqi is, he still thinks that he can avoid this disaster. Although Mr. Long's physique is amazing, his body is full of knife wounds and four or five bullets in his body. Most importantly, Mr. Long has lost too much blood, and his ribs and veins have been broken. I'm afraid Mr. Fang should be prepared!" After thinking about it, the dean still told all the truth. Once Long Xiaoqi had three short stories, he would not be too difficult to do. Hey! My eldest brother has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his physical strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people. From the day I met him, I never thought that he would have this day, let alone that he would be so seriously injured by others. Dean, you must do your best to save my brother!" There is a pleading in the words of the ability.

Listening to the prince of the Fang family actually talking to him in this tone, the dean couldn't help but feel a little complacent. Then he was stunned and said righteously, "Mr. Fang, don't worry, for Mr. Long's injury, our hospital will definitely do its best to save him, but the plan is in people, success is in heaven, and Mr. Fang still You have to be mentally prepared!" Then there will be Dean Lao." After listening to this, he nodded slightly.

As he spoke, the door of the operating room opened and a doctor came out of it. I was nervous and afraid to hear the news of Long Xiaoqi's life and death. The doctor went to the dean's ear and whispered a few words. The expression on the dean's face became more and more serious and solemn, and his heart also hung up. Dean, what's wrong with my eldest brother? He asked anxiously, and from the dean's face, he seemed to have read something. Mr. Fang, has Mr. Long used any drugs? His current situation is a little bad, and his body is secreting a lot of eosinophils. Biotin? What is that?" He asked puzzledly. Ephogen is a virus that normally does not appear in the human body. However, some people add a small amount of eophilus to the medicine in order to relieve the pain. After eating it, they will not feel too much pain even if they cut the meat on their bodies with a knife. The dean obviously paused when he said this. The ability took over the dean's words and asked, "Isn't that going to turn into a walking corpse?" Uncle, what will happen to the human body if you take drugs containing osphytin? Unconsciously, the name of the dean has changed. Well... that depends on the proportion of basin. Generally, people who make this drug will not adjust the proportion of basin too high, because if a person takes more than 0.5mg of basin, that person will suffocate because of exceeding the standard. What? Suffocation? Then my eldest brother..." The dean stretched out his hand to interrupt his words and motioned him to continue listening. That's just the general situation. According to Mr. Long's physical fitness, he should be able to withstand 1mg of osinophils." So how much did my eldest brother take?" The maximum amount." The dean said word by word, I don't know whether he was afraid that his ability could not be heard clearly or that he had scruples. His ability was like mud, collapsed on the ground, holding his head in his hand, and his heart was very sad. However, Mr. Fang doesn't have to worry too much. We are injecting antibiotics into Mr. Long now. If Mr. Long really deserves his life, then I think he will definitely get through this difficult time. The dean didn't know what to say, so he had to bend down and comfort him. Then Uncle Lao will be bothered." I didn't raise my head and seemed to be a little choked. By the way, uncle, can you tell me what the role of biotin has? He raised his head and his eyes were full of tears. Well... Ptrogen is not only used to relieve pain. It can enter the human body, devour a large number of cells, and then release energy, making the body reach its best state in a short period of time, or even an overexpenditure state, but the consequences are also obvious, that is, the cells in the body are reduced, and people will be in a long and extremely weak state. In this weak period, it is easy to be harmed by external factors. After listening to this, he nodded and said nothing more, because he remembered that Long Xiaoqi had inadvertently mentioned before leaving that he had a medicine that could instantly stimulate the potential of the human body, but he had to bear extreme pain. Hey!" With a sigh of ability, he couldn't help but blame himself. If he had paid more attention to it at that time, maybe what happened today would not have happened.

"Uncle, I have another request." The ability to stand up seems to have improved a little. Mr. Fang said it's okay." I hope my eldest brother's clothes can be returned to me." Ah! That's natural. That's what Mr. Long said. The dean breathed a sigh of relief, but there was some doubt in his heart. What's the use of asking for the clothes that had been broken into pieces, but he didn't ask much. After a few words of comfort, he left.

The dean doesn't know the secret of Long Xiaoqi's clothes, but he knows the ability. First, Long Xiaoqi's underwear seems ordinary, but it is made of century-old silk, which is one of the treasures of the Long family. Second, Long Xiaoqi's coat is sewn with an inner pocket, which contains the patriarchal token. It is also because of the patriarchal token that Long Xiaoqi can be killed several times.

I have the ability to sit in the hospital chair, recalling the past and the bits and pieces of being with Long Xiaoqi, and I can't help but feel sad again. When he was a child, Long Xiaoqi could be said to be his only friend. He did not bully him because of his rustic appearance. On the contrary, Long Xiaoqi was very good to him. He usually played with him and some people bullied his skills. Long Xiaoqi was always rushed forward first. When she knew that his father's company went bankrupt due to financial losses, and Long Xiaoqi begged her family to help her family. It can be said that Long Xiaoqi played a very important role in her childhood, and her ability is also an indispensable part of Long Xiaoqi's childhood.

The nurse in the hospital handed Long Xiaoqi's clothes to her skills and stroked the broken clothes. She couldn't help but shed tears again. They all said that men have tears, but in the face of true friendship, nothing is incomparable. Long Xiaoqi's body temperature still seems to remain on the clothes, which may be the illusion of ability, but this is not important. The idea of opening the inner pocket of the clothes familiar with the clothes was still the ability to come up with. Everything seems to be vivid, but Long Xiaoqi has sighed and shaken. He shook his head and took out the token of the patriarch of the Long family. He knows the role of this remnant jade, so he wants to put this remnant jade on Long Xiaoqi's body. Maybe with the blessing of the ancestors of the Long family, Long Xiaoqi can really save the danger this time.

"Ding!" Just as she was strangely recalling the past, the red light on the door of the operating room went out, and then Long Xiaoqi was pushed out by seven or eight doctors and nurses. Dr. Li, how is my eldest brother? With an anxious face, he came forward and asked. Hey!" Dr. Li shook his head helplessly and then said, "We have done our best, but the patient has not passed the dangerous period. In this short time, the situation will be very unstable. It is better for Mr. Fang to inform his family and prepare in advance." After hearing this, he softened and almost fainted. Fortunately, the nurse next to him helped him. Mr. Fang, don't worry. Our hospital will do its best to save Mr. Long. I don't know when the dean appeared beside his ability and comforted him. It seemed that his strength had been exhausted. He didn't say anything, but waved his hand feebly to signal them to send Long Xiaoqi to the ward.