Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 2 divination

"Father, the patriarchs have arrived one after another, and the banquet is almost ready. Do you think it can start?" Long Zhanjun looked at Long Jingdao lying in ** and said half bowed. Long Jingdao has been painful and happy these days. The painful thing is that he has not had a good rest for three days and three nights. Although his body is supported by war spirit, the old man still looks a little haggard. The happy thing is that the Long family has added another person. They finally have a grandson, and the future of the Long family is promising.

"I know, you take Xiaoqi there first! Today, he is the protagonist. Besides, Zhanhua can't be busy alone. Long Jingdao turned over. Although he was very tired, his voice was still so confident. After hearing this, Long Zhanjun didn't say anything, said his voice and left.

"Lao Zhao, how long have you and I known each other?" Long Jingdao did not get up and lay in **, as if he were talking in a sleep. I only remember that I was brought back by the old patriarch. I have been practicing martial arts with you since I was a child. I remember that it has been a long time! About 70 or 80 years have passed. The room was empty, but the sound came from nowhere, with a trace of hoarseness, and he refused to disperse for a long time.

"Yes! You and I have been together since I was a child. For so many years, you have been born and died with me. It can be said that you have made great contributions to my Long family. Unfortunately, the years are not spared! Now, you and I are old. However, now the Long family is facing a crisis, even a disaster. I don't know if you still have the passion of those years and are willing to follow me to defeat our enemies?

"I am willing to follow the patriarch, whether born or dead." The hoarse voice was no longer calm. I don't know why, as if it was very excited.

"Okay, today, the seven major families are all here, and those small forces in the platoon, pay attention to the Eastern family, if they dare to destroy today's celebration. Humph! Long Jingdao, I must have them come back. After today, I will give you an important thing, which is related to the future fate of my Long family. You should be mentally prepared. Long Jingdao turned over and got up, put on his clothes, and his face looked much more rosy.

"If I know the patriarch, I will definitely live up to your hope, so I'll go first." Long Jingdao did not speak again, as if the man disappeared into the air with the sound.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Long Jingdao, dressed in red, strode into the living room and looked at the people who came to express joy, unconsciously showing joy on his face.

"Congratulations to the dragon patriarch, He Xilong patriarch, and the nobles have won another talent, which is really a great joy for everyone!" An adult man, wearing a white shirt and black suit trousers, exposed his stomach embarrassedly. It's okay that the man didn't smile. He opened his mouth and smiled, and all the fat meat on his face squeezed forward, living an angry bird, which was really funny.

"Haha, thank you, Director Wang. Thank you for your hard work and coming in person. Long is very grateful here." Long Jingdao answered the crowd rudely. Although he spoke to everyone, his eyes had never left the position of the seven families. Of course, he held a grateful and polite look at the other six ethnic groups, but there was a hint of warning for Dongfang Jie.

"I said that the dragon patriarch has arrived, and the young master of the Long family has also seen it. Shouldn't we start today's theme?" Dongfang Jie didn't seem to see Long Jingdao's meaningful look, and there was a sense of impatience in his tone, as if he told everyone again that I was very busy and said something quickly.

"Haha, don't worry, Oriental patriarch! Today is the day when my Long family is very happy. Everyone comes here to give me face and the face of the Long family. However, my ugly words are in front of me, and I also know the kindness and resentment of everyone sitting on weekdays. I don't want to ask about these, but if anyone dares to make trouble in my Long family's territory today, don't blame Long Jingdao for turning against me. Well, it's not appropriate to talk too much. Please enjoy it to your heart's content. After saying that, Long Jingdao wink at his servants.

"Long patriarch, today is the day when your Long family is happy. I have no other ability in the Northern Tang Dynasty, but I can still say a few auspicious words. I wish the young master of the Long family grow up healthily and become a literary and martial arts master when he grows up. Maybe I will ask Xiaoqi for help at that time! Haha!" The Northern Tang Dynasty held the wine glass and walked to Long Jingdao, half jokingly. Ha ha, then borrow the auspicious words of the patriarch of the Northern Tang Dynasty to drink this cup. Long Jingdao's face was red. I don't know whether he drank too much or because of his happy mood.

"Since I'm so happy today, I will also offer a gossip. I think Xiaoqi's heavenly court is full and the earth pavilion is round. I'm sure this gossip can't be wrong." Sima Yu, the patriarch of the Sima family, also came to the crowd with a wine glass. I've heard for a long time that the Sima family is good at divination, and the Sima patriarch is even better at divination. Today, Xiaoqi is lucky enough to ask Sima to divine for him personally. This is really a blessing for me. I'm not polite. Then there will be a Sima patriarch. Long Jingdao said with a smile. During this period, Long Jingdao has been having a headache about finding a good fortune-teller. In fact, Long Jingdao was originally not superstitious, but for this precious grandson, Long Jingdao would rather believe in what he has than not. Maybe this is the boundless love! Today, someone finally came to the door, and Long Jingdao was also willing to accept the patriarch of the divination family. In addition, Long Jingdao has long heard that the Sima family is good at divination, but it is rarely used by outsiders. Today, he should take a good look at where the strangeness is and open his eyes by the way.

"Ha ha, then I will make a fool of myself. However, during my divination, I hope you can keep quiet, otherwise, the results of divination may be biased. After saying that, Sima Yu took a look at the crowd and found that the hall suddenly became silent and did not say much. She took out a bronze Taiji disk from her chest pocket. The Taiji disk is divided into two layers. The upper layer is hollow, and there is only a thin pointer in the middle. The edge of the upper disk is slightly smaller, with precise patterns and numbers of different sizes on it. A Taiji pattern appears in the middle of the disk below, which is crooked and engraved with tadpole-shaped words. There is a groove in the middle of the Taiji disk, which can only accommodate the size of a thumb.

Sima Yu held the Taiji disk with his left hand, inserted his right index finger into the groove, and gently exerted it. He saw a green color rolling into the groove along Sima Yu's fingers. And the groove, as if magical, disappeared at the moment when the green air blended, as if it had been swallowed up by the Taiji disk.

For a while, everyone's faces were full of surprise. If it hadn't been for what they saw with their own eyes today, no one would have believed that there would be such a scene. Among the people, only Dongfang Jie and Dongfang Yunfan's faces were different. Dongfang Yunfan's face was full of disdain, while Dongfang Jie seemed to be fierce, as if he had met his enemy.

On the contrary, Sima Yu is not so relaxed. The rolling green air seems to have been thrown into a bottomless hole and has no intention of stopping at all, while the pointer on the disk rotates irregularly and does not stay in a position as imagined. Sima Yu remembered that her father once warned herself that fate was the most ethereal and ethereal thing. Don't guess arbitrarily, otherwise you will definitely be punished by God. And don't use this wheel of fate casually, because if you meet someone with a strong fate or a changed fate, don't say guessing, if you use it carelessly, you will put yourself in it. Sima Yu deeply regretted that today was just a whim and forgot such an important thing. Before using the wheel of fate, it was necessary to drip a drop of blood into the groove. If the blood is absorbed by the groove, it means that the wheel of fate can predict the fate of the person. If the blood drips into the groove Any change, then the wheel of fate cannot be used. If it is forcibly used, the user will definitely be strongly counterattacked.

Seeing that the pointer did not stop, Sima Yu's face was sweating heavily, but it was difficult for him to force himself to stop in front of so many people. On the one hand, I can't afford to lose my face. On the other hand, there must be those people with ulterior motives to say that the Sima family is not a divination family, but just some films that walk around the world.

Sima Yu no longer dared to hold it big. She stared intently at the rapidly rotating pointer, her index finger shook gently, and the green atmosphere was stronger. Naturally, someone found the change in Sima Yu's expression. Although he didn't say anything, his heart exploded.

"It turns out that the patriarch Sima is nothing more than that. He can't even calculate the fate of a child, and he still claims to be one of the eight major families." What's wrong with Chief Sima? Is Xiaoqi's fate so unpredictable?" Sima Yu! Sima Yu, let's see how you end up today. ...

I don't know how long it took. At the moment when Sima Yu's heart was about to collapse, the pointer on the Taiji disk finally slowed down and finally stopped.

"Ah!" Everyone looked at the Taiji disk in Sima Yu's hand and couldn't believe their eyes. They couldn't help taking a breath and whispering out.