Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 4 Where am I

Ma Yujia's home in Hedong District.

Long Xiaoqi, dressed in a white shirt, lay quietly **, with her eyes closed, as if she were asleep. Ma Yujia sat beside Long Xiaoqi as usual, grabbed his hand, looked at Long Xiaoqi's face, and muttered to herself. No one could understand what Ma Yujia said. Maybe only Long Xiaoqi, who was sleeping, could understand!

"Yujia, it's getting late. It's time for you to go to bed. You have class tomorrow!" I don't know when Ma Yujia's father, Ma Wenhao, softly walked behind Ma Yujia. Ah! Dad, I know, you should go to bed early, too! I'm talking to Xiaoqi. You don't have to worry!" With that, Ma Yujia also stretched out his tongue mischievously. Hey..." Ma Wenhao looked at this intoxicated baby daughter and felt very sad. He didn't know whether the original decision was right or wrong. Then go to bed early! I have told Wen's mother to send someone to guard Xiaoqi 24 hours a day. Don't worry!" After saying that, Ma Wenhao was about to turn around and leave. Dad!" Ma Yujia suddenly stopped Ma Wenhao. Thank you!" Ma Yujia's face was sincere and seemed to have a little happiness.

Ma Wenhao looked at his daughter's abnormality and seemed to be at a loss. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. Ah, ah, ah! OK, go to sleep! I'm leaving." After saying that, he strode out of the house. Looking at his father's gaffe, Ma Yujia smiled and turned his head, "Xiaoqi, you need to have a good rest. I'll come to see you tomorrow. You have to be obedient!" Otherwise, I will ignore you." After saying that, Ma Yujia gently kissed Long Xiaoqi's face and walked out of the room.

The night is still as dark as ever. On this starless night, everything seems dead and dull, as if it has lost its vitality in an instant. However, there is only one light that is still constantly shining there, faint and soft turquoise, which is the patriarchal token of Long Xiaoqi - the remnant jade.

"Where am I?" Long Xiaoqi stood up in a daze and touched her head, as if there was still a trace of pain. The war that day seemed to be vivid, but it seemed to be blocked by something. Ah!" Long Xiaoqi couldn't help screaming, and the memory brought him a severe headache, like being struck by an axe, like being knocked by a hammer. Life is better than death. Forget it, I don't want to, but where am I now?" Long Xiaoqi shook her head vigorously and observed this strange world.

It was gray around, and an unknown gas flowed around Long Xiaoqi, like fog and not fog, as if to isolate Long Xiaoqi. Long Xiaoqi stretched out her hand and grabbed it. She wanted to see what was going on, but there was nothing, so she had to sigh and walk forward confusedly.

I don't know how long it has been or how far it has gone. Long Xiaoqi suddenly stopped, because he found that everything here is the same, and there is nothing but the unknown gas. No direction, no time, a single and boring world, nothing.

"Will I be trapped here? Will I starve to death?" A sense of fear crawled into Long Xiaoqi's body and eroded every nerve of his nerve. Long Xiaoqi didn't know whether he would die if he had been in this closed space, but he knew that he would be crazy, just like those crazy people outside who spread their teeth and claws to scare children. His brain and nerves would completely collapse and finally turn into a wisp of dust in this space.

"I don't want to be here, I don't want to be here!" Long Xiaoqi closed her eyes and waved a punch fiercely. She wanted to hit the ground and find a sense of pain and reality. Unexpectedly, this punch was like hitting cotton, and it was a damn sense of nothingness. Long Xiaoqi opened her eyes with a frightened face and shouted loudly, "Grandpa, father and mother, help me!" Where am I? Where is it! Yujia, where are you?" Long Xiaoqi knelt on the ground and shouted over and over again, as if she didn't know how tired, but she seemed to have endless strength. I hate this feeling. I hate this feeling." After saying that, Long Xiaoqi ran like a madman. She didn't know why, and she didn't know where the end was.

Time passes as usual and will not stop because of a certain person. The wheel of years is the fairest, because he gives everyone the same time.

In this closed world, only Long Xiaoqi is running. When she is tired of running, she will stop and rest for a while. After a good rest, she will continue to run. I don't know when it will end.

I don't know how long it took, a day, a year, or even a century, Long Xiaoqi finally stopped his running pace and sat in the void. He didn't say anything and didn't want to sit with his eyes closed, because he knew that there was nothing around him except the unknown gas. If he opened his eyes, he didn't know if he would be crazy again. In this way, Long Xiaoqi was distracted, like an old monk sitting still, leaving the gas flowing on him, as if everything did not exist, everything was nothing, and everything was in his heart.

Ma Yujia will take a look at Long Xiaoqi every night after school, talk to her, and then go to dinner. The ability is that the school does not have a holiday. Although I miss Long Xiaoqi, I can only understand Long Xiaoqi's situation by phone.

The war between the eight families has been going on for a long time. Except for the Long family and the Murong family, the other six families have suffered heavy losses. They are all recuperating and are at peace in a short time. I don't know what kind of shit luck the Murong family has had, but it has become the head of the eight major families, but Murong Feng also knows in his heart that the eight major families are just real! And he has no ambition to compete for territory and industry, which is cheaper than the Wang Group.

And the government of China has also undergone earth-shaking changes at this time. Leaders have changed, senior officials have been removed, and a group of fresh forces have integrated into the bloodline. And the government's attitude towards the eight major families has also changed. It is no longer the original condescending and should be on an equal footing, and even the government has the absolute power to lead the families. Although the seven patriarchs are indignant, there is nothing they can do. Who makes the seven families now in a weak stage? It's better to get through the dangerous period safely.

In the closed world, there is only Long Xiaoqi and only Long Xiaoqi sitting. Like a Taoist monk, he has no distractions and no attention, only heaven, earth and himself. Here, there is no need to sleep, no need to eat, and has inexhaustible power. Long Xiaoqi can finally think about his life and recall his feelings without distractions. However, sometimes, whenever Long Xiaoqi recalls something, she will feel a sudden headache. Over time, Long Xiaoqi also relieved her mind and looked down on everything. No longer recalling those meaningless past events, but constantly running on the road to the future. This makes Long Xiaoqi's personality mature and steady, and the person who can withstand loneliness must have a strong heart. However, a person who can find joy in loneliness must be optimistic, cheerful and upward.

After thinking about it, Long Xiaoqi was relieved. Try your best to condense the fighting spirit of your whole body, wash your body over and over again, and practice hard according to the method above. Because there is always a belief in his heart that if one day he can really reach the realm of no one before and no one, maybe he will really turn the spirit of war into a blade, split the world, and return to that real era to find his family, Yujia, and find his ability. However, I don't know why, in this world, there seems to be a substance that suppresses the spirit of war. At first, not to mention condensing the war spirit between the palms, it was difficult to even feel the existence of the war spirit in the body. Later, after continuous efforts, little by little, step by step, Long Xiaoqi went from feeling the war spirit to filling her body with the war spirit, and then condensed out between her palms. Long Xiaoqi did not know how much suffering and how much she suffered.

Over time, Long Xiaoqi gradually adapted to the environment here. Sometimes, in her spare time, Long Xiaoqi would playfully grab the nameless gas with her hands, but every time she was empty-handed, Long Xiaoqi had to look around and shake her head helplessly. There is no love here, no joys and sorrows, let alone life, old age, illness and death, but only the endless years and the mature and steady teenager.