Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 7 Hundred Days of Ancestor Sacrifice

Unconsciously, Long Xiaoqi lingered in this disappeared clan for two months. During this period, Long Xiaoqi felt the family affection again and felt her parents' love for her. He is very satisfied, and even has the impulse to stay here all his life, guarding by his parents' side, and slowly getting old. Although no one can see him, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that Long Xiaoqi finally found the long-sealed memory.

But history is history, and reality is reality after all. Although it is very similar, there is an essential difference between the two. The wheels of history are always following the footsteps of real life, and reality has never been run over by the wheels of history. The two do not interfere with each other, balance each other, but restrict each other. The appearance of Long Xiaoqi undoubtedly added a point to this sky, but only the future will know whether he is a passer-by or a weight.

Autumn in the northeast gives people a full and cool feeling. Looking at the golden color all over the mountains and touching the heavy wheat ears, the autumn wind blows, which makes people feel refreshed and relaxed.

On this day, many ethnic groups of the Long family gathered in the conference hall, sitting at the top of Longjing Road, Long Zhanjun and Long Zhanhua on both sides, and beside them, Long Zhanxia and Long Zhanping. The rest of the people sat down with serious faces and didn't know what they were thinking.

"Today, we gathered everyone here to discuss the sacrifice of ancestors. Our Long family has a family rule, that is, every 100-day birthday of the descendants of the Long family should be sacrificed to comfort the spirits of the ancestors in heaven. At the same time, it is also to pray that the ancestors can protect the descendants of the Long family and bless the prosperity of our Long family. Speaking of Long Jingdao, he took a look at the crowd and then nodded to the Dragon War Army.

"Next, I will arrange everyone's responsibilities. If you have better opinions, you can say it." Long Zhanjun took a sip of tea and continued to talk. Three elders, at that time, you will worship your ancestors with the direct children of the Long family. Eight guardians of the law, you will be responsible for preparing all the things used to sacrifice to the ancestors. Remember, the time for offering sacrifice the ancestors is eight o'clock in the morning. Don't waste time. The guard of the Long family will listen to the order. At that time, you must protect the safety of the people and never cause any riots. If anyone dares to make trouble when my Long family sacrifices their ancestors, they will kill them without mercy!" Long Zhanjun glanced at the crowd, and then seemed to remember something. He shook his head and said shyly, "Zhan Hua, Zhao's housekeeper is not here. You are responsible for preparing ancestral objects!" The eight guardians will cooperate with you. If there is any way, you can discuss it together." Well, I know the second brother." After hearing this, Long Zhanhua nodded. Zhan Xia and Zhan Ping, you two follow with the daughters of the Long family. Don't talk too much, just follow the rules. After hearing this, the two nodded and said nothing.

"Father, the ancestral sacrifice is almost arranged, just waiting for the 100-day day of Xiaoqi." Well, well, you will follow me with Xiaoqi in your arms. Remember that sacrificing ancestors is a serious thing, and you can't make a loud noise. Long Jingdao stroked his beard and smiled with satisfaction.

A few days later, the Long family was full of joy. Long Jingdao stood in front of everyone in a gray robe. Behind him, Long Zhanjun and Long Zhanhua followed closely. Long Zhanjun still held Long Xiaoqi, who had just been a hundred days old, wrapped in a red cloth, and looked curiously at the people around him. Behind them, he followed the direct descendants of the Long family, wearing a unified dark blue dragon family uniform and a golden dragon tattoo on his chest.

"To the patriarch, everything is ready, and we can worship our ancestors as soon as the auspicious time comes." An old man in a red robe said respectfully to Long Jing. Well, then the eight of you will lead the Long family guard to protect the safety of the clan, and you don't have to worry about the rest. Long Jingdao waved his hand, finished speaking, and took a look at the time.

At this time, it was 7:50 in the morning, and the sun shone on people's faces, giving people a warm feeling.

"The auspicious time has arrived, and the Long family's ancestor worship ceremony has officially begun." Long Jingdao's loud voice came into everyone's ears. As soon as their hands were raised, eight chess players came out holding eight-faced flags and stood in front of everyone. Two golden dragons are tattooed on each flag. When the wind blows, it rolls over and keeps roaring. In the middle of each flag, different seal characters are engraved, such as Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Gun, Xun and Duan. These eight flags represent the relationship between the eight families, complementing each other and building a whole together. Although in the past hundred years, there have been continuous contradictions between the eight major families, especially the Long family and the Oriental family, the rules set by the ancestors cannot be forgotten.

"The eight flag bearers are in the front, and the rest of the people are behind. Remember not to make noise, otherwise, the clan law will deal with it." Long Jingdao looked around at the crowd, and then walked forward. The group came to the dragon family altar. Someone had been waiting here for a long time, carrying the table and setting up sacrifices. Chief, it's ready here. I'll be waiting for you. A middle-aged man ran over and looked at this. He seemed to be the new housekeeper after the old Zhao family. Long Jingdao didn't say anything, just nodded, turned around and walked to the lion in front of the altar.

Long Xiaoqi, who crossed through, saw it clearly this time. Long Jingdao not only put the little finger of his right hand into the lion's mouth, but also put the patriarchal token of the Long family on the lion's forehead with his left hand. Long Xiaoqi secretly congratulated herself. Fortunately, she was not too tall at that time and unintentionally stuck the remnant jade on her chest to the lion's head. Otherwise, she was afraid that she would really die inexplicably under the hidden weapon of her family.

Eight chess players took the lead in entering the altar, inserted the flag into the vertical holes on both sides through the sunlight, and then lit the candles in the altar. Electric lights are not allowed to be illuminated in the altar, which is the rule left by the ancestors. Long Jingdao and others walked into the altar one by one, strode to the altar table, and stood in rows according to generation.

"Long Jingdao, the 28th patriarch of the Long family, with the descendants of the Long family, worshipped all the ancestors here." With that, Long Jingdao lifted his robe and knelt to the ground. Everyone also learned from the appearance of Longjing Road, knelt on the ground and made three or nine kowtows. The Long family won a male vein on June 13, 2365, so they came here to comfort the ancestors of the Long family, hoping that the ancestors could live here for thousands of years, protect the bloodline of the Long family, and bless the prosperity of the Long family. After saying that, Long Jingdao held Long Xiaoqi in his arms, knelt on the ground, and bowed three heads respectfully.

After getting up, Long Jingdao commanded his servants to put the sacrifice on the table and took out a piece of paper from his pocket with the sacrifice written on it. Long Jingdao faced the crowd and read it, while the members of the Long family bent down, lowered their heads and listened respectfully. Only Long Xiaoqi in the arms of the servants kept shaking her head, but she seemed to know that this was an important moment. They did not cry or laugh, but listened quietly.

After about 20 minutes, Long Jingdao finally finished reading the sacrificial article. The last item is to salute the ancestors. As soon as the words fell, there was a deafening sound of firecrackers at the door of the altar, and the dragon family's ancestors also came to an end in the sound of firecrackers.

"Okay, everyone, let's go back!" There is nothing to do here now. Zhanhua, ask people to clean up here and hold a Long family party in the evening, so that everyone must be present. Long Jingdao commanded in an orderly manner. After saying that, he left first with Long Xiaoqi in his arms.

"Hey!" Long Xiaoqi, who came through time, sighed softly. The dragon family's ancestor worship was just a formality, and there was nothing he wanted to see. Forget it, if you don't want to, you may not be able to go back! What can you do even if you know?" With that, Long Xiaoqi shook her head helplessly, as if she wanted to forget everything. However, it's also good. Although I'm not a human or a ghost, isn't it what I want most to see my grandfather, parents, and people living happily? Isn't this what you have been pursuing?" Long Xiaoqi muttered softly. At this time, he was very confused. He didn't know what to do and what his future would be like. Whether you are stuck here for a lifetime or have a chance to return to your own world. If you are here, you can watch your grandfather and parents grow old, but what about Yujia? She will definitely keep herself for the rest of her life. Long Xiaoqi couldn't bear to ask him to leave, because he didn't know if he would have a chance to see his relatives so close and feel their breathing in the future.

"Oh, my God! Why are you torturing me so much? It not only made me lose the most precious feeling in my life, but also let me experience it again when I had forgotten why you were so cruel to me. Long Xiaoqi had nowhere to vent her feelings, so she had to curse angrily, but would this be useful?