Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 28 Breakthrough

Under the stage, everyone was frightened. They never thought that Master Guo was really willing to hit Long Xiaoqi, let alone that Long Xiaoqi was so tenacious. A six-year-old child stood up resolutely after suffering such a heavy blow several times.

"Father." Long Zhanjun looked at Long Jing nervously and said, if Long Xiaoqi really had a long time in the martial arts competition, what should she do? Not only can't explain to himself, but also to Zhang Lingfei. What are you panicking about!" Long Jingdao rolled his eyes heavily. Master Guo will be measured. Let's wait and see!" After saying that, Long Jingdao turned his head and no longer paid attention to the Long Zhan army. Long Zhanjun also felt very puzzled. When did his father become so hard-hearted? He watched Long Xiaoqi "hammerously beaten" on the stage, but he sat under the stage indifferently and looked not in a hurry at all. At this time, the Dragon War Army had already forgotten how the three people agreed to arouse the fighting spirit in Long Xiaoqi's heart. Long Xiaoqi will always be greater than everything in his heart, and care will be chaotic!

Long Xiaoqi stood up again. This time, he was really angry. Although he was his master, he could not humiliate himself again and again, especially in front of so many people.

Long Xiaoqi shook her head vigorously. He wanted to wake up quickly. He wanted to expel all the pain in his body. Come on!" This time, it was Long Xiaoqi who shouted out, like a tiger roar, like a dragon chant, which cheered everyone present. Master Guo looked at Long Xiaoqi in front of him and was very satisfied. Long Xiaoqi's performance did not disappoint him and did not live up to his good intentions.

"Then you have to be ready." Master Guo spoke lightly, but it spread to everyone's ears like thunder. Will Master Guo take the initiative to attack? Before everyone could react, Master Guo's body had moved, like fallen leaves. It seemed slow and powerless, but he easily grabbed Long Xiaoqi in his hand and picked it up.

Master Guo glanced at the crowd. When he saw Ma Yujia under the stage, there was an imperceptible smile on his face. Tear it up!" Master Guo did something that everyone couldn't believe. He held Long Xiaoqi in one hand and tore off Long Xiaoqi's trousers with the other hand. The white buttocks appeared in everyone's eyes in this way.

Everyone hasn't reacted yet, and something even more incredible happened. Master Guo raised his big hand and slapped Long Xiaoqi's buttocks. As if deliberately teasing Long Xiaoqi, there were disdainful eyes in his eyes.

"I think you'd better go back and continue training! With your current strength, hum! What a disgrace to me." Master Guo threw Long Xiaoqi to the ground and said contemptuously that he was about to leave.

This time, Long Xiaoqi did not stand up. Angrily, humiliated and wronged, and came to her heart together. Since he was a child, when has he been abused like this? Today, he is humiliated. From then on, I'm afraid it will be difficult to look up and be a man.

Hot tears crossed the hot face. At this time, Long Xiaoqi's eyes were red, her eyes were round, and her eyebrows were raised in the shape of eight characters. Although there were still tears on his face, anyone could see his angry expression. His teeth bit his lips hard, and the blood stains on the corners of his mouth were clearly visible. The most ridiculous thing was that Long Xiaoqi's buttocks were still twisting and swaying in the air.

"I'm really disappointed to teach you for so long, remember! When you can catch my three moves, come back to me. I don't need waste!" In the last two words, Master Guo almost shouted out. He just wanted to force Long Xiaoqi to a dead end. He just wanted to force Long Xiaoqi to arouse the spirit of war in his heart from all aspects. However, all this is known only by heaven, earth, and Long Jingdao's father and son.

The two words "waste, waste..." seemed to have a magical echo, constantly echoing in Long Xiaoqi's ears. Since childhood, he has been the proud son of heaven and the hope of the Long family. No one has despised him, let alone said that he is a waste.

"Hight!" Long Xiaoqi stood up regardless of her torn trousers. A breeze blew, and the little brother's little brother was still shaking restlessly, which made the girls under the stage shy.

However, Long Xiaoqi did not notice the reaction of the people under the stage. At this time, he only felt hot in his heart and even had a desire to kill. He wanted to destroy all the forces that dared to fight against him, and he wanted to kill everyone who dared to despise him. Long Xiaoqi clenched her fists tightly, and her teeth bit each other hard. The blue veins on her forehead were tightly tense, as if they might collapse at any time. Her eyes shot out fire-like eyes, with anger and a trace of murder.

"Ah!" Long Xiaoqi stubbornly raised her fist and hit Master Guo again. This time, he really used all his strength and hit Master Guo like raindrops. However, for some reason, Master Guo did not dodge this time, but let Long Xiaoqi hit his fist on himself, but it can be seen from his face that he was not uncomfortable at this time.

"Xiaoqi, that's enough!" Long Jingdao stood up and shouted loudly under the stage, but Long Xiaoqi turned a deaf ear to Long Jingdao's voice and only cared about her own venting, as if her fist was out of control. Long Xiaoqi punched Master Guo, as if she had lost her mind and fell into madness. Long Zhanjun also stood up, with puzzlement on his face. It is said that the purpose has been achieved, but why didn't Master Guo fight back? In this way, even if Long Xiaoqi hits him, he is still an ordinary person. He has no fighting spirit to protect his body. If there is really any shortcomings, the Long family is really sorry for him.

Long Jingdao and his son looked at each other, and then separated the clan at the same time. They wanted to go forward and pull Long Xiaoqi away. They knew very well that the reason why Master Guo was like this today was for Long Xiaoqi's future development. If Long Xiaoqi hated Master Guo because of this, they would not let them go. Long Xiaoqi.

However, Master Guo watched the two come over. Instead of interrupting Long Xiaoqi, he stopped them, closed his eyes and shook his head vigorously. Everyone present felt puzzled, including Long Jingdao and his son, and Ma Yujia standing under the stage. What's wrong with Master Guo? He tried his best to arouse Long Xiaoqi's fighting spirit, but after successfully arousing his fighting spirit, he stood there like a wooden pile, allowing Long Xiaoqi's punches and kicks, and he just closed his eyes and silently endured it.

In contrast, Long Xiaoqi seemed to have endless strength all over her body. She used both hands and feet to hit Master Guo's body fiercely. He was not soft-hearted because of Master Guo's indifference. Standing in front of him is not someone else, but his own enemy. Only by venting his strength can he soothe his broken heart.

On and off the stage, everyone except Long Xiaoqi was still, but they just watched like this. Some people couldn't bear to see such a brutal scene again and secretly turned their heads.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a minute, or an hour, Long Xiaoqi finally stopped her hand and fainted. And Master Guo seemed to be unable to withstand the severe pain on his body. He gritted his teeth and knelt on the ground. Although he had fallen, he still looked at Long Xiaoqi gently and said vaguely that you won, Xiaoqi.

"Ah!" A scream shattered the silent sky and pulled everyone back to reality. Hurry up! Take Xiaoqi and Master Guo to the emergency room, quickly!" Long Jingdao hurriedly greeted the clan, and the responsive clan raised the two with seven hands and eight feet and ran to the emergency room.

"Pear, it's done, it's done." Although he was almost beaten to death by Long Xiaoqi, Master Guo still had a happy smile on his face, and he personally helped his apprentice break through the will to fight. You! Why don't you return it? If Xiaoqi hadn't been young, I'm afraid today..." Long Jingdao said as he followed. Although he complained, there was no sign of unhappiness. Ha ha, Xiaoqi has a demon. If she can't be released today, I'm afraid it will be difficult in the future. Speaking of this, Master Guo's face twitched in pain. He didn't expect that the little Long Xiaoqi had such strength.

When Long Jingdao heard this sentence, he was stunned. How could he forget this matter after observing for so long? If Master Guo didn't help but fight back today, then maybe next year's today will be Long Xiaoqi's sacrifice day. He is not afraid that Master Guo will hurt Long Xiaoqi, but afraid of the heart's counterattack.

The dragon army beside him also had a tight face. Recalling the moment when Long Xiaoqi lost his mind just now, it was indeed as if he was controlled by the heart demon. If his anger was not vented in time, then he would definitely attack his heart in a hurry. The light one is disabled for life, as for the heavy one! I'm afraid there will be nothing more for life.

Thinking of this, their eyes showed approval at the same time, and they were no longer just appreciating Master Guo, but more grateful.