Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 34 Chinese Lesson

The sunshine in summer is always excessively sufficient, and people are dizzy and drowsy.

Long Xiaoqi put her chin in one hand, opened her mouth slightly, and looked at the blackboard with blurred eyes. Teacher Li, the head teacher, was talking about something conscientiously on the podium. Long Xiaoqi could not see clearly, let alone hear clearly. The sound of cicadas outside the teacher is like a lullaby, monotonous and boring. At this time, Long Xiaoqi was extremely sleepy, and there was an indescribable unhallowness all over her body, like a tiger trapped in a cage for a long time. Since she was the king of the forest and left the forest, how could she be called a king?

One side is also very sleepy, but the bright sunshine hurts people's eyes, let alone take a nap. The whole body is steaming, like a steamed bun that has just come out of the pot. The sweat has already wet the plaid shirt, and the fat of the whole body is extremely obvious in the sunlight.

Long Xiaoqi, Fang Mingkai! Do you know that you should listen carefully in class? To abide by the classroom discipline..." Mr. Li, the head teacher, hit the forehead accurately with a chalk head, and suddenly the two were sleepless. Long Xiaoqi opened her eyes in a daze and looked at the teacher innocently, as if she were the injured child. Mr. Li, the head teacher, talked endlessly and pulled everyone back to Zhou Gong's side again. Perhaps, even Zhou Gong had to sigh that he slept in class every day, but today there were a lot.

"Long Xiaoqi, please explain to me what the word I just said means?" Teacher Li, the head teacher, had an evil smile on her face, as if Long Xiaoqi was just a suckling pigeon in her hand. When she was tired of playing, she roasted it and ate it.

Long Xiaoqi stretched out, yawned, and slowly stood up. Don't think that he deliberately angered the teacher. In fact, his brain is quickly searching for what the teacher just said.

"This, ah! Well, the word you just mentioned! It has many meanings, including ancient, modern, and consent. I don't know which one you want to listen to? Long Xiaoqi didn't say anything, and the words were amazing. Even Mr. Li laughed. However, I don't know why, Long Xiaoqi always felt that this smile was a little strange.

"Then explain everything and let the teacher know how you have learned. If you can't answer... it means that the teacher doesn't teach well, and I will let you remember this word again." Teacher Li, the head teacher, said a warning. If Long Xiaoqi can't answer, she will use one of the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty, and the whole class will be punished.

Long Xiaoqi didn't expect the teacher to be so ruthless. The sweat on her forehead fell on the table. She didn't know whether she was anxious or exposed to the sun. Benshi, Yujia and others also looked at Long Xiaoqi nervously. This is a moment related to everyone's fate. Who can not be nervous?

"Heaven and earth." Ma Yujia whispered in the back, I don't know whether Long Xiaoqi really didn't hear or pretend not to hear it. In short, she stood upright like a wooden pile, but she didn't move and didn't say a word.

"Okay, if you can say that it has three meanings, the teacher will give you another chance. Fang Mingkai, please explain the question I just asked and answer it down to Long Xiaoqi's thinking. Mr. Li glanced at his ability. If the answer is correct, this matter is a warning, but if the answer is wrong! Two crimes are punished together.

also slowly stood up and looked at Long Xiaoqi first. The two looked at each other, then turned their heads and turned to the head teacher with pleading.

Mr. Li, the head teacher, smiled proudly. For this kind of child who is unlearned and only knows how to waste their parents' money, she has long had a countermeasure. Thinking about being rated as an excellent teacher for many years, Mr. Li is really proud.

"Oh, my God! The earth!" Long Xiaoqi muttered in a low voice, as if she was sighing something. She thought she had escaped the life of Wolong, but who would have thought that this place would become a tiger's luck again.

"What? Heaven and earth, not bad, continue to explain. Mr. Li showed encouraging eyes and motioned Long Xiaoqi to continue talking. In contrast, Long Xiaoqi looked at the teacher with a surprised face. She just sighed casually and got great recognition from the teacher. If she was really willing to study poetry and songs, wouldn't she become Li Bai's second and Su Shi's second?

"Heaven refers to the sky above our heads, and the earth refers to the land under our feet." Long Xiaoqi thought for a moment and felt very incredible. What can be explained by the words that everyone is familiar with?

Listening to Long Xiaoqi's explanation, the whole class couldn't help but be happy. What is this? It's the same as no explanation. Mr. Li also shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, forget it, remember!" Don't sleep in class next time, let me catch it, and punish you this time. With that, Mr. Li waved his hand and motioned Long Xiaoqi to sit down.

Mr. Li's action, the head teacher, was like an amnesty from the world. Long Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the chair at the same time.

"Fung Mingkai, who let you sit down? Can you do it? Can you explain it? Now that you have sat down, I don't want you to stand up again, so as not to block all the students behind you. After going back, write down the explanations of heaven and earth 50 times and give them to me tomorrow. Teacher Li was very angry that there was such an unconscious child.

I just breathed a sigh of relief. After listening to the teacher's this, I almost flew out with the trajectory of the ball. Not to mention writing 50 times, it just blocked the sight of all the students. Is your figure really so burly? The teacher didn't even give him a chance to explain, so he punished himself and wrote 50 times. Is this simply child abuse? Thinking about the Law on the Protection of Minors, I really burst into tears. I can't wait to grab the door and get out, never enter again, escape into the empty door, and cut my hair to be a monk.

Long Xiaoqi looked at her embarrassed face and laughed secretly, but as if she had thought of something. Behind her hands, her upper body was straight, she couldn't take her eyes off the blackboard, and instantly completed the transformation from a bad teenager to a good student.

Teacher Li, the head teacher, looked at Long Xiaoqi with satisfaction and continued her unfinished lecture career.

The bell finally rang after class, and everyone cheered with one voice. Goodbye, the teacher, and then, like a caged bird, enjoying a few happy times.

Long Xiaoqi looked at her ability mischively, and her eyes showed a sense of teasing. I said ability, what about your ability? Haven't you practiced all kinds of boxing? Why don't you tell her? Maybe she will be infatuated with you because of this. If so, you don't have to be afraid of doing homework, taking exams and hiring parents in the future. Looking at the fat meat all over her body, Long Xiaoqi wondered how much it would be worth if it was sold according to pork?

"Hey! Stop it, the beauty is lifeless!" He has the ability to speak with a local accent, and his words are amazing and endless. Ma Yujia and Yuanyuan behind them were originally busy with their heads down, but when they heard this sentence, they couldn't help laughing. What's more sad is that the originally cute and fleshy round face has become a saliva concentration camp. Of course, Long Xiaoqi will not let go of this opportunity to fall into the well. She deliberately couldn't help it, took a mouthful of saliva, and sprayed all on her face.

"I'm not alive." He wiped his face with his hand angrily and glared at Long Xiaoqi. Ha ha, I didn't mean to." Long Xiaoqi learned the tone of her ability, which made Ma Yujia and Yuanyuan laugh. Humph! I'm angry and will never talk to you again. With that, he turned his head angrily and played with the pen in his hand. Brother, don't be angry. There is sugar in the gull. Do you want it? With that, Yuanyuan took out the candy that had been treasured for a long time from her pocket. You are all bad people!" He looked at the sugar in Yuanyuan's hand and finally ignored the three people.

Long Xiaoqi and Ma Yujia almost laughed. Only Yuanyuan was confused, staring at the watery eyes and looking at them unjustly.

"Well, don't be angry. Brother Xiaoqi and Yuanyuan didn't mean it. It's time for class. Be careful that the head teacher comes back to inspect and see that you are depressed, and let you copy it 50 times." Ma Yujia kindly "comforted" his ability.

When it comes to the head teacher, the spirit of ability came, raised his chest, looked ahead, and sat at the table, as if waiting for something...