Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 44 Gifts

"Try it, taste it, it's delicious!" While holding the plate, he eagerly tore a piece of cake, put it into his mouth, and devoured it.

Long Xiaoqi also learned her skills, tore a piece, put it in her mouth, and slowly squeaked it. This cake looks ordinary, but it is very chewy. It has a light milky fragrance. The more you eat it, the more fragrant it is. The more you eat it, the more you like it. Ma Yujia picked a piece with chopsticks and praised it while eating it.

He tore up another piece and put it in his mouth and looked at the two people happily. Although there were no gorgeous dishes or the special chefs, the three of them ate happily.

"What's the name of your father's company? What does it do?" Long Xiaoqi picked up the paper on the table, wiped the corners of her mouth, and asked casually. Ma Yujia next to her stared at the two people in front of her. She knew that Long Xiaoqi and her ability had been comparable to a pair of good friends at this time.

Mingze Real Estate Co., Ltd., mainly! Of course, it's building." He still lowered his head and nibbled at the cake on the table, and put in a pig's trotter from time to time. His mouth was full, and even his words were a little vague.

Long Xiaoqi smiled. You should know that the real estate industry and mining industry in the whole northeast region have been monopolized by the Long family. With such a mountain as the Long family, the company of ability is doomed to be difficult to become bigger.

Real estate! It's very profitable." Long Xiaoqi said seriously, but looking at his appearance, he is not like a rich man, but more like a scoundrel and hooligan.

"Originally, I made some money, but later, I don't know why a shareholder of the company withdrew his capital, and all the money earned was put into it. Since then, my father's company has never taken over a project, but it has to pay workers every day. Now, even the workers' salaries are gone, so the company is facing bankruptcy. Maybe, maybe..." Speaking of this, there was a fear in his eyes, which Long Xiaoqi had never seen in this matter. Maybe when Dad sells this house and returns the workers' salaries, I will move back to my hometown!"

After hearing this, Long Xiaoqi nodded gently. He couldn't control it anymore. He didn't want to see his friend leave him because of this matter. He decided to do something for his ability.

"Would you like to give you a gift?" Long Xiaoqi asked mysteriously and blinked her eyes at the same time, signaling Ma Yujia not to say it, because Ma Yujia had just heard the content on the phone clearly.

What gift? It's too expensive. I can't afford it." Long Xiaoqi laughed with her serious face.

"What about this gift? Whether it's big or small, if you think it's big, it's big, if you think it's small. Anyway, as a buddy, I'll give you a gift. Do you want it or not!" Long Xiaoqi's expression of forced buying and selling is like a ruffian and a scoundrel.

"This..." is a little overwhelmed. He doesn't know whether he should accept Long Xiaoqi's gift, but since Long Xiaoqi has said so, if he doesn't accept it, he seems that he doesn't recognize this friend.

"Okay!" Ben struggled for a long time and finally accepted it, but as soon as Long Xiaoqi laughed with satisfaction, his next move made him a little crying and laughing.

I only saw him stretch out his chubby little hand and look at Long Xiaoqi expectantly. Coupled with his fleshy face with a simple and honest expression, it really made people have a desire to kiss.

On the contrary, Long Xiaoqi was a little embarrassed this time. He hadn't thought of a specific plan. He didn't expect that he would be so active. He was really unattractable. The sea was immeasurable. It turned out that the kindness on his face could be pretended.

"Well... this gift is kept secret for the time being. By that day, it will definitely surprise you and can't shut up." Long Xiaoqi reluctantly said that it was more difficult for a person like him to write an empty check than to kill him, because he didn't care about many interests outside him at all.

"All right!" The expression of the ability was instantly lost, like a child who couldn't get candy. He looked cute, but it was a little sad.

After lunch, the three of them sat on the sofa and watched TV. Because of the long lunch break in summer, the three were not in a hurry to go to school.

"Can you say you have learned martial arts?" Long Xiaoqi held her chin and stared at her ability with great interest, as if in his eyes, the ability was no longer a person, but a specimen.

"Yes!" He answered, but at the same time, he subconsciously put his hands on his shoulders and looked at Long Xiaoqi's malicious smile, and always felt that he was going to be tragic.

"That's just right. I've also practiced a few tricks. Shall we have a try?" Long Xiaoqi has been active for a long time. He is not sure whether his fist is still as sharp as before.

Ma Yujia looked at the two people's ready-to-move posture and was a little anxious. She knew that Long Xiaoqi was powerful. Not to mention a child about his age, even if he was an adult, he was afraid to be hit by Long Xiaoqi's fist. Brother Xiaoqi, this program is very good. Can you watch it with me for a while? Ma Yujia said coquettishly, looking straight at the side, admiring and a little nauseous in her heart.

And Ma Yujia looked at her ability and rolled her eyes deeply. She was like this because she was afraid that her ability would be hurt. Who would have thought that she would not appreciate her ability at all. Seeing that Ma Yujia had a white eye on him, he nodded with a smile, indicating that he understood what she meant.

"Brother Long, I can't hold it anymore when I go to the toilet." With that, he untied his trousers and ran. Before closing the door, he didn't forget to take a meaningful look at Long Xiaoqi and Ma Yujia. And Ma Yujia is completely helpless, as for Long Xiaoqi! He looked at the two people like a fool and didn't know what their secret words meant.

"Brother Xiaoqi, don't you want to compete with your ability? I know how powerful you are. What if you hurt your ability?" Oh! Look at me, I only care about my own pleasure. I forget that my ability is not at the same level at all. Hey, Yujia is still smart and clever. It's not good if she doesn't hurt people by mistake. Long Xiaoqi looked at Ma Yujia with satisfaction. She had a wife like this, and what did her husband want?

After a while, he ran out of the bathroom and looked at the two evilly, thinking about the beauty of his own adult just now.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? The smiling pestle was there, blocking me from watching TV. Long Xiaoqi was very depressed and kicked her ability on the buttocks.

"Brother Long is really worthy of Brother Long. He is still so energetic after finishing his work." What you can say seems to mean something, coupled with the YD smile, needless to say, everyone is clear.

"What? What are you talking about?" Long Xiaoqi looked at her ability puzzledly. Unexpectedly, she had just let go of this boy, and he dared to take the initiative to provoke trouble.

"Ha ha, it's okay if you don't say it, it's okay if you don't say it." After saying that, he sat down on the sofa and watched TV, but YD's smile was very uncomfortable.

"Brother Long, can you tell me that I should call Yujia sister-in-law? Or is it called a girl?" Watching Ma Yujia watching TV with relish, he couldn't help but reach Long Xiaoqi's ear.

"Eh? She is my sister!" Long Xiaoqi whispered, because he didn't know what kind of position he was in Yujia's heart, brother?? Boyfriend? Half a brother, half a boyfriend? Maybe the probability of the latter is higher!

"Really? According to my observation, there are also those rumors, but I found that you two are not just as simple as brothers and sisters. Hey hey, Brother Long, let me tell the truth! I will definitely keep it a secret." He said with a cheap smile, which means to force a good man to be a prostitute.

"Go, go, go, little child, I actually know so much. When I'm free, I must take the responsibility of being a big brother." With that, Long Xiaoqi fought with her ability on the sofa.

"All right, it's time to go to school. Be late. Be careful not to be caught by the head teacher." Seeing that the two had had enough, Ma Yujia separated and said solemnly. Speaking of the head teacher, the two suddenly remembered the tragic experience in the morning, quickly packed up their things, took Ma Yujia's little hand and ran to the school.