Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 51 Spiritual

On the steep mountain rock, a teenager stood alone, looking at the houses not far away, looking at the crowd, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Hey... I don't know how long it has been, Yujia, how are you?" The teenager turned around and showed his delicate face, which made people look more and more familiar. Looking carefully, it was Long Xiaoqi, who had become a "vegetative person".

Long Xiaoqi jumped gently and floated down the top of the stone, wandering on the path, looking left and right. Although I am no longer familiar with the scenery in front of me, it still seems that I can't see enough. I will come here on time every day to play and enjoy it.

I have been here for a long time, even when I was six years old when I was a child. For six years, Long Xiaoqi, who came through time, stood at the highest place of the Long family every day and looked around warily. If someone really comes to make trouble, I'm afraid he will be the first to rush. Death is no longer so horrible for him.

In the past six years, he has not only witnessed his growth, but also learned some secrets of the Long family, which are crucial to the destruction of the Long family and even the future development of the Long family.

"Grandpa, don't worry! If one day I can get out of this imprisoned sky, I will definitely avenge the Long family and pursue the real murderer. Unconsciously, Long Xiaoqi came to the door of Longjing Road. Through the window, he could see Long Jingdao's busy figure, one order after another, many troubles and trifles, which need to be dealt with by him and decided by himself.

Think about how I have been here for six years, six years like a day, no need to eat, no sleep, and even save practice. During this period, Long Xiaoqi witnessed everything that happened in six years, big and small, in all aspects. Although there was no improvement in the fighting spirit, she had gained a lot in her mood. It's like an old man guarding a naive child. Maybe the child's troubles in the eyes of the old man are just the clouds and smoke of the past.

Suddenly, Long Xiaoqi's walking body suddenly stiffened, and a painful expression suddenly appeared on her face. Her body couldn't help squatting down and half kneeling on the ground. The people passing by still walked, talking and laughing, fighting, and did not notice the "person". Even a member of the people passed through his body and did not feel anything strange.

"This..." Long Xiaoqi covered her chest, sweat oozed from her forehead, and gasped heavily. Somehow, her heart suddenly became very painful.

"Yujia..." After a long time, Long Xiaoqi shouted the name vaguely, because the pain has passed, and it is more a call, a call from love. In the dark, a girl's figure came into his sight. Although it was blurred, from the outline, Long Xiaoqi could still see that it was Yujia and Yujia!

The heart is like a powerful magnet. When it meets another piece, it is tightly attracted, pulling pain, pulling each other, and calling in the hazy.

"Yujia, what's wrong with you?" Ma Wenhao stood behind Ma Yujia and saw his daughter's face suddenly turn pale. He was very worried and asked eagerly. Dad, Xiaoqi is nearby. Ma Yujia raised her head, with a trace of inexplicable panic on her face, and her heart beating rapidly. It is said that a woman's sixth sense is the most accurate. Long Xiaoqi's figure appeared in her mind inexplicably, so clear, as if in front of her eyes. There is a familiar smell around. Ma Yujia knows that this is the taste of Long Xiaoqi. It can't be wrong, and it will never be wrong!

"What?" Ma Wenhao asked unbelievablely, what's wrong with his daughter? Xiaoqi was lying next to the roller skating**. Why did she suddenly say that Xiaoqi was nearby? Ma Wenhao looked at Ma Yujia with concern. Is there something wrong with Yujia's nerves because of Xiaoqi's injury?

Hearing this, not only Ma Wenhao, but even Long Xiaoqi's uncle and Zhang Linglin turned their eyes to Ma Yujia in surprise. Long Xiaoqi was lying here, but why did she say she was nearby? It doesn't sound wrong, but when you think about it, it's getting weirder and weirder.

"Yujia." Looking at Ma Yujia, who was gradually squatting down, Ma Wenhao took a step forward and quickly held him. It's okay. It's just a little chest tightness, as if something has been taken away. Ma Yujia's voice was extremely weak, as if she had exhausted all her strength.

"Is there anyone in our group who knows medicine?" Ma Wenhao turned his head and asked the people next to him. Looking at everyone shaking their heads coincidentally, the anxiety on Ma Wenhao's face became stronger.

"Dad, it's okay. Believe me, Brother Xiaoqi must be nearby. I'll just take a break. You take him around. Maybe there will really be a miracle." Ma Yujia held Ma Wenhao's hand, and his weak voice was as weak as water.

Ma Wenhao looked at his daughter. He knew his daughter and believed in his daughter more, but according to the current situation, he was really a little worried about Ma Yujia.

"Ling Lin, take a few people to accompany Xiaoqi. I'll stay with Yujia. If Yujia's situation improves, I'll call you again." Ma Wenhao said to several people beside him.

"Well, Brother Wenhao, take good care of Yujia. Let's go and see if we find anything. If there is any situation, please call us in time." Zhang Linglin and her brother came forward one by one to comfort Ma Wenhao and left.

"Dad, I really feel Xiaoqi." Watching everyone leave, Ma Yujia struggled with a firm expression on his face. Although his speech was still intermittent, he was obviously much better than before.

"I believe you, my baby daughter has such a deep affection for Xiaoqi that I'm sure you will feel each other." I stroked my daughter's bangs, and all kinds of old things in the past once again came to my mind.

Ma Yujia took a sip of water and sat on the ground leaning against the tree. His face looked much better than just now. Brother Xiaoqi, where are you? Brother Xiaoqi..."

"Brother Xiaoqi..." "Yujia..." "Brother Xiaoqi..." "Yujia..."

Through the call of time and space, they blended together. Although they could feel each other, and even the distance between the two was not far away, the staggered time and space abruptly separated the two. Obviously, they were close to each other, but they could not see or touch.

Years are like a big river. Everything in the past will be washed away and disappear with the river. Knowing that you are upstream and I am downstream, but I can't reverse the river and get together with you. As time goes by, true love is eternal. Even if I can't look at your face and kiss your lips, as long as I breathe and feel your breath, it is the happiest thing in my life.

"Brother Xiaoqi..." "Yujia..." "Brother Xiaoqi..." "Yujia..."

The two shouted almost at the same time and knelt to the ground. Although their bodies were still in different worlds, their hot hearts had broken through the bondage and rushed to the sacred fertile soil.

The two knelt on one knee, closed their eyes, silently blessed, prayed silently, and made the same wish in their hearts. The wish is not only buried in the heart, but also in the abandoned area of the Long family that witnessed the miracle of their love.

"Brother Xiaoqi, since this is the case, won't you come back?" Ma Yujia struggled to stand up and fell on Long Xiaoqi's body not far away. Although this body is like a walking corpse, it is the only hope for Long Xiaoqi's recovery. She just wants to inspire the sky with love, call Long Xiaoqi's soul, and awaken Long Xiaoqi's long-sleeping heart.

For a moment, all people did not move, as if time had been stopped, forever fixed on this touching picture.

And Long Xiaoqi seemed to be able to see something, staring at the place where Ma Yujia fell down, motionless, let the wind blow her unscrupulously, slowly, slowly, assimilated by the wind.

In the dark, heaven has its own eyes, and vaguely, the cause is doomed. Since the heart has a spiritual day, there is no fear that there will be no reunion.