Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 55 Harvest

"Xiaoqi!" In the secret room, Long Jingdao and the three of them sat on the chair with sad faces. Two days ago, the old man guarding the mountain came to report that Long Xiaoqi was buried by the wind and snow and lost his trace. When he learned the news, Long Jingdao seemed to be bombarded by five thunderbolts and suddenly lost his soul. Deep in Zixinlin, too many people are not allowed to enter, so it has had a great impact on Long Xiaoqi's rescue.

Long Jingdao, the old man guarding the mountain and the Long Zhanjun searched in Zixin Forest for a whole day, and finally went back helplessly. Now, Long Xiaoqi came back intact, and several people were relieved and excitedly held Long Xiaoqi in their arms.

"Xiaoqi, as long as you can come back." Long Jingdao supported Long Xiaoqi and looked at her lovingly. If something really happened to this precious grandson, Long Jingdao would probably spend the rest of his life in pain and self-reproach. Xiaoqi!" Long Zhanjun came forward and stroked Long Xiaoqi's face with a happy smile on his face. Long Zhanhua stood aside and followed everyone with a silly smile. The only bloodline of the Long family is inevitable.

"What's wrong?" Long Xiaoqi looked at several people confusedly and felt very puzzled. Is it that everyone thinks so much when she is away for a few days?

"Ha ha, what's wrong with you?" Long Zhanjun stroked Long Xiaoqi's head and asked with concern.

"It's nothing, but..." Then, Long Xiaoqi talked about every bit of him in Zixin Forest without concealing it. Everyone was stunned. No one expected that Long Xiaoqi had made such a big gain in Zixin Forest for more than ten days.

"Are you all true?" Long Jingdao seemed to be unable to believe it, and his eyes showed doubtful eyes. Because he clearly remembers that the time and energy he spent to reach this state in those years, compared with Long Xiaoqi, he was a waste person, a complete waste person.

And Long Zhanjun and Long Zhanhua don't know what to say. It took the two brothers more than a year to reach the level, and Long Xiaoqi only took a few days to reach it. It's really "the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves and pat the front waves on the beach."

"Really, if you don't believe it, you can watch it." With that, Long Xiaoqi easily aroused the fighting spirit. A strong murderous atmosphere suddenly filled the whole room. If there were ordinary people here, I'm afraid they would be scared to pee.

"En..." Long Jingdao looked at his grandson with satisfaction. Long Xiaoqi would always surprise everyone inadvertently. If he hadn't been "young", I'm afraid his heart would have been unable to stand it.

The two brothers of the Dragon Army remained motionless, without saying a word, with envy, jealousy and relief on their faces. If Long Xiaoqi progresses at such a terrible speed, his future will be immeasurable. It is just a matter of time to enter an unprecedented state!

"Xiaoqi, how much control can you control your body?" Long Xiaoqi looked around Long Xiaoqi as if she didn't know her.

"This... I also said it's not very good. If it's in the best state, I can clearly feel every part of my body. Do you want to control it? Although the body is mine, it is difficult to grasp the rhythm well. Long Xiaoqi scratched her head and said with some embarrassment. I don't know why he can no longer achieve the feeling of concentration in Zixin Forest, and his body blending with heaven and earth. At that time, he was the master of his own body, and he was the master of the world.

"Yeun! This is natural. Zixinlin has the effect of fresh spirit. It is not an excess that you can achieve the state of integration with everything. As for now! Of course, it is difficult for you to reach that state. Just try a few more times in the future. Remember! The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. You have to ignore the interference of the outside world so that you can better control your body. After a few words, the clouds of Long Xiaoqi suddenly opened. No matter how well you practice, only when you can play it at the real moment can it be called understanding.

"I think it's better! Please ask Master Guo to come and do two tricks with you. If we think you have made some progress, then I will allow you to rest for a few days. Anyway, is it about to start school?" Long Zhanjun thought for a moment and then said. As for the current situation of Long Xiaoqi, he is eager to know that if Long Xiaoqi can really be like what he said, it will be a powerful stimulant for everyone in the Long family.

Long Xiaoqi shrugged her shoulders and didn't say anything. I don't know whether it was helpless or not.

In a short time, several people from the Long Zhan Army came to the martial arts practice field, where Master Guo had already been waiting. Looking at Long Xiaoqi, who was still a little childish, Master Guo stepped forward and joked, "What's wrong? Is your ass itchy again? After hearing this, Long Xiaoqi grinned painfully, while the others smiled playfully. Master Guo is really the nemesis of Long Xiaoqi. Almost everyone in the Long family knows about this, which also caused Long Xiaoqi to rarely go out of the house for a period of time.

With a smile on their faces, the two stood seriously in the middle of the table and stared at each other closely, like a cheetah hunting. The deep groove of the hook in their eyes was in each other's body. No one refused to move first. Although there may be a loss of opportunity, stability is often the most important thing.

In the end, Master Guo took action first. Although the two still fought, Master Guo's speed this time was much faster than before. Hiddenly, Master Guo always has an indescribable feeling. Long Xiaoqi seems to have changed, but he can't say exactly where it is, and he doesn't think much about it. He concentrates on doing the things in front of him.

Master Guo's action was very fast, and Long Xiaoqi gradually fell into passivity. Although she was much better than before, it was still difficult to control her body in actual combat. Perhaps, this is what others often call lack of experience!

Long Xiaoqi exerted all her strength to avoid the attack of Master Guo. Although it was a little difficult, all this was still within her own tolerance. Moreover, he was waiting for the time when Master Guo had a loophole, and he killed the enemy with all his strength.

For a while, the scene seemed a little anxious, one full defense and one full attack. Although the two are much different, Master Guo has only shown half of his strength. If Master Guo had fought with all his strength, Long Xiaoqi would have been kicked out of power long ago.

"Ah!" I don't know how long it took, but many people only knew that they had numbed the competition in front of them. At this time, Long Xiaoqi suddenly roared, and her whole body's fighting spirit also came out. She waved a heavy palm and ran to Master Guo's chest impartially.

Everyone was stunned. Long Xiaoqi was only seven years old, and she was so skillful in timing that many people present were even ashamed.

Just when everyone thought that Master Guo would be seriously injured, Master Guo made a very strange move. His left hand went straight out and wanted to stop Long Xiaoqi's one palm. I don't know when the other hand hit Long Xiaoqi's body. If this punch hit, Long Xiaoqi may be hospitalized again.

In fact, Master Guo was also distracted just now. Long Xiaoqi's roar shocked his body and his brain fell into a brief blank. However, decades of experience made him instinctively raise his hand and punch forward.

At this time, Long Xiaoqi waited, and her waved palm pressed hard on Master Guo's arm, jumped high, and jumped behind Master Guo. Master Guo's face suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly withdrew his defense, trying to turn around.

However, Long Xiaoqi didn't give him a chance at all. Her body miraculously turned back in the air, kicking sideways and hit Master Guo's chest.

"What?" Everyone present couldn't help exclaiming. Long Xiaoqi's kick was so unexpected that even some people who had broken through the realm of war were afraid that it would be difficult to guard against.

Master Guo followed his strength and fell out heavily. Looking at the expression on his face, he knew that the injury was not serious. However, it's more surprising. I haven't seen it for a few days. When has Long Xiaoqi been able to control her body so skillfully?

"Hee hee, it's just good luck! Master Guo won't blame me, will he?" With that, Long Xiaoqi walked over and pulled up Master Guo, who was half lying and half sitting, with an embarrassed smile on her face.