Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 61 Moved

Ma Yujia's lost nest sat on the sofa. This time, the Long family still did not wake up Long Xiaoqi. Even if they had felt his existence, they could not find him.

Disappointed, lonely, lonely, sad, Ma Yujia's heart surged together. She persisted bitterly, but she couldn't see any hope. She was tired, and she was really tired. Even her classmates asked her, what's going on recently? Didn't you have a good rest? But she dares not say, and she can't say that this is not only about her face, but also about the fate of Long Xiaoqi. If other families know that Long Xiaoqi is here, I'm afraid the Long family and the Ma family will be unlucky together.

The beautiful figure broke into Long Xiaoqi's bedroom and looked at Long Xiaoqi lying motionless. Ma Yujia shed tears sadly.

Brother Xiaoqi, why don't you wake up? Do you really don't want me? However, when I was in the Dragon family, I clearly felt your breath. Brother Xiaoqi, can you wake up? Do you know..." At this point, Ma Yujia stopped. Even if Long Xiaoqi couldn't hear her voice, she was unwilling to tell him the grievances in her heart. She was afraid that Long Xiaoqi would be silently sad after knowing her grievances. She didn't want to see Long Xiaoqi sad. She just hoped to see Long Xiaoqi smiling at her, that charming smile.

Ma Yujia sank her head on Long Xiaoqi's body. She couldn't help crying loudly, just like a child. She suffered great grievances, but no one could understand her, so she had to use tears to vent her grievances. Tears had soaked Long Xiaoqi's collar, but Ma Yujia did not stop at all. It was once said that women are made of water. Sure enough, when a woman cries, the developed tear glands are like fire trucks, providing a steady stream of tears.

Tired of crying, Ma Yujia lay on Long Xiaoqi's body, felt Long Xiaoqi's breath, and recalled what happened when she was a child. The past was like a movie, flying over and over again. I don't know if Long Xiaoqi, who couldn't wake up, still remembers the time that made him painful and happy!

It's getting late, and it's time for hundreds of lights, but in this big house, there are only Ma Yujia and Long Xiaoqi. As if tired, Ma Yujia actually lay on Long Xiaoqi's chest and fell asleep. He fell asleep so sweetly. His dark and shiny eyelashes occasionally felt restless, as if he had met him in a dream.

Ma Wenhao dragged his tired body back home and sighed softly when he saw Ma Yujia, who was already asleep. He knows the relationship between the two children. It is precisely because of the lessons of the two mothers that Ma Wenhao is unwilling to destroy this hard-won relationship. Many people don't know how to cherish this kind of thing. Only when they lose it can they feel regretful.

However, if Long Xiaoqi falls asleep like this and refuses to wake up, will Ma Yujia really accompany him like this for the rest of her life? No matter how good the relationship between the two families is, I'm afraid Ma Wenhao doesn't want to see such a thing happen, because it's his daughter and his life.

I wanted to take my daughter to ** and let her have a good rest. She has been tired enough these days. Unexpectedly, as soon as she touched her daughter's arm, Ma Yujia suddenly sat up.

Brother Xiaoqi, are you awake? That's great." Ma Yujia rubbed her fluffy sleepy eyes and looked at the front in a daze, but when she found that ** Long Xiaoqi was still lying there calmly, her face was full of unconcealed disappointment.

"Yujia, take a break! You are also tired these days, as for Xiaoqi! Let's think of another way. Don't worry." With that, Ma Wenhao loved Ma Yujia's messy hair.

"Ah! All right! Then Dad, I'll go to rest first. Please take care of Brother Xiaoqi for me. If he wakes up, let me know!" Ma Yujia seemed to be deliberately emphasizing the last few words, as if she was afraid that Long Xiaoqi would run away after waking up. She smiled and wanted to turn around and leave.

"Yujia..." Ma Wenhao stopped Ma Yujia, but he wanted to stop talking, and he couldn't say the following words anyway. What's wrong? Dad." Ma Yujia had doubts on his face and yawned inappropriately.

"Forget it, go to bed! Pay attention to rest, or I won't want you when Xiaoqi wakes up. Ma Wenhao said half jokingly, but his love for his daughter was not hidden at all.

"Ye, I know, Dad." After saying that, Ma Yujia left Long Xiaoqi's room, leaving only the one who was silently staring at his father behind his back and Long Xiaoqi, who was sleeping.

Send Ma Yujia away, Ma Wenhao turned around and sat in front of Long Xiaoqi's bed and looked at Long Xiaoqi carefully. Speaking of Long Xiaoqi, her fate is also very tragic. Although he was born in a large family and is still the eldest grandson of the patriarch of this family, he has been given hope by everyone since he was a child and began to practice martial arts under the aura of genius. If a person can succeed, then he relies not only on talent, but also on acquired efforts. It is precisely because Long Xiaoqi's perseverance in everything that he has made his achievements today.

I lost my mother since I was a child. Although there are many people in the family who love him, no one can love him, care about him and take care of him as much as my mother. When everyone thought that the Long family would stand at the top of the eight families because of Long Xiaoqi, a suddenly rising genius, a sudden fierce fight shattered everyone's dreams.

Since then, Long Xiaoqi has lived a life of no fixed place. Although she has the ability, she has the ability to bring Long Xiaoqi back to life, who was already desperate.

Improving strength and planning revenge, Long Xiaoqi is living on the tip of the knife wave. His life may be in security at any time, but he can't take care of so much. The revenge of the Long family has become the only driving force for him to live.

Finally, revenge, the Eastern family was almost completely destroyed, and those families that wanted to beat the Dragon family also received due punishment, but Long Xiaoqi fell asleep. I don't know when he will wake up. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe the next century...

"Xiaoqi! You have suffered, the revenge of the Long family has been revenged, and your wish has been fulfilled. Don't worry, I won't give up on you at any time. As long as I, Ma Wenhao, will lie down at ease until you wake up. But..." Ma Wenhao turned around and thought about it, and still said, "It's just Yujia! I know that you really love her, and she also really loves you, but sometimes, loving someone doesn't mean you have him, or you may give up. I will try my best to keep Yujia with you, but if you continue like this, I can't guarantee the final result. After saying that, Ma Wenhao turned his head. He asked himself that he had never done anything wrong with his conscience in his life. Even in this fraudulent business circle, he still adhered to the principle of child elders. However, he broke his trust today, the entrustment of Long Jingdao, and the friendship of the two generations.

At this time, Ma Wenhao was very irritable. He even had an impulse to slap Long Xiaoqi twice and then roared at him. If you want to marry Ma Yujia, you will get up like a man! Stand up! Don't be like a woman. Everything needs to be carried by others for you.

But he still resisted, because he knew that God was unfair to Long Xiaoqi, and he couldn't bear to watch the sky tilt down little by little.

Yujia! Yujia! If it goes on like this, will Yujia leave? Yujia! Yujia!

Long Xiaoqi, who traveled through time, suddenly felt a fire burning in his body, burning his soul and his loyal love.

Yujia! Yujia!

Long Xiaoqi, who was lying in **, even had an impulse to spit out, but in the end, she did not make any sound and was buried in her heart.

However, although the voice did not come out, the corners of his mouth were gently **. Although it was very subtle, it was still caught by Ma Wenhao.

"Yujia! Xiaoqi moved! Xiaoqi moved!" Ma Wenhao shouted out in a loud voice, and tears couldn't help flowing down.