Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 17 Can Jade

Kunlun's empty feet fell to the ground. In the small wooden house, everyone was wrapped in gauze, and there were traces of blood on the gauze.

"Brother, second brother, who is the man in black? We have no grudge against him. Why did you kill us? And the man in gray, why did you help us? Is it the same as last time that our family was sent to protect us? Nangong Yan looked puzzled and asked puzzledly.

"I don't know the identity of the man in black, but the man in gray can never be a member of the family. No one in our family will have such good martial arts except the patriarchs and several elders. Do you think the patriarchs or elders in the clan will have time to protect us regardless of the trivialities in the clan? If it's true, you think we can still sit here after passing this, I'm afraid we have been brought back to the clan long ago. Dongfangyu looked quite calm at this time. After getting the items from the fallen land, he felt that it was by no means so simple. How could such an important thing make it so easy for several people to get?

"Also, I don't know if you still remember that the man in black eavesdropped on our conversation a few days ago. At that time, according to Lao San and Lao Ba, the man in black would use hidden weapons. Today, the sword of the man in black did not touch you, but why did you get hurt? Is it just a false move for him to put out his sword? In fact, he is using a hidden weapon? Or are they all in the same group? However, we didn't see the traces left by the hidden weapon at all. If it were us, it would be fine. Why didn't we even see the direction of the hidden weapon? The Northern Tang family has studied the hidden weapon for generations, and it won't even see this, or something we don't know. As for the man in gray, the eldest brother is right. Except for the patriarch and several elders, no one in the clan will have such good martial arts skills. As for his motivation to help us, I'm afraid it's not that simple. This matter still needs to be thought about. The Dugu family has been silent for so long, it's time to take action! You know, we were hunted down by them just for searching and almost died on Wuling Mountain. Now that the treasure has been born, but they have no movement, don't you think it's strange? Sima Tian followed Dongfang Yu's words and saw that his analysis was well organized, and the brothers had to look at it with new eyes.

"So, the last man in black and this time in black are lonely families? However, after being recognized twice, I'm afraid there will be more action next. However, it doesn't seem to be. According to what the sixth brother said that we met on Wuling Mountain last time, the martial arts skills of the Dugu family are unfathomable. Isn't it easy to kill us? Simon Xue said softly, indeed, brothers, you brainstormed, and soon said all the possibilities.

"The lonely family! Humph!" Long Batian gritted his teeth and said that the words of the Dugu family could be said to have been spit out along his teeth.

"Okay!" Dongfang Yu noticed Longbatian's expression and stopped others from continuing to speak. What the second brother said is indeed reasonable. The Dugu family has nothing to do with this matter, but the identity of the man in black still needs to be investigated. As for the man in gray? I think he will come out in the future. Yes! Who will save people and leave without saying a word.

"Hey, I want to say it! It's not sure who we have saved or kindness to others. This time, the man in gray is likely to repay the favor. Zhao Ze said stinky. But how could he think that in front of such an important treasure, not to mention a mortal, I'm afraid that even immortals will be moved. Everyone smiled and ignored him.

"Yes, where's the treasure?" Dongfang Yu remembered something and said to Sima Tian. I've wrapped it in satin. Now it's in my arms, brother, look." Sima Tian stretched out his hand and took out the white silk from his arms, and he could faintly see the light green light.

After saying that, everyone couldn't wait to climb over, and the faint green light penetrated into the soil. The eight brothers dug hard, and their excitement, nervousness and excitement appeared on their faces. Look, what is this?" Murong Jun screamed. Everyone took up the soil and took out the things in the soil.

I saw a green round jade pendant, the size of a palm, engraved with two dragons on the back, full of patterns in the front, and words engraved on the patterns. Big brother, second brother, look." Murong Jun reached out and handed over the jade pendant. Dongfang Yu took the jade pendant, looked at it and didn't say anything, and then handed it to Sima Tian.

"There is nothing special about the back of this jade pendant. If you guess correctly, it should be the ancient dragon. As for the front of the jade pendant, it should be engraved with Oracle. I happened to see it in the family's library. It should be engraved with "Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Gan, Xun, Dui", which is exactly the gossip." Sima Tian turned his head and looked at Dongfang Yu. Dongfang Yu looked around warily and saw that there was no one around except eight of him, so he left a sentence, "This place should not stay for a long time. Let's go!" Then he staggered to stand up and walked slowly to the wooden house. At this time, no one noticed that their injuries were healing quickly.

"Brother, look, the jade pendant has changed!" Ximen Xue stared at Sima Tian's unfolded silk and shouted in surprise. Everyone looked at the jade pendant in Sima Tian's hand and was shocked! At this time, the pattern on the front of the jade pendant has disappeared, and it is replaced by a gossip picture. The words "Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Gan, Xun, Du" happen to fall into the gossip.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and blew out the candlelight in the room, and everyone involuntarily fought a cold war. Then, a miracle appeared, and the jade pendant in Sima Tian's hand shot a blue-green light and shone on the roof. A gossip map quietly appeared there, and the gossip map slowly rotated like a wheel. Gradually, the gossip map became blurred and replaced by a picture of battle. It seems that in ancient times, there was a sea of people with swords and shadows. Wherever he went, no one survived, and the picture gradually changed. At this time, the bones became mountains, exposed to the wilderness, and sprinkled in a pool of blood. Only the person with a sword fought with another man in sackcloth in the field. The man in linen held a huge axe and couldn't see his face clearly. He was still talking about something, but no one could hear it. Finally, the scene was fixed in a pool of blood, and the blood slowly flowed across the earth, as if the picture flowed out. At this time, the whole picture is full of blood, as if the whole world is covered with blood, making people's mood depressed to the extreme.

"Ah!" Murong Jun shouted out in a voice, and Dongfang Yu patted him gently, indicating that he should not be nervous. This scene was just a picture. Although it looked lifelike, it was not real after all. There were brothers here, beside him. The blood flow is very regular, slowly forming words, forming a kind of text that everyone can't understand.

"The above text should be astrology, a kind of text in ancient times, which belongs to the same period as Oracle. Mr. Zhuge Kongming had a day's book in the mountains in the early days, and then mentioned some things in the book with his father, which introduced an ancient text, shaped like a star, mostly used for divination and recording. After thinking for a moment, Sima Tian said slowly.

"What do these astrological texts mean?" Beitang Zhen asked puzzledly.

"Let me have a look and let me think about it. Because this kind of text is not common, I can't understand it for a while." With that, Sima Tian closed his eyes, as if recalling something. The eight brothers watched Sima Tian close his eyes and were very anxious. They knew that this was the only way to solve the whole mystery, but no one here knew these words except Sima Tian, so although the eight people were anxious and impatient, they had to wait patiently. Well, I know. The general meaning above should be that in the first year of Yankang, the world was in chaos. Next to Kunlun, the northern stars fell. There is ancient jade, and the fate comes from the present. The ancient jade is divided, and the world is separated. Ancient jade gathering, the world is in chaos. Sima Tian frowned. He felt that something was not smooth, but he couldn't say it.

"Is that what these words mean?" Dongfang Yu asked. It should be almost the same! At least 80% sure, but I always feel something is wrong, but I can't say it. Sima Tian did not hide it and said his concerns.

"Oh, my God! The jade pendant is cracked!" I don't know who shouted. Dongfang Yu looked down and didn't know when eight cracks quietly climbed on the jade pendant, and a complete jade pendant turned into eight remnants.