Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 4 Call

"Green spirit first-order intermediate level!" Long Xiaoqi bit her lips heavily and looked at Ma Wenhao and his daughter opposite him excitedly. This day finally came. Although it was a little late, it still came.

"Congratulations! Xiaoqi!" Congratulations! Brother Xiaoqi!" Ma Wenhao and his daughter said this to Long Xiaoqi almost with one voice. The Long family can have such diligent and talented descendants, and revenge is just around the corner.

"Hehe..." Long Xiaoqi didn't know what to say and hugged Ma Yujia tightly, as if she hadn't seen her for many years. Because he was in front of his father, Ma Yujia's face also appeared a red.

"All right, all right. Let Xiaoqi go to bed early today! It's not early. Let's talk about it tomorrow!" Ma Wenhao coughed twice and continued to say. For these two children who went through thousands of hardships to walk together, Ma Wenhao really seems to have no reason to break them up.

Ma Yujia was reluctant to look at Long Xiaoqi and walked to her room. There was nothing she could do. Her father's life was as big as a mountain. Since Ma Wenhao said so, how could she violate it?

Looking at the backs of the two people gradually disappearing in the dark, Long Xiaoqi couldn't wait to jump up and shout a few times, but reason finally stopped him. Poor Long Xiaoqi had to look at the roof dryly and sleepless all night.

Early the next morning, Ma Yujia woke up Long Xiaoqi and had prepared breakfast for him. Looking at such a considerate and lovely Ma Yujia, Long Xiaoqi smiled from the bottom of her heart.

"Xiaoqi, there are still a lot of things I need to deal with in the company today. You can stay at home with Yujia! I'll come back as early as possible." While eating, Ma Wenhao said to Long Xiaoqi.

Long Xiaoqi didn't say anything, just nodded to indicate that she knew.

"That's right, and your grandma's side. I have time to call her today. I haven't told her the news of your awakening." Ma Wenhao devoured the porridge in the bowl, wiped his mouth, and sat on the chair angrily.

"Hm, I see, uncle." Long Xiaoqi nodded and casually picked up two green vegetables.

Looking at Ma Yujia's urging eyes, Ma Wenhao shook his head helplessly. What a woman! Unexpectedly, as soon as Long Xiaoqi woke up, she had to do more trouble first. Without saying much, he took the bag, told the two children to say a few words, and then pushed the door and left.

Brother Xiaoqi, is this dish delicious? I did it myself." Seeing that his father had left, Ma Yujia proudly stood up and seemed to be asking Long Xiaoqi for credit.

"En, en..." How dare Long Xiaoqi say that it's not delicious? If she says it, Ma Yujia will have to make him another "slap and fist stew"?

"Then eat more!" Ma Yujia is like a little woman, constantly picking vegetables in Long Xiaoqi's bowl. Obviously, it is full, but she is still picking it up.

"Enough, Yujia." Long Xiaoqi resisted weakly, but this sentence spread into Ma Yujia's ear, but it was directly ignored. Looking at the large bowl full of dishes, Long Xiaoqi couldn't laugh or cry. After all, she was still a human. How can she eat it?

After picking up the dishes, Ma Yujia put her chin with her hands on her chin and her elbows on the table, staring at Long Xiaoqi, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

Long Xiaoqi has never received so much attention. Even when eating, someone will stare at him. Her chopsticks gently stirred a few vegetable leaves, and finally gritted her teeth and ate it fiercely with her head buried.


In fact, Ma Yujia has a general understanding of everything Long Xiaoqi has experienced during this period. As for what she doesn't know, unless Long Xiaoqi wants to, she will not know what happened in her life.

"Hello, who is it?" At the other end of the phone, a woman's voice came. Although it was still so clear, Long Xiaoqi could hear that the voice was no longer as confident as before, as if she hadn't eaten for a long time.

" grandma..." Long Xiaoqi shouted excitedly. As soon as he had dinner, he couldn't wait to call his grandma. As soon as he heard his grandma's voice, Long Xiaoqi's tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"Are you... Xiaoqi?" There was a voice of doubt at the other end of the phone, as if she couldn't believe it, but Long Xiaoqi could hear that the old man's voice had trembled with excitement.

" grandma! It's me! I'm Xiaoqi!" Long Xiaoqi almost shouted out. In front of his few relatives, his relationship with the old man should be the best.

"Xiaoqi! It's really you." The voice on the opposite side is close to choking, and it's a great surprise to know that your grandson has recovered.

" grandma, how are you?" Long Xiaoqi asked with concern. In his heart, the old man always occupied an irreplaceable position, because of his bloodline and his mother.

"It's okay, okay, how are you? Xiaoqi, have you recovered?

"Ye! My body has almost recovered, and now I can do anything.


After seeing each other for a long time, my mother-in-law and grandson naturally had endless words, from their physical condition to eating, from living to Long Xiaoqi's aunt and uncle.

Speaking of these two people, Long Xiaoqi suddenly had an idea in her heart, but it was really difficult to achieve this idea in the end, because there were not only internal contradictions, but also a lot of external pressure. But after all, the idea is just an idea. Whether it can be realized or not requires further research and discussion.

There was no major change in Grandma Long Xiaoqi's home, but it was still as calm as ever, and the remnants of the other six clans did not come to her. Long Xiaoqi's uncle is still busy with big and small affairs in the company. Since Zhang Linglin resigned from the company, all the pressure has fallen on Long Xiaoqi's uncle alone.

Knowing that everything was fine with her relatives, Long Xiaoqi was relieved, exchanged a few words with the old man, and told her to go back to see it in a few days. She asked the old man to rest assured and hung up the phone.

Next is the ability. As Long Xiaoqi's only best friend who can confide in his heart, it is naturally incumbent upon him to receive a phone call from Long Xiaoqi.

"Hey! The ability." Long Xiaoqi's face was full of a sadistic smile. Although her ability was not in front of her, Long Xiaoqi could still see the dramatic expression of her ability.

"Big, big, big brother?" I know that this is Ma Yujia's phone number. Most importantly, this voice is so familiar. Although I haven't heard it for about a year, I'm afraid this generation can't forget it.

"Ky! You still have a little conscience. Remember me. Despite this, Long Xiaoqi is already very excited. Calling grandma is a kind of mood, and calling the ability is another kind of mood, exciting and relaxed.

"Brother! It's really you! You really called me. Haha..." The ability seems to be convulsed. He can't stop laughing, which is quite like Fan Jin in those years.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong with you? Be quiet." Long Xiaoqi put on his "king demeanor" again.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much!" Her ability is like a resentful woman, coquettish and sticky by Long Xiaoqi's side.

Hearing this sentence, Long Xiaoqi almost spit it out, but she still felt very warm. No matter how difficult she was, no matter how many difficulties she faced, her ability to support him as usual was enough.

"Well, don't cry. I'll go back to see you in a few days when I'm free." Long Xiaoqi heard that her voice was a little aggravated, and her nose seemed to be blocked by something.

Ah? Ah! Brother, I'm not crying. I'm blowing my nose. The answer of the ability was completely thunderous to Long Xiaoqi. Nose? How can you buckle your nose with such an image! It's really amazing.

The two chatted for a while, and Long Xiaoqi hung up the phone. It seemed that it was time to go back. She walked in her dream and seemed to really know some secrets.

"Brother Xiaoqi, do you really want to go back?" Long Xiaoqi's call was heard word by Ma Yujia. Knowing that Long Xiaoqi would leave soon, Ma Yujia would naturally not feel good.

"Ye! Yes, Yujia. There are still a lot of things I need to deal with. Now I don't know where the remnants of the Oriental family are hidden. I have to go out to find clues. Long Xiaoqi stroked Ma Yujia's face and said softly. Her face was full of firmness. There were many things that really needed to be carried with his young shoulders.

Knowing Long Xiaoqi's attitude, Ma Yujia can't say anything more, because she knows that it is useless to say more. In the face of the family's hatred, Long Xiaoqi will give everything for it, and may even include herself.

But Ma Yujia does not blame Long Xiaoqi. On the contrary, if Long Xiaoqi has nothing to do and doesn't think about how to make progress, Ma Yujia will be disappointed. She believes that Long Xiaoqi will achieve her dream one day.

"Brother Xiaoqi, then wait for Dad to come back, you are talking about it! At that time, maybe I can get some help. ALTHOUGH LONG XIAOQI'S STRENGTH HAS REACHED THE intermediate LEVEL OF GREEN QI, HE IS STILL A human AND HAS TO EAT, SLEEP, CLOD AND SO ON. IS IT DIFFICULT TO LET HIM GO TO QIANG?

"Um..." Long Xiaoqi nodded. All he could do was to treat Ma Yujia well before he left, accompany her more, and take her out to play more. Maybe this time I go out, it won't go as smoothly as I thought.

After knowing Long Xiaoqi's idea, Ma Wenhao was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but looked at Ma Yujia's attitude, but when he found that Ma Yujia did not raise any objections, he lowered his head and was acquiescence. Although Ma Wenhao really wants Long Xiaoqi to stay with his daughter, the whole Long family is his benefactor. He can't avenge himself and prevent others from avenging his benefactor's family, which is a little hard to say!

As for Long Xiaoqi's plan, it wants Ma Yujia and Long Xiaoqi's company to merge or formulate some principles of defense and attack. Although this may cause some losses to someone, in general, this method is the most effective way to resist the Wang Group.

It's dark at night, but the lights in Long Xiaoqi's room have not been turned off, and even two shadows can be clearly seen, relying on each other...