Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 20 Dugu Sword

In the Five Dragon Temple.

Long Xiaoqi stood in the center of the hall, looked around, looking at the plain things around her, and felt a trace of doubt in her heart. The Five Dragon Temple is a temple dedicated to the Dugu Sword. Not to mention luxury and luxury, it can't be so simple. There are four painted red pillars, and the surrounding walls have gradually turned yellow. The tattered roof seems to pass through a few rays of sunlight. There is no decoration in the temple, but a stone floating in the center. Cheng's palm, and the legendary Dugu Sword is also lying quietly on the palm of his hand.

"Is that the Dugu Sword?" Long Xiaoqi asked herself in disbelief. She didn't expect that the sword in Duguyun's mouth would be such a shabby appearance. I really don't know what Duguyun thought. This can also be called a sword.

However, Long Xiaoqi did not walk unscrupulously. More than ten years of experience told him that everything is not as simple as it seems. The simpler it is, the more complicated the truth may be hidden behind it.

"Oh no!" As she walked, Long Xiaoqi suddenly shouted.

"I forgot to ask the patriarch how to activate it. I don't know what spell to use, or whether I need to drip blood to recognize the Lord." Long Xiaoqi scratched her head and looked puzzled. He remembered that it was only after doing this on TV that he would be recognized by the treasure.

"Forget it, I don't want to. Let's talk about it step by step!" After thinking for a long time, she didn't come up with a good way. In the end, Long Xiaoqi simply gave up. Maybe random response is the best way.

The legendary Dugu Sword still lies quietly in his hand and has not changed because of the arrival of Long Xiaoqi, as if nothing had happened and nothing existed.

One step, two steps... Closer, closer... Long Xiaoqi finally walked to the palm of the stone and carefully looked at the "legendary sword".

The black sword body is as ordinary as scrap iron. The sword body is rusty, and even the pattern engraved on it has become blurred. The first impression of this sword is that it can't be simpler, and the dilapidated can't be dilapidated. Even Long Xiaoqi thinks that the sword should not lie here, but should be displayed in the museum.

"Is this really the... sword in Duguyun's mouth?" Long Xiaoqi's face had a doubtful expression. She didn't expect that the magical sword boasted by Duguyun would be this scrap metal.

However, Long Xiaoqi looked around again, but found nothing else, not to mention the sword, not even a molded stone. It seems that the Dugu sword in Duguyun's mouth is also like this.

Long Xiaoqi stretched out her right hand and half-heartedly wanted to pick up the sword. Anyway, it has come in. If you don't even try and go out, anyone will be unwilling. What's more, if you can't subdue the Dugu Sword, you can't save the Dragon War Army, let alone avenge the people of the Dragon family. So no matter what, Long Xiaoqi will have a try. Even if it's a dead horse, Long Xiaoqi will live. Ma's treatment.

The sword is very light, as if it has never existed at all. Long Xiaoqi can't feel any weight in her hand.

"No! Even a piece of scrap iron has its own weight. Why do I feel that this sword is as light as chicken feathers? Long Xiaoqi tilted her head, with puzzlement and worry in her eyes. He has never met such a light sword. Even a piece of scrap iron will not be so light. Is it...

"Ah!" Suddenly, there was an extremely horrible scream in the temple, which sounded like Long Xiaoqi's voice.

"Be prepared, Dugu Sword may have been activated. Be careful." Outside the temple, Duguyun stared at the gate of the temple with a serious face. Once Long Xiaoqi can't successfully subdue Dugujian, then they are still waiting outside. Unless Long Xiaoqi dies and Dugujian is calm again, everyone here can't take it lightly.

A deputy patriarch, four elders, and eight flagmen, everyone's face was full of serious and serious words. They even stared at the gate of the Five Dragon Temple, waiting for the moment when Dugu Sword rushed out. However, a minute, two minutes, ten minutes and thirty minutes passed, and there was still no movement in the temple, and even Long Xiaoqi seemed to have evaporated in the world.

"Patrion, have the people inside have encountered..." The temper of the four elders's fire clothes is exactly the same as his name. They can't sit still and can't wait. When everyone just stared at the door silently, the four elders couldn't help asking.

"Wait, if there is no movement in half an hour, then I will go in and see what's going on." Although Duguyun was talking to Huoyi, his eyes did not move and still stared at the gate of the temple.

Since the patriarch has said to wait, what qualifications does the elder have to refute? The fire clothes had to continue to convey their fighting spirit to the large array, and did not dare to take it lightly.

The reason why he couldn't help shouting was that there was a reason why he turned to Long Xiaoqi.

When Long Xiaoqi picked up the seemingly impermanent Dugu sword, the fighting spirit in his body had been continuously sucked into the sword, just because of a moment of excitement or excitement that he did not notice it. But when he calmed down, he found that there was less and less fighting spirit in his body, which was not enough. When the sword was sucked enough, I was afraid that Long Xiaoqi would really be directly beaten back to its original shape. Therefore, when he found that he had lost the spirit of war in his body, he couldn't help exclaiming loudly.

However, I am not willing to be a fish. Long Xiaoqi decided to resist. Even if she can't successfully stop the greedy plunder of this sword, she will have a try. After all, I have been practicing hard for more than ten years. If it really goes on like this, I'm afraid that the time of these ten years will be spent in vain.

Long Xiaoqi's first thought of throwing away the sword or putting it back to its original place, but for some reason, the sword seemed to be glued. No matter how hard Long Xiaoqi tried, it stuck to Long Xiaoqi's hand.

Seeing that his fighting spirit was about to be sucked away by this damn sword, he simply sat on the ground, adjusted his fighting spirit, and tried to stop the loss of fighting spirit in his body.

In Long Xiaoqi's right arm, there are two forces, which are involved and entangled with each other. One comes from the seemingly inconspicuous but absorb people's fighting spirit, while the other comes from Long Xiaoqi himself. He is trying his best to stop the war in his body. Don't flow along your right arm into the sword, because once you enter, your fighting spirit is like a stone sinking into the sea, and there is no return.

Long Xiaoqi closed her eyes and tried to stop the loss of war spirit. Even the sweat on her forehead had no time to worry about it. Although he sat quietly on the ground, in his body, it had become a battlefield, a battlefield without blood and life and death, but the result was equally cruel and unacceptable.

A tug-like battle unfolded in Long Xiaoqi's body. If you grab a little, I will grab some. In short, Long Xiaoqi decided to spend time with this broken sword to the end. Anyway, he will never send the fighting spirit in his body into this Dugu sword in vain.

Time passed minute by minute by, ten minutes, twenty minutes, and even an hour, but Long Xiaoqi did not change anything. She still sat on the ground and supported her body with her last bit of strength.

Duguyun outside can't help it. He has been waiting with these elders and flagmen for an hour and a half. Even if there is any change, it should have ended long ago. What's more, it's still silent inside. No one knows what happened.

"You wait here. I'll go in and have a look. Don't worry! If I find something wrong, I will definitely retreat as soon as possible. Duguyun glanced at several people and whispered that there were still people who wanted to stop them, so he preemptively interrupted their questions.

"Pearl, then you must be careful. We will wait for you here. If there is anything wrong, you must shout and we will definitely save you." Among these people, in addition to Duguyun, the only ones who are most qualified to speak are Duguhou and the elder in white.

"I know. You are waiting here. If anything happens, I will definitely call for help." Duguyun took a look at everyone, and then aroused the fighting spirit of his whole body, a deep-sea blue, which instantly wrapped Duguyun's body.

Duguyun did not stop at all and disappeared into the gate of the temple in a few steps, and the remaining people became more serious, because they knew that not only Long Xiaoqi, who had nothing to do with them, but now, even their patriarchs have fallen into it.

"Let's work harder. Once the patriarch is in danger, then we will use this five dragon trap battle to fight with that sword. Even if we die, we must save the patriarch's life." Duguhou stood still and shouted, as if he was really ready this time.

Duguyun slowly walked in, because he didn't know what was going on inside, so he must always pay attention to and beware of everything around him. He believed that a divine sword handed down from ancient times could completely take his life inadvertently.

The temple is not big. After a while, Duguyun was able to clearly see Long Xiaoqi's back.

"We suffered for you outside, but I didn't expect you to sit here and be lazy." Thinking of this, Duguyun was so angry that he couldn't even go up and beat Long Xiaoqi fiercely. But when he stepped forward and saw everything clearly, he felt guilty for his unreasonableness.

Although Long Xiaoqi was sitting on the ground at this time, the spirit of war had involuntarily flowed all over her body, and there were signs of getting weaker and weaker. Long Xiaoqi still held a shabby-looking iron sword tightly in her hand, but for some reason, Long Xiaoqi's expression looked extremely painful, and his fighting spirit was gradually disappearing.

Duguyun first took a look at the surrounding environment and found that there was nothing around him, except for the wall, which was the ground, and then the four bare pillars. The stone palm could be said to be the only decoration in the whole temple.

"Is this the Dugu Sword?" Duguyun has never seen the appearance of Dugu Sword, and everything is only in the rumors.

"Xiaoqi, what's wrong with you? Ah!" Duguyun wanted to pat Long Xiaoqi and ask him about his situation, but he didn't expect that as soon as he put his hand on Long Xiaoqi's shoulder, he felt an incredible power suddenly appeared in his body.