Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 25 Recognize the Lord

The unprecedented war between the two is really beyond Long Xiaoqi's imagination. There is no colorful fighting spirit, no dazzling moves, and no destructive momentum. Some are just dry and boring moves.

"Ha ha, you may feel very bored, but to tell you the truth, in their state, everything is floating clouds, and everything is original, so they choose the most primitive power to fight." The old man said with a smile, as if he were telling a happy past.

Long Xiaoqi nodded. Maybe there are many things that you don't stand at that angle. If you don't stand at that height, you can't completely understand its true meaning. Long Xiaoqi is just a human at the peak of the third-order green spirit, and naturally will not completely understand the old man's words.

As time went by, Long Xiaoqi suddenly felt that it was good to see the fight of the million troops, at least much more interesting than here. Looking at the two of them, it's like seeing two women scolding the street. No matter how fierce the mouth is, they won't move their fingers. They are not bloody, violent, and they don't even feel like life and death. If it goes on like this, when will the battle end?

"Attention! Here we go!" Just as Long Xiaoqi was drowsy, the old man beside him suddenly touched Long Xiaoqi and reminded him harshly.

"What..." The moment when her eyes fell on the battlefield, Long Xiaoqi was shocked by everything in front of her.

I don't know when the demon has been approached by the gods of the corner, and coincidentally, there were suddenly eight people around this corner. The positions of these eight people looked messy, but strangely, they just blocked the exit of the whole corner in all directions.

"Who are these people?" Long Xiaoqi didn't know why there were so many people suddenly, let alone their intentions.

"Watch out!" The old man said again, and the smile on his face disappeared, with a serious and solemn expression.

Hearing the old man's words, Long Xiaoqi had to shrug her shoulders helplessly, stick out her tongue, and continue to pay attention to everything on the battlefield.

"In the name of the gods, I will seal you with this sword, and I will be trapped here forever and will never return to the world. The gods obey the order! With your flesh and blood as a cage and your soul as a shackle, the demon of eternally trapped here will not let him return to the world. Listen to the divine sword! I command you to guard the dark abyss, block the two generations of darkness and light, and find the predestined person. When you break through the land and rebirth, it is the time when the darkness comes. You need to help the predestined person destroy the dark army in one fell swoop and completely destroy the demons. After saying that, the gods tossthre the sword in their hands into the air and suddenly shone brightly, and the eight people became more and more blurred. In the end, they miraculously disappeared in front of Long Xiaoqi's eyes.

Although it is far away, for some reason, Long Xiaoqi can clearly hear the voice of the gods, and even the expression of fear and despair on the face of the demon.

The eight people disappeared, and then the demon disappeared with unwillingness and unwillingness. The gods turned around and looked at the world where they had stopped with some nostalgia and smiled...

Suddenly, black gases gushed out from the bodies of the gods. These black gases were like elves, wandering between heaven and earth.

"Old man, this is..." Long Xiaoqi asked in surprise, what's going on? How can black gas flow from the bodies of the gods?

The old man did not say anything, but looked reluctantly at the gods in the distance, as if all the past had appeared in front of him again.

The black atmosphere is getting stronger and thicker, and finally it even covers the sun, dark, dark, and finally turns into real black. Long Xiaoqi was frightened and hurriedly called the old man. He didn't know why this happened, and he didn't know what had happened.

Close your eyes! Open it again." The old man's voice once again appeared in Long Xiaoqi's ear, in the dark, which not only encouraged Long Xiaoqi, but also gave him spiritual strength.

Close your eyes and open them again.

Everything seems to have returned to the same world and place not long ago, as if nothing had happened.

"Young man, tell me, what have you seen? What did you hear?" The old man's face returned to its former calmness, looking at Long Xiaoqi, full of expectation.

"I saw..." Long Xiaoqi recalled, recalling what had happened and what she really saw.

"Disaster, catastrophe, mountains and bones, blood flowing into rivers, and the gods and demons of demons, who almost disappeared at the same time." Long Xiaoqi closed her eyes, and everything that had just happened seemed to appear in her mind again.

"Well... young man, I can feel your heart. Only those who are pure in heart and care about the world are qualified to be my master and the master of Dugu Sword." Long Xiaoqi listened humbly at first, but the more she went to the back, the more frightened she became. What's her master? What is the owner of Dugu Sword?

"Ha ha, don't worry, let me tell you slowly. When you finish listening, you will know what's going on." The old man motioned Long Xiaoqi to sit aside, and he also made a stone, raised his head, looked at the sky, and recalled his past.

In ancient times, in order to seal the demons and avoid danger in the world, the gods actually offered to fight with the demons. At that time, the number of demons was far more than the strength of the gods, and even if the power of all the gods was gathered, the gods could not completely kill the demons. Because demons are born from the heart. As long as there is still a trace of evil thoughts in the world, the demons will not perish, but his strength will change with the number of evil thoughts. Therefore, the best way to avoid the demon in the world is to seal the demon.

But the demon is treacherous and cunning, and will not easily let the gods and the gods join hands to seal him. Therefore, the gods proposed a final confrontation between the two sides, and the winner will always rule the world. At first, the demon did not believe it, because the gods were weak. What strength did he have to compete with the demon demon? What did he do to resist the tens of millions of demons?

Finally, the gods of the gods personally talked with the demon and told the demon that if the two sides compete for a long time, the world will certainly be greatly affected. This is something that neither side wants to see. For a common purpose, in order to be truly unified by one party Leading the world, they must go to war, otherwise, what they get is just a wasteland.

The demon has scruples, but after thinking for a long time, he finally agrees to the request of the gods. The two sides will fight, while the gods will compete with the demons. The winner will rule the world, and the loser will never step into this land.

But what the demon demon didn't expect was that the gods said they would fight to the death with him, but they wanted to seal him forever. Perhaps this is the difference between humans and demons. Although demons are sinister and vicious, human beings are more intelligent, and all of this is inevitable.

The eight people Long Xiaoqi saw just now are the eight generals under the gods. They sealed the demons with their own bodies and souls, and imprisoned them in the space transformed by the gods. The only way to unlock this seal is to find the predestined man mentioned by the gods and activate the sword in his hand. At that time, all the shackles will disappear, and the darkness will come to the world at once.

"Why break the seal? Since the gods have sealed the demons, isn't it good to keep sealing like this? Long Xiaoqi asked puzzledly. In his opinion, the idea of the gods was simply too much.

"No! The demon has not died. He is just sealed. He has been thinking about how to break the seal and see the sun again. If I guess correctly, the current seal has been cracked. If it goes on like this, the demon will return to the world soon. At that time, I'm afraid that no one will be able to seal the demon of the demon. India, and the world will also fall into the abyss of hell. The old man said seriously, staring at Long Xiaoqi, as if he were waiting for him to "offend".

Long Xiaoqi nodded, and he finally understood all this, the mission of the Dugu family, and the words of Dugu Yun and the melancholy sadness.

"And I am the sword spirit of the sword, which is what you call the Dugu sword, and you are the predestined person." The old man pressed Long Xiaoqi step by step.

"Well..." Although Long Xiaoqi could already think of something in her heart, she was still a little excited when she knew the result from others. I am the chosen person, and I will take it as my mission to save the world.

"All I have to do is to help you grow up and tell you everything you should know, and all you have to do is wait until the seal is completely lifted to defeat or seal the demon again." The old man's words were very soft and soft, but the old man's words were so heavy that even Long Xiaoqi couldn't breathe.

"Ye, I know. Don't worry, I will not let down the gods, and I won't let the devil come back to the world." Long Xiaoqi said firmly. In order to pick out the selected person, the Long family has been destroyed. If the demons really come to the world, I'm afraid that the world will become a dead city.

"Okay! Then from now on, you are my new master, and I will always follow you, kill demons with you, and help you fulfill the last wishes left by the gods as soon as possible. The old man seemed to want to go on, but was stopped by Long Xiaoqi.

"Wait... You said that when the sword finds a predestined person, it is when the seal disappears, so isn't it now..."

"No! This is a long story. Later, I will slowly tell you that what you need to do now is to go back to your world.

"Ah..." Long Xiaoqi only felt a sudden darkness in front of her eyes, and then there was a sharp pain all over her body...