Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 30 Revitalize the Long Family

Everything has been negotiated with Duguyun. What Long Xiaoqi has to do is to improve, improve, improve, and improve her war spirit. After all, strength is the hard truth.

The father and son of Long Zhanjun finally left the Dugu family under the support of the Dugu family and the reluctance of the Dugu family.

"Huh... Father, I don't know why, I suddenly feel so relaxed now." Two people walked side by side in the forest. Duguyun wanted to send them back to the Northeast, but he was rejected by Long Xiaoqi. He remembered that in addition to the Dugu family, it was a forest, whether it was for a walk or exercise. In short, Long Xiaoqi liked the feeling of being in nature, which would make him feel more real and meaningful.

"Ha ha, the heart is relaxed, and people are naturally relaxed." The Long Zhanjun carried his hands behind his back, like a scholar, and like an old man full of life experience.

"Ye! Revenge has been revenged, and things have happened. I think we should start a new life. Long Xiaoqi jumped and jumped, but she regained her previous innocence, as if she had returned to the scene when the Dragon War Army took his hand and walked on Phoenix Mountain.

"The new life is not a continuation of the old life. Only you can decide which is the new life and which is the old life." Long Zhanjun smiled and looked at the distance. He didn't know what life would be like in the future in his heart.

The two walked out of the forest and took the air train to the northeast to return to their hometown. As soon as they got off the train, Long Xiaoqi couldn't help breathing the air here. A long-lost smell rushed into Long Xiaoqi's nose. Long Zhanjun also learned from Long Xiaoqi's appearance. Although it was not so exaggerated, he really hadn't smelled his hometown for a long time. Although it is not far from here, the mood is completely opposite after all.

Smelling the familiar smell and looking at the familiar scenery, the two did not take any means of transportation, but chose to walk. The two did not return to the dilapidated Long family, but went to Long Xiaoqi's grandma's house first. In any way, Long Xiaoqi's grandma was already their only old man.

"Look there..." Long Xiaoqi walked and pointed to the Dragon War Army. This is Longyang. Half of Long Xiaoqi's childhood memory is here. For everything here, Long Xiaoqi is naturally more familiar with the Dragon Army.

Through the high-rise buildings and through the streets and alleys, Long Xiaoqi suddenly felt that there was an indescribable beauty in the sky here. The breath here stimulated her body. It was an indescribable feeling, which was a wonderful feeling.

The two walked for nearly two hours before they came to Long Xiaoqi's grandma's house. At this time, it was almost dusk. Occasionally, the two could already smell the fragrance from the kitchen.

"Dingdong...Dingdong..." Long Xiaoqi rang the doorbell with an impatient expression on her face.

"Who is it?" You don't need to ask. This person must be Zhang Linglin, because only she has such a unique voice.

Long Xiaoqi took the door, but he didn't say anything. He wanted to surprise his aunt. He just rang the doorbell in a hurry, and didn't even let out the atmosphere.

"Who the hell is it? If the video hadn't been broken, I would have recognized your original shape long ago. The voice inside seemed to be a little impatient. Yes, Long Xiaoqi kept ringing the doorbell, but no one would feel very strange.

"You! Stop it!" Long Zhanjun had no choice but to poke Long Xiaoqi's forehead.

"Ling Lin, it's me! Your brother-in-law! Open the door! Xiaoqi was joking with you just now!"

"Brother-in-law? Ah! It's my brother-in-law! ...No, my brother-in-law has... What evidence do you have?" The sound inside was first excited, but later it seemed to remember something.

"I'm really your brother-in-law. Xiaoqi saved me. Why? Can't you hear my voice?" Long Zhanjun looked at Long Xiaoqi with tears and laughter. What is this little girl doing every day? I can't even hear the voice of the Dragon War Army.

"Auntie, open the door! It's really me." Long Xiaoqi was also anxious. She wanted to make a joke, but she didn't expect that Zhang Linglin didn't believe them at all.

"Xiaoqi? It's really you!" As soon as the words fell, the door had already sizzled and a crack appeared, and a small head still wrapped in a towel came out of it. It seemed that Zhang Linglin must have just finished bathing and changing clothes.

"Brother-in-law! Xiaoqi! It's really you!" Zhang Linglin's voice raised dozens of decibels in vain, which made the father and son of Long Zhanjun crazy. Zhang Linglin opened the door and took a step forward as if holding two people in her arms, but the first person she held was Long Xiaoqi.

"Auntie! Hey hey... Can you put on your clothes before you come out?" Feeling the softness on her chest, Long Xiaoqi couldn't even control herself, but she kept telling herself that this was her aunt and her aunt.

"Ah!" Zhang Linglin hurried into the room as if she had a convulsion.

"Haha... My aunt almost left!" Long Xiaoqi joked and walked in, leaving only the helpless Dragon War Army.

In it, Long Xiaoqi's grandma was sitting, watching the two of them come in and standing up suddenly, with tears in her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitching, and she couldn't speak excitedly.

"Mom! How are you?" The Long Zhanjun hurried over and supported the old man.

"War Army! Xiaoqi! It's really you." With that, the old man wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and it was really not easy to see the family reunited in his lifetime.

"Mom! Sit down, we're back, we're back." Long Zhanjun helped the old man to his seat and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Xiaoqi, come and let grandma see. She has grown up, grown taller, and become handsome." The old man's eyes are full of love and kindness. Among these people, what she thinks about most is Long Xiaoqi, because he grew up by himself, because he is a child, because Zhang Lingfei...

" grandma..." Long Xiaoqi ran over and suddenly rushed to the old man's side. Long Jingdao gave Long Xiaoqi a kind of majestic love, while Long Xiaoqi's grandma gave him kind love.

When the family is reunited, there is naturally a topic of sadness and happiness, and the Long Zhanjun always praises Long Xiaoqi intentionally or unintentionally, how to be sensible and can support the burden of the Long family. In fact, Long Zhanjun has another meaning. Zhang Lingfei left early, and Long Xiaoqi's grandma also felt that Long Xiaoqi was very pitiful in addition to missing her daughter. Therefore, she took Long Xiaoqi very seriously. Now Long Zhanjun praises Long Xiaoqi more. Maybe the old man will be much happier after hearing it.

Sure enough, when he heard Long Xiaoqi's deeds, the old man was so excited that he couldn't close his mouth and said it repeatedly, caressing his grandson. And Zhang Linglin didn't know when she changed her clothes and came over, and looked at Long Xiaoqi with a crazy face, as if she wanted Long Xiaoqi to marry her.

"Go and call your eldest brother back, and our family is finally reunited." The old man was in a good mood and had to cook a few dishes by himself, but he was stopped by Zhang Linglin.

Soon, Zhang Linglin's brother also came back. He was also very happy to see Long Zhanjun's father and son. At present, he shirked all the entertainment at night and had to accompany Long Zhanjun's father and son at home to pick up for them.

The whole family seems to be happy together.

But think about it, society has progressed, and people's lives have become richer. They are busy doing a lot of things every day. Sometimes they are so busy that they even forget their relatives. Maybe as long as a phone call, maybe just a greeting, in many times, it will make a warm flow in people's hearts.

During the meal, the family sat at the dinner table and talked a lot, from the combination of Long Zhanjun and Zhang Lingfei, to Long Xiaoqi's voice, Zhang Linglin, who had never married, to Ma Yujia, who was waiting for Long Xiaoqi. In a word, this night, the family recalled the past, evaluated the past, remembered people, remembered things, and was sad and happy.

"Army, now that you are back, what are you going to do?" Long Xiaoqi's uncle asked the Dragon Army while drinking wine. Listening to the meaning of the Dragon War Army, the current Long family is very different from the past. The history of the eight major families is about to pass, and the day when the Long family leads the world is coming.

"I'm going to gather back those clans in Longdao first. Although the number of people is not large, they are still the descendants of our Long family after all. They always want to return to the clan. As for development! I think there is no force in China that can stop us. By the way, brother, look, if you still want to continue your current life, I will ask someone to help you, but we don't lack anything. Is it meaningful to continue to live such a hard and busy life? After this incident, the mentality of the Long Zhanjun has changed greatly. If Long Xiaoqi hadn't had more important things to do, the Long Zhanjun would have chosen to hide without hesitation. From then on, he lived an ordinary life and threw everything in the clan to Long Xiaoqi.

"Okay! Then I think about it. Maybe I should really do something meaningful, hehe..." Long Xiaoqi's uncle finished speaking and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Brother, what's wrong? What's on your mind?" Taking advantage of the empty space of the two to go to the bathroom, Long Zhanjun asked the questions in his heart.

"Oh... You just came back. You shouldn't have said it, but you and I are in different circles. I don't know if you can do anything." After saying that, Long Xiaoqi's uncle sighed one after another.

"Brother, just say what you have. No matter what difficulties you can do, I will definitely help." Long Zhanjun urged. Looking at the appearance of Uncle Long Xiaoqi, it seemed that something really happened.

"It's not me, it's our mother! A few months ago, our mother was diagnosed with advanced cerebral blood cancer, and the doctor said that it would be one year at most. Speaking of this, Long Xiaoqi's uncle choked. Although he was an adult and even had children, he still couldn't control his emotions when it came to this matter, because after all, it was his mother and his own mother!

"What? So serious!" Long Zhanjun's eyes widened with a frightened expression on his face. Although science is progressing and constantly progressing, there are still many things in this world that cannot be explained by science, and there are still many diseases that cannot be cured by science.

Long Zhanjun blinked his eyes, as if his brain was short-circuited and couldn't say a word.

"Brother, don't worry, I'll contact you tonight to see if our mother is still saved. Believe me! Our mother will be all right." Long Zhanjun held Long Xiaoqi's uncle's hand tightly and felt very uneasy.

"Hey... Don't show any strange expressions when you go out later, or let our mother know what the consequences will happen. I didn't even dare to tell Ling Lin that if she knew, our family would not have exploded. Long Xiaoqi's uncle told the Dragon War Army.

Long Zhanjun nodded and calmed down. Then, he walked out of the bathroom with Long Xiaoqi's uncle like nothing happened, but in his eyes, there was a touch of sadness that could not be lingering anyway.