Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 48 The Essence of Fire

Long Xiaoqi doesn't know how many times she has approached the essence of fire. He just feels that his buttocks have been numb, and his body is almost falling apart.

"I don't know what's going on with Xiaoqi." Duguyun shook his head and looked very worried. This time, it was very important. Even a strong man like Duguyun could not calm down his long-standing fluctuations.

Johnson and Susan didn't talk, just looked at Duguyun and lowered their heads, but their thoughts were completely opposite.

"Hey..." Duguyun could only sigh. After all, in the Miller family, even Duguyun didn't say much.

In contrast, Susan silently looked at the tower in the distance, her hands were tightly tied together, and put them on her chest. Her teeth clenched her red lips, red like blood. It seemed that she was praying devoutly for Long Xiaoqi.

"Bang!" This time, Long Xiaoqi had no strength to resist at all. She lay directly on the ground and simply stopped getting up. Looking up with difficulty, Long Xiaoqi stretched out her right hand tremblingly and looked at the Dugu Sword not far away, as if she was about to reach out her hand to grab it. But now Long Xiaoqi has no strength all over her body, and even standing up can be regarded as an extravagant hope.

"Fire... essence..." Long Xiaoqi moved forward little by little, but finally fell on the way forward because of poor physical strength.

Two days have passed. In these two days, these three people can't eat well and sleep well, but Johnson feels something abnormal. I don't know why he always secretly makes fun when no one is around.

In the past two days, Long Xiaoqi had a dream, a very strange dream. Maybe this dream should not belong to him, but I don't know why he will walk into the world of this dream.

Heaven and earth are mysterious, the universe is flooded, and human beings are living the most primitive life with their backs. Occasionally, they will see some animals that have long been extinct, and even dragons flying by.

It's like the feeling of crossing into your childhood. It's ethereal, nihilistic, but real. Everything happens in front of you, but you can't change everything. In the long river of history, you are just a passer-by and a spectator.

On the unknown mountain, Long Xiaoqi walked blankly, with no purpose, no direction, and even he didn't know what he was going to do. He had a feeling that he seemed to be imprisoned in a big box, and the feeling of suffocation was getting stronger and stronger.

On the towering mountains and mountain peaks towering into the clouds, Long Xiaoqi stepped on the clouds and had a floating feeling, just like a fairy, flying through the clouds and flying in the clouds. But now Long Xiaoqi, not to mention traveling in Cangyu, doesn't even know what to do next and what to do.

Since ancient times, the most indispensable thing on high mountains is trees. Trees that are hundreds or even thousands of years old look so rich that it gives people a shady feeling. Walking on the mountain and through the woods, Long Xiaoqi suddenly found that there seemed to be a movement in front of her, which was not like the running and jumping of animals, but like human walking.

Long Xiaoqi was overjoyed. The damn mountains, sky and woods would only make Long Xiaoqi feel extremely strange or even inexplicably afraid. Therefore, Long Xiaoqi no longer hesitated and hurriedly walked not far away.

The voice is getting louder and louder, and the truth is getting closer and closer, but Long Xiaoqi's face is getting more and more solemn. The front voice is really like human language, but it doesn't seem to speak Chinese or standard Chinese. Although Long Xiaoqi feels very familiar, she can't understand what they are talking about anyway.

Almost out of instinct, Long Xiaoqi carefully pushed away the leaves and looked forward through the gap. She saw two figures with their backs on Long Xiaoqi. Although they were not far away, Long Xiaoqi still couldn't hear what they were talking about. However, in front of the two people, there is a cave. The entrance of the cave is not big and can only accommodate one person to pass through. It seems that the two people are discussing how to enter the cave. However, what puzzled Long Xiaoqi was that she didn't know why these two backs made her feel very familiar, as if they had seen them somewhere, but one was black and the other was white. For a moment, Long Xiaoqi really couldn't remember where the black and white evil came from.

The two of them didn't give Long Xiaoqi time to consider at all. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared, but it seemed that they must have entered the hole, because there was not much shelter around them.

In the dark, Long Xiaoqi felt that there must be some secret hidden in the hole, and there was a strong sense of curiosity in her heart, as if there was a voice calling for herself.

Several turns around, and Long Xiaoqi also disappeared at the mouth of the cave. However, no one knows what is hidden in the cave. Is the fate of Long Xiaoqi alive? Still dead!

The cave is dark. If it hadn't been for the day outside, I'm afraid there would not have been any light. Long Xiaoqi is like entering a closed world. In this world, she can be infinitely enlarged to the world of tolerance.

The two disappeared like this, as if they had integrated into the air, and there was not even a sound at all. Long Xiaoqi stepped on the road, but her heart was not so stable and uneasy, as if she had done something wrong.

I don't know how long the road ahead is, but I feel that the cave is dark, like the endless sea. If you are inside for a long time, you will eventually suffocate.

Long Xiaoqi has even heard the devil's crying in a trance, with a cold smell, giving people a creepy feeling. However, Long Xiaoqi has experienced a lot of large and small scenes after all. Although she initially fell into panic, she calmed down a little, took a deep breath, shook her head, and continued to walk inside. Because there is a cry in his heart, and all the answers are at the end of this hole.

This is a black world. This is a black ocean. There is no five fingers, not even a little light. Long Xiaoqi completely touched and walked forward. At this time, he was no different from a blind man. But Long Xiaoqi always has a question in her heart. Who were those two just now? What did they come here for and how did they get through here?

The slow night seemed to be a man-eating demon, devouring the pioneer's reason and the pioneer's heart.

At the moment when Long Xiaoqi was about to go crazy, a slight light hit Long Xiaoqi's face. Long Xiaoqi was stunned first, and then turned to joy. With the light, it showed that there was hope to go out, and it showed that the answer was getting closer and closer.

Long Xiaoqi couldn't wait to run to the light and turned two corners. Long Xiaoqi looked at the sudden appearance of a secret room in front of her. This secret room had no door, but a small cave in the cave, but as long as there was light, there was hope. Maybe the two were already in the secret room.

Long Xiaoqi walked over carefully for fear of making a little movement, so as not to let the two people inside find themselves and startle the snake. However, Long Xiaoqi waited for a long time and did not hear the voices of the two people talking again, not even the sound of walking. Finally, Long Xiaoqi finally couldn't help her anxiety and took a step forward, leaned out of her body and looked inside.

The fiery red flame hung in the air for no reason and burned quietly, just like the flame on the candle, but this flame was obviously much larger than the flame of the candle. Although he had never been here, Long Xiaoqi could see at a glance that this was the essence of fire.

Although it is the essence of fire, I don't know why the essence of this fire is obviously much more vigorous, much stronger than the group Long Xiaoqi met in the tower. However, I am relieved when I think about it. The essence of fire is the only thing in heaven and earth, and it is almost enough to survive for thousands of years. By the time of the demise of the old, it is the new arrival. According to Jianling, the essence of fire in the Miller family has existed for a long time, and it may not take hundreds or even a thousand years. Qi will automatically disappear and disappear between heaven and earth, but the fire will float to the next place and continue to nurture new fire essence.

Long Xiaoqi glanced around, and no one summoned up her courage and walked towards the spirit of fire. Because of the painful lesson in the real world, Long Xiaoqi did not dare to pick up the essence of fire directly and rashly, but tested it little by little, slowly approached, observed carefully, and finally stretched out slowly. Her right hand, but Long Xiaoqi's nerves are tense. Once something happens, Long Xiaoqi can also react accordingly at the first time.

However, what was expected did not happen. The essence of fire and the essence of fire in the real world seem to be two different spirits of fire. One is extremely grumpy, while the other is quite well-behaved, like a lamb, with no intention of resisting strangers.

Finally, Long Xiaoqi grasped the essence of fire in his hand and only felt very warm and even a little silky. Long Xiaoqi suddenly played with it and put it in his hand. He was too careless and careless to forget where it was.

"Ah!" Long Xiaoqi shouted and suddenly felt that her palms were hot, as if they had been burned by the flames. Long Xiaoqi knew in her heart that it must be caused by the spirit of fire. She quickly shook her hand and wanted to throw the essence of fire to the ground, but what he didn't expect was that the spirit of fire seemed to stick to his hand. Anyway It won't fall down either.

This time, Long Xiaoqi is really afraid. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that it won't be long before she will be burned into ruins and become a dead bone, and forever sealed in this inexplicable world.

"Come on! Is there anyone?" Long Xiaoqi shouted out in pain, and tears were already unconsciously pouring out. Think about it, no matter who is alive, I'm afraid that they can't bear the pain of being burned by fire. This feeling can't kill people at all, but it can make people dizzy alive.

No matter how loudly Long Xiaoqi shouted, no voice answered him. Even if there was a voice answering him, I'm afraid he can't hear it anymore, because at this time, Long Xiaoqi is lying on the ground and rolling, and her palms hitting the wall from time to time, but what's the use of this? Even if Long Xiaoqi's palm is interrupted, I'm afraid it can't stop this feeling.

"Dreams come from the heart, and everything comes from your heart." At the moment when Long Xiaoqi was about to faint, two figures appeared in Long Xiaoqi's vision, one white and one black, and the familiar voice echoed in Long Xiaoqi's ear. But now Long Xiaoqi no longer cares who they are and what purpose they have. Long Xiaoqi just wants to have a good sleep, because she is so sleepy and sleepy...