Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 51 Petrov

Duguyun and Long Xiaoqi safely returned to the Dugu family. Although they were a little frightened along the way, they were not hindered by anything. Under the escort of the group, the two finally returned to the clan safely. Looking at the familiar things, they suddenly felt much more at ease.

Long Xiaoqi returned to the Dugu family. The most attention was naturally his Dugu sword hidden with the essence of fire. Some of the Dugu family wanted to see what the treasure in heaven and earth would look like. But he didn't want to be rejected by Long Xiaoqi one by one. Needless to say, he doesn't know how to absorb the essence of fire now. Even if he knows, he won't absorb it in front of so many people. After all, there are still many unspeakable secrets hidden in his heart.

After a few days of rest, Duguyun and Long Xiaoqi discussed when to go to the Peter family. 80% of the Dugu family's property has now been transferred to the Miller family. This has also led to a lot of idle people in the Dugu family. As the patriarch, Duguyun is anxious in his eyes. Although the Dugu family can always raise them like this, it is not a way to go on for a long time!

Unexpectedly, before Du Guyun and Long Xiaoqi discussed countermeasures, the Peter family could not sit still.

Before dark, Duguyun suddenly mysteriously appeared in Long Xiaoqi's room, as if something urgent had happened.

Long Xiaoqi was lying in ** thinking about how to refine the essence of fire and the essence of water into yin and yang. She didn't want Duguyun to rush in in such a panic without even knocking on the door. Long Xiaoqi almost jumped up directly from **.

"Uncle Dugu, what's the matter?" Long Xiaoqi's face was a little unhappy. Fortunately, he didn't summon the sword spirit. Otherwise, his cards would have been exposed.

"Ah! Xiaoqi, look at me, I forgot to knock on the door. Duguyun rubbed his hair like a child, which was a little embarrassed.

"Cough..." Long Xiaoqi didn't know what to say, so she coughed awkwardly and signaled Dugu Yun to say something quickly.

Dugu Yun's attitude towards Long Xiaoqi has now been completely changed, and even every member of the Dugu family has a new understanding of Long Xiaoqi. The Long family became a family on an equal footing with the Dugu family, not only because of the economic development of the Long family, but also because of Long Xiaoqi, a teenager with an unlimited future.

"Xiaoqi, important news is absolutely unexpected to you." Duguyun sat in a chair and took two sips of tea before recovering from the gasp just now.

"Peter's family is backwatering!" This sentence is the key point. Duguyun was even about to jump on the table happily. I don't know how much trouble the Peter family has saved for Duguyun.

"What? How can there be such a thing?" Long Xiaoqi couldn't believe her ears. The Peter family turned against the water. Where did such words start?

"Haha, look at me, I'll tell you slowly from the beginning!" Then, Dugu Yun sat by Long Xiaoqi's bed and told Long Xiaoqi all this from beginning to end.

It turned out that early in the morning, Duguyun was woken up by the ringing of the phone. At first, he was a little reluctant, but when he heard the content of the phone, he was no longer sleepy at all.

Johnson's old fox had already informed Chief Peter of everything when Duguyun and Long Xiaoqi left the Miller family. His purpose was very simple, that is, the two families would work together to deal with the Dugu family and even Long Xiaoqi, because now no matter which one is alone, they are probably not Dugu and Long. The opponent of the family, a strong alliance, is the wisest choice.

Johnson even told the whole thing to the patriarch Peter from beginning to end, and emphasized that Long Xiaoqi had absorbed the essence of fire and plotted wrong. It is likely that the next target will be the Peter family. Because in the Peter family, there is the same existence as the essence of fire, that is, the essence of water. In short, Johnson means that the two families will work together to destroy the Dugu family, and then grab the spirit of fire and the Dugu sword. The Dugu family's property is taken over by the Miller family, and the Long family's property is completely taken over by the Peter family.

I have to say that this is a great** for patriarch Peter. Because if Long Xiaoqi really absorbs the essence of fire and water, then the two families may not have any strength to compete with the Dugu family, and the Dugu family has assigned 50% of the industry to the name of the Long family, then the whole Long family is equivalent to what they originally wanted.

However, patriarch Peter is not so crazy. Like Johnson, he ignores it and asks him that he still can't do it. Moreover, Johnson's purpose, patriarch Peter, guessed after listening to him, is nothing more than to swallow the Dugu family and the Long family at all costs, which can also save a lot of trouble for the future.

However, this also has both advantages and disadvantages. If the Dugu family is eliminated by the two families, the remaining two families will definitely enter a tit-for-tat situation, which will certainly be more embarrassing than now. Moreover, the Dugu family and the two families of the Long family are united. May I ask if the Miller family and the Peter family have little chance of winning, and it is even possible that both of them will lose. At that time, the cheap ones can only be those small families in the third world.

But he didn't do anything like this. The patriarch Peter was not very willing. It was wrong to agree with Johnson's intention, and it was not good not to disagree with his idea. In short, in such a complicated environment, what patriarch Peter did was only one word, that is, a bet!

Since it is a gamble, of course, patriarch Peter has to bet on a more successful one. Anyway, Duguyun does this for the sake of the world, conforming to natural principles and gain public opinion. Moreover, if Dugu Yun is willing to take out the family's industry as a price for people who have nothing to do with him, it shows that his heart still has a kind side. But Johnson is different. He is a profitable guy, a guy who ignores other people's lives, and a short-sighted guy.

Naturally, the patriarch put everything on the Dugu family. Of course, it is impossible for the Peter family to take out all the industries in their own clan and take the initiative to be a subsidiary family of the Dugu family. What's the difference between that and a dog begs its tail? His condition is very simple, that is, he can give the essence of water to Long Xiaoqi to show that he cares about the world, but if the Peter family is attacked in the future, the Dugu family and the Long family must help with all their strength. It can be said that the Peter family is equivalent to forming an alliance with the two families in disguise. Of course, This kind of alliance is only one-sided. If the other two families are attacked, it depends on the Peter family's mood.

But no matter what, Peter's patriarch is willing to promise Duguyun to send the essence of water to Long Xiaoqi, which is to help them a big favor. This is really effortless.

"Uncle Dugu, maybe everything is not as simple as you think?" After listening to Duguyun's story, Long Xiaoqi even poured a basin of cold water on Duguyun. Since Johnson has found the patriarch Peter, who knows that this is not a bitter plan of patriarch Peter?

"This... I neglected it." Duguyun shook his head. Indeed, he was temporarily carried away by this big surprise. After Long Xiaoqi's reminder, he thought that this might be a trap designed by the two old guys. He and Long Xiaoqi went unprepared. Maybe they were fully prepared for the Peter family.

"Hey... you can't have the intention to harm others, and you can't have the intention to prevent others!" Long Xiaoqi said oldly, like an old man who has experienced the vicissitudes of life.

"Oc, don't pretend, but you're right. We still have to take this spirit, but we can't slack off at all. Otherwise, who knows what kind of medicine they sell behind their backs?" Duguyun curled his lips, but his heart was constantly calculating.

"Ye! By the way, what is the name of the patriarch of the Peter family? What's your impression of him? Long Xiaoqi suddenly seemed to think of something and raised her head, with an imperceptible light in her eyes.

"Ah! The old man's name is Peter Love. Like Johnson, he is an old fox, but he is fundamentally different from Johnson. He is not so ruthless and unscrupulous, and he is still a trustworthy partner. But in the mall, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. He can betray Johnson, and of course, he can also betray us, just to see where he feels that he gets more.

Long Xiaoqi is undeniable that if there is only one place to survive one day, then Long Xiaoqi and Dugu Yun will definitely fight without hesitation. In the face of sufficient interests, people are greedy.

"In this case, let's adapt to the situation! It's still those people who told them to hide deeper and not to clash with the Peter family until a last resort. Hey... If it really succeeds this time, it will be closer to our dream. However, Johnson, an old man, must not let go. Even if he doesn't want his life, he will not have a chance to turn over again. Long Xiaoqi looked fierce and looked very dissatisfied with Johnson's guy.

"Well... OK! Then I'll prepare for it. It's not too late. We can go there early, so that if they really have bad intentions, we can also make them unprepared. Duguyun nodded. As long as Long Xiaoqi gets the essence of water, the mission of the Dugu family will be almost completed. At that time, as for the final result, it will be Long Xiaoqi's business. And Duguyun can finally put down all the burdens and live a relaxed life.