Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 53 A Drop of Blood

Now, the essence of fire and the essence of water are in the hands of Long Xiaoqi, which is only one step away from blending into the yin and yang. But this seemingly simple thing is not that simple to do.

Long Xiaoqi has been a little anxious these days. It's not that he is very busy, but since he and Duguyun came back from the Peter family, Duguyun has urged Long Xiaoqi to absorb two spirits and open the sealed place as soon as possible. However, Long Xiaoqi didn't know how to absorb the two groups of essence, and even he was just a coincidence to incorporate the two groups of essence into his treasure. However, he couldn't tell Duguyun that this was what the old man Jianling told him, so he had to break his teeth and swallow it and suffer himself.

However, Long Xiaoqi did not make Jianling feel good. When she met the essence of fire, she promised Long Xiaoqi. After he collected two groups of essence, he would help him fuse yin and yang. However, now, the old man of Jianling is not in a hurry. He either refuses to take care of Long Xiaoqi or mysteriously treats Long Xiaoqi every day. He shook his head and said a bunch of things he didn't understand. In a word, Long Xiaoqi is now sandwiched between Duguyun and Jianling. One asks him for the result, while the other is not the right time, but he is not anxious.

In a word, Long Xiaoqi is on the verge of collapse. She either has gone or died of cerebral palsy. He can't even afford to sleep. Perhaps, hibernating like a bear will also reduce a lot of trouble.

"Xiaoqi, no matter what, you must show me the essence of fire and the essence of water today. Although you can tame the two groups of essence without me, there is no credit and hard work! Take it out and let the uncle open his eyes. The cracks in the sealed land have widened again and can no longer be delayed. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the whole world will become a region at that time. Early in the morning, Duguyun pulled Long Xiaoqi up from ** and even launched a new round of offensive without even giving him time to wear clothes.

"Uncle Dugu, it's only six o'clock in the morning, just let me sleep a little more! I'm very sleepy." Long Xiaoqi said lazily, walked around ** and fell asleep again.

"No! Get up, let me see the fusion of spirit with my own eyes today. Time waits for no one! If you don't hurry up, it will be too late. Duguyun looked really anxious and pushed Long Xiaoqi's body and motioned him to get up.

Long Xiaoqi is going crazy and can't wait to make Duguyun disappear from his eyes immediately, but it seems that he can't avoid it today. If Jianling doesn't help, he will have to break the jar - what's wrong?

"Wait for my message! If possible, I'll come to you later." Long Xiaoqi sat up from **, rubbed her eyes, and looked very reluctant.

Seeing that his purpose had been achieved, Duguyun did not continue talking, but nodded slightly, took a deep look at Long Xiaoqi, and turned away.

"Wow..." Seeing Duguyun leave, Long Xiaoqi breathed a heavy sigh of relief. However, this level is over, but if Duguyun finds himself fooling him, he doesn't know what will happen to him!

Looking at the black iron sword not far away, Long Xiaoqi sighed silently and reached out to grab it.

This time, Jianling did not ignore Long Xiaoqi or tell him not to worry. As soon as Long Xiaoqi opened her mouth, Jianling had already stood beside Long Xiaoqi.

"Brother, uncle, please help me quickly! Otherwise, I will never live alone if you die today. Long Xiaoqi threw her nose and tears on Jianling's body, as if a person had a great grievance, but happened to meet Bao Gong alive.

Jianling's face suddenly had no smile. He frowned slightly, shook his head, and secretly wondered that the boy didn't have a fever! Is it a nerve? No way! It was fine last night.

However, Long Xiaoqi ignored the change in Jianling's expression and still told him her suffering. In fact, Duguyun can't be blamed. After all, they also have 80% of the shares. If Long Xiaoqi can't get anything, the Dugu family may be completely reduced due to a mistake by Long Xiaoqi.

"Ah...Young man, don't worry, don't I come out to help you now!" Jianling finally understood why Long Xiaoqi was so excited. She smiled and waved her hand to sign Long Xiaoqi not to worry.

"Hm?" Long Xiaoqi heard something in Jianling's words. Will there be any different results today? Therefore, Long Xiaoqi no longer quarreled or made trouble, showing a good baby's expression, holding her chin with her hands, and patiently listening to Jianling say everything.

However, Jianling was not in a hurry to tell Long Xiaoqi how to fuse the two groups of essence, but slowly wanted to pass the precious jade hanging on Long Xiaoqi's neck. Although she felt confused, Long Xiaoqi obediently handed it over. Baoyu, like this Dugu Sword, is a treasure of ancient times. It must be inextricably linked to the sealed place. Since the sword spirit is also a great god in ancient times, he must know the wonderful use of these two treasures.

"Come out!" After receiving Baoyu, Jianling thought about the pattern printed with the gossip of the universe for a long time. Finally, he shouted these three words as if he had decided something.

With the sound of the sword spirit, Long Xiaoqi suddenly saw a trace of black gas oozing out of the bright jade, but it was not as casual as ordinary gas, but slowly gathered together, and more and more. Finally, she could even vaguely see the outline of a human shape. Although Long Xiaoqi was a little surprised, doubted and afraid, after all, the sword spirit stood nearby, so Long Xiaoqi still pretended to be calm and looked at the black gas without any fear.

The black gas is still slowly gushing out of the jade, which seems to outline the last stroke of the dark shadow in the air.

Jianling lost his old smile on his face and looked at everything in front of him seriously. Although he didn't know what he was thinking, Long Xiaoqi could guess that he must have something on his mind or recalled the past.

The black gas is getting stronger and stronger, and even a little dark and shiny. If the sword spirit hadn't been here, I'm afraid Long Xiaoqi would have been scared away. Although the world is so big and strange, he would never have seen such an outrageous thing.

Time flies. The two have been waiting for more than half an hour, but the black gas has not changed substantially. Long Xiaoqi stared at everything in front of her extremely boredly, and even felt drowsy. Maybe it would be the right choice to go back to sleep now.

"Demon..." Suddenly, Long Xiaoqi, who was about to see Guan Gong, was awakened by a voice. Although she didn't hear it clearly, Long Xiaoqi could still faintly distinguish that it was a magic word.

Long Xiaoqi glanced up at Jianling and found that he was staring at the black gas in front of him. Long Xiaoqi turned her eyes to the black gas again and couldn't help but be shocked and suddenly became sleepless.

I don't know when the black gas has gradually evolved into a real person. Although it still looks so vague, even more illusory than the sword spirit, Long Xiaoqi knows that this man in black must also have the same existence as the sword spirit, all of which is a soul body.

"Demon..." Jianling shouted again, with excitement in his eyes, like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years and suddenly met on the road.

"Spirit..." A faint voice, like a person has an illusion. Maybe it doesn't exist. Maybe he shouldn't exist in the world.

Long Xiaoqi stared at the two people in front of her. No! More precisely, there should be two shadows, two soul bodies, because they don't really exist at all.

However, Long Xiaoqi always feels that the appearance of the dark shadow in front of her seems to have been seen somewhere. For some reason, Long Xiaoqi feels very familiar.



Isn't the shadow the sword spirit? The two of them are exactly the same, but the contours are a little different because of the different body colors, but maybe this has something to do with the fact that the dark shadow is composed of gas.

"You two..." Before the two continued to "linger", Long Xiaoqi couldn't help shouting out, but for some reason, she had already made a sound, but when it came to her throat, she choked and couldn't speak.

Jianling looked at Long Xiaoqi and shook his head slightly, signaling him to be silent. Long Xiaoqi also seemed to think of something, covering her mouth and looking at the two people apologetically.

Jianling did not speak again, but waved his right hand, and a golden gas enveloped the whole room. Then Jianling breathed a sigh of relief and let Long Xiaoqi sit down.

"Kid, don't ask anything now. You just need to remember what you promised me. Now the essence of fire and water are in your hands. It's time to do it." Jianling glanced at the shadow, and then turned to Long Xiaoqi.

Long Xiaoqi seemed to open her mouth to ask something, but she was stopped by the sword spirit. Long Xiaoqi glanced at the two people and finally had to agree. After all, before the essence of fire, Long Xiaoqi had promised the sword spirit, and the sword spirit had no harm to Long Xiaoqi. Sooner or later he should know it. Tao, he shouldn't know. Even if he destroys the soul of the sword spirit, I'm afraid the sword spirit will not say it.

"Good! Don't worry, when this matter is over, I will tell you everything. At that time, I'm afraid you can't stand it. Jianling's face showed a triumphant smile and looked at Long Xiaoqi angrily, which was really depressing. How could this old man who has survived for thousands of years have this mentality? It's really puzzleable.

Looking at Long Xiaoqi's acquiescence, Jianling nodded and continued to speak.

"Now, the essence of fire is in the Dugu sword, and the essence of water is in this jade pendant. What you need to do is to integrate these two gas into a new gas." Jianling's words were very simple, but how could Long Xiaoqi know how to do it? She nodded and then shook her head, as if she was playing a riddle with Jianling.

"Don't worry, what you need to do is very simple, that is to meditates, and then continuously deliver the war spirit in your body to your brain until the end of the whole process. Do you understand this time?" Jianling looked at Long Xiaoqi with a smile, as if he were looking at a striped little woman.

"That's all?" Long Xiaoqi frowned and couldn't believe it. Her intuition told him that it would never be so simple, but Jianling only said that he would do these things, and there was nothing else.

"Of course, but I need some of your blood." Jianling smiled and leaned over his old face.

"Hmm! I knew it would never be so simple. Do you want a bucket? Or do you want a pot?" Long Xiaoqi said carelessly, as if she wanted as much as she wanted.

"Do you think you are a bloody man? Even if you dry your whole blood, I'm afraid it's not that much. I only need one drop, but it must be blood!" The sword spirit's eyes suddenly flashed a light, as if he were calculating something.

"Blood?" Long Xiaoqi remembered that she had heard the same word before, but she couldn't remember when.

"A drop of blood is enough. For the rest, you just need to do what I just said. Jianling looked at Long Xiaoqi and seemed to be getting his consent.

"A drop of blood..." Long Xiaoqi pouted. Although there was a very reluctant expression on her face, she finally nodded and agreed.