Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 56 Yin and Yang

Jianling frowned slightly. He didn't expect that his fighting spirit would have such a great effect. He looked at the shadow with some shame and continued to stimulate his fighting spirit.

The golden fighting spirit is increasing, and the sword spirit is under more and more pressure. Looking at the expression on his face at this moment, you can know that the sword spirit must not be easy at this time. However, Jianling's efforts still have some effects, and the momentum of the flame was suppressed by Jianling, but I'm afraid that when Jianling really suppressed this nameless anger, he was already exhausted. As for the following things, it may only depends on the arrangement of fate.

Long Xiaoqi still looked calm. At this time, he didn't know what was going on outside. He only felt that he suddenly had a burst of energy and endless power all over his body. However, I always feel that something is missing, and it is getting more and more empty, but slowly, this sense of emptiness disappears, followed by the ininable energy.

During this period, Long Xiaoqi only felt that the fighting spirit in her body was lost again and again, and then it was filled again and again, but Long Xiaoqi knew that it was not her own fighting spirit. Although there was no resistance to her body, although this new fighting spirit was far more useful than her own fighting spirit. However, Long Xiaoqi knew in her heart that these war spirits did not belong to her. They only depended on external objects or external forces to temporarily belong to her.

However, Long Xiaoqi still has some gains. He is sure that after the fusion of the two masses of essence this time, his realm will definitely reach a new level, because the capacity of the war spirit in Long Xiaoqi's body is far more than before, even several times or dozens of times.

The essence of fire and the essence of water have slowly become compatible, and even lost their boundaries. They are truly integrated into one. However, the new essence color that appears is not purple in common sense, but gray, but not real gray, mixed with light green, as if it has not been reconciled.

"Ky! You have to hold back! Now is the last moment and the most important juncture. As long as you can survive this, then this yin and yang spirit will be practiced. Jianling used his heart language to communicate with Long Xiaoqi, but it can be seen from Jianling's face that he was extremely weak at this time.

"En..." Long Xiaoqi didn't speak, but just gave a favor from his heart. In fact, he didn't know whether Jianling could hear it, because he had never tried to communicate with Jianling in his heart, and he didn't even know whether he could speak in his heart.

The sword spirit and the shadow looked at each other, and the two nodded at the same time. Then, the two did an unexpected thing, that is, they withdrew the hands that conveyed the spirit of war at the same time, turned back, and changed many complex fingerprints.

A golden light was emitted by the hands of two people and waved in the air. I don't know what kind of word condensed. But just looking at its appearance, you know that this must not be an ordinary word, or it can't be called a word at all. It may be more appropriate to describe it with patterns.

The pattern of the sword spirit is a kind of thing that has never been seen before. It is like a dragon but not a dragon, like a phoenix and not a phoenix, like a tiger like a leopard. I'm afraid no one will know what kind of existence this is except for ancient characters such as Jianling. And the pattern in the shadow's hand is a mountain-like thing. I'm afraid no one in the world has seen a mountain similar to horns! However, the most amazing thing is that when the two patterns were completed separately, the pattern in Jianling's hand actually made a miraculously roar. This roar didn't matter, which almost scared Long Xiaoqi to fall out of bed. There was nothing he could do. Who told him that he was unprepared! What's more, this sound is not the sound that can be made by creatures in the world at all. It is a kind of hoarseness similar to the sound of wind and a kind of underworld from hell, which makes people feel creepy and extremely uncomfortable.

This creature actually screamed like a shell, and then hovered in the house. Fortunately, Long Xiaoqi's room was big enough, otherwise I really don't know what it would be like to be trapped in a small house with its size.

At the same time, the mountain-like pattern in the shadow's hand has also been completed. What's more surprising is that the animal seems to have seen a baby. Suddenly, he got into the pattern, which seemed impossible, but it really happened at this moment. No one would have thought that the miniature "mountain" could accommodate such a huge beast.

The two reached out to control the movement of the mountain at the same time, which seemed to be very difficult. They could even see the convulsion of Jianling's facial expression, as if they were carrying a very heavy object.

Long Xiaoqi, who stabilized her mind, continued to persist. Because her eyes were tightly closed, Long Xiaoqi could not see what was happening around her, let alone know what would happen to her next fate.

"Ky! Catch it hard!" This time, Jianling actually shouted. Long Xiaoqi's heart tightened, and a bad feeling rushed to her face, but what followed was a real feeling, as if there was a mountain pressing on her head. Even Long Xiaoqi could feel that her neck had become extremely painful.

"What the hell is this?" Long Xiaoqi couldn't help asking casually.

"Ky! Don't talk, concentrate on putting the spirit of war on top. Jianling, like a teacher, patiently guided Long Xiaoqi beside him and seemed to look at everything in front of him with satisfaction.

Long Xiaoqi did not continue to speak, but just gritted her teeth, frowned and exerted her strength. Since this pattern has the momentum of Mount Tai, Long Xiaoqi will take out the power of incense to split the mountain.

However, more strangely, after seeing this pattern, the fusion of the essence of fire and the essence of water unexpectedly drilled into it, and even involved the blue war spirit, while Long Xiaoqi's face suddenly showed pain, and the trace of blood even surged out along Long Xiaoqi's pores, such as If there is a mirror in front of Long Xiaoqi at this time, he will definitely be scared to death by his own shape.

Long Xiaoqi knew that she had reached the stage of letting go. Even if she broke the boat, she would try her best. I, the Long family, the Dugu family, as well as the sword spirit and shadow, and even the people in the world, are silently looking at themselves and waiting for their success.

At this time, it can no longer be described as pain, because Long Xiaoqi no longer knows what her body feels like now. She seems to have been pricked by a needle, but there is a kind of crispness, and it seems to be a little swelling pain. However, this is slightly stronger than not long ago, at least it won't be so painful. I don't even have the strength to move.

And both Jianling and Shadow are also absorbed in looking at Long Xiaoqi. In this move, they will never allow any failure. However, whether it is success or failure is not the final decision of the two people. It also depends on Long Xiaoqi's strength and endurance.

Time passed little by little. It has been four hours since Long Xiaoqi began to fuse his essence. The three people did not speak, and the room was very quiet.

The mountain is still unremittingly pressing down, as if to press Long Xiaoqi to the bottom of the mountain, and occasionally the roar of the monster, which sounds very shocking. In this nihilistic pattern, the two groups of essence seemed to feel some threat and were trying to break through this invisible bondage, but failed several attempts.

The mountain has overwhelmed Long Xiaoqi's head, and even can't see the blue fighting spirit on Long Xiaoqi's head, and Long Xiaoqi is even more uncomfortable. Unless the fusion is over, Long Xiaoqi will suffer one more minute more than a minute. However, after all, there is a bottom line for human suffering. Now Long Xiaoqi is a little shaky. After the impact just now, Long Xiaoqi has been exhausted. I'm afraid that soon, he should really fall down.

"Ky! Hold on! As long as you gritt your teeth, yin and yang will be practiced. At this time, Jianling could only be anxious. Although he couldn't wait to replace Long Xiaoqi and bear this pain, the facts were the truth after all, and no one could change it.

Hearing Jianling's words, Long Xiaoqi trembled her lips and snorted in great pain. He had done his best. He was already letting go. If he really failed in the end, I'm afraid he couldn't blame Long Xiaoqi too much. Thinking that he is less than 20 years old this year, he has just become an adult, and people of his age are sitting in a bright classroom and doing what he wants to do. When he is free, he goes out with his boyfriend and girlfriend, or makes an appointment with a few friends to go shopping and drink. In a word, Long Xiaoqi is doing something that does not belong to him at all at this time and is overdrawn her life. There is only one purpose, that is, to fuse yin and yang, this vital existence.

The pattern of the mountain is getting smaller and smaller, but it does not leave the top of Long Xiaoqi's head, but the cry from it is even more miserable. The essence of water and fire seem to have known their fate and are resisting desperately. They don't want to become a tool to improve their cultivation for others. They also want to travel around the world and live a free life in their current state. However, the mountain is like having magic. Regardless of the struggle of the two groups of spirits, no matter how sad the cry, the mountain is not moved and is still shrinking, as if nothing can stop it from changing between heaven and earth.

Jianling's face showed a gratifying smile and sighed gently, which seemed to be much easier. Although yin and yang qi has not officially appeared yet, it will not be long before it will be completed.

The mountain has even shrunk to the size of a palm, but it is more real, gray and transparent, but it can't see what is inside, giving people a feeling of cloud and fog.

Long Xiaoqi has not stopped. He is still sitting on ** and constantly conveying the spirit of war in his body. However, at this time, he has no time to explore what height he has reached. Because victory is in front of us, and persistence is the most correct thing at this moment.

At this time, the "mountain" above Long Xiaoqi's head was no longer in shape, like a round ball, but there were many more edges next to it. In the gray sphere, there seems to be some kind of medium, flowing slowly, like a comfortable stream, ripples under the sun.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the ball above Long Xiaoqi's head rushed up, very fast, but it seemed to have encountered some obstacles in the air and had to bounce in another direction.

Long Xiaoqi fell down. He has exhausted his physical strength. Next, it's better for him to rest for a while. The next thing is to rely on Jianling and Shadow.

The two looked at each other and smiled coincidentally. They had long expected this situation, so they had already been fully prepared. The original barrier was only the first step. After trapping the yin and yang, the two launched a subjugation action.

The golden war spirit wandered in the room like free of money, but strangely, every golden war spirit did not disappear as before, but stopped firmly in the air. Many golden war spirits were put together to form a golden net. The big net seemed to be spiritual and kept going to the shadow. Yang and Yangqi leaned closer.

And the yin and yang qi also seemed to have felt threatened, and even trembled a little. They stopped in a corner in a daze and no longer moved.

"Hmm! You are a little self-aknowledge." Jianling looked at the yin and yang with disdain, but the smile on his face became stronger and stronger.

In the end, the yin and yang qi still did not escape its fate and was firmly tied in the air by the golden net. The sword spirit waved casually, and the yin and yang qi flew to the sword spirit.

"Haha... This time we are destined to succeed, and the last wish left by Wang is not destined not to fail. However, all this is still thanks to this boy. If it hadn't been for him, we wouldn't have been able to see the sun again." Jianling couldn't close his mouth with laughter. He looked at the yin and yang, looked at Long Xiaoqi again, and finally looked at the shadow.