Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 59 Revealed

For many days, Long Xiaoqi has been a little used to such a comfortable life. Every day, she basked in the sun, blowing the sea breeze, and watching the sunset. Suddenly, there was a feeling in her heart that the sunset was approaching dusk. I don't know whether I'm tired or lazy. In short, Long Xiaoqi is unwilling to spend even a minute thinking about things that have nothing to do with her.

The body is slowly recovering, and Long Xiaoqi's realm at this time has been steadily staying at the fifth level of the blue spirit. Looking at the world, I'm afraid that no one dares not pay attention to Long Xiaoqi. However, who knows what unknown secrets there will be in this vast universe?

curled up in the rocking chair, Long Xiaoqi is like an old man with decaying wood, with desolate scenery, bleak world, withered flowers, and a life that is about to wither.

"Xiaoqi..." Duguyun came over gently and looked at Long Xiaoqi in front of him. Suddenly, there was a strange feeling in his heart. People! He was always so fickle. At the beginning, when he first entered the Dugu family, he was just a slightly childish but very resolute child, but now he seems to have grown up, mature enough to be a little unbelievable.

"What did you see?" Duguyun looked at Long Xiaoqi, who was already an adult, and felt a little in his heart.

"Sunshine, sunset, evening breeze, every day is like this, leaving only the ethereal expectation." Long Xiaoqi's slightly hoarse voice made Duguyun very unaccustomed, but he didn't say much.

"What do you expect?"

Long Xiaoqi did not answer Duguyun, but stood up, stretched out gently, looked at the distance, and then turned her eyes to Duguyun.

"Expectations? I only believe in everything in front of me!" Long Xiaoqi glanced at Duguyun, and her quiet voice even made people feel scared to walk. Is this still the former Long Xiaoqi? Is this still the old-fashioned but childish and sunny Long Xiaoqi?

"What are you going to do?" Duguyun shook his head and didn't think too much. At least, Long Xiaoqi is still standing on Duguyun's side.

"Plans will never catch up with changes. Let's take one step at a time! By the way, prepare a quiet room for me and don't let anyone disturb me. Long Xiaoqi took a look at Duguyun. Although she didn't say anything, her eyes were full of deep meaning.

"Well...that's right! Johnson has agreed. In fact, it's good that we don't let him hand over the control of their family. And Susan has also given up her idea, so now you don't have to pay attention to them anymore. Duguyun looked at Long Xiaoqi with a smile and breathed a sigh of relief for him. It's really nothing to say that the Miller family is nothing. With Long Xiaoqi's current strength, it is only a matter of minutes to want the Miller family to disappear from the world. However, sometimes when a person stands at different heights, his feelings are different, and now Long Xiaoqi is like this.

"Uncle Dugu, are you curious why I know some secrets of integrating the two groups of essence?" Long Xiaoqi raised her head with a smile on her face. Under the sunshine, she seemed so sincere, but Du Guyun's heart was not as calm as the scenery in front of him. He knew Long Xiaoqi's character. This is a child who would not easily reveal anything to his face. His heart had been strong enough to make people The degree of hair.

"This... once thought about it, but now that you have grown up, you have your way to go, and you have your reasons, so I won't ask more if you don't say it." This is the gap in strength, and this is the hard truth. Duguyun almost never said such a thing to anyone else, but in front of Long Xiaoqi, he had to lower his arrogant head. Even if he used to be able to look down on everything in the world, even if he once played with the Long family, but now, in order to continue and grow, he must do so. This is fate, and this is the most unpredictable way of heaven.

"Ha ha, Uncle Dugu, you think too much. The Long family and the Dugu family have formed an alliance, and you and my father have become brothers. You are my uncle. I will never do anything wrong to my relatives. If you want to listen, I can tell you, but... you just take it as a story. In the end, Long Xiaoqi simply shook her head, and sometimes he would feel very helpless for himself.

Duguyun nodded and did not say anything. Instead, he casually leaned over the chair beside him, sat on it, and listened attentively. He believed that Long Xiaoqi would definitely take him into a new world, a field he had never touched.

Raising his head and looking into the distance, the past scenes flashed in his mind like smoke clouds. Long Xiaoqi tried to recall, but the wasted time a little messy in his memory.

Jianling is a mysterious figure. Long Xiaoqi doesn't even know his true identity and whether his intentions against Long Xiaoqi are kind or evil. However, beside Jianling, there was still a more mysterious black figure. Long Xiaoqi had never seen his face, and even the sound of the shadow was unheard of. However, according to the current situation, it seemed that the two did not mean to harm Long Xiaoqi. Perhaps they are using Long Xiaoqi. When Long Xiaoqi successfully integrates the two groups of essence, it is when the two of them take action.

Duguyun listened patiently and was not in a hurry to give some advice, let alone tell Long Xiaoqi what to do. Except for a small fluctuation on his face when he heard the sword spirit and shadow, Duguyun hardly moved.

glanced at Duguyun. Long Xiaoqi did not pause, but continued to talk. However, the uneasiness in his heart became more and more restless.

"Their mysterious appearance told me a lot of ancient things. I am right about these things. Since Dugu Sword is a treasure handed down by your Dugu family for thousands of years, I think it must have its unique use, but..." Speaking of this, Long Xiaoqi stopped and turned her head to look at Dugu Yun. It seems to see through the depths of his heart.

"But what?" Du Guyun knew what Long Xiaoqi was going to say, but he still felt that it was better to say these words from Long Xiaoqi.

"The source of this sword and some things in ancient times, maybe I can find some clues from it." Jianling has been reluctant to tell Long Xiaoqi his identity. Long Xiaoqi is very puzzled about this. Since Jianling has said so much to Long Xiaoqi, what else needs to hide from Long Xiaoqi? Or... there is an inside story?

"In fact, I don't know anything more about the origin of this sword than you. All I know is that this is the treasure of our Dugu family, and the mission of our Dugu family for thousands of years is to find you or find people like you. However, I remember that our Dugu family recorded some of those things in ancient times. Although there are not many, there are also some. However... this story has not been recorded, let alone the existence of the character Jianling. Duguyun's face also showed a faint sadness. After all, now the two families are already grasshoppers on a rope. I'm afraid that Duguyun can't escape the blame if there is anything wrong with Long Xiaoqi.

Hearing this, Long Xiaoqi could only sigh heavily. Even Dugu Yun did not know those secrets, and I'm afraid others would not know it. However, at this time, Long Xiaoqi's heart gradually calmed down, and her eyes flashed fiercely, but in an instant, she regained her calm as usual. It's okay if the two people don't have malice. As long as they find that they have a little plot, Long Xiaoqi will even burn jade at all costs than help them regain their freedom.

The sky has gradually darkened, and the sea breeze is slowly blowing on people's bodies, which even makes people feel piercing. However, compared with this sea breeze, what is more frightening is probably the unpredictable people's hearts.

PS: I'm back! Huhu... Starting from today, I will resume two update every day. Last month, I was really tired and tired. I hope you can understand the sky... Thank you...