Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 61 Refining

"Anti-phagy!" After holding back for a long time, Jianling spit out two words, but without saying it, just looking at the expressions on the faces of the two people, Long Xiaoqi knew that this counterattack must be more horrible than imagined.

" Stay away from us! Find a place to hide! Leave us alone!" Jianling shouted to Long Xiaoqi hurriedly, as if he was afraid that Long Xiaoqi would be hurt a little.

"What about you?" At this time, Long Xiaoqi had to believe that the two actually did not have any malice towards Long Xiaoqi. Otherwise, Jianling would not have reminded Long Xiaoqi at this time.

"Don't worry about us! The counterattack of yin and yang is extraordinary. If you touch it a little, I'm afraid it will disappear in an instant. The sharp voice of the sword spirit sounded again. He is passive and unable to leave, and Long Xiaoqi also has the initiative in her own hands. After all, Long Xiaoqi is the person selected by the gods. Even without them, maybe Long Xiaoqi will have a miracle in the future.

"You..." Although Long Xiaoqi is not a procrastinating person, after all, he has seven emotions and six desires. He has been moved by everything in front of him. Two people who have nothing to do with him not only help him improve their strength, but also are even forced to fall into the quagmire for himself. I'm afraid he is even an iron man. You will also be moved by it!

"Leave quickly! We can't stand it! You must put away the spirit of war, but don't leave this secret room. The return of yin and yang is like returning light. This is also its last fight. As for the rest, it is up to you. After saying that, Jianling gave Long Xiaoqi a meaningful look.

I'm afraid Long Xiaoqi can't forget that kind of look for the rest of her life. It contains instructions, breeds tolerance, and a faint kindness, even mixed with a little meaning that Long Xiaoqi can't say. This is the most entangled look Long Xiaoqi has ever seen in her life. She seems to be worried, but she is helpless, but what makes Long Xiaoqi feel great expectations.

Long Xiaoqi clenched her teeth and resolutely turned around without looking at Jianling, but his eyes were already a little blurred. In her life, this was the first time that Long Xiaoqi shed tears for an unfamiliar person.

Walking to the dark compartment behind a wooden table, Long Xiaoqi curled up and hid in. Although she could not see the sword spirit and shadow, the sound of "pu, poof" echoed in her ear for a long time. The past is vivid. Although Long Xiaoqi did not have much time to contact the sword spirit, and the sword spirit does not seem to be optimistic about Long Xiaoqi, and even Long Xiaoqi once suspected the sword spirit, but to be fair, the sword spirit not only did not hurt Long Xiaoqi, but helped him again and again. Whether it's for the mission or for Long Xiaoqi personally, Jianling spares no effort to help Long Xiaoqi grow quickly every time. Now, she even takes her own life. When she sees the moment she sees Jianling's resolute eyes, Long Xiaoqi has understood what Jianling is going to do.

"Oh..." Two lines of tears fell asleep in the corners of Long Xiaoqi's eyes and slowly flowed down, life and death! It's not so easy to make a choice.

A silent battle continues, but Long Xiaoqi is trying her best to control her emotions and choose to be a coward. Perhaps thousands of years later, people will remember the former hero - Long Xiaoqi. However, no one will know Long Xiaoqi's weakness and the sword spirit and shadow sacrificed for him.

However, there is only one result for Long Xiaoqi to go up now, that is, the same fate as the sword spirit. Since the sword spirit is willing to sacrifice for the mission, Long Xiaoqi will live secretly for the mission!

Mission! Long Xiaoqi has never thought about the meaning of the word mission before. Even those heroic words for the sake of the world and the people may be an excuse for him to fool Duguyun and deceive sympathy. But now, he finally completely understood the sword spirit, the shadow, Duguyun and even the whole Dugu family.

Thinking that I was about to reach the peak of blue spirit, I could have been an unrestrained and distracted person, but I didn't want to be teased by fate and bound him with a mission. Originally, Long Xiaoqi still had a trace of luck in his heart. Even if it was difficult to succeed, he was still a master of nothing, but fate was constantly interpreting the true meaning of the mission for him with bloody examples.

In the secret room, it was bright and dark. Needless to think about it, Long Xiaoqi knew that this must be the last entanglement between Jianling and Yin and Yang qi. Everything they did was just to buy Long Xiaoqi a little time and drag it to the weak yin and Yang qi.

"#%*¥%*" While Long Xiaoqi was thinking about life, a raw and vague voice came to Long Xiaoqi's ears, which was like a final oath, but more like an ancient spell.

"This is..." Long Xiaoqi was puzzled. Because he had his back to the two sword spirits, he didn't know what had happened at all. Strong curiosity poured into his mind. Turn your head... Turn your head..." As if you had met a demon, there was a sound that kept urging him and driving him.

Long Xiaoqi slowly turned her head and thought about what was going on, but what the sword spirit said was still clearly echoing in her mind. There should be no accidents, let alone accidents.

There was a struggle on her face. Long Xiaoqi was already trying to control herself, and even stopped abruptly after turning her head halfway. However, in Long Xiaoqi's heart, there seemed to be a devil living. The voice in her ear became clearer and clearer, forcing Long Xiaoqi to turn her head and see the scene in front of her.

The battle has entered the end of **, and the sword spirit and the shadow have become blurred, just like the picture in the movie, which is slowly dissipating and gradually disappearing. And the yin and yang qi is also powerful just now. It seems that it should be time, followed by extreme weakness. At this time, I'm afraid that a person who has cultivated the spirit of war can refine or devour the yin and yang qi.

In the back center of the sword spirit and the shadow, there is a white and a black flashing strange light ball respectively. Although the shadow is blurred, the light ball is more and more obvious, flashing, which is more and more brilliant in the not bright secret room.

"Is that all their essence?" Long Xiaoqi opened her mouth wide and said to herself. Although she had never seen it, Long Xiaoqi almost knew that it must be the essence of the two people just by guessing. It can support the body, dominate the soul, and practice the foundation of all laws. I didn't expect them to do this. I'm afraid that soon, the two people will really lose their souls and escape from the pain of reincarnation.

The ball with white light is mixed with a faint gold, which looks particularly shining in this haze. The light shines on the wall, but it is not dazzling at all, giving people a soft feeling. The ball shining with black light is the opposite. There is some unknown mysterious object flowing in it, but it looks more black and strange under the light of the white ball.

What's more incredible is that the two balls drift together towards yin and yang. Although it is very slow, it can still be observed with the naked eye. And yang is like meeting a big enemy. It has long lost its calmness. Instead, it trembles violently, as if it is struggling desperately.

Everything he saw today has long exceeded Long Xiaoqi's life thought. He has been there for a long time. He has not only seen the origin of people, but also has the opportunity to see such a strange scene. If Long Xiaoqi mentions it to outsiders, those people will definitely regard Long Xiaoqi as a madman.

The two-color photospheres are still moving forward, while the yin and yang are also constantly retreating, and there is no longer the original arrogance and unruly.

Long Xiaoqi narrowed her eyes slightly and stared straight at everything in front of him. He would not choose to miss such a scene. His eyes did not blink.

When Yin and Yang saw that there was no way out, they finally stopped and waited for the arrival of fate. Maybe soon, there will be no Yin and Yang in the world. Maybe soon, who knows what it will look like...

"What?" Long Xiaoqi felt very puzzled. According to the current situation, the two-color ball of Jianling and Shadow had the upper hand, but why did Jianling show that kind of life and death when he looked at him? Is it to deceive yourself?

Long Xiaoqi felt strange. He didn't know whether the sword spirit's eyes were true, or whether the sword spirit and the shadow's acting skills were too good, but Long Xiaoqi always felt that if it went on like this, the sword spirit and the shadow must have a chance to be reborn, so there was no need to talk about life and death.

However, the next scene gave Long Xiaoqi an answer, which can also be said to give Long Xiaoqi a satisfactory answer.

The two balls of white gold and bright black actually disappeared into the yin and yang qi at the same time, and in an instant, the yin and yang qi seemed to have lost all their energy, becoming dim and dull, and I'm afraid they can no longer hang with the treasures of the earth.

"This..." Long Xiaoqi finally understood that the two did not hesitate to sacrifice the root of the two for Long Xiaoqi.

The yin and yang qi looked listless, as if it had eaten too much and had indigestion. It was still suspended in the air and seemed to have no harm.

"It's now!" Long Xiaoqi knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to subdue yin and yang qi. If she was wasted like this, I'm afraid that she would have nothing to do with yin and yang yang qi in her life.

The body suddenly rushed out and took a few steps forward. At the same time, the whole body released a strong blue qi, and the eyes emitted fine light, as if to make yin and yang qi a hobby. Looking at the yin and yang, there was not even any desire to resist. At the mercy and torture of Long Xiaoqi, it seemed that all his strength had been exhausted not long ago.

How could Long Xiaoqi miss such a great opportunity? She wrapped the yin and yang qi with blue war spirit and kept refining it. He believed that it would not be long before the yin and yang qi would be completely used by him.