Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 53 The Dark Business Plan

Time flies, and half a year has passed in a flash. Today, Long Xiaoqi is already the peak of the fourth-order primary peak of golden spirit, but since reaching the peak, Long Xiaoqi's realm is no longer difficult to make any refinement. The fourth-order intermediate, which seems to be close at hand, is so far away.

And the blood sacrifice has also been cultivated to the extreme level by Long Xiaoqi, but this is different from the realm of war spirit. As long as you taste it carefully, Long Xiaoqi will have 100% confidence and enter the second level.

During this period, Long Xiaoqi also communicated with Canglong and Youfeng, but without exception, Long Xiaoqi returned with blood. Naturally, because of Youfeng's delicate tone and her old and tender style, Long Xiaoqi fled before asking a few questions and refused to make a sound again.

However, unlike in the past, today's Long Xiaoqi has something extremely important and needs to be discussed with the two.

It was still the black robe and the hat. Long Xiaoqi turned around and disappeared into the sight of passers-by and walked out of the imperial city. Looking around, he didn't find any monsters that could follow him. Long Xiaoqi stretched out and rose into the air. After a while, he came hundreds of miles away.

Within half a year, Long Xiaoqi explored the Blood Demon Hall several times with restraining her spirit, but finally returned disappointed, and even several times she was almost found by other monsters. If it hadn't been cultivated to a very high level by Long Xiaoqi, I'm afraid it would have leaked out long ago. However, even so, Long Xiaoqi still has a strange feeling, as if someone is peeping at herself secretly. However, if the other party finds himself but does not show up, it must have a unique intention, but now that time is tight, Long Xiaoqi has no time to worry so much.

"Come out, you two!" Long Xiaoqi can clearly feel that there is absolutely no monster within ten miles around, unless she meets a monster with a restrained secret skill like Long Xiaoqi, but as long as it is not the magic blood, I'm afraid that no one in the demon world can do anything to Long Xiaoqi.

"Wow..." Two lights and shadows flashed like flying and fell to the ground. It was the dragon and the phoenix.

"Two people! There are less than two years left before the last time for the demon world to attack the world. I don't know what tricks you two have to stop this war? If Long Xiaoqi has entered the fifth level of golden spirit, naturally there is no need to think so much. With the blood sacrifice, the three still have the strength to fight with the magic blood, even if they kill the magic blood. However, today's Long Xiaoqi is just the primary peak of the fourth level of golden spirit. Even if she practices day and night within two years, I'm afraid it will be difficult to cross half a step. Therefore, Long Xiaoqi naturally had to be fully prepared at this time. He had to think that he had prepared a hundred-year-old plan and stranded like this.

Youfeng is still smiling, as if she doesn't care about anything, but Canglong's face is full of hesitation and seems to be thinking about something.

Looking at the huge contrast between the expressions of the two, Long Xiaoqi had no choice but to cough a few times, hinting at Youfeng, but Youfeng still went his own way and ignored Long Xiaoqi at all.

"Senior Youfeng, I don't know what a trick you have?" Long Xiaoqi seemed to ask modestly, but she had great dissatisfaction with Youfeng. Now it's a critical moment, but Youfeng has such an attitude, which makes Long Xiaoqi not angry.

"Human beings have had a saying since ancient times, 'capture the king first', which means that if you want to defeat the other party, you must first catch their leaders. In this demon world, the demon is not there, that is, the demon blood is the largest. As long as he is suppressed, I'm afraid that all the plans will not be broken. Youfeng spoke easily, and inadvertently showed a trace of contempt in her eyes.

"Hey... I haven't thought about it. But that magic blood is not a simple character. Even if the three of us work together, I'm afraid it's not too likely to kill him. Long Xiaoqi shook her head and sighed. He has already considered this, but Youfeng and Canglong are both the realm of the fifth level of golden spirit. Although it is only a numerical gap from the peak of the fifth level of golden spirit, this gap is put in reality as an insurmountable gap. Long Xiaoqi can only play a harassing role at most. As long as the magic blood is willing, even one hand can put Long Xiaoqi to death.

Youfeng is not eager to deny this point. After all, the gap in strength is there, which can't be leveled by mouth alone. Although the two work together to fight against the magic blood, and even have the possibility of two-point defeat, there are eight possibilities of defeat. Most importantly, this is really the magic world. Even if the two fight for the result of both defeats, they will still be reaped by other monsters.

"Hey..." Long Xiaoqi, who has always been highly expected and named a genius, now feels extremely powerless. The peak of the fifth level of golden spirit is indeed not something that several people can cross, and they don't even have the courage to fight.

Long Xiaoqi lowered her head and thought about it. At the same time, her brain was also spinning rapidly. The war was imminent. This was the time to determine the fate of human life and death. You should know that two years is long, but two years are also very short. Many things may happen between two years, but nothing may change in two years. Instead of pinning that vague hope on a more remote time, it is better to rely on yourself to change the final result.

"How about this! There are still two years left. You can practice hard. If you can make progress, it will be the best. Even if there is no progress, we will enter the Blood Demon Hall together. However, we have to go in a few days in advance. After killing the magic blood, you and Youfeng will kill those leaders and lose these people. I'm afraid that the dark army's plan to invade the world will be completely ruined. Canglong said seriously, as if he had 100% certainty to kill the magic blood.

"Dragon! You really..."

"Youfeng! You control too much. You and I have been figures who have existed for thousands of years. Think about it, all of our peers have fallen one after another. Now I am the only one, still like this. It is also appropriate to make some contributions to human beings. Do you think the dark army will let us go after occupying the world? Humph! Don't forget the hatred of the two races. What's surprising is that Canglong did not let Youfeng this time, but interrupted her, and even there was a reprimand tone in his words.

Youfeng looked at the Canglong in front of her and didn't know what to say for a moment. She opened her mouth for a long time, and finally shook her head with a helpless look.

"Senior! You are ready..." Although Long Xiaoqi can see that the dragon seems to have a powerful killing move, he still doesn't understand what can make people have so much confidence out of thin air, and even Youfeng has to admit it. However, looking at this, it seems that the price of this killing move is extremely heavy. There is even the possibility of death.

"Ky! You don't need to say much. If I ask you to do this, you must be completely sure. Otherwise, if the dark army invades the world, no one can bear this responsibility. Canglong looked at Long Xiaoqi in front of him and spoke to him in a commanding tone for the first time.

Licking some dry lips, Long Xiaoqi only nodded and acquiesced. However, if possible, Long Xiaoqi is still willing to knock down the magic blood through her own strength. Although it seems a little unrealistic, since it is her own business, she needs to fight it after all.

"If I know Elder Canglong, I will definitely work hard." Long Xiaoqi looked at Canglong, which was the first time he had made such a solemn promise to others since the death of Jianling and Ghost.

Canglong nodded, and then flew into the yin and yang jade, while the phoenix took a meaningful look at Long Xiaoqi, and also penetrated into the yin and yang jade as the dragon turned into a light.

Long Xiaoqi looked around the empty and sighed. A strong sadness suddenly surged into her heart. She kept cutting and was still confused. Maybe she didn't know.

Long Xiaoqi no longer has the need to stay here, but also turns into a golden light and flies to the imperial city a hundred miles away.

Here, only the strong blood-red air is still flowing slowly, and only the genius knows what kind of solution the dragon has come up with. However, two years is just a flick of a finger. Where will Long Xiaoqi go and what will the final fate be...

The monsters in the imperial city are still living as usual, and they can't see at all that this war will have any impact on them. Perhaps in their hearts, the demon world will win this time, and the world will eventually become their land.

The monsters in the past, the guards guarding the city, still live a plain life. Long Xiaoqi, hidden as a monster, is just a stone in the ocean, which shocked a faint ripple, but was swallowed up by the surging waves in an instant.

The magic blood is still playing with those extremely charming humanoid monsters in the blood demon hall. The whole blood demon hall is empty, only the extremely happy voice echoes in the hall.

The bloody three guards stared blankly at what happened in the Blood Demon Hall, but among these three guards, they had a pair of eyes and bright eyes.

The demon boy, as always, works for the magic blood, but now he is very different from before. That person's figure always appears in his mind and doesn't know what his return means.

The three new generals constantly dispatched troops in the general's mansion and communicated with the rest of the race leaders from time to time. The war is approaching, and this will be an opportunity to reach the sky step by step.