Arrogant God

Chapter 56 Ao's Proposal

At the same time, all the people in the canyon where the Tianmen Monument is located have been transmitted out, but there is no trace of Chu Fei.

When Gao Linger and Gao Qian looked around for a week, they couldn't help frowning slightly and saw their father who was welcoming them. Gao Linger frowned slightly: "Why are the Ao brothers and Chu Fei not there?"

Gao Zhenyuan looked around and confirmed that Chu Fei had not been transmitted, and then couldn't help shaking his head slightly: "This year's monument festival is very strange..."

After Gao Zhenyuan told about Ao Guang and Ao Yang, Gao Linger and Gao Qian felt funny and surprised. However, what worried them most was why Chu Fei had not come out yet.

The people of the Ao family have left for a long time, and the people around them have also left one after another. Only the people of the Gao family are still waiting quietly in the valley.

However, everyone frowned and quietly looked at the monument. This year's monument festival is really too strange. Until now, the star pillars emanating from the monument have not disappeared. Ao Guang and Ao Yang were inexplicably transmitted in advance, while Chu Fei still did not come out.

Everyone doesn't know what happened.

"Is it the treasure obtained by Chu Fei that works?" At this time, Gao Zhen couldn't help but be a little suspicious. Otherwise, it can't be such a coincidence. In this monument, it is obvious that whoever stays for a long time is good. The brother of the Ao family was transmitted after only one day, while Chu Fei has no sign of coming out until now. This is probably caused by Chu Fei.

In a blink of an eye, a day passed quietly. When the next day rose, the faces of everyone in the Gao family changed slightly. The star pillars above the sky still existed, and the monument still did not move at all.

At this time, Gao Zhenyuan, the head of the Gao family, suddenly received a message from Gao Zhenhe, and the Ao family made a big move.

After the monument festival, a large number of people from the Ao family gathered on the south coast, and most of them were stationed in Shanhaizhai Village, the original base camp of the Chu family. In Shanhai Village, nearly 30 big treasure ships gathered. I don't know what the Ao family is going to do.

On the other hand, news also came from Zang Yunshan, the headquarters of the Gao family. Just yesterday, the Ao family suddenly sent an invitation to the large and small forces in Tianmen Island. Five days later, the Ao Xue of the Ao family was going to marry a man named Qiu Tian.

The various actions of the Ao family made the Gao family very uneasy. Because Chu Fei once said that the Ao family united with a mysterious force from Liewan Island. On that day, on the Tianmen arena, a strange man participated in the arena. Although he could not see how advanced his skills were, the poison of that man impressed everyone in the Gao family, except Chu Fei. In addition, the two poisoned people died almost in an instant. Even Qiu Tian was poisoned by Chu Fei. After taking the antidote, he still did not detoxify immediately. It can be seen that the toxicity of the poison, coupled with the rumors of the Hundred Poisons, made the Gao family feel that things were a little bad.

Finally, at noon, the Ao family no longer planned to wait for Chu Fei, but chose to go back quickly, leaving only two people communicating, quietly guarding here at the Tianmen Monument, waiting for Chu Fei to come out.

In a blink of an eye, five days flew away. Nothing has changed on the whole Tianmen Island, but everyone has a feeling that the mountains and rain are full of wind. Although they are extremely reluctant to go to the Ao family's invitation, all forces dare not go.

Even the Gao family decided to go to explore the reality this time. Gao Zhenyuan and Gao Zhenhe, with only a few attendants, came to Fengyun City where the Ao family was located.

At this moment, the stormy city is full of people, and there are lights everywhere. I don't know how many times more grand than Ao's concubines on that day. It can also be seen that the Ao family attaches great importance to Ao Xue's marriage.

At this moment, the leaders of the Ao family have gathered leaders of major forces. On the main throne, Ao Tianba stood there with an arrogant face. Ao Xue was dressed in a red wedding dress and did not cover her face with a gauze scarf. Her eyes still looked as cold as ice. She didn't know whether she was happy or sad at this moment, but she was quiet. Standing beside Ao Tianba, and on the other side of Ao Tianba, an elegant young man, wearing a red robe and a big red flower on his chest, stood there happily, with a white face, a long figure, a golden crown on his head, looked romantic and handsome, and suddenly hated Chu Fei's sword to seal his throat.

At this time, Ao Tianba slowly looked up, looked at the people who were constantly talking around him, cleared his throat, and immediately said, "You..."

Knowing that Ao Tianba wanted to speak, the people around him also stopped talking, and a pair of eyes looked at Ao Tianba.

Ao Tianba felt very satisfied with the reaction of the people around him. He immediately smiled at the corners of his mouth and then smiled and said, "Gentlemen, today is the wedding day of your beloved daughter. Presumably everyone is also extremely curious about his son-in-law. Today, I will introduce the man standing beside me in front of you. Qiu Tian, the eldest son of the Hundred Poisons of Bay Island..."

As he spoke, Ao Tianba pointed to Qiu Tian with his finger. Qiu Tian arched his hand around, and a smile was raised at the corners of his mouth. In the depths of his eyes, there was a touch of gloomyness and contempt.

And when I heard that this person was really a person from the Hundred Poison Gate, everyone around them talked about it. Everyone was shocked. The nearest island to Tianmen Island is Shangyue Island. As long as you consume some star coins, you can go to Shangyue Island. However, it is said that most people are not clear about whether Naliewan Island, which is a million miles away from Tianmen Island, exists or not. Even Gao Haide, the ancestor of the jade realm of the Gao family, has only heard of Liewan Island and has never been there at all, but they can't imagine that the forces on that island have really come to Tianmen Island. .

For the shock around him, Ao Tianba just sneered, and then waved his hand faintly to stop the discussion around him, and then said with a faint smile, "You must be curious about why the people of Baidumen can come from Liewan Island to Tianmen Island thousands of miles away. In fact, it is because they have seven stars. Compass." As he spoke, Ao Tianba slowly took out a jade plate from his arms, which was very similar to the jade plate that Chu Fei gave to He Chun. However, it seems to be more advanced than Chu Fei's seven-star compass.

People around looked at the seven-star compass in Ao Tianba's hand in shock, and everyone's eyes were shocked. The seven-star compass is said to be a kind of thing cast by astrologers for navigation, but they didn't expect to have a chance to see such a thing.

Ao Tianba continued: "My Ao family has reached a cooperation agreement with the people of Baidu Men, and Baidu Men has given the seven-star compass to my Ao family..."


When this word came out, the people around became more and more shocked, with envy, jealousy and doubt...

Ao Tianba continued: "From then on, our Tianmen Island can establish contact with Liewan Island millions of miles away. Therefore, our Tianmen Island will no longer be a lonely island. I think everyone knows how many benefits there are..."

The people around are nodding slightly. The current Tianmen Island is only related to Shangyue Island. If it can establish contact with Liewan Island again, it will undoubtedly lead to the great development of Tianmen Island.

Seeing that the people around him nodded, Ao Tianba sneered and immediately said, "In fact, I came to you today to discuss the alliance between the Ao family and all the forces of Tianmen Island."

Alliance? Why do you want to form an alliance? The leader of one of the forces couldn't help asking.

People around are also talking about it.

Ao Tianba smiled and said, "In the future, we will trade and exchange with Liewan Island. Naturally, we need to form an alliance. Otherwise, how can we, a small Tianmen Island, gain a foothold on Liewan Island?" As he spoke, Ao Tianba turned his eyes to the leader of a force. The leader understood, nodded immediately, and then stood up and said, "Yes, what the owner of the Ao family said makes sense. Naliewan Island is very strong. If we don't form an alliance, we will definitely be bullied by others."

At this time, several leaders of forces nodded to agree to the alliance at the signal of Ao Tianba. Obviously, these families had been bought by the Ao family before.

At this time, a force that was not bought by the Ao family suddenly stood up and said, "Master Ao, the alliance is a small matter, but I want to know who is responsible for the position of the alliance?"

At this time, people around also began to nod one after another. Many people are full of cold humming, secretly saying what alliance your Ao family proposes to form here. Is it clear that you want to be the leader of this alliance and want to control our family?

When Ao Tianba heard the man's question, a shadow flashed in his eyes, and then smiled, "Well, of course, we need to find a leader of a big force to be the leader..."

"Hey, Lord Ao, you laughed. Your Ao family has just destroyed the Chu family. Although it is still the same as before, it has not expanded greatly, but everyone knows that your strength must have exceeded that of the Gao family. Isn't you the only one who comes to be the leader of the alliance..."

Ao Tianba had a faint smile on his face and looked at the speaker: "So what are you going to do?"

"Ha..." The man smiled and then slowly stood up: "I'm sorry, Lord Ao, although my Ma family is small, it's up to me. I don't want to associate with people on Liewan Island, so I won't participate in this alliance. I'll say goodbye..." With that, the man turned around and wanted to leave.

At this time, a trace of murderousness flashed in Ao Tianba's eyes. He didn't need to speak, but he saw a golden streamer suddenly fly out of Qiu Tian's side, and then he heard a scream coming from the square. Looking at the owner of the Ma family who had just spoken, he was already It was a big hole in his chest*, and his eyes stared at him, and he couldn't die anymore.


In an instant, the owners of many forces around stood up and looked at the head of the Ma family who fell to the ground and died with a frightened face.

Several followers of the head of the Ma family also looked frightened. They looked at the dead owner and immediately shouted, "I fought with them..." As they spoke, they rushed forward with the weapons in their hands. However, as soon as their words fell, they saw a streamer suddenly flashed over the necks of these people. In an instant, These people are in different places.

This time, everyone around him calmed down. Just now, the people around me didn't see clearly.

Ao stood there with a sneer and said quietly, "I've finished speaking. I don't know who else has a problem with this alliance?"

This is obviously a threat, but everyone dares not resist at all. The lesson of the past is already there. What else can they do?

Gao Zhenhe was about to get up, but he was pulled by Gao Zhenyuan. With the eyesight of the strong man at the peak of Gao Zhenyuan's acupuncture period, it is naturally easy to see that the man in gold who has just taken action is likely to have entered the realm of jade. A strong man in the realm of jade body, even ten strong people at the peak of the acupuncture period are not as good as...