Arrogant God

Chapter 80 Volcanic Red Goldstone

Chu Fei knew that the blood here had attracted a large number of animal fish and could not stay any longer. When the fist-sized demon elixir was stuffed into the portable package, he picked up four scales with flesh and blood, but had fallen off from the fish corpse, and his toes were slightly, and they were already flying away.

Although most of the animal fish here are second-order, one thing that reassures Chu Fei is that their speed is very slow, and there are few super-perverted animal fish like the golden gun red-striped fish.

Chu Feipu launched the chaotic field and rushed forward on the sea.


In the night, it was dark, and every time Chu Fei stepped on the sea, there would be a roar. Although he can't see the things around him, Chu Fei can still rely on the chaotic field to detect the situation around him.

At this moment, a large number of animal fish have gathered here. These animal fish are mentally retarded and slow to react slowly. They smell blood and are busy swimming to the source of blood, which creates an opportunity for Chu Fei to escape.

The body of the golden gun red fish is very large. After death, the blood is extremely strong, coupled with the violent explosion just now, making it full of the bloody smell everywhere within ten miles.

Chu Fei flew continuously on the sea, and in a blink of an eye, he had run forward for dozens of miles. Continuously exerting the chaotic field, although Chu Fei has entered the peak level of the acupuncture period, he still can't stand it.

At this moment, Chu Fei suddenly found a fragment of a ship about ten feet in front of him. He was overjoyed and jumped directly. After he stabilized on the board, he immediately gasped and his forehead was already covered with sweat.

After a short break, Chu Fei's physical strength also recovered quickly. Immediately, Chu Fei condensed his mind, started the chaotic rays, and began to glance ahead. Ships with seven-star compass sailed very fast, almost in a blink of an eye. Chu Fei could no longer see the ships of Baipoison Gate and could only explore them with chaotic rays.

Under the night sky, chaotic rays turned into a golden light and shot away into the distance.

"Is there an island fifty miles away?" Chu Fei frowned first, and then nodded slightly: "It seems that it should be the island produced by the arrival of the monument."

After careful exploration, Chu Fei found that the ship of Baidumen had landed. Because it is still 50 miles away from the newly created island, Chu Fei can easily explore various situations on the island.

This is a small island with a radius of less than 20 miles. It is full of ** mountains and rocks. The highest place is hundreds of meters above sea level. In the center of the island, a blue halo continues to penetrate out, which looks extremely dazzling in the night. Obviously, the newly born monument is there. However, depending on the scale of the island in front of you, the new monument is impossible. After all, the size of the island is directly proportional to the size of the monument. The larger the monument, the larger the area of the attached island that can be protected.

Slowly recovering the chaotic rays, Chu Fei sat on the broken board again and adjusted his breath for about half an hour, and Chu Fei's physical strength and star strength returned to its peak again.

Chu Fei slowly took out the seven-star compass from his arms. Looking at the seven-star compass in his hand, Chu Fei secretly congratulated himself. Fortunately, he was fast at that time. When he was about to leave the iron-wood boat, he risked his life to take the seven-star compass off the ship.

Thinking in his heart, Chu Fei put the seven-star compass on the board.

Injecting a star force, the whole board seems to be alive, and a water arrow is ejected from behind and roaring directly forward. Although there are still many second-order animal fish around, they are busy swimming to the corpse of the golden gun red fish and are too lazy to pay attention to Chu Fei.

There was nothing to say all the way. After a while, Chu Fei had already landed on this newly formed island.

However, before Chu Fei stood firmly on the island, a loud noise suddenly came from the distance. The violent sound made the whole island involuntarily shake, and the surrounding sea also set off waves.

Before Chu Fei understood what was going on, he felt a heat wave coming to his face, and the whole sky suddenly lit up. Chu Fei subconsciously raised his eyes and saw that in the center of the island, under the huge hundreds of stone mountains, an extremely fierce magma spark suddenly burst out, and the magma gushed out, reflecting the whole night sky bright and dark.


A stream of magma kept spraying into the sky a hundred feet away. When it was exhausted, it suddenly released like a bright fireworks and sprinkled around. Above the sky, there seemed to be a huge sun flower blooming, covering the whole island in it.

"It won't be such a coincidence..." Chu Fei muttered secretly, but there was ecstasy in his heart.

Chu Fei has just identified the reincarnation gun as his weapon in the unnamed weapon spectrum and intends to start looking for materials. There are only three materials for the reincarnation gun, the blood of monsters of the third or above, and 300 catties of volcanic red gold rock and half a square of extraterranian stone.

Chu Fei just got two drops of blood from the fourth-order golden gun red fish. Now there is a volcanic eruption here, so there must be volcanic helpian.

In fact, Chu Fei is not clear that these islands were all created by volcanic eruptions. Before the tablet is transformed, it is just an energy. This energy communicates with the way of the stars. Under the breeding of the energy of heaven and earth, it will slowly appear. After the prototype of the monument is produced, it will seduce the power of heaven and earth. Various energy elements quickly gather under the monument to form an island. The size of the island is related to the energy contained in the monument. The higher the energy, the more elements of heaven and earth collected by the monument, and the larger the island formed. After the formation of the island, the strong pressure of the island itself will oppress the seabed, causing magma to gushe out of the seabed, and magma outflow will completely wrap the island. Now the monument has just arrived, and it is not a real monument. However, the water of Tianxu is a necessary material for the formation of the monument. If you want to seize the water of Tianxu, you must grab it before the monument is completely formed. Otherwise, once the water of Tianxu merges with the monument, no one can separate it again.

Of course, seizing the water of Tianxu means that this monument will not be formed, which will cause the newly formed island to lose the protection of the monument. Over time, the island will be slowly eroded by the sea and disappear again among the vast world.

The volcano erupted for about an hour, and within this hour, scarlet magma flowed around the whole island. Thousands of poison disciples who have rushed into the depths of the island were also forced to retreat to the ship by the sea. It seems that they even had a reduction of staff.

Chu Fei is lonely and widowed, so he doesn't have to worry about these, but he doesn't dare to walk around in places full of magma. Otherwise, once he is surrounded by the everywhere magma, I'm afraid that even with the protection of chaos, he will die.

Chu Fei found a higher stone at the seaside and sat on it. What made Chu Fei feel strange was that this fast stone still exuded a faint warmth, which made Chu Fei feel very comfortable. After all, after floating on the sea for so long, the wind blows and the sun, even if you sleep, the place where you lie is very wet.

Chu Fei closed his eyes comfortably and quietly enjoyed the residual warmth on the stone.

I don't know how long it took, as if he had been pricked by a needle, suddenly sat up from the stone and began to touch the stone under his buttocks with both hands.

With the help of the faint light emitted by the magma in the distance, Chu Fei can clearly see the structure of the stone in front of him.

He hurriedly took out the unknown weapon spectrum from his arms and quickly turned over to the chapter of the reincarnation gun.

In addition to many processes of casting weapons, it also introduces the characteristics and production of each material.

The description of volcanic helphalerite in the book is very specific. The whole body of volcanic red red, and the surface is very rough and granular. Because it is immersed in the magma all year round, there is a trace of fire element power inside the rock, so that the volcanic red gold can always remain warm. Even if it is placed in a cold place all year round, as long as the fire element inside the stone does not disappear, then the stone The block will always keep the temperature. The interior of the volcanic red gold rock is dark gold, much darker than the pure gold light. In the dark gold, there is also a faint red light, which is the result of the fire element.

Chu Fei carefully looked at the description of the volcanic red gold rock in the book, but laughed wildly in his heart. Pulling out the bone sword on his body, a star force was directly infused into the bone sword. The position of the tip of the sword swallowed out half an inch of sword light.

Chu Fei gently cut off the rock skin of a volcanic red gold rock and then looked inside, which was indeed the same as described in the book. Although it is dark at this moment, the dark gold color inside the volcanic albedrock is not very clear, but the red light is extremely eye-catching.

Chu Fei looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. He secretly said that he really accumulated great virtues. What do you want? One night, two kinds of materials have been found, which must be said to be God's will.

In addition to being happy, Chu Fei frowned again. The stone in front of him was at least a thousand catties. It was almost impossible to move him away without a big boat of more than ten feet.

"What should I do?" Chu Fei sat on the stone again and began to study the casting method of the reincarnation gun.

"Refining?" Chu Fei's heart moved slightly.

More than 90% of the impurities in this volcanic red gold rock can be refined. It would be much more convenient to refine this large piece of volcanic red gold rock and take away the refined volcanic red gold iron.

thought that Chu Fei had made up his mind that he must refine the volcanic hematite as soon as possible, completely eliminate the rock impurities in it, and obtain the volcanic hematite.