Arrogant God

Chapter 96 Ambiguous Cabin

I don't know how long it took, but when Chu Feiyou woke up, he found himself lying in the cabin. After blinking his eyes, his consciousness gradually recovered.

Chu Fei supported his body with his elbow and slowly got up to see the little fish leaning against him.

The little fish still has dry blood stains on his body, his pretty face is pale, and he has a pair of jade arms, and he still maintains the posture of putting Chu Fei down. He hugged Chu Fei's neck. Chu Fei knew that it must be the little fish who carried his body into the cabin, and there was a trace of gratitude in his heart. However, looking at Xiaoyu's posture, it was obvious that she fainted before she settled down.

For this kind little girl, Chu Fei's heart rose again. Looking at the pair of slender ** outside, Chu Fei couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Chu Fei is not a lustful person, but this woman dressed like this and maintained such an ambiguous posture with him, which made Chu Fei's heart turn upside down. Fortunately, Chu Fei's will consciousness is very strong, and he did not do anything wrong because of impulse. Besides, he doesn't have the strength to do it now.

While Chu Fei was thinking alone, he saw the little fish's delicate body tremble slightly and suddenly woke up.

The water mist-like eyes gradually regained their focus, and then raised their heads blankly, looked around, and saw Chu Fei looking at himself.

The little fish blinked his eyes, and there was a faint water vapor hanging on his long eyelashes. I don't know whether he was crying or drenched by the sea.

Suddenly, the little fish suddenly felt something was wrong and immediately screamed and wanted to get up from Chu Fei's body. However, at this moment, her whole body is broken and weak, and she can't get up at all.

Chu Fei also sighed bitterly. Although Xiaoyu's body was very petite, with Chu Fei's current state, he had no strength to lift her away from his body.

On the contrary, the little fish lay on Chu Fei's body because his arms were too hard. The pair of plump twin peaks on his chest squeezed Chu Fei's chest fiercely, and the whole cabin was full of ambiguity and embarrassment.

The little fish turned his head and looked at Chu Fei and said, "You... don't look..."

It's troublesome. Chu Fei could only close his eyes and stay motionless.

Although Xiaoyu was seriously injured, she still couldn't help blushing at this moment. It was the first time that she was so close to a man. Although this man was not the same as her, he was also the opposite sex after all.

The awkward atmosphere lasted for a long time. Xiaoyu's nose frowned slightly, and then Xiu frowned: "You... your body stinks..."


Chu Fei was almost spitting blood by the girl's words: "I didn't force you to pull you to me. You are willing..." Chu Fei said without conscience.

" are a hooligan..."

"Cough, I was forced by you..." Chu Fei said quite aggrievedly.

"You...shut up..." Xiaoyu blushed by Chu Fei's words, and inadvertently touched Chu Fei's body outside.

She found that Chu Fei's body was covered with black spots, and some places had begun to fure. The smell of Chu Fei's body penetrated from those purulent places.

Chu Fei was seriously injured and his injury has been worsening. In addition, the sea is extremely wet, which makes his wound deteriorate extremely fast. Now most of his body is dark, and many places have begun to fest themselves.

"You... your injury is so serious..." Before, Xiaoyu thought that Chu Fei would not move his body away, and thought that Chu Fei might have deliberately taken advantage of her, but after seeing the injury on Chu Fei's body, she finally understood the difficulties of Chu Fei.

Hearing this, Chu Fei also sighed in his heart and said, "How is the injury now?"

"Many places have rotted..." Xiao Yuzhi frowned. Although the rotten smell on Chu Fei's body was very unpleasant, the clean little fish did not show any disgust. Instead, there was a trace of sympathy on his face. Even the medical god of their ethnic group could never be cured.

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Chu Fei could only sigh and said, "It's a pity that my divine power is too damaged, otherwise I don't have to wait to die like this..."

"You... Do you have a way to recover from such a serious injury?" The little fish said in surprise.

Chu Fei sighed, "There is a way, but my consciousness is damaged now, and I don't have the strength to use it at all..." Chu Fei is very helpless. If he can't think of a way, he can only wait to die.

The little fish twisted his body, and the pair of full peaks in front of his chest shook back and forth in front of Chu Fei's chest, which was very comfortable.

At this time, Xiaoyu's jade hand suddenly moved slightly, and his body suddenly stiffened: "You... you are really a bad guy..." Xiaoyu suddenly said with some shame.

At this time, Chu Feifang felt that Xiaoyu's jade hand inadvertently touched his crotch. Immediately, the old man blushed and coughed dryly: "This... can't be blamed. It's the man who was tortured by you like this and didn't respond..."

"You... you still force your words to reason..." Xiaoyu was ashamed and angry.

Chu Fei smiled carelessly: "They are all people who are going to die. Why do you care so much..."

"Who said you were going to die?"

The little fish lay on Chu Fei's body. Chu Fei couldn't see the little fish's expression, but he still said, "My injury can't recover. I can't hold on for five days at most..."

Chu Fei doesn't believe that the little girl will have a way to save herself. She is almost seriously injured, and she is nowhere better than herself.

The little fish bit its lips tightly and fell into a struggle.

She knows her own injury best. Her meridians are broken, and there is no way to repair it at all. At this moment, when she heard that Chu Fei had a way, she couldn't help but feel a little moved. As long as he can help Chu Fei recover his consciousness, he has the possibility of recovering from his injury. At that time, he will definitely be able to recover from his injury. It's just that this way to restore her consciousness is too shameful, and it's not easy for her to speak.

"Well, let's wait until the evening..." Xiaoyu sighed.

The two sides lay so quietly in the cabin, extremely ambiguous, but the key is that no one can move.

In the evening, Chu Fei's strength recovered a lot. Immediately, he used all his strength and suddenly picked up the little fish in his arms. In the scream of the little fish, he gently put it on the ground, and he sat up.

"You... have you recovered?" Xiaoyu thought Chu Fei was going to do something wrong, but when he saw Chu Fei's behavior, he couldn't help but feel a little shy. Looking at Chu Fei's ability to act, he opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Chu Fei looked at the beautiful face of the little fish, but finally his eyes fell on the eyebrows of the little fish, where there was a shiny golden scale, which made the bright face of the little fish look more beautiful.

A trace of doubt flashed in Chu Fei's eyes, but he didn't ask much. He just smiled bitterly and said, "It's not so easy to recover. It's just a slight recovery. It's even difficult to move, and it can't heal at all..."

Hearing Chu Fei's words, a trace of disappointment flashed on Xiaoyu's face, and then his heart struggled and stopped several times.

Chu Fei was also thinking about something else and didn't notice Xiaoyu's changeable expression.

At this time, Xiaoyu finally made up his mind and suddenly said, "You... As long as your consciousness recovers, can you recover from your injury?"

Chu Fei nodded affirmatively: "I dare not say anything else, but as long as I can heal my wounds alone, my injury will definitely recover soon..."

"Oh..." Xiaoyu nodded slightly, and her pretty face began to turn red again.

Chu Fei frowned slightly and looked at the red fish. He couldn't help frowning slightly: "What's wrong with you?"

"" Xiaoyu said with a little guilty.

Chu Fei has also experienced beating and killing. For people's faces, they can be seen at a glance. This little fish obviously has something to say but is embarrassed to say.

However, Chu Fei didn't want to ask. After all, she and Xiaoyu met each other. Since they didn't want to say it, it was difficult for him to ask their secrets.

Xiaoyu also saw one or two from Chu Fei's expression, and he couldn't help but increase his good impression of Chu Fei. Chu Fei did not ask her about her origin or her background, and even asked why she fought with Aoki. From this, it can also be judged that Chu Fei still respects her very much.

Xiaoyu knew that Chu Fei was not a bad person, but she was still a little embarrassed to ask a woman to use that means to restore her consciousness in front of a strange man.

In the evening, Chu Fei sat on his knees on the deck, his eyes were slightly closed, his body trembled, and his forehead was full of sweat.

Xiaoyu didn't know what Chu Fei was doing, but he didn't dare to disturb him.

After a while, Chu Fei moved slightly, and his tight body suddenly relaxed, but he didn't know when there was an extra package in his hand.

He took out two pieces of dry food from the package, one was handed to the small fish, and one he ate it himself.

Huh? Why don't you eat..." Chu Fei sent the dry food to the little fish.

The little fish rolled his eyes: "I... I can't move..."

Hearing this, Chu Fei immediately sighed, and then slowly moved to the little fish and handed the dry food to the little fish's lips: "Eat..."

Chu Fei said while biting the dry food in his hand.

After Xiaoyu escaped from marriage, he had not eaten for several days. At this moment, when he saw Chu Fei eating dry food, he couldn't help but find that his stomach was also cooing. Seeing that Chu Fei just put the dry food on her lips and did not look at her, he couldn't help opening his red lips and gently biting the dry food...

"Cough...what is this?"

"Dry food..." Chu Fei ate dry food and said lightly.

"This... tastes really bad..." The little fish frowned and saw that Chu Fei ate so deliciously, she thought it was delicious.

"Hey, you still choose at this time, eat it quickly..." After saying that, Chu Fei swallowed all his dry food, and then grabbed the little fish's jade neck with one hand, making the little fish's red lips unconsciously open, and the other hand couldn't help stuffing the dry food into the little fish's mouth.

"At this time, you are still picky and four. Hurry up and eat them all for me, otherwise you will die faster..." Chu Fei said with a very conscienceless force into the mouth of the little fish.

"Woo...Uh..." Xiaoyu wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move at all. At this moment, that beautiful face has been made red by Chu Fei. However, in the eyes of the little fish, there was no trace of anger.