Arrogant God

Chapter 142 Practice Heaven and Earth Boxing

The whole scroll is about a few feet, exuding a strong smell of earth attributes. Obviously, someone relies on the powerful soil element energy to engrave it.

Chu Fei slowly opened the scroll, and in an in an inn's moment, a faint blue star emanated from the scroll.

The open scroll presents a rectangle, surrounded by an earthy yellow border, and inside the border is a pattern outlined by blue stars. On the pattern, extremely complex star positions and astrological channels are marked, which are mutually confirmed with many acupuncture points of the human body. And at the top of this star map, three words are written: Heaven and Earth Fist.

Chu Fei has also been exposed to this kind of artificially engraved star map with star power before. This kind of star map is not very accurate, so it does not accurately reveal the position of the acupuncture point. However, the general distribution and direction of the acupuncture points described above are accurate. Generally, the person who open the acupuncture point can see the acupuncture point represented by each star at a glance. Although the painting is inaccurate, the practitioners have opened this acupuncture point, which is naturally easy to judge.

This is also the reason why martial arts can rely on artificial star icons, while skills (star maps used to impact acupuncture points) cannot be marked with artificial star icons. Because the combat skills only need to engrave the large star position and the direction of the astral path, and the practitioner can understand it, but the skill of impacting the acupuncture point requires the accuracy of the acupuncture point very strictly, which is not enough, so this kind of star map used for cultivation can not be engraved by human manpower.

Chu Fei looked at the star position and the direction of the astral path above, and soon confirmed it with many acupuncture points around him.

The whole boxing of heaven and earth is divided into three types. One punch collapsed the sky, two fists cracked the earth, and two fists shook the universe.

However, Chu Fei regrets that because this is a Baizhang lower-class combat skill, many of the acupuncture points that need to be opened can only be understood in the Baizhang Monument. After careful understanding, Chu Fei found that he could only practice the first punch. Although it is the first formula, Chu Fei's judgment from the direction of his star position and astro path is already extremely cumbersome. Moreover, the star power consumed is also extremely huge. If Chu Fei hadn't relied on Lin Xiangtianbei to open more than 60 acupuncture points in the past few days, I'm afraid that the star power stored in his body would not even be enough to use this move once.

He was shocked by the powerful little fist of heaven and earth, but Chu Fei was more looking forward to the Liewan Monument. Once he mastered many acupuncture points on the Liewan Monument, with his cultivation speed, it will not take long to reach the peak level of the jade body. At that time, he will have the ability to impact the divine body.

Chu Fei slowly restrained many ideas in his heart and began to concentrate on the first form of the world fist. No matter how beautiful the future is, we should always focus on the present. At present, there are still pursuers behind him. He'd better master the first form of Tiandiquan as soon as possible. At that time, it will also be a big card. With Chu Fei's physical strength, he will definitely be able to crush the strong man with a small and perfect jade body.

This lifeboat is not very big. Coupled with the powerful seven-star compass in Chu Fei's hand, the speedboat is flying, moving forward like a sharp sword on the sea. As long as they keep getting off, it is almost impossible for the rear fleet to catch up with them.

There is no danger for the time being, and Chu Fei also began to practice quietly with his eyes closed.

The flow of star power in the body operates according to the operation formula of heaven and earth boxing.

The majestic star power roared through Chu Fei's meridians, and finally returned to the place where the spleen was located. Then, through the transformation of the spleen, it turned into a powerful energy of earth attributes, and then flowed to Chu Fei's two fists.

This is the reason for the formation of elemental combat skills. The human body contains many elements such as five elements and wind and thunder. Each organ represents an element. The spleen represents the earth element. After the transformation of the spleen, the star power can be turned into the earth element. However, the more advanced energy of the element is much more powerful than the star power.

The fire fist used by the people of the Hundred Poisonsmen at the beginning is also an elemental combat skill, but such combat skills are also an elemental combat skill in the Hundred Poisonsmen, and even do not belong to the Hundred-foot combat skills. Therefore, Chu Fei was able to defeat the jade-body strong man who used his fiery fist at the peak of the acupuncture point period. Of course, Chu Fei's ability to win the battle is inseparable from his fiery slaughter.

It's just that the Flame Futu does too much damage to Chu Fei's soul. Every time Chu Fei shows it, his spirit will fall into an extremely depressed situation. If it hadn't been for the battle of life and death, Chu Fei would never have easily used this move.

However, at this time, Chu Fei's fists suddenly flashed two earthy yellow rays, and the smell of thick earth elements burst out in an instant, permeating everywhere.

The next moment, Chu Fei suddenly opened his eyes and poked out his fists. Two powerful yellow streamers suddenly roared out. The surging energy crossed two yellow lights and shadows in the night sky, pressing out the air with a sound of gas explosion, and then fiercely bombarded a piece of seawater in the distance. However, the calm sea suddenly burst into huge waves, and the splashes blown up by energy flew dozens of feet high.

After Chu Fei used this punch, his whole body suddenly became extremely empty. This punch alone has consumed the star power in Chu Fei's body.

However, in Chu Fei's chaotic monument, there are still eight fierce star maps, which contain extremely strong star energy. At the moment when Chu Fei Dantian was empty, in the star map, a magnificent star power quickly gushed out and began to replenish Chu Fei's empty body.

The little fish that has been sitting next to Chu Fei looked at Chu Fei in front of him in surprise: "Have you practiced it?"

Chu Fei nodded with a look of regret: "It's a pity that I can only practice the first punch of heaven and earth boxing. If I can fully learn the other two moves, my strength will definitely reach a higher level."

Listening to Chu Fei's slightly dissatisfied words, Xiaoyu suddenly curled his lips and said, "Don't be cheap and be good. You haven't understood the monument of more than 100 feet. It's already very good to be able to practice a hundred feet of lower combat skills."

After listening to Xiaoyu's words, Chu Fei curled his lips without saying anything, and immediately seemed to suddenly remember something. He took out a piece of blood coral pulp from his chaotic space and handed it to the little fish.

"Your injury is not light. Take this quickly and recover as soon as possible."

The injury of the small fish was caused by Chu Fei when he first saw the small fish in the southern Xinjiang sea. At that time, the small fish escaped from marriage. In order to get rid of the pursuit, she actually resisted by breaking her own meridians.

Although the meridians around the small fish have been repaired by Chu Fei. However, Chu Fei's repair was only to repair the damaged area and prevent the further deterioration of the injury. As for the injury around him, it still has not completely improved.

Chu Fei originally wanted to rely on his chaotic power to heal the little fish, but after several attempts, he finally chose to give up, because the small fish's system is extremely special, often an inconspicuous wound. If you want to repair it, you need to consume amazing chaotic energy. At this time, Chu Fei found that It is easy to stop the deterioration of the injury on Xiaoyu's body, but it can't be done in a year or two to repair the injury on Xiaoyu's body. However, with the blood coral at this moment, Chu Fei will naturally not be stingy with his own people. Moreover, it is the credit of the little fish to find this blood coral.

Looking at the blood coral pulp handed over by Chu Fei, the little fish looked at Chu Fei gratefully. Although the blood coral had her share, Chu Fei took the initiative to let her heal her wounds at this moment, which made her feel that Chu Fei was very concerned about her. Chu Fei's move made Xiaoyu feel very satisfied.

I took over the blood coral with a smile, and then said, "Then you help me protect my law, and I will start adjusting my breath now."

Chu Fei nodded slightly. The injury suffered by the little fish is not the kind of obvious injury to Fang Yun, but the dark injury hidden in the body and meridians. This kind of hidden injury is extremely troublesome to repair. Even if there is a blood coral, it also needs the small fish to concentrate on adjusting its breath to maximize the effect of the blood coral.

but said that at this time, behind Chu Fei and others. On the merchant fleet, looking at the group of soldiers who fled back, the Chinese-robed man standing on the watchtower had become extremely gloomy.

And next to the man in Chinese robe, there is an old man in red robe standing.

"Firelight, what the hell happened?" The man in Chinese robe asked with a gloomy face.

The firelight dared not hide it and told the whole story.

"Young master, that teenager is just at the primary level of the jade body, but his speed is extremely strange. I'm afraid that even a strong man with a perfect jade body may not be his opponent."

"Bullshit." The man in Chinese robe looked cold: "You have three strong jade bodies. You and Tu Kun are even more complete with jade bodies. How can't even beat a teenager? And both warships were sunk?"

Being scolded by the man in Chinese robe, the old man in red robe did not dare to say anything more, so he could only listen with a red face.

The man in the robe took a deep breath and then shouted, "Eight and a half catties."

"The slave is here." As soon as the man's voice fell, the eight-character butler bowed over.

"Immediately arrange the Xitie boat. This time I will go there in person to see the teenager. I want to see how capable he is."

Hearing this, the two eight-and-a-half-jin beard trembled slightly, and his face suddenly changed: "Young master, just send Huoguang and others to go. You'd better not take risks."

Hearing this, the man in Huapao suddenly changed his face. He looked at the eight and a half jin beside him and said word by word, "Do you think I'm not the opponent of that teenager?"

", no." Seeing that the man in Chinese robe wanted to show his power, he immediately changed his mind and said, "My consciousness is, young master, what is your status? Why do you have to deal with an unknown teenager in person? Isn't this a matter of losing your identity?"

Hearing eight and a half catties saying this, the man's face was slightly gentle, but he still said, "No needless to say, I can beat the firelight so badly and kill Tu Kun. I must see this person. Go and arrange it quickly."

Seeing that he could not convince the young master, he could only agree immediately, and then hurried away.