Ao Shi Tiangong

Chapter 49 Officers and soldiers surrounding the mountain

Time is like running water, and March has passed in a flash. In the past few months, Tang Hongxuan has been to Huangsha City several times. Of course, he goes there secretly every time. If the Zhao family finds him in Huangsha City, he will be in trouble. Part of the elixir in his hand was replaced with an elixir, and part of it was replaced by a top-grade magic weapon.

The shopkeeper is quite knowledgeable. Every time he prepares a lot of elixirs and magic weapons for Tang Hongxuan, but every time Tang Hongxuan goes, he wants to see the plague god and throws what Tang Hongxuan wants to him from afar.

Tang Hongxuan didn't find it funny. This year, the shopkeeper was still a man of personality and wrote his dissatisfaction on his face. In fact, the shopkeepers that Tang Hongxuan wanted still had to earn more or less, but he sold these things to Tang Hongxuan at a price of 90%, and he himself could not get much commission. After all, he was just a small shopkeeper of the Honglian Chamber of Commerce in Huangsha City.

Although there are enough elixirs and magic weapons, it is not enough for more than 1,300 people in the cottage. Now it is still rewarded with elixir according to the previous reward system, but every time Tang Hongxuan sends elixir, more than half of the elixir will send elixir, resulting in the current scarcity of elixir.

Although this reward system is good, the shortcomings are quickly reflected. That is, there are two extremes among more than 1,000 people. Those who get the vitality elixir practice quickly, while those who don't get the elixir still stay where they are. If it goes on for a long time, Tang Hongxuan feels that there will definitely be a problem.

Although these people are too poor, Tang doesn't want to give up everyone in the cottage. Although Tang Hongxuan does not give more elixir to the people who didn't get the elixir last time, in this way, some people who practice quickly and have no need to say about their performance will share less elixir.

In this way, those who practice quickly inevitably have some ideas, which is not a solution after all. Therefore, when Tang Hongxuan traded with the year's shopkeeper, he asked him by the way how those innate realms earned spiritual stones.

Only then did Tang Hongxuan know that there are only three ways to earn spiritual stones to cultivate the realm of martial arts.

One is to enter the deep mountains and old forests to look for elixir and ore. But it takes a lot of luck to earn enough spiritual stones to practice. Ordinary people may not be able to find a elixirs after searching in the deep mountains for a year and a half.

The second is to go to the servants of the Xiuzhen family. This is also the safest way, but the spiritual stones earned every year are far from enough for them to cultivate.

The third is to hunt monsters in the Monster Mountain. Although the benefits are very high, the risks are also the greatest.

The monster mountains, as the name implies, are inhabited by many monsters. Although there are some first-order monsters on the periphery of monsters, the deeper you go, the more monsters will be, and a second-order monster may jump out at any time. The second-order monster is comparable to the foundation period, and even Tang Hongxuan himself is not sure that he can deal with it.

Although the monsters in the monster mountains are dangerous, people are still the most terrible than monsters. They often jump out and kill money when you lose your combat effectiveness. Therefore, the people who go to hunt monsters in the Monster Mountains are teamed up with several trustworthy people, so as to avoid others seeking wealth and killing.

After knowing this, Tang Hongxuan decided to take some people to hunt monsters in the Monster Mountains first. In this way, they not only have a spiritual stone income, but also exercise the fighting skills of these people. Therefore, he has matured a lot of white ginseng fruit for congenital people in the past three months. Now as long as it is congenital, the realm of the cottage has been upgraded to the peak of the congenital period, and only Liao Hou's ability cannot be improved, so he still stays in the early stage of the congenital period. As for the acquired martial arts, they can't take Bailing ginseng fruit. If they take it forcibly, they can only be blown up by its powerful medicinal power.

Now Tang Hongxuan is standing beside the two powerful brothers Yuwen, one left and one right. Since the two brothers' realm was upgraded to the congenital period, they were so confident that they had to pull Tang Hongxuan to fight. As a result, they were only beaten by Tang Hongxuan. After the fight, the two brothers were convinced and dared not fart any more.

There are about 30 people next to it, all of whom were brought to the Monster Mountains by Tang Hongxuan's treasure. They are also eager to try. Although they heard Tang Hongxuan talk about the danger of the monster mountains, what else is the danger with Tang Hongxuan, the king who can kill the foundation period?

Before that, Tang Hongxuan had handed over a large number of major drugs and magic weapons to Liao Hou, and there was also a thing for him to deal with. After all, he was the most reliable person around Tang Hongxuan. However, he still left ten congenital people in the cottage to prevent anything from happening.

The two girls that Tang Hongxuan can't let go is Lan Caier and Yu Qinying. Both of them are ordinary people. If anyone comes, they can be captured, so the main purpose of these ten people he left is to protect them.

He has secretly handed over the flowing lotus hairpin to Lan Caier. After all, there is only one thing. He was afraid that Yu Qinying would have any grudges, so he could only look outside to see if there were any such defensive treasures.

I have to say that Yu Ziyuan's cultivation speed has been. Since Tang Hongxuan provided him with enough elixir, he has been practicing. Now it has broken through to the day after tomorrow. As long as the opportunity comes, it can break through to the innate.

In fact, when many people in the cottage took the vitality elixir, the realm has been upgraded to the day after tomorrow, but there is still some chance to break through to the innate. Therefore, Tang Hongxuan went to the Monster Mountains this time to find the elixir that can help the acquired people break through. Think about how majestic he is when he leads more than a thousand people at the peak of the congenital period.

Everything has been explained, and I'm ready to leave today. He was about to set out with more than 30 people behind him, but at this moment, Hu rushed into the hall with an anxious face. Tang Hongxuan couldn't help frowning like this. At this time, he heard Hu Yi bucket say, "Your Majesty, we are surrounded by many officers and soldiers, and they also said they would kill your head and ask for guilt."

The hall suddenly became noisy. Tang Hongxuan was their king, and these little soldiers and shrimps dared to surround the black wind cottage. Yuwen's two powerful brothers were staring at each other. They have always respected him since they were subdued by Tang Hongxuan. As soon as they heard that someone was going to kill Tang Hongxuan, they immediately quit. They picked up the big knife in their hands and rushed out to cut the eyeless soldiers.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by Tang Hongxuan's wave. He looked ahead with a cold face and didn't know what he was thinking. Everyone looked at Tang Hongxuan's cold face and closed their mouths, knowing that this was not the time for them to talk too much.

Looking at the trembling crowd, Tang Hongxuan slowly said, "I have a grudge against these officers and soldiers. Now that these blind killings have come to the door, are you confident to repel these miscellaneous fish?"


There was no hesitation, and everyone present said confidently.

Tang Hongxuan did not hesitate to order Hu Yitong to summon people, and he came to the gate of the cottage with more than 30 people in the hall. At this time, the whole Heifeng Mountain had been surrounded by countless officers and soldiers. He roughly estimated that there were more than 30,000 people from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside.

These soldiers are mostly ordinary people without force, and only the captain and officers are acquired warriors. To be honest, Tang Hongxuan doesn't care about these people, but it's a very troublesome thing if these 30,000 people rush to the cottage. He is not interested in killing these ordinary people at all, so he has been thinking about how to make them retreat obediently.

In just a dozen breaths, about 1,300 people in the cottage came behind Tang Hongxuan and looked at these soldiers and horses aggressively. Recently, they have been making great progress, confident and worried that there is no place to vent, so that they can practice with these soldiers.

At this time, Liao Hou walked to Tang Hongxuan's side, gently asked for a feather fan, and looked calmly at the soldiers at the foot of the mountain.

Tang Hongxuan knew that the old man must have had a good retreat and was waiting for him to ask. At this time, he didn't put on any airs, so he asked Liao Hou, "Brother Liao, what do you think?"

Liao Hou looked at Tang Hongxuan lightly and replied with a smile, "Do you want to be soft or hard?"

"How soft and how hard it is."

Liao Hou just shook his hand with a feather fan, and then looked at a luxurious sedan chair at the foot of the mountain that was heavily guarded by many acquired martial artists and said, "The soft thing is to rush down and kill the person in the sedan chair, but in this way, it is guaranteed that they will still invade." After saying that, he looked at Tang Hongxuan with inquiring eyes.

Tang Hongxuan is still willing to do this method, but he is afraid that they will come to trouble again and again. Then he doesn't have to do anything. He only deals with these soldiers every day. He is too idle to do.

So he opened his mouth and asked Liao Hou, "Is it the brother of the cottage who rushed out and destroyed all these people?"

"Not bad." Liao Hou replied, but he showed a trace of unbearable face and continued, "In fact, most of these people are innocent ordinary people. I'm afraid it's not good to kill too much."

In fact, this is also what Tang Hongxuan is entangled with. He has no grudge against these soldiers and wants to kill all these people. It's just that if he doesn't beat them back hard, they will definitely attack again in the future, which he doesn't want to see.

At this time, the two brothers Yuwen and Weiwu, who had been standing behind Tang Hongxuan, couldn't stand still and said to Liao Hou impatiently, "That's not much trouble. As long as my brothers go down, they will definitely be able to knock down all these miscellaneous fish."

Hearing their words, Tang Hongxuan couldn't help laughing. Both of them used to live a life of licking blood at the edge of the knife, so they didn't care about this ordinary life at all. But he cares that every life has the right to live freely. Why do you wantonly take the lives of these ordinary people?