Ao Shi Tiangong

Chapter 59 Iron Horn

The old man who built the foundation looked at Tang Hongxuan before leaving, and there was a lot of appreciation in his eyes.

Tang Hongxuan doesn't care about this. He knows very well that he will definitely deal with these old building monsters in the future, and some things are inevitable. Sooner or later, his current peak will attract the attention of the foundation-building monsters. Although he is absolutely sure that he can deal with these foundation-building monsters, there is still no problem in self-defence.

"Your Majesty, we..." The 30 people standing aside looked at him with some shame and wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say. They felt that they had caused a lot of trouble for Tang Hongxiaoxuan, and Tang Hongxuan showed gratitude to a young man with powerful power* without asking the reason.

Tang Hongxuan just waved his hand. For him, as long as he is his own, since he has been bullied outside, he will seek justice for them no matter what he costs that day.

Looking at the words and grateful faces around him, Tang Hongxuan was very gratified. He has paid so much for these people and finally got the gratitude of these people.

"Don't say anything. Let's get out of here now." Tang Hongxuan looked at the monster mountains in the distance and said faintly. He didn't take what happened just now. For him, the oily teenager just sent him a spiritual stone, so he didn't have to care at all.

After saying that, he strode towards the exit of Fang City, and the two powerful brothers behind him also followed closely. The latter 30 people added three points of respect for Tang Hongxuan, put away the previous expression of thief's eyebrows and mouse eyes, and walked closely behind Tang Hongxuan.

There are no monsters outside the monster mountains, only some monsters that are weak and can hide. Because the periphery of the Monster Mountain has been almost hunted, and only hundreds of miles deep into the Monster Mountain, many monsters appear at meetings.

Due to the crazy hunting and endless acquisition of human monsters, there are fewer and fewer monsters in the monster mountains, and the monster mountains are gradually occupied by humans.

However, where there is oppression, there is resistance. Although low-level monsters have no wisdom and live a life of fluffy and blood, they have no feelings to say to their peers. But humans are about to occupy the territory where they live, and their instinct will tell them to regain their territory.

So the monster mountain range will break out once in a while, and a large number of monsters will gather together to suddenly impact human beings at a time.

And some rare monsters will also appear in the tide of monsters, and many second-order monsters attack humans behind.

Every beast tide is a disaster for human beings. Although there are many people hunting monsters in the monster mountains, it is far less than the number of monsters. The strength of monsters is usually stronger than that of human beings. Coupled with the selfishness of human beings and the principle of having a tall man when the sky falls, no one is willing to unite to deal with monsters, resulting in a bloody massacre where any monster passes.

And these monsters are all ordinary people, or some people who don't have time to escape.

At this time, Tang Hongxuan and others walked on a path to the Monster Mountains, and the surrounding scene made them shudder.

Looking around, I saw that there were footprints of large and small dense monsters. The small one is only the size of a child's palm, while the big one is the size of a person. These footprints vary in depth, but it is obvious that these footprints have gone to the periphery of the Monster Mountains.

The place where the monster passed was a mess, there was no intact tree, and even some hills were moved to the ground.

Along the way, Tang Hongxuan and others could see dark red blood stains, and some places the blood stains had condensed into blood clots. There are also many blood clots scattered beside these limbs, there are monsters, but more human beings, which are shocking.

Tang Hongxuan had expected the current situation. He had already learned from Yaxiang, the shopkeeper of Yipinzhai, that there was a large-scale beast tide here a month ago. However, he didn't feel anything when he heard Yaxiang say it at that time, and he was a little alarmist. But now when he looks at the surrounding scene, he understands how horrible the scale of the monster is. His face became solemn, and he did not pay much attention to the strength of the monster.

However, it is still safe now. Tang Hongxuan and others don't have to move forward tremblingly on thin ice. After the beast tide, monsters will cultivate for a period of time, which is the best time to hunt monsters.

At this time, there was a team of people marching into the monster mountains before and after Tang Hongxuan and others. These people' faces were full of joy and hurried steps, as if the monsters in front of them were in their pockets.

These people on the way don't care when they see Tang Hongxuan and other more than 30 masters who are innate peaks. If people don't offend me, I won't be punished. For these people who put their lives on their belts, the spiritual stone is everything. If someone grabs the spiritual stone with them, they will fight for their lives to get the spiritual stone back.

"Your Majesty, my monster mountains are so dangerous. Why are so many people rushing into it one after another?" At this time, a middle-aged man with a sharp-billed monkey cheek walking behind Tang Hongxuan asked him.

This man is also dressed sloppy. He used to stand behind people when he had something to do, but he can always be seen when he has nothing to do. He looks very clever and likes to ask about some things, and is also the object of people who have nothing to joke about. He also asked everyone's questions.

Tang Hongxuan looked at these people's storage bags and couldn't help smiling. These 30s are really full of men who don't know how hungry men are hungry. They don't have to do anything to get the elixir and magic weapons of cultivation. And these powerless and powerless scattered practitioners outside strive to hunt monsters and fight for spiritual stones every day. Maybe it will become the belly meal of monsters.

"When you become Sanxiu, you will know why these people are, but as long as you work under me one day, I will guarantee that you don't worry about the elixir." Tang Hongxuan turned around and looked at these 30 people and said solemnly. Every word said is convincing.

These people are awe-inspiring after listening to Tang Hongxuan's words. Today, Tang Hongxuan has moved them too much. They think that Tang Hongxuan is the best king in the world, and following Tang Hongxuan is the luckiest thing in their life.

Tang Hongxuan didn't stay much. He turned around and strode forward. If he talked too much, it was not beautiful.

"Go, keep up. Don't let our prey be robbed by others." It was the middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and a monkey's cheek shouted. Later, everyone also responded one after another, all in a hurry.

After more than half a day, Tang Hongxuan and others have traveled nearly 100 miles. For the masters of their congenital peak, a hundred miles in a half-day trip is nothing. The congenital body has surpassed too many ordinary people, and they will not feel tired after running hundreds of miles in a row.

And there are no other people here. The monster mountains are so big that people who enter the mountains will soon spread out and keep a certain distance to ensure their own safety.

Tang Hongxuan also saw several first-order fire crows along the way, but these fire crows were too weak and worthless. They are not interested in hunting these fire crows, and so these weak fire crows have survived until now.

Now the place Tang Hongxuan is going to is a place called Tiexi Ridge, which is about half a day away.

Before leaving, Yaxiang told Tang Hongxuan that there lived a group of iron-horned first-order spiritual rhinoceros. The iron-horned rhinoceros are gentle and will not attack people casually. Their strength is not high, but their rhinoceros horns and iron skin are worth a lot of spiritual stones.

However, because the iron-horned rhinoceros are group monsters, it is very difficult to hunt. Usually, people will not provoke a group of iron-horned rhinoceros, and it is rare to see the appearance of iron-horned rhinoceros on the market, which also leads to the increasing value of iron-horned rhinoceros.

Tang Hongxuan thought of hunting when he saw the high value of the iron-horned rhinoceros. First, he is now sure to deal with this group of iron-horned rhinoceros with only one order.

In addition, Tiexiling is also a place where many people are willing to go. After all, there are no other monsters there except iron-horned rhinoceros, and no one wants to waste time on monsters that they can't deal with.

At this time, it was almost dusk, and Tang Hongxuan planned to rest here for one night and set off tomorrow. Monster Mountain is very dangerous at night, not only because monsters will come out for food at night. It is also because some people who specialize in killing and robbing money will haunt at night.

If you don't pay attention, you may be attacked by these people. Therefore, Tang Hongxuan arranged people to stand guard before the camp. Although he was not afraid of anyone's sneak attack, his men may not make any mistakes in these 30 years.

After everything was arranged, the sky had darkened.

In the middle tent, Tang Hongxuan is teasing the little ghost rat. During this period, he kept feeding the little search rat. At this time, the search mouse had grown more than a circle and looked fat and fluffy. At first glance, it was thought it was a hairy ball.

The little ghost rat was snow-white all over. Tang Hongxuan stroked its fluffy hair and said softly, "Xiao Bai, Xiaobai, you need to help me find a lot of elixirs. If you can find the spirit stone vein, I will greatly reward you."

Xiaobai is Tang Hongxuan's spirit beast, and he can understand what Tang Hongxuan said. A pair of shiny mouse eyes kept spinning, and the little head nodded humanly. Jumping left and right in Tang Hongxuan's hand, he was eager to try, as if he was going to find a spiritual vein for Tang Hongxuan now.

Tang Hongxuan was also happy to see that this little guy was so humane. When his mind changed, he took out a 200-year-old blood essence grass from the Dragon Tripod to reward the little guy.

This little guy can eat 200-year-old blood essence grass for the first time. In the past, Tang Hong only gave it a white-year elixir.

Xiaobai crossed and held the blood essence grass about the same size as it in his arms and chewed it with a big mouth. Tang Hongxuan was not funny for a while, but at this time, he couldn't help frowning when he heard the shouting outside.