Ao Shi Tiangong

Chapter 62 Hunting the Iron Horn

When Duan Mufeng and others went far away, the people standing next to Tang Hongxuan asked angrily, "Your Majesty, why did you simply let them go? There are a lot of good things in them.

"Yes, yes."

People around also answered and asked questions. They used to be mountain thieves. Since the God Destroyer team fell into their hands and didn't let the God Destroyer team blee a little blood, how could they be willing?

Besides, the people of the Extermination Team have been killing and robbing money for many years, and there are many good things on them, and they are envious.

Tang Hongxuan can understand the thoughts of these people and does not blame them. After all, he is also a human being, and he must be a little reluctant to send out what he gets.

It's just his mind. These people won't understand, and Tang Hongxuan won't explain it to them. In his heart, he actually wants to subdue Duan Mufeng, but this person is not an ordinary person, and it is not so easy to subdue. What he did today is to leave a backhand for the future. If Duan Mufeng performs well enough, he will spare no effort to put him under his command.

Looking at a pair of questioning eyes, Tang Hongxuan smiled and replied, "Don't worry about these things. You can divide the storage bags in your hands." After thinking about it, he took out a storage bag from the Dragon Tripod and handed it to Yuwenwei Martial Arts: "There are some top-quality defensive armor here. Those who don't have defense armor can get one. There are still some elixirs for everyone to do that later. We have something important to do tomorrow. After saying that, he returned to his tent alone without stopping.

The people outside are overjoyed. Tang Hongxuan is really kind to them and thinks of everything for them. So they were not by the side of Yuwen and the two powerful brothers, waiting for them to distribute treasures.

A night passed quickly. At this time, Tang Hongxuan and others arrived at Tiexi Ridge in half an hour.

I can only see countless mountains, large and small, with green trees, lush vegetation, flowing lakes, and a lot of paradise. There is a kind of monster living here - the iron-horned rhinoceros. It has always been sparsely populated, and other monsters will not come to grab a group of iron-horned rhinoceros, so the iron-horned rhinoceros love to become the overlord around the iron rhinoceros ridge.

Not long after Tang Hongxuan and others entered the Iron Rhinoceros, they saw a group of iron spirit rhinoceros, about 50 or 60. And they are lying in ambush at the foot of the mountain.

This iron-horned rhinoceros is mostly a first-order middle grade, and a small number of them are first-order top-grade. The first-order iron armored rhinoceros are only the size of an adult elephant, with four legs and the shape of an ordinary rhinoceros with sharp horns. But its whole body grows a hard layer of iron skin, and ordinary top-quality magic weapons can't hurt it at all.

Although the iron-horned rhinoceros is gentle, it also has irritable times. If someone invades their territory, they will use the long rhinoceros horn above their heads to deal with the enemy. This rhinoceros horn is a precious thing, which represents strength and status. The rhinoceros horn will grow as the strength of the iron horn rhinoceros becomes stronger. Generally speaking, the first-order iron horn rhinoceros horn is one meter long, and the roots are as thick as adult thighs. And it is extremely hard and can easily break the middle-quality magic weapon.

But this group of iron-horned rhinoceros have now become the target of Tang Hongxuan and others. Tang Hongxuan has to arrange it first. After all, the strength of this group of iron rhinos is not weak. If you don't deal with it well, maybe someone will lose it here. This is what he doesn't want to see. Since he brought these people out to practice, he has to protect their lives.

After arranging all the details, Tang Hongxuan and others began to rescue. He took Yuwen's two powerful brothers and fifteen strong people to meet the iron-horned rhinoceros head-on, while the remaining 15 people sneaked around to prevent the iron-horned rhinoceros from escaping.

Although Tang Hongxuan only brought more than a dozen people, he is sure to deal with these five or six iron-horned rhinoceros. Although the iron-horned rhinoceros has a strong defense, its weaknesses are also obvious. That is slow movement and clumsy attack.

Another fatal defect is that the outer skin in the heart of the abdomen is not as hard. As long as there is a top-grade magic weapon and an ordinary innate warrior stabs the skin, the iron-horned rhinoceros can only be killed.

But it is not so easy to pierce the piece of skin of the iron rhinoceros, not to mention that the skin is between the two front legs of the iron-horned rhinoceros. Whether it is attack or defense, it will protect it from attack.

When Tang Hongxuan and others came not far away from this group of iron-horned rhinoceros, this group of iron-horned rhinoceros who were originally grass-eating only looked at Tang Hongxuan and others faintly, and then went to eat grass from the new underground, completely ignoring Tang Hongxuan and others. For their large group of iron-horned rhinoceros, Tang Hongxuan and others are just a few tripod cats, which can be easily dealt with and don't need to care at all.

Tang Hongxuan's face suddenly felt red and white, and they and others were despised by a group of monsters. If someone knows this and doesn't laugh, it's simply a naked slap in the face.

Tang Hongxuan didn't talk nonsense. He pulled out the seven-star sword and stabbed straight into one of the eyes of the first-order iron-horned rhinoceros. Although this sword is ordinary, it actually uses eight successful forces. What he has to do is to kill the straight iron-horned rhinoceros with one blow to deter the rest of the iron-horned rhinoceros.

Seeing Tang Hongxuan's powerless attack, this iron-horned rhinoceros shook his head humanely, then closed its eyes and pointed the thick rhinoceros horn at Tang Hongxuan's long sword. In the instinct of monsters, it will use its rights to fight, and the same is true of Tang Hongxuan's soft sword.

Just as the long horn of the iron-horned rhinoceros was about to top Tang Hongxuan's seven-star sword, his left foot followed the side, and the long sword in his hand also dodged the horn of the iron-horned rhinoceros. Another step with his right foot, the long sword went straight into the right eye of the iron-horned rhinoceros. Before he stopped, the seven-star sword penetrated into the brain of the iron-horned rhinoceros.

Oh, the iron horn is full of pain, and the body keeps twitching. Blood flowed in his eyes, and the long sword has pierced its brain. After a while, the iron-horned rhinoceros fell to the ground in pain.

At this time, the iron-horned rhinoceros around also began to scratch. They are all the same kind living in this mountain. Today, some people dare to hunt their same kind. They all look at Tang Hongxuan and others with bad eyes.

Before these iron-horned rhinoceros had any action, the two brothers Yuwen shouted 'kill' and rushed out first with a big knife and shield. Later, the people were also unwilling to show weakness, took out their weapons and rushed out, making a group with these iron-horned rhinoceros.

The number of iron-horned rhinoceros is already large, coupled with rough skin and thick flesh. Although Yuwen Weiwu and others have top-quality and best attack weapons and top-quality defensive inner armor, it is also very troublesome to deal with these iron-horned rhinoceros.

Now Tang Hongxuan has more than a dozen first-class iron-horned rhinoceros besieging him. Despite this, he is also skillful. From time to time, he can take time to see the battle situation of Yuwen and others.

The battle is getting more and more fierce. Although the people in the black wind cottage have top-grade internal armor to protect themselves, they can't resist the siege of a group of iron-horned rhinoceros, and people are constantly injured. If it hadn't been for the fierce fighting between Yuwen and the two powerful brothers, I'm afraid someone would have died at this time.

At this time, Tang Hongxuan found that he had made a wrong decision. These iron-horned rhinoceros would not escape at all, but he was still arranging manpower around him, which was a waste of their combat power. Call out and order the people around to come to help. Although he can easily kill these iron-horned rhinoceros, he doesn't want to do so. The main purpose of bringing these people to the Monster Mountains this time is to hone their combat effectiveness. The second is to earn some spiritual stones by the way to solve the embarrassment of the lack of spiritual stones in the Black Wind Cottage.

Yuwen Weiwu and others joined the last 15 people, and immediately felt much more relaxed. The injured immediately took out the healing elixir from the storage bag and began to fight against these iron-horned rhinoceros.

These people are basically one person facing an iron-horned rhinoceros. With the top-quality magic weapons in their hands, they can also press these iron-horned rhinoceros with momentum. The more confident they are in the Vietnam War, and gradually they have completely gained the upper hand, but they still can't cut their opponents under the sword.

Only Yuwen's two powerful brothers have killed several iron-horned rhinoceros. One of them is the main defense and the other is the main attack. The moves are open and closed, full of momentum and power, and they are all the best magic weapons. Yuwen's invincible knife can cut back an iron-horned rhinoceros. The originally hard iron armor was seen by Yuwen invincible many deep bone wounds, and blood mixed with flesh and blood flowed out.

Desp> Despite this, the two brothers Yuwen were still surrounded by six or seven iron-horned rhinoceros. They are not afraid of Yuwen's invincible knives at all. They are all fearless attacks on Yuwen's two invincible brothers.

And every attack of these iron-horned rhinoceros will be blocked by Yuwen's powerful defense shield in his hand, and Yuwen's invincible is to cut down the iron-horned rhinoceros with a knife. In this three or five attacks, the two of them saved and killed an iron-horned rhinoceros. Depending on the trend, the iron-horned rhinoceros that besieged them will soon die under their joint attack.

Although he was besieged by more than a dozen iron-horned rhinoceros, Tang Hongxuan could clearly see what happened on the battlefield. He is very satisfied with this. If there is more experience like this, the strength of these people will be greatly improved. At that time, it is absolutely no problem to save your life without saying that you have full confidence to win against people in the same level as them.

Tang Hongxuan fought with more than a dozen iron-horned rhinoceros around him, and his eyes also observed the fighting performance of these people in order to make better positioning plans for these people in the future.