Ao Shi Tiangong

Chapter 80 Bloody

"Thank you, brother Yu, for telling you that you are all right, we will say goodbye." Tang Hongxuan arched his hand to Yu Changfeng. After saying that, without waiting for Yu Changfeng to reply, he took Baili Ningbing's hand and left.

This is the first time that Baili Ningbing was held by a man. The deer bumped around in his heart and wanted to shake Tang Hongxuan's hand, but he was reluctant to give up. At the same time, he was also fascinated by this feeling of being pulled. She also pretended to let Tang Hongxuan hold it without knowing it.

If she had been in the past, she would have shaken Tang Hongxuan's hand and then drew her sword.

Yu Changfeng originally wanted to persuade Tang Hongxuan to participate in the battle on the mountain. After all, Tang Hongxuan was not weak. With his help, their chances of winning would be much greater. But he didn't expect that Tang Hongxuan's face would give him a chance to speak, which made him a little depressed.

Looking at Baili's graceful back, I couldn't help sighing again, and then shook his head helplessly, thinking about walking up the mountain.

At this time, Tang Hongxuan and the two did not go far. Baili Ningbing finally couldn't help but be curious and asked Tang Hongxuan, "Don't you go up now? The best thing is on the mountain, and you should get some with your strength. When she asked this question, she actually vaguely guessed Tang Hongxuan's intention, just to confirm it.

Tang Hongxuan did not hide this and told Baili Ningbing that he planned to go up the mountain after the fight between Tong Liuxian and Wuxingzong, but he did not tell Baili Ningbing that he would not go up the mountain to keep her safe.

These words don't need to be hung in his mouth. A man only needs to protect his woman with his actions.

From beginning to end, the two of them still held their hands. It seemed that no one noticed it and did not want to pay attention to their hands. The two talked as they walked, as if there were endless words.

Tang Hongxuan estimated that the battle on the mountain would last for a few days, and he could do a lot of things these days.

Although Fenglingxian Mountain is only three or four kilometers high, its range is very wide, and thousands of people can't see a person for half a day.

The most towering giant trees on the mountain are extremely dense, some of which are hundreds of meters high. As long as people get in, they can't find a shadow.

And there are many elixirs growing on this mountain, which are often hundreds of years old, and it is definitely a rare treasure to take them outside.

At this time, Tang Hongxuan was pulling out a seven-star sword from a first-class wind and wave body, and Baili condensation was skillfully picking a elixir. Obviously, the two of them have done too many such things.

Looking at Baili Ningbing's body is covered with large and small storage bags, and each storage bag is bulging. It looks like a local rich man, which is incompatible with her angelic face.

"Hongxuan, I think we'd better not continue. Look at me..." Baili Ningbing said to Tang Hongxuan with some a little interest, and also pointed to more than a dozen storage bags hanging on her body.

In the past two days, Tang Hongxuan has been looking for the elixir at the foot of the mountain with a hundred miles of ice. Of course, a white mouse is still looking for it. He just kills monsters.

In two days, Baili Ningbing's body was covered with storage bags, which were full of elixirs.

Of course, this is not Xiaobai's credit at all. Because Baili Ningbing is so attractive, there will be annoying flies no matter where you go there. For those who didn't know, Tang Hongxuan had to kill them, and then their storage bags fell into his hands. As long as the elixir in the storage bag is a variety he doesn't have, he will take one or two, and give the rest to Baili ice.

As for Baili Ningbing, he also asked him why, but he dealt with it vaguely.

Baili Bingbing has got enough elixirs, and I don't want to continue now. In her opinion, Tang Hongxuan's matter is still important. What if those people of Wuxingzong end the battle and divide Pei Yuanguo and other elixirs them? So I hope Tang Hongxuan can go up the mountain to see the situation now.

However, Baili Ningbing is really indecent now, so she looks at Tang Hongxuan with some expectation. She was unwilling to hang these storage bags, but Tang Hongxuan said that this could attract more people and save them time to find the elixir. Tang Hongxuan also told the truth. She had no choice but to hang these storage bags.

Tang Hongxuan has already seen Baili Ningbing's mind. It has been two days, and the elixirs have almost been collected, and he doesn't want to embarras her any more. So he smiled and said, "Take it here and see you look like an upstart."

Baili Ningbing turned a big white eye after hearing this, and then felt embarrassed and turned her head aside.

For the white eyes of Baili ice, Tang Hongxuan was very happy to accept it. In the past few days, he has always made fun of Baili Ningbing several times. At the beginning, Baili Ningbing was still not used to it and couldn't let go. But I'm used to the generous courtesy, and it's common to roll my eyes at her.

Tang Hongxuan took the storage bag handed over by Baili Ningbing, held it in his arms, and pulled Baili Ningbing's little hand and headed for the mountain.

And at this time, the bloody killings in the secret territory are happening all the time...

In a valley, a group of people surrounded a person who was bloody and couldn't see clearly. The man with blood was at the end of the road. Knowing that it was a fatal end, he picked up the long sword in his hand and scratched his neck. And the waiting around was just to put away the man's storage bag indifferently, and then went to find another target.

Two groups of people are confronting each other on a cliff thousands of meters high. A group of people obviously has a great advantage in numbers, with more than 100 people, while the other group has only 20 or 30 people.

The 20s and 30 people were forced to the edge of the cliff by hundreds of people. As long as they took a step back, they would die.

However, these 20 or 30 people were stained with blood and ragged clothes. Obviously, they had been hunted down and killed for a long time.

And the hundreds of people looked at them jokingly and slowly approached them. Seeing this, the 20 or 30 people looked at each other as if they had made up their mind. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he threw their storage bags under the cliff, and then rushed to the more than 100 people opposite him with a desperate face.

Such things are constantly being staged in the secret world, and people lose their lives all the time.

However, these are not worth mentioning compared with Fengling Fairy Mountain. At this time, thousands of people are facing each other on a flat ground with a radius of three or four miles on Fenglingxian Mountain.

One side is Tong Liuxian and others, and there are about 2,000 people behind him. Tong Liuxian's original appearance was nothing, but now he has a grim face. There are also spots of blood on the dusty white clothes.

The other side is the people of the Five elements sect. Originally, more than 600 people from the Five Elements Sect came to the secret place this time, but now there are less than 100 people left, and they are all covered with blood. However, the momentum emanating from them is more than the stronger than the immortals.

Both sides are facing each other with hatred, and it seems that a big war is about to break out.

And between the two people, I saw a mountain of corpses. At a glance, there are thousands of people, which look scary and disgusting.

The blood flowed into a small river and slowly reached the foot of the mountain, and the whole flat land turned dark red.