Ao Shi Tiangong

Chapter 174 Forbidden Place

After listening to the young man tell the story, Tang Hongxuan also sighed for a long time. Strength is everything. The Five-eous Sect, a sect that has stood in the land of heaven for thousands of years, was bullied at this time, and several golden elixir ancestors of the Five-e Sect had no choice but to take away the treasures of the Five-eous Sect. It's really sad.

However, Tang Hongxuan will not have any pity for the Five elements Sect. He is different from each other and does not conspire with each other. He and the Five elements Sect are destined to be enemies. The greater the enemy's loss, the more he can benefit from it.

"Where are you two going at this time?" Just as Tang Hongxuan and the young man were about to go to the cave, a majestic voice came.

The owner of this sound seems to have been at a high level for a long time, speaking with the momentum of command. Tang Hongxuan instinctively felt bad and wanted to flash people, but at this time, there were people everywhere on Gengjinfeng. As long as he had any other actions, he would be immediately hunted down by the whole people on Gengjinfeng.

The young man beside him also seemed to think of something. He patted his forehead and turned around embarrassedly. Elder, we just had something to do, so it was delayed.

Tang Hongxuan didn't say anything, but looked down and tried not to show a trace of horsefoot.

"Who are you and how can you appear in my family? If I guess correctly, Du Zijun is already dead!" The elder's gloomy eyes fixed directly on Tang Hongxuan, and a strong majesty in the later stage of the foundation was overwhelming. At the same time, he is also ready to take action. He believes that he can take Tang Hongxuan in one move.

The reason for asking this is just to know the identity of Tang Hongxuan. If something accidentally kills Tang Hongxuan by mistake, it is also a troublesome thing.

It's not good to meet anyone, but to meet the elder, Tang Hongxuan also feels that his luck is really a little bad.

However, he had nothing to worry about. He carried his spiritual power in the palm of his hand and hit the young man beside him. The young man's body quickly ran to the elder.

At the same time, Tang Hongxuan's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared dozens of feet away, but he still did not stop, but his figure continued to flash and soon flew thousands of meters away.

"It's not that easy to escape!" The elder threw away the young man's body with one hand and chased Tang Hongxuan.

Tang Hongxuan's movement was soon discovered by the five elements around him. Knowing that it was the elder who was chasing a young man, he chased Tang Hongxuan one after another.

Some people are right in front of Tang Hongxuan, but they can be blocked.

However, Tang Hongxuan's flight speed was so fast that he did not touch the person in front of him at all. When he met someone blocking the place, the figure flashed and narrowly and narrowly passed the blockage of the opposite person.

"Quickly, catch him!"

Soon, more people appeared in the team that surrounded and intercepted Tang Hongxuan. Some of them didn't know what was going on, but just knew to follow the large army.

The elder was the first to follow Tang Hongxuan, and his face was cold. At this time, he regretted more and more. It would not have been better if Tang Hongxuan had taken advantage of Tang Hongxuan's inattention and killed Tang Hongxuan. Now Tang Hongxuan's speed is obviously faster than everyone's. It's really humiliating that so many people can't catch Tang Hongxuan.

"It's really troublesome. If I had known, I wouldn't have used Du Zijun's identity." Tang Hongxuan also felt great pressure at this time. Dozens of foundation-building monks behind him chased him, which made him a little confused.

But fortunately, there is no Jindan monk yet. In that case, it would be really difficult for him to fly.

However, Tang Hongxuan also believes that no Jindan monk will come out to kill him, because the Jindan monk of the Five elements sect has just experienced a big war and has no energy to deal with him at all. What's more, they also think that he can't escape the roundup of the elders and others.

To be honest, Tang Hongxuan really regretted coming to Gengjinfeng at this time. If the previous Lingmufeng had directly met Danyang City, it would have been good, and he would not have been chased and killed by dozens of people.

However, Tang Hongxuan did not expect that the elder who usually went deep into simplicity would appear at this time, but was touched by him. He doesn't know how the elder knew his identity, but after all, the Five-eous Sect is a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is not surprising that his disguise can be seen. What's more, this person is a big elder, and there should be some means.

"Oh, where is it in front?" Tang Hongxuan's figure was moving forward quickly and suddenly saw a cloudy place in front of him.

There is a secluded, quiet and terrible, as if there are some terrible creatures in it. The tighter Tang Hongxuan is in that place, the more frightening he feels, as if he was stared at by a wild beast.

"Forward or backward?" Two choices are placed in front of Tang Hongxuan.

But Tang Hongxuan had no choice to retreat, because he was surrounded by people from the Five elements, including several late foundation-building monks. It was impossible for him to break through the roundup of those people at once.

In addition, the place in front is relatively large. If Tang Hongxuan takes a detour, he will definitely be caught up by the people behind him. At that time, there will inevitably be a big war.

In desperation, Tang Hongxuan only plunged into this cloud-covered place, because he did not fly into it, and the people behind him would catch up in an instant.

As soon as Tang Hongxuan's figure touched the clouds, he felt that his body sank, and the spiritual power in his body was rapidly solidifying. Carelessly, his body fell extremely down.

Tang Hongxuan was very scared this time. He wanted to quickly mobilize the spiritual power in his body, but the spiritual power kept calling, and all of them were huddled in his body.

At this time, Tang Hongxuan and the ground are 400 to 500 meters. If he can't solve the problem of spiritual power in his body, he is likely to fall down and die directly.

In the face of danger, Tang Hongxuan desperately stimulated the spiritual power in his body and tried to stabilize his body, but his body kept falling down.

However, just as Tang Hongxuan's body was still nearly 100 meters away from the ground, he was also a little desperate and gently turned the dragon tripod that had been quietly suspended in his Dantian. At this time, the spiritual power in his body thought that he had found his master again and became active again, and he could control the spiritual power in his body at will.

Tang Hongxuan was overjoyed and quickly carried out his spiritual power to stabilize his body. He couldn't help looking around doubtfully, wondering why his spiritual power was imprisoned just now. Fortunately, there is a dragon tripod, otherwise he may be thrown into a puddle of mud now.

"Big elder, the boy ran into the forbidden place. Do you want to send some trained disciples to explore the forbidden place?" The elders and a group of people flew outside the cloudy land and stopped. Obviously, they all knew what was strange about it.

The elder's face was so gloomy that he wanted to kill people, and his face was murderous. He looked at the dozens of people around him with a cold hum. No, the man must have been seriously injured if he fell from such a high and didn't die. Even if he didn't die, he wouldn't stay in it for long and be killed by the horrible monsters inside.


Everyone responded in unison. Obviously, everyone was very afraid of the elder. Unexpectedly, no one came out to ask a word. They all lowered their heads in shame and said nothing.

"Well, this matter is over, don't mention it again. You'd better go back and mention your strength as soon as possible to deal with the future disaster." The elder still had a breath in his heart, but it was not good to attack everyone here, so he ordered coldly to everyone.

Everyone answered 'yes' and quickly left here, and soon the elder was left here alone.

"Who the hell are you? The peak in the middle of the foundation actually flew faster than me. I'm really curious about how your strength came from. However, this is meaningless. The forbidden land of the Five elements has never been entered and never out. Seeing that you are a strong young man, it's a pity to die in the forbidden place. The elder stood silently outside the forbidden land for a long time, then shook his sleeves and turned away.