Ao Shi Tiangong

Chapter 231 Mutation

Tang Hongxuan and other more than 300 people were trading underground, and in a secret room not far from the fair hall, an old man with white hair was sitting cross-legged, spreading a divine consciousness and covering the whole Fulong Island.

Everything that happened on Fulong Island is under the control of this old man. Even hundreds of miles away from the sea of Fulong Island, the old man can slightly feel a trace of change in the aura of heaven and earth.

This old man was also responsible for this underground trade fair, who was also responsible for the Yuanying monk who had just issued pressure on the Yuanying period at the underground trade fair to stop everyone from taking action against Tang Hongxuan.

The old man in the Yuanying period is called Xiang Hua, known as the ancestor of Hua, and the cultivation in the early stage of Yuanying.

In fact, this Xiang Hua is the elder of the Demon Hunting League, who happened to be sent to the overseas deacon by the Demon Hunting League, and Xiang Hua's ancestor also participated in the underground trade fair on Fulong Island.

And this year, Xiang Hua is in charge of the trade fair on Fulong Island.

At the beginning, Xiang Hua was also surprised that Tang Hongxuan could come up with so many elixirs. He also had the idea of killing and treasure, but thinking that there were more than 300 Jindan monks in the hall, Xiang Hua also temporarily gave up this idea.

Xiang Hua believes that after Tang Hongxuan comes out of this trade fair, those Jindan monks will definitely kill Tang Hongxuan.

After killing Tang Hongxuan, Xiang Hua believed that with his strength in his infancy, he could quietly take away the treasures from Tang Hongxuan.

However, just as Xiang Hua was calculating, a strong breath came to Fulong Island.

Xiang Hua was shocked and quickly thought about the strong breath with his consciousness. It didn't matter, but it made Xiang Hua sweat coldly.

Because hundreds of miles away in the sky, a huge dark cloud galloped towards Fulong Island. On the dark clouds, you can faintly see a person who is two meters tall, as strong as an ox and looks dark.

A soaring demon spirit emanated from the man's body. When the seabird monster hundreds of miles away saw this soaring demonic spirit, it was as if it had seen death. It stood in place, and its body trembled constantly. The bird flying in the sky fell straight into the water because of fright.

Just as Xiang Hua just checked with his divine consciousness, the man standing on the dark cloud seemed to have found something, and his two big eyes looked in the direction of Xiang Hua.

There was a roar like a beast on his mouth, and a wave of water turned over.

"Fourth-order middle-class demon!"

At this time, Xiang Hua in the secret room was so shocked that he couldn't speak. Just now, when Xiang Hua explored the outside with his divine mind, he had already seen that the comer was a fourth-level middle-class demon.

At this time, Xiang Hua had only one idea in his mind, which was to run.

The fourth-level medium-class demon is equivalent to the mid-term existence of Yuanying, while Xiang Hua only has Yuanying's initial cultivation, and the power of the monster is more powerful than that of monks. In the face of the fourth-order medium-class monsters, Xiang Hua has no intention of fighting at all.

However, just as Xiang Hua was about to run, he felt that he was locked by a divine consciousness. Xiang Hua knew that the person who sent this divine consciousness was the big demon who attacked Fulong Island.

Xiang Hua knew that he could no longer escape, because the speed of the big demon was too fast. Hundreds of miles away, the big demon had arrived over Fulong Island in only a dozen breaths.

At this time, Xiu, who was trading in Fulong Island, was already scared and panicked. In the face of the fourth-order demon, everyone had no other way out except to escape.

However, just as these people were about to set up a shield light and prepare to escape, the demon standing in the sky roared loudly.

With the roar of the demon, layers of ripples spread towards the city.

When these ripples touch the attices of Fulong Island, the attic is like tofu, turning into dust, falling piece by piece with the wind.

And when the person who just set up the shield light came into contact with the ripples, more than half of them bled and fell to the ground in pain and moaned; there were even some people whose cultivation was a little worse and died directly.

However, some monks with cultivation in the middle of Jindan and above are nothing serious, but a trace of blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

But even so, these people can't leave the sky, because the sound wave of the roar of the demon disturbs the surrounding aura of heaven and earth, and no one dares to escape at this time and become a bird.

And more than 300 people in the underground trade fair looked at the sky one by one in horror.

From the huge roar outside and the breath of the big demon, we can know that there are definitely monsters above the fourth level outside.

At this time, no one has the intention to kill and seize the treasure. They are all thinking about how to leave here.

Some people have even flown to the passage before they came, but the passage is only so large that there are only a few people that can accommodate, so there is inevitably a fight in the flight.

Everyone knows that if you stay here, you can only wait for the end of death, and your life is the most precious, and no one wants to stay here.

As a result, the fighting method on the channel is becoming more and more fierce.

The people in front blocked the road, and the people behind had to rush forward if they wanted to get out, so a bigger fight began.

And the channel is only so big that the degree of death and injury can be imagined in a small passage.

Here, the life of the Jindan monk seemed to be free. Several people died in the blink of an eye, and countless people were injured.

As for breaking the cave hall, no one has thought about it, because the whole mountain is arranged with defensive arrays. It is impossible to break through the array in a short time and escape from the mountain body. Jin Dan's embellishment also can't detect the outside situation.

Tang Hongxuan sat in his seat and did not move, so he closed his eyes and rested, because he knew that he could not escape Fulong Island at present.

It will take some time to leave that passage, and you may be injured. Besides, no one knows what the situation is going on outside. Maybe he will be killed by the big demon as soon as he goes out.

"Tang Daoyou, go quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

Ye Tian saw that Tang Hongxuan did not move, so he urged anxiously, and his face was full of panic.

Ye Tian has hunted many monsters in the sea and has dealt with these monsters for decades. He knows well the power of these monsters.

At this time, Ye Tian, like others, had no choice but to escape.

Hearing this, Tang Hongxuan slowly opened his eyes, glanced around, and found that there were still several people like him who were not in a hurry to leave the hall.

Among them are Chiyan Zhenren, and the old man surnamed Yao who agreed to trade Qiye Binglian with Tang Hongxuan. As for other people, although Tang Hongxuan has traded with them, he does not know them.

At this time, these people's eyes were also looking at Tang Hongxuan, with a meaningful smile on their faces.


Seeing the eyes of these people, Tang Hongxuan knew that these people were real masters and had to make him face them. Presumably these people are killers and sure that they can escape from the hands of the demon, so they are so fearless.

"Taoist friends are really hidden!"

While Tang Hongxuan was thinking, the voice of the old man surnamed Yao came to his ear, but it was the art of secret language.

Tang Hongxuan looked in the direction of the voice, but saw the old man surnamed Yao looking at him with a hopeful face.

"The Taoist friend is really lucky this time. If it hadn't been for the appearance of a big demon, I'm afraid it would be difficult for the Taoist friend to pass today."

The voice of the old man surnamed Yao came again, and at the same time, the old man surnamed Yao inadvertently glanced at a group of people who were killing in the channel.

"Oh, Taoist friends really think I will be afraid of those mob?"

Tang Hongxuan smiled and replied without saying anything.

The old man surnamed Yao shrugged his shoulders and looked disapproving, and then his eyes were not on Tang Hongxuan.

In the view of the old man surnamed Yao, he is just a deal with Tang Hongxuan. As for Tang Hongxuan's life or death, it has nothing to do with him.

The reason why the voice was sent to Tang Hongxuan just now is also a tentative intention. The old man surnamed Yao wants to see how confident Tang Hongxuan can escape from the hands of the demon.

From Tang Hongxuan's tone, the old man surnamed Yao has guessed a general idea, so there is no need to pay attention to Tang Hongxuan anymore.

However, Tang Hongxuan was very interested in another person sitting on a stone chair in the hall.

This person is a real person of Chiyan.

In fact, Tang Hongxuan has always had a great interest in Chiyan Zhenren. Chiyan is an intermediate refiner, and naturally he is a popular figure.

However, to Tang Hongxuan's surprise, at this time, Chiyan Zhenren was fearless and sat on a stone chair, which was a little inconsistent with the split of Chiyan Zhenren refiner.

You should know that general refiners and alchemists devote their energy and time to alchemy, and there is not much time and energy to study spell cultivation and combat tips, so the combat effectiveness of these people is also very poor.

And Chiyan Zhenren dares to sit here without fear. It is obvious that Chiyan Zhenren has any cards.

Thinking of this, Tang Hongxuan is also clear in his heart that Chiyan is a refiner, and countless people want to flabber him. Naturally, there are many good things on his body. Maybe there are one or two earth-shaking treasures.

Put aside the things in the trading hall and look outside Fulong Island.

At this time, most of the people who were originally in Fulongdaofang City have disappeared.

And half of these people did not die in the hands of the demon, but died in the aftermath of the battle between Xiang Hua and the fourth-order demon.

As soon as the fourth-order middle-class demon appeared on Fulong Island, it attacked Xiang Hua, who was hiding in the secret room.

Although Xiang Hua knew that he was not the opponent of this big demon, he would not wait to die and be killed by the big demon, so he came out to fight with the big demon with the belief of death.