Ao Shi Tiangong

Chapter 234 Turnaround

"If you have any way to escape from the pursuit of the demon, just say it. Don't hide it." The old man surnamed Yao said impatiently when he saw that the people in the hall had not spoken for a long time.

"Yes, it's better to talk about how to resolve this crisis and fight alone. It's better to unite to fight against the big demon outside."

At this time, a man in black robe in the corner suddenly opened his mouth, and his voice was a little cold. As soon as he heard it, he knew that he must have practiced the skill of cold attributes.

"Tang Daoyou, what should we do?"

Ye Tiangang has really felt the power of Kui Niu. Even if there are 100 Ye Tian, he is not the opponent of Kui Niu. Now Ye Tian can only rely on Tang Hongxuan.

Tang Hongxuan shook his head, motioned Ye Tian not to say anything, and then looked at the old man surnamed Yao.

The old man surnamed Yao had been instigating several people present to unite and cooperate before, but he did not come up with any regulations. Presumably this person is not a simple person.

"Since Yao Daoyou proposed to cooperate first, why don't Yao Daoyou talk about what we should do?" Chiyan, who had never spoken, opened his mouth.

Several people sitting there looked curiously at Chiyan Zhenren, but Chiyan Zhenren looked ordinary. Several people sitting here could not see what was special about Chiyan Zhenren.

What the old man surnamed Yao wanted was Chiyan Zhenren's words. At present, he did not postpone it, so he smiled and said, "Yao has a way to ensure that everyone can escape the pursuit of the demon, but I don't know if everyone is willing to cooperate?"

After saying that, the old man surnamed Yao stared at Tang Hongxuan. The old man surnamed Yao had an intuition that among the few people present, only Tang Hongxuan was the strongest.

Although Tang Hongxuan's realm seems to be only in the early days of Jindan, only the lowest in the field, the old man surnamed Yao believes his intuition.

So he pointed the finger at Tang Hongxuan at the beginning, because only Tang Hongxuan would give Yao an sense of danger.

"I'm just a little monk in the early days of Jindan. Yao Daoyou doesn't have to look at me like this."

Tang Hongxuan replied quietly, but he was thinking about what the old man surnamed Yao meant, but Tang Hongxuan was sure that the old man surnamed Yao must not have any good intentions.

"Ha ha, Tang Daoyou is really joking. If Tang Daoyou is really the initial strength of Jindan, I'm afraid that the elixir you took out before will be the end of the dead bones."

The old man surnamed Yao is also a crafty person. How can he be blocked by Tang Hongxuan's words or two? Now he brings out the fact that Tang Hongxuan is carrying a huge amount of elixir.

When the old man surnamed Yao said this, several people in the field couldn't help looking at Tang Hongxuan to see what the young man came from. The elixir on his body seemed to be free of money and casually took it out to trade.

However, several people present are shrewd and don't do anything against themselves at this time. After all, there is still a big demon outside. If several people want to escape from the blockade of the big demon, they must work together.

"It's my business to take out the elixir. It seems to have nothing to do with Yao Daoyou?"

Tang Hongxuan's face also became cold. The old man surnamed Yao took him again and again, and his heart was already murderous to the old man surnamed Yao. If it hadn't been for the big demon outside the opportunity, Tang Hongxuan would have taken action long ago.

The old man surnamed Yao saw that Tang Hongxuan's face was not good, and also knew that his behavior was a little excessive just now. He smiled and said, "Don't be surprised by Tang Daoyou. Yao is actually also thinking about Tang Daoyou. After all, Tang Daoyou is pregnant with a huge amount of elixir, and I'm afraid he will be remembered sooner or later."

The old man surnamed Yao's words were bitter. Looking at him, people who didn't know thought that he was really thinking about Tang Hongxuan.

It's just that those present are all human beings, and their hearts are like mirrors. There is no despicable thoughts in the heart of the old man surnamed Yao.

However, there is no need for several people to expose it. Anyway, Tang Hongxuan's life or death are none of their business, and they are also happy to watch the fun.

Tang Hongxuan did not say anything. He no longer looked at the old man surnamed Yao, but closed his eyes and refreshed.

The old man surnamed Yao didn't want to be cold. He coughed twice and said, "Cough, everyone still goes back to the previous topic. Yao has a way to help everyone escape the pursuit of the demon, but everyone must pay something before that can realize this method?"

"What do you need to pay?"

Several people here looked at the old man surnamed Yao curiously. In their opinion, they certainly have to pay something to escape from the pursuit of the big demon, but if they pay too much, they are unwilling.


However, just as the old man surnamed Yao was about to say something, he made an extremely angry roar from the outside. The sound was like thunder, the ground shook, and stone debris began to fall in the underground hall where Tang Hongxuan and others were located.

If it hadn't been for the array blessing in this hall, I'm afraid the hall would have collapsed.

"What's going on?"

Tang Hongxuan and others released their consciousness and began to check the situation outside.

When they saw what was going on outside, their faces changed several times, but in the end they all showed a trace of joy.

But at this time, the old man surnamed Yao was cold and gloomy. Looking at Tang Hongxuan, he looked like he gritted his teeth.

It turned out that the loud roar just now was from the big demon cow.

When Tang Hongxuan and the old man surnamed Yao were talking just now, he didn't know that three Yuanying old monsters flew from there.

These three people are all cultivated in the middle of Yuanying, which is comparable to the fourth-level middle grade Kui Niu, but the massacre of Kui Niu interrupted as soon as the three appeared.

However, after all, Kui Niu is an ancient alien, and its combat effectiveness is extremely strong. Even the three Yuanying monks are not opponents of Kui Niu.

And when the three of them fought with Kui Niu, they were all beaten by Kui Niu. If it hadn't been for the three of them, they would have fled like Xiang Hua.

And just as the three of them were about to resist the attack of Kui Niu, five people flew from the sky. These five people released a strong breath hundreds of miles away. They were all Yuanying monks, and among them were Xiang Hua, who had just escaped, and the other four were Yuanying's mid-term cultivation.

The reason why Kui Niu roared like that just now was that he felt that Xiang Hua came with four Yuanying monks.

Hundreds of miles away for Yuanying monks, it only takes dozens of breaths to reach.

Now the situation in the field has changed. The previous three mid-year monks, plus the four Yuanying monks brought by Xiang Hua, are a total of eight Yuanying monks.

These eight people add up, but it is a very huge force that can completely dominate one side in the endless demon sea.