Ao Shi Tiangong

Chapter 241 Challenge

"Dark Moon, you three are so bold that you dare to peep outside this master's cave."

Just as the three people of Dark Moon were whispering something outside Kuiniu's cave, a cold, emotionless voice came.

The voice was not very loud, but like a hammer, it hit the bottom of the hearts of the three dark moon and white tigers, which made the dark moon and white tigers involuted, and the cold hairs stood up behind them.

The three dark moon and white tiger instinctively retreated and stood up a triangular formation to defend against what was about to happen.

After all this, the three dark moon and white tigers had time to look at the place where the sound was made.

The three dark moon white tigers only saw a two-meter-tall man standing in front of them, looking at the three of them with cold eyes.

The person who came is the cow who just came out of the cave.

Kui Niu, as the demon king of this sea area, usually has no demon monk who is disrespectful to it, and the three dark moon and white tigers in front of them have been respectful and carefully complimented Kui Niu when they saw Kui Niu before.

But today, the three dark moon white tigers came to Kuiniu's cave to peep, which made Kuiniu's heart murderous.

In the world of monsters, only the strong are respected. The three people of the dark moon and white tiger dared to peep at the cow, and the cow naturally killed them all.

"Kiu, we just came to see you. It doesn't mean anything else. Don't be angry."

At this time, when he saw that Kui Niu was not in a hurry to do it, he immediately showed a smile. Looking at the bloodthirsty and charming appearance, no one could see that he had just coveted the position of the Kui Niu Demon King.

It's just that if you look carefully, you will find that a fierce light flashes away in the small eyes of the bloodthirsty demon bat, but it is very well hidden by bloodthirsty, and no one has noticed it.

As for the dark moon white tiger and the blue-eyed lion, they are staring at the cow like a big enemy, as if they are going to do it at any time.

Although the Dark Moon White Tiger has the realm of the fourth-order middle grade and the wisdom of ordinary people, the Dark Moon White Tiger has not contacted many human monks, and does not know much about human intrigue, and there is a sutra in its head.

As for the blue-eyed lion, it is more unbearable than the dark moon and white tiger.

Kuiniu looked at the three people of the Dark Moon White Tiger for a while and wanted to take action, but he was a little hesitant, because for more than a month, Kui Niu has been consuming its own demonic power, and now the demonic power in Kui Niu's body is less than 50%.

If Kuiniu fights with the Dark Moon White Tiger in its current state, although the chance of winning is more than 70%, Kui Niu used some of his original life when refining the dragon tripod before.

Although these fates are nothing to Kui Niu, they may affect the battle performance of Kui Niu. If you are not careful, Kui Niu may capphe here.

However, Kui Niu is not easy to mess with. He always locked a trace of opportunity in the three dark moon and white tigers and said fiercely, "Well, don't think that I don't know the intentions of the three of you. Although my demon power is less than 50% now, it is more than enough to kill the three of you."

"That's, that's, who doesn't know that you are the strongest demon in this area." Bloodthirsty quickly complimented, but at this time it was interrupted by the cold voice of the dark moon and white tiger.

"Kiu, I'm not afraid to tell you that the three of us are here to challenge you today. If you have the courage, you can take it."

While talking, the dark moon white tiger released its demonic power, and a gust of wind suddenly rose around the sea, causing the tall trees to tilt, and they did not lose their power at all.

The blue-eyed lion is also not behind at all, and it also releases its own momentum, but the momentum of the blue-eyed lion is not worth mentioning compared with the dark moon white tiger and Kui Niu.

"Well, I can see that the three of you have been peeping at the position of my demon king for a long time. In this case, today I will take the demon baby of you to relieve my anger."

Kuiniu was not angry but smiled, but Kui Niu's laughter was seen in the eyes of the dark moon and white tigers, but there was an indescribable cold feeling.

And the demon baby is also like the Yuanying cultivated by monks, which is cultivated by the spiritual power of the whole body.

It's just that the demon beast cultivates demon power, and what condenses naturally is the demon baby. The monk cultivates aura, so what condenses is Yuanying, which is actually a concept.

While talking, the two-meter-high huge figure of Kui Niu slowly approached the three people of the Dark Moon White Tiger step by step. At the same time, an invisible oppression was released from Kui Niu's body.

Kuiniu wants to win without fighting, because if Kuiniu is injured now, there will be no place for Kuiniu in this sea.

Because Kuiniu has squeezed all the demons in this sea before, and the large number of treasures in Kuiniu Cave were obtained from these demons.

And if these demons knew that Kui Niu had been injured, they would definitely rise up and attack.

"Well, this stupid cow is just empty. Don't be afraid."

The dark moon white tiger was first jumped by the momentum of Kui Niu, but at the thought that if it defeated Kui Niu, all the treasures in the Kui Niu cave belonged to its dark moon, and even this sea area was its dark moon.

As soon as he thought of this, the dark moon white tiger also became bold, roared, and raised his fist to hit Kui Niu.

The blue-eyed lion beside him is also unwilling to lag behind and kills the cow sand with the dark moon and white tiger.

As for the bloodthirsty on the side, his eyes flashed twice, but he did not immediately participate in the battle of the three Kui Niu, but kept using the opportunity to lock Kui Niu and prepare for a sudden blow.

bang, bang.

Monsters fight against different monks, relying on magic weapons and flying swords. The battles between monsters usually fight with primitive flesh. Especially when one of the little demons challenges the demon king, the two sides will fight with brute force.

Even the three of Kui Niu were all four-order demon practitioners, but they still used their fists, punches and punches at each other.

Bang, Peng.

Kui Niu continuously punched the dark moon white tiger and the blue-eyed wild lion. Where their fists intersect, he saw a visible ripples emanating around, and there was a crackling explosion in the air.

And when the ripples pass by the tall trees, those trees are like clay sculptures, all of which are shattered and scattered in the sky.

Although the dark moon white tiger and the blue-eyed lion were two people, when they fought hard with Kui Niu, their bodies were beaten back by Kui Niu repeatedly.

"Roar, Roar, Roar."

In addition to the sound of fists, there was also a deafening roar of beasts.

The battle between monsters is only barbaric, bloody and brutal.

Soon the fists and bodies of the dark moon white tiger and the blue-eyed wild lion were splashed with blood, and the blood sprayed the dark moon white tiger on their faces, but the dark moon white tiger seemed to be unconscious, and they still raised their fists to hit the cow crazily.

And Kui Niu is not much better. Although Kui Niu has not been hurt, its demonic power in the body is constantly being consumed.

Although it's okay to persist for a day or two with such consumption, don't forget that there is also a bloodthirsty demon bat staring at the tiger.

In fact, Kuiniu three people also need to consume demonic power when they use brute force to punch like this. Every boxing of Kuiniu three people contains demonic power, and this kind of attack power is the strongest demon cultivation.

Leaving aside the barbaric battle between the three of them, he focused on Tang Hongxuan.

At this time, Tang Hongxuan happily collected the large number of treasures in the Kuiniu Cave.

When Kuiniu stopped refining the Dragon Tripod, Tang Hongxuan knew that his chance to escape, but what Tang Hongxuan did not expect was that Kuiniu actually treated the Dragon Tripod as garbage and threw the Dragon Tripod in the corner of the wall.

What was more unexpected by Tang Hongxuan was that at this time, the three Dark Moon White Tiger came to provoke Kui Niu. At this time, the Dark Moon White Tiger and Kui Niu stood in the war. In this way, Tang Hongxuan had enough time and opportunity to escape.

However, Tang Hongxuan certainly had to charge some interest before escaping.

Each of these things in Kuiniu Cave is a treasure that makes the monks of the Yuanying period jealous, and there are a large number of them.

If any force in the endless demon sea gets this batch of treasures, that force will immediately turn over a few times.