Ao Shi Tiangong

Chapter 243 Bloodthirsty

"Haha, Dark Moon, where do you want to escape?"

Just as the demon baby of the dark moon white tiger was in the palm of that hand, a cold word came out. As soon as the demon baby of the dark moon white tiger heard this sound, the little white tiger's face was helpless except for panic.

"King Kui Niu, please, don't kill me. I'm willing to be your slave. Please don't kill me."

The dark moon white tiger pleaded bitterly, and the little demon baby kept kowtowed on the palm of his hand, and kept saying pleading words.

Kui Niu laughed when he heard the words, holding the demon baby of the dark moon and white tiger in his hand, his face was full of jokes, and then said coldly, "Haha, I won't kill you, I will only torture you."

While talking, Kui Niu's hand holding the dark moon white tiger demon baby tightened slightly, and the dark moon white tiger demon baby made a sad scream. The demon baby kept struggling and twitching in the hands of Kui Niu, and his face was full of painful expressions.

Kuiniu looked at the painful dark moon white tiger, but he was even more excited. His hand holding the dark moon white tiger demon baby became tighter and tighter. Looking at the miserable appearance of the dark moon white tiger, Kui Niu's heart was indescribable pleasure.

At this time, Kuiniu suddenly felt an extremely dangerous feeling. Kuiniu didn't have time to think about it and quickly waved his fist to hit the place where it felt dangerous.

At the same time, Kui Niu's muscles were tense, and he covered his whole body with demonic power to defend against unknown attacks.


Just as Kui Niu finished all this, not far in front of Kui Niu, a black, sharp-like thing directly pierced into Kui Niu's fist.

The sharp thorn pierced the fist of Kuiniu has not stopped. With the strong impact, it has been directly inserted into the chest of Kuiniu's chest from Kui Niu's fist to his arm and shoulders, and Kuiniu made a heartbreaking howl.

"Jie Jie, the king of the cow, didn't you expect that I would attack you, the powerful demon king, at this time?"

At this time, I saw the other end of the sharp thorn, which was being held by the bloodthirsty devil bat, and the face of the bloodthirsty devil bat was full of sneering after winning.

"Roar, bloodthirsty, I'm going to kill you."

Kuiniu's hand is already useless. With the hand holding the dark moon white tiger demon baby, he raised his fist and hit the bloodthirsty demon bat.

And the demon baby of the dark moon white tiger in the hands of Kui Niu was crushed by Kui Niu because of the excessive force of Kui Niu.

Suddenly, a magnificent demon power dispersed in the sky, and the demon power dispersed like a tornado, rolling all the flowers and trees 100 meters into the sky.

And the fourth-order demon cultivation dark moon white tiger dissipated in the sky.

"Ji Jie, Kui Niu, you still want to fight with me. It's really over your ability."

When he saw Kui Niu's fist hit, the bloodthirsty thorn in his hand trembled slightly. Kui Niu's body suddenly seemed to have taken poison. Blood oozed from the corners of his mouth, twitched endlessly, and his face was full of painful expressions.

The cow was supposed to hit the bloodthirsty fist, but it hung softly and had no more strength.

The bloodthirsty thorn is actually refined from one tooth of the bloodthirsty demon bat. The bloodthirsty demon bat is not like the cow and the dark moon white tiger, and knows nothing about the cultivation world.

Since the bloodthirsty demon bat became a fourth-order demon monk, it has secretly mixed into the world of cultivation and learned a lot of knowledge of the truth world. And this bloodthirsty thorn in the hands of the bloodthirsty bat was refined by an intermediate refiner.

And because the bloodthirsty thorn makes a part of the body of the bloodthirsty bat, the power of the bloodthirsty bat is also greatly increased.

The greatest power of the bloodthirsty thorn is that it can devour the blood and demon power of the opponent. As long as the person is stabbed by the bloodthirsty thorn, the bloodthirsty bat can suck the blood and demon power of the other party through the bloodthirsty thorn. That is to say, as long as the bloodthirsty sting thorn, the death of the other party will be mastered by the thought of the bloodthirsty demon bat.

It's just that the bloodthirsty thorn also has a drawback, that is, the bloodthirsty thorn is relatively fragile and can't stand a heavy blow. This is why the bloodthirsty demon bat had been watching the dark moon white tiger being killed before, but did not move to the end. It was not until the cow's spirit was most relaxed that the bloodthirsty demon bat made an unexpected blow.

Now the life and death of the cow is in the hands of the bloodthirsty demon bat. As long as the bloodthirsty monster bat is willing, it can suck the blood and demon power of the cow and die at any time.

The blue-eyed wild lion standing beside him was stunned. With the IQ of the blue-eyed wild lion, he thought why things would change like a roller coaster, and he was still staring at the two.

"Ang, roar, roar, roar."

With the sad roar of Kui Niu, I saw that Kui Niu's two-meter-high body quickly dried up and shrank down. Every drop of blood in Kui Niu's body flowed to the bloodthirsty thorns on his arm at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, the bloodthirsty demon bat seems to be enjoying a big meal. The vivid color and demon power of the cow came from its hand. The face of the bloodthirsty demon bat was full of intoxication, which was so comfortable that it made the bloodthirsty demon bat moan.

And no one knows that not far from the bloodthirsty bat and the cow, a dust is slowly approaching them.

This dust is the transformation of Tang Hongxuan's dragon tripod.

After searching the cave of Kui Niu, Tang Hongxuan did not rush to leave, but drilled into the dragon tripod, then narrowed the Shenlong tripod into a dust, and slowly approached Kui Niu.

In fact, Tang Hongxuan has been here for a long time, but what happened just now was clearly seen by Tang Hongxuan.

What makes Tang Hongxuan feel unacceptable is that the fight between monsters is actually a primitive brute force struggle, and the two sides fight to the end until you are dead.

If this is placed in the world of cultivation, it is completely impossible to occur.

However, Tang Hongxuan did not care much about the barbaric battle between monsters, but stared at the changes in the cow's body.

The bloodthirsty thorn of the bloodthirsty demon bat was too evil. When the bloodthirsty demon bat first took out the bloodthirsty thorn, Tang Hongxuan saw it clearly.

At that time, Tang Hongxuan had a feeling of heartbeat. If he was stabbed by bloodthirsty, even Yuanying's later decoration would not escape death.

It was as expected by Tang Hongxuan. Since Kui Niu was stabbed by a bloodthirsty thorn, he had no power to do anything at all. He was completely killed by the bloodthirsty demon bat.

To be honest, Tang Hongxuan is hesitating whether to leave now. Although Tang Hongxuan is sure that the bloodthirsty demon bat will not find the dragon tripod, with the powerful divine consciousness of the bloodthirsty demon bat, as long as the dragon tripod has a slightly larger action, the bloodthirsty demon bat will feel it.

At that time, Tang Hongxuan's ending was arrested again as before.

It's just that there is a voice in Tang Hongxuan's heart that keeps calling for Tang Hongxuan to stay and stay.

To be honest, Tang Hongxuan really wanted to stay and see the situation, because Tang Hongxuan didn't believe it, and there was no room for resistance at all.

"Well, what's going on?"

Just as Tang Hongxuan was thinking, Tang Hongxuan suddenly saw that Kui Niu's dry body slowly began to swell up. The lost blood seemed to come back, and Kui Niu's face also became red.

"Self-detonation demon baby?"

Tang Hongxuan was shocked to see the abnormality of Kuiniu's body and thought that Kuiniu was going to blow up the demon baby. However, Tang Hongxuan looked carefully and found that Kui Niu did not self-exploit the demon baby, but used a special secret method to consume his potential and life to obtain a short-term power improvement.

"How can you, you, you?"

The bloodthirsty demon bat was shocked to see the appearance of the cow, and the hand holding the bloodthirsty thorns was also trembling. The bloodthirsty demon bat never thought that the already dying cow would show signs of breaking away. The bloodthirsty demon bat did not dare to be careless and quickly urged the demon power to the bloodthirsty thorn.

Suddenly, a bloodthirsty stabbed with a devouring force several times more than before, and Kui Niu's expanding body suddenly stopped, but it did not squat, and formed a delicate balance between the two.