Domineering President's Little Cute Wife

Chapter 19: Accompany her home

Han Chenyu touched his lips and secretly felt happy. Was he the first man to kiss her? He dared to find a handsome man in the bar when he was drunk. He thought she... It turned out that he misunderstood her.

Han Chenyu walked into the bedroom in a good mood and grabbed the ostrich hiding in the quilt. "Little demon, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that just now."

"You... Apologize to me?"

"Well, I'm sorry"

"Haha, President Han apologized to my cold demon!"

Leng Xiaoyao is rolling happily in **, which is really great news!

Han Chenyu looked at the happy smile on her face, and the bottom of his heart also became soft.

The next morning, Han Chenyu woke up and saw a woman's small head and slender arms holding him. The cold demon really couldn't sleep. He kicked the quilt and rolled around. Every morning, he must have hung on him like a koala, but Han Chenyu did not remove her away. He felt that she depended on himself. It feels good, but it's hard for him, ah.

"Little demon, get up, or you will be late"

Leng Xiaoyao felt a gentle voice talking to her in his ear, a little like Han Chenyu, but he could only sarcastic himself. How could he be gentle?

"What's late for?"

Leng Xiaoyao rubbed his sleepy eyes, and his head had not come back to his senses.

"Go to Daddy and Mommy's house"


Leng Xiaoyao got up and grabbed his hair. "Get up quickly. If you are late, you will be responsible."

Han Chenyu has nowhere to complain. Did he wake her up first? Now it has become his own?

The low-key and calm BMW stopped outside the cold house villa. The cold couple had already waited at the door and saw them get out of the car and hurriedly greeted them.

"Little demon, you finally came back to see Mommy. Mommy misses you so much!"

"Mommy, I miss you too"

Leng Xiaoyao quickly ran over and hugged Mrs. Leng, and then called "Daddy" sweetly to the cold wind next to her.

"Dad, Mom," Han Chenyu shouted calmly beside him with a gift.

Leng Xiaoyao thought that he still called really smooth, not like himself at all. It was awkward for Mrs. Han to call her mother to go to the hospital.

"Well, Chen Yu, come on, go into the house quickly"

Leng Xiaoyao hung on Mrs. Leng, like a little girl who had not grown up, which made Mrs. Leng laugh and made fun of her, "I thought that the little demon only had Chen Yu in his heart after getting married, and forgot Mommy."

Thinking that her beloved daughter has become someone else's family, Mrs. Leng still has some emotion in her heart.

"Mommy, the little demon has always missed you and Daddy, huh? Why didn't you see three brothers?"

"Your eldest brother went to talk about business. The second brother toured, and the third brother operated on people, leaving only me and your father. You don't come back to see us with Chen Yu."

"Mommy, I will come back often in the future"

After entering the house, Han Chenyu accompanied Leng to talk about some things in the market, such as acquisitions and shares. Leng Xiaoyao accompanied Mrs. Leng to talk about women, and Leng's mother was most concerned about their human-making plans.

"Little demon, tell mommy honestly, how long do you want to have a child?"


This sentence made Leng Xiaoyao spit out the water she drank. Mommy, can't you say it so amazingly?

"Be careful, what's going on?"

Mrs. Leng hurriedly wiped off the water stains from her clothes with a paper towel.

Touching Han Chenyu's joking smile, she cursed in her heart, "Mommy, I'm fine, hehe, I'm in a hurry to drink."

"Drink slowly. No one will grab it with you. Tell me quickly. When are you going to have a child?"

Mrs. Leng still refuses to let go of this topic. Since she is married, it is best to have a child as soon as possible, so that she and her wife can have grandchildren!


How does she want her to answer this? Tell mommy that they don't have that at all on their wedding night? Or are you going to divorce in a year? It's better to kill her.

"Mommy, this... That..."

"Mom, the little demon and I are not ready to have a baby. She is still preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination."

Han Chenyu spoke out in time to help her relieve her embarrassment.

"Yes, yes, I still have to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. Mom, learning jewelry design has always been my dream, you know."

"You child, forget it, it's up to you"

Wow, I finally fooled it!

"Bear by the way, how about your honeymoon in the Maldives?"

"Very good, hehe"

Thinking of the picture of her taking the initiative to ask Han Chenyu to hug her that night, Leng Xiaoyao couldn't wait to find a seam to get in. Why was she not ashamed?

"Mommy, have you taken good care of my cats and dogs?"

Leng Xiaoyao quickly diverted her attention in order to stop her mommy from continuing this topic. Besides, he is also thinking about the stray cats and dogs she took in. I don't know if they have gained weight?