Gossip God

Chapter 6 Flat Waves

Hearing the prince's order, the general hesitated for a moment and replied, "Yes, Your Highness." Then he rode the horse to the outside of Li's broken yard and shouted, "The woman in white just came out to answer." Why did he shout? Because Liu Suyun has returned to the house.

Now the men in the family have gone out to hunt. There is only Liu Suyun and her mother-in-law in the room. His mother-in-law is a typical rural woman. She has never seen such a big show and has long lost the ability to think. Liu Suyun couldn't help but go out of the room and said, "I don't know what the general called the little woman?"

The general said, "Your Highness asked you to ask questions. Come with me quickly."

Liu Suyun couldn't, so he had to follow the general to the gorgeous carriage. When he came to the carriage, Liu Suyun fell to the ground and said, "The daughter Zhang Liu's visit the prince." The prince is the son of the emperor and has a superior existence. Liu Suyun said that he has seen it, and he has only heard it in the story. After thinking about it carefully, the biggest official Liu Suyun has ever seen is the village head. So now Liu Suyun's heart is so weak that he can't stand up, so he just kneels like that.

Your Highness said, "Zhang Liu, look up and speak."

Liu Suyun couldn't, so he had to raise his head and reply, "Yes."

Your Highness looked at Liu Suyun and said to himself, "It's really a symbol of beauty. The temperament is simple, which is not comparable to those vulgar fans in the capital. This highness is also a ridiculous person. He belongs to the kind of beauty who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman. It's impossible for him to be unmoved when he sees such a symbol of Liu Suyun, but when he thinks of the purpose of coming to Wanqiu, it's really not good to do it clearly, and it's really unwilling to get it.

The Highness was stunned, but did not say anything. He only took Liu Suyun's embarrassed face and the eunuch who served the prince only reminded him, "Your Highness, ask questions!"

The prince reacted and looked at Liu Suyun's blushing face, which made him feel even more uncomfortable, but he was helpless and pretended to ask, "Where is this place?"

Liu Suyun replied, "Your Highness, this place is called Zhangjia Village, under the control of Wancheng County."

Hearing the word Wancheng, His Highness couldn't help frowning before continuing to ask, "How long is the path from here to Wancheng?"

Liu Suyun replied, "Your Highness, as long as you return the original road, turn west on the fork of three miles away, and arrive at the speed of your Highness's carriages and horses."

His Royal Highness said, "Okay, you go back. Come on, watch it."

Liu Suyun quickly bowed again and said, "Thank you for your grace."

A pair of carriages and horses turned their heads and went in the direction pointed by Liu Suyun. Liu Suyun got 50 taels of silver in vain. He was happy and went home.

In the evening, Zhang Orion, his two sons and Yi Qianxiang came back. Liu Suyun told everyone about today and took out fifty taels of silver for everyone to see. Zhang Orion's father and son were very happy and got a wealth out of thin air, which was worth two or three years of expenses. Yi Qianxiang seemed to be thinking about something, as if he wanted to stop talking. The father and son of the Zhang family did not notice, but Liu Suyun noticed it.

After dinner, everyone had to go to bed, but Liu Suyun stopped Yi Qianxiang and said, "Huzi, your clothes are so torn. If you get some money today, you can change your clothes with your brother. Come here, and my sister-in-law will measure it for you."

Yi Qianxiang also had something to say to Liu Suyun and agreed, "Okay. So much for your sister-in-law."

The rest of the people dispersed. Liu Suyun measured Yi Qianxiang's size and said, "Huzi, do you think there is anything wrong with today's matter?"

Yi Qianxiang did not answer, but asked, "Sister-in-law, if the prince rewarded you with 50 taels of silver today, would you think it would be less?"

Liu Suyun replied, "Of course not."

Yi Qianxiang asked again, "Do you think Your Highness is stingy?"

Liu Suyun said, "Huzi laughed at your sister-in-law. Although fifty taels of silver is not much, there are enough people to thank a guide. Not to mention the prince, even if the emperor comes in person, no one will feel stingy with fifty taels of silver.

Yi Qianxiang said, "That's it. My master often said that 'there must be demons when things are abnormal', so I'm worried that he is plotting against his sister-in-law.

Liu Suyun smiled and said, "Huzi laughed at your sister-in-law. I'm a mountain village woman. What's the plan of the prince?

Yi Qianxiang said, "Sister-in-law doesn't have to be modest. Huzi has also gone a lot of places, and the ladies of the eunuchs he has seen are hundreds of thousands. He has never seen as beautiful as his sister-in-law.

Liu Suyun suddenly changed his face and said, "Huzi, how can you be so rude to your sister-in-law?"

Yi Qianxiang told the truth, but there was some laughter in Liu Suyun's ears, so he quickly said, "My sister-in-law misunderstood. I told the truth, and I was not disrespectful at all. Please forgive my sister-in-law."

Liu Suyun said, "Don't mention such bastards again." After saying that, he went into the inner room.

Yi Qianxiang also returned to his room. Yi Qianxiang's house was later built next to the old house of the Zhang family, which can be regarded as an ear room. Now Yi Qianxiang and Er Zhuang live here. Yi Qianxiang thought about it all night, but still didn't tell others his doubts. After all, there is no evidence. Besides, although he has been to many places, how can he look at a village woman as a prince?

After another half month, nothing happened, and Yi Qianxiang also forgot about it.

It's March. Recently, because Yi Qianxiang's hunting level has improved significantly, he has gained a lot these days. As for the fifty taels of silver, it is still reserved for Er Zhuang to marry his daughter-in-law. When everyone came back that day, everyone had more prey and was very happy. The new clothes Liu Suyun made for Yi Qianxiang were also ready. The blue and black clothes were worn on Yi Qianxiang's body, which looked very capable. Everyone was joking Yi Qianxiang like a groom. At this time, there was a sound of horseshoe outside.

Those horses stopped outside the broken yard of the Zhang family. A man's voice came from outside: "Does Zhang Dazhuang live here?" Just as he shouted for the knight, the Zhang family had come to the yard. Because there was a man, Liu Suyun didn't have to come out.

The knight was dressed in iron armor, which was obviously different from the soldier in cloth behind him. Although he did not stand at the front, he was very eye-catching and was obviously an officer. The officer saw so many people and asked again, "Which one is Zhang Dazhuang?" Come up and answer."

Zhang Dazhuang was puzzled that he didn't know these people, but he couldn't allow him to think too much at this time, so he had to answer, "Masters, the villain is Zhang Dazhuang. I don't know what you want from me?"

The officer said, "Call your daughter-in-law Liu Suyun to come out, and she naturally knows."

Zhang Dazhuang said in astonishment, "Sou Yun?"

Before Zhang Dazhuang could react, Yi Qianxiang rushed to answer, "My sister-in-law went back to my mother's house to visit her relatives and was not at home." When Yi Qianxiang saw the knight, he knew that something bad was going to happen. What he was worried about still happened. He was afraid that his simple hunter brother would call his sister-in-law.

Before Zhang Dazhuang reacted, the officer said, "Go back to your mother's house to visit your family? What a coincidence! Come on, search for me." The knight's words fell, and the soldiers turned over and rushed to the yard. The Zhang family is simple, but simplicity does not mean stupidity. Seeing that these soldiers want to break through, of course, they can't let it. Zhang Orion roared, "What are you going to do?" Then he picked up the guy and blocked it at the door. Yi Qianxiang, Da Zhuang and Er Zhuang also picked up the guy and stood behind Zhang Orion. Those soldiers were so blocked that they also pulled out their knives around their waists to confront the Zhang family.

Zhang Dazhuang asked, "I don't know what happened to the general's clumsy Jing, which caused such a big fight?"

The officer suddenly patted his forehead and said, "I forgot. Your wife has promised my son to enjoy the glory and wealth with my son, but I'm afraid that your Zhang family will not allow it, so my son sent me to pick up Liu Suyun. Hurry up and write a leave letter!"

Zhang Dazhuang blushed with anger and said angrily, "You are bullshit! How can my wife know your son-on?

The officer suddenly changed his face and said, "If you don't drink a toast, you will be punished. Children, take it all down!" Those soldiers got the instructions of the officer and immediately went hand in hand with the Zhang family.

Although the father and son of the Zhang family are all hunters, there are few people after all. In addition, the things picked up just now are either a pole or a knife. Only Yi Qianxiang brought a hunting fork, just like that. However, the hero couldn't stand the large number of people, and the Zhang family did not dare to hurt people at all, so they were all taken down in a short time. Several people were beaten with bruises by the group of soldiers and fell to the ground and could not get up. The group of soldiers were still worried and tied several people with ropes. Then a group of soldiers like wolves and tigers broke into the house and caught Liu Suyun, who was already trembling with fear.

When Liu Suyun saw that her father-in-law's husband and even two brothers-in-law were tied up, he immediately cried: "What evil have I done! You, what are you going to do...uh" At the moment of speaking, Liu Suyun has been gagged, put into a black bag, and put on an empty horse!

Zhang Dazhuang shouted in pain: "Su Yun--"

As soon as the voice came out, there was a heavy hit on the back of the head, and I didn't know anything about it. Of course, Yi Qianxiang and others were also beaten at the same time. The officer handed two pieces of paper to his subordinates and said, "Go over and print them on this paper." The soldier was soon done. The officer put a piece of paper in front of Zhang Dazhuang, who was already unconscious, and found out that a silver ingot of about 15 taels was still on the ground. A group of people whipped the horse and went away.

When the cavalry went far away, the nearby villagers came to untie the Zhang family and wake them up. What about Zhang Orion's wife? I have been stunned in the room for a long time.

When Zhang Orion woke up, he cursed. Zhang Dazhuang's calm face did not say a word, Zhang Erzhuang was almost scared, and Zhang Orion's wife sat aside and sobbed. The villagers said a few words of nonsense that people did not fight with officials, comforted them and went home separately, leaving only Zhang Orion's family.

The paper left by the officer was a retiring letter, which was written to the Liu family in the name of the Zhang family. The reason was that there was no queen. There are three so-called unfilial piety, and no queen is the greatest. Liu Suyun has been in the Zhang family for more than a year, but he has not given birth to a man and a woman for the Zhang family, so he reluctantly goes on for this reason. Therefore, with this letter of suspension, the Zhang family took it to sue the official. Presumably, the government also believed in the letter of divorce, and felt that the Zhang family was to blackmail money. Of course, the Zhang family can't read, but Yi Qianxiang knows it.

Although Yi Qianxiang did not come from a serious school, he also read four books and five classics under the guidance of Xu Yunzi. However, Yi Qianxiang mainly read Taoist classics, and other books are roughly read, so it is useless for Yi Qianxiang to take the imperial examination, but there is still no obstacle to read a small rest book.

Now the Zhang family is not sleeping. They are sitting around the Xiushu in the hall, and there is still the silver ingot on the Xiushu. Everyone didn't say anything, and Zhang Orion was still smoking a cigarette pot. Yi Qianxiang suddenly said, "No, I must save my sister-in-law."

Zhang Dazhuang said, "How to save it? We can't beat them."

Yi Qianxiang said, "I don't believe there is nothing I can do. Even if you rob her, you have to take your sister-in-law back.

Zhang Dazhuang said decadently, "I want to, too!" But I can't ignore the life of a family!"

Yi Qianxiang said, "In a word, I can't think of a way to sit here. This is the prince's team. Although it is cavalry, it doesn't go very fast, so I should be able to keep up. Let's keep up first. Anyway, I can't think of any way to sit at home!"

Zhang Dazhuang said, "Okay, Huzi, I'll go with you!"

Zhang Orion suddenly said angrily, "No one is allowed to go," and then softened his tone and said, "We can't beat them." After saying that, he went back to the room.

Zhang Dazhuang returned to his room and Liu Suyun, saw things and thought of people, and made a seven-foot man cry like rain. Zhang Hunter was afraid that his son couldn't think about it, so he asked Zhang Erzhuang to accompany his brother. Yi Qianxiang returned to the ear chamber by himself. When he got up early the next morning, Yi Qianxiang disappeared.