Gossip God

Chapter 16 Disciple of Shangqing

Yi Qianxiang was enjoying watching it at this moment. He thought about the confrontation and change of the magic in his heart and watched the flame flying towards him. He couldn't help pinch the magic formula and use the wind control of Tianshan, and a flame was led back to the battlefield. The people in the Beidou array were shocked to see the flame flying out and fly back by themselves. , he said in his heart, "When did the spell of this five elements become so powerful?" The tacit formation retreated.

The five-emen watched the flame fly back to the battlefield, but it was no longer under their control. What tricks did the other party have? They also stopped the offensive and retreated one after another. Then they saw the live flame hit the place where the two sides had just fought and raised a flame. The people of the Five elements know that this unusual control method that can turn the fireman spell of the Five elements gate back to the battlefield is really admirable. Naturally, they are also very human. However, since the man only led the flame to the middle of the battlefield, it showed that this person did not take sides, so Tu Guizhong of the Tumen of the Five-Gingmen bowed around and said, "I don't know which senior is here. Can you show up?"

Only then did the seven swordsmen in blue know that there was another person who had just used the spell, and they did not dare to lose their etiquette. Immediately, a leader also took a step forward and saluted to the four directions, "The disciples of Longhu Mountain in the Qing Dynasty have experienced here. I don't know which senior is here. Please show up and see?"

Yi Qianxiang was depressed in the cave. Why couldn't he help it just now? Now both factions have to show up by themselves. If they are really a master, they will show up. Anyway, they can't die, but how dare they appear now? I am the former bodyguard of Dai Moyun, and I have also had a fight with five five elements. Now I have inexplicably appeared in this inexplicable place. How can I not make people suspicious? Anyway, since the other party thinks he is a master, he pretends to be a master and stays here.

The people on both sides shouted. Seeing that no one paid attention to them, they only thought that the master was unwilling to appear and did not want to fight. In this way, they warned themselves, so the fire of the Five-emen Fire Gate said, "Zhang Qingyang, let's write down today's event for the time being. We will compete again at the Three Mountain Meeting next year!"

The leading man among the swordsmen in Qingyi just now, that is, Zhang Qingyang, said, "Fire, don't be proud. When we wait for the Beidou Tianang sword array to succeed, we will definitely trample you under your feet."

Jinzhaorui, a disciple of the Five elements of the Golden Gate, snorted coldly, "Hmm, I don't measure myself."

Zhang Qingyang did not respond either. He waved his hand and said, "Let's go!" He left with the six disciples. The people of the Five elements gathered together and muttered something, and also walked in the other direction. Yi Qianxiang shouted in his heart, "Don't go. You can fight for a while. I just saw a little bit. How can you do this?" Unfortunately, those people couldn't hear Yi Qianxiang's inner call, and Yi Qianxiang didn't dare to really come out to stop people. In this way, both sides went far away.

Yi Qianxiang carefully searched around him with wind control spells for a long time, making sure that there was no one left, so he climbed out of the hidden cave. The sun shone on Yi Qianxiang, which made Yi Qianxiang feel warm and found that he should find a suit to wear, but where to go in these 100,000 mountains? Looking for clothes?

Yi Qianxiang suddenly remembered that his master once said that he came from the Longhu Mountain in the Qing Dynasty. Didn't those swordsmen in green just say that they were disciples of Longhu Mountain? Then why don't you ask them? Maybe they still know the whereabouts of their master. In this way, you can also have a support. In his mind, Yi Qianxiang rushed to the direction where the blue swordsmen disappeared.

As soon as Yi Qianxiang left, a bad old man who looked like a beggar got up from a pile of weeds opposite Yi Qianxiang and scratched his messy hair. He seemed to say to himself, "I didn't expect this to be an interesting little guy. Could it be that he is Feng Qingyu, an immortal genius in Maoshan? It seems to be as powerful as there are no rumors!" Then, he smiled at the front, and then lay back in the pile of weeds. Looking at the pile of weeds carefully, there was no longer that person, as if that person had never existed.

Just five miles away from the beggar, five people who were about 70 years old sat together, and the old man in red said, "Who is this little guy? Is it Feng Qingyu?"

The old woman in green said, "I don't think so. It is rumored that Feng Qingyu's heavenly capital had the cultivation of refining gas as soon as it landed, which was regarded as the reincarnation of Nezha. Although the teenager just now is magical, he has obviously not yet reached the realm of refining gasification gods. I'm afraid he doesn't even have the cultivation of refining gas!"

The old man in white also said, "The second sister is right. I don't know what the eldest brother thinks?"

The old man in yellow said slowly, "Just now I felt that the child should use the art of wind control. This technique has always been the secret of the divine bird golden-winged roc. This little guy is not a golden-winged bird, but a divine servant of a golden-winged bird."

The old woman in black, who had never spoken, seemed to have just woken up and opened her eyes. Her lips did not move, but her voice had come out clearly: "Yesterday, Binghe reported that there was a human teenager beside the King of Moyun, who was Dai Moyun's front bodyguard. When she was in the situation, she seemed to be very proficient in controlling the wind. Maybe it's this teenager. Is this teenager also a traitor to the golden-winged bird?

The old man in red said, "Is this child also a golden-winged bird?"

The old woman in black said again, "No, Binghe said that although the child looked like he wanted to protect Dai Moyun desperately, he escaped when Dai Moyun needed him most. It seems that he is not the same as Dai Moyun, but a young man who is afraid of death."

The old man in yellow said, "Let's not interfere in the affairs of the younger generation, so that people from three mountains and ten continents will gossip and let them go!"

Then the five old men settled again. Yi Qianxiang himself did not know that what he had done had been seen by at least six people.

After a night's rest, Yi Qianxiang's skills have recovered. Now he uses the magic art. Although it is not as fast as Yufeng flying, it is also much faster than ordinary walking, so he soon caught up with the seven disciples of Shangqing. The seven disciples of the Qing Dynasty all had some kung fu. When Yi Qianxiang caught up, he noticed that one of them was naked and ran around. They didn't know whether they were enemies or friends. In these 100,000 mountains, they had to be careful, so the seven people set up a position and waited for Yi Qianxiang.

Yi Qianxiang caught up and saw the seven people setting up a position. He was afraid of being misunderstood. He quickly took the spell and said to the seven people, "Dear Taoist friends, please stay. I have something to ask you about." Yi Qianxiang is now without a bun or a crown. There is no robe on his body, even a complete dress. In addition, his face is covered with dust on the day of escape. Such an image looks quite funny. Yi Qianxiang has been eating and drinking with Xu Yunzi as a Taoist priest since he was a child. Now when he sees that his peers are not holding it for a while, he moves out a set of little Taoist priests.

Although those swordsmen in blue did not wear Taoist robes, the disciples of Longhushan were all believers and belonged to the line of Shangqing. Longhu Mountain was created by Zhang Tianshi at the end of the Han Dynasty. It was originally a "five bucket of rice road", that is, believers can enter the road as long as they pay five buckets of rice, so there are many disciples in Longhu Mountain, and they are all common people. However, since they are all channels, Yi Qianxiang can't be wrong to say that he is a Taoist friend.

Zhang Qingyang is the leader of these seven people. Seeing that Yi Qianxiang was quite polite, he also said, "I don't know what you are asking about?"

Yi Qianxiang said, "Are you disciples of Longhu Mountain?"

Zhang Qingyang said, "Exactly." He spoke, but his hand had been behind his back and quietly gestured to alert his peers.

Yi Qianxiang had known that he was a disciple of Longhu Mountain. As soon as Zhang Qingyang finished speaking, Yi Qianxiang couldn't wait to ask, "Have you heard of Xu Yun Taoist priest?"

Zhang Qingyang's eyes were slightly alert and asked, "Xuyun Taoist priest is a famous scattered practice. Of course we know that we don't know the relationship between Taoist friends and Xu Yun Taoist priest?"

Yi Qianxiang heard Zhang Qingyang's answer and couldn't help but be happy and said hurriedly, "Is Xu Yun Taoist priest the master of the path? Xiaodao was held here by Dai Moyun. Now he has escaped and wants to find his master. I don't know if you can help?

Zhang Qingyang seemed to be shocked and asked, "Are you a disciple of Xu Yunzi? Why haven't I heard of it? How can I believe you with such empty mouth and white teeth?

Yi Qianxiang thought for a moment and gritted his teeth and replied, "The path is Qianxiang, and you can hear from the master. If all the Taoist friends help the path, will the path be willing to thank this thing? Yi Qianxiang took out the water drop as he spoke.

Zhang Qingyang was stunned when he saw Yi Qianxiang's water droplets. This is the best water droplet. There is no water drop in the whole Dragon Tiger Mountain. Generally speaking, only by giving great help to the aquarium will the aquarium give the best water droplets, and after this death, the water droplets will be recovered. Did the teenager in front of him give the aquarium great help? Then this teenager is definitely not as simple as it seems.

When Yi Qianxiang saw that Zhang Qingyang didn't speak, he couldn't help asking, "Isn't it possible?"

Zhang Qingyang reacted when he heard Yi Qianxiang's voice and responded, "Of course not. This water drop is the best in the world. It's rare in the world. I will be surprised for a moment and make Qianxiang's Taoist friends laugh?"

Yi Qianxiang quickly opened the matter of avoiding water beads and said, "Thank you very much for bringing the news of the master. Haven't you asked your Taoist friends what to call them?

Zhang Qingyang said, "My surname is Zhang, and my name is Qingyang." Then he motioned the people behind him to introduce themselves, and the six swordsmen also reported their names in turn: Li Qingmiao, Lu Qinglian, Qian Qingde, Xu Qingfei and Wang Qingbi. After Yi Qianxiang saluted one by one, Zhang Qingyang asked again, "I don't know why Qianxiang's Taoist friends fell into such a field?"

Yi Qianxiang escaped when he settled in a mountain village, how to avenge his sister-in-law, how to be captured by the golden-winged bird, how to serve the golden-winged bird's life, and met Dai Moyun in the Five-Emp Gate War. Just now, he dared to come out and ask when he saw the friendly faces of you. Of course, important things can't be said. For example, he can learn the magic of Tianshan Mountain. Dai Moyun is now dead, and he also has a secret such as the burial of a poisonous king. Seven Longhushan disciples were surprised to hear those things.

Yi Qianxiang talked for a long time and felt that the sun was getting hotter and hotter, so he remembered that he had no clothes to wear. Fortunately, Longhushan's disciples were all men, so it was not embarrassing, so he said to Zhang Qingyang, "Brother Zhang Dao, I don't know if you can lend me a dress to wear? My clothes are worn out."

Zhang Qingyang and the rest of the people saw Yi Qianxiang's embarrassment. Among them, Qian Qingde and Yi Qianxiang were similar in size, so they found a suit from their backpack and handed them to Yi Qianxiang. They said, "In my next family, I'm poor and my clothes are not good. Let's friends can wear them first!"

How dares Yi Qianxiang be picky? He quickly thanked him and immediately changed it. He found that the clothes were really not good, and the fragile areas were patched. However, Yi Qianxiang followed Xu Yunzi since he was a child and almost didn't eat this meal. This kind of clothes are really not broken for him.

Putting on his clothes, Yi Qianxiang took a closer look and found that there were also large and small patches on the clothes of the seven Dragon and Tiger Mountain Swordsmen, but he was too excited to see it. It seems that this vein of Longhu Mountain is really hard. Thinking about the master's usual behavior, it really comes from Longhu Mountain.

In fact, Longhu Mountain is a hard practice, which can also be said to be dominated by Qing cultivation, seeking to prove the road of immortality through hardship in the world. Therefore, most of the disciples of Longhu Mountain do not seek fame and fortune and practice quietly. Therefore, they do not compete with things, but are loved and praised by the people. Unfortunately, there will always rebel in the name of Longhu Mountain. Those who rebel are mostly poor people, and Longhushan is not responsible for it, no matter whether it is, weighing the pros and cons, or offending the court can't offend the people, so it's up to those people. Therefore, the disciples of Longhushan walked without being seen by the court, but they were loved by the people. As for why the disciples of Longhu Mountain know Xu Yunzi, it is because Xu Yunzi has a great relationship with a senior of Longhu Mountain.

When Yi Qianxiang got dressed, Zhang Qingyang said, "Qianxiang Taoist friend, not far ahead is my residence of Longhu Mountain here. When you get there, the elder will have a way to help you send a message to your master."

Yi Qianxiang said, "It's so good. Thank you."

Zhang Qingyang said politely, and a group of eight went to the station of Longhu Mountain.

At this moment, the elder who is hosting here is named Zhang Chengfu, who is the side of the Zhang family. Because of a very strange water magic, he was able to become an elder. However, this elder has stayed in the late stage of gasification for more than 20 years, but he always seems to have some shortcomings. For a long time, he can't let him break through to the realm of immortality. The blind retreat can no longer let Zhang Chengfu break through, so he began to walk around the world to seek the opportunity to break through, so now he comes to protect the experienced descendants.

When Yi Qianxiang took out the water beads, Zhang Chengfu's eyes were straight. Is this the opportunity for him to break through? Zhang Qingyang felt very embarrassed when he saw Zhang Chengfu's performance, but he was very happy. What was embarrassing was that I and others, including Zhang Chengfu, were shocked by a bead and lost face in front of Yi Qianxiang and looked like they had no treasure. I was happy because even my uncle had made a fool of me, and I was not lacked my determination.

Zhang Qingyang saw that Zhang Chengfu had not spoken for a long time. At a glance, Zhang Chengfu was still watching and had to remind him, "Uncle, Qianxiang is still waiting for you to summon Xu Yunzi." Zhang Chengfu woke up and said to Yi Qianxiang, "If Xiaoyou is really a disciple of Xu Yunzi, I will naturally send a message. Now I'd better take a look at the water beads. The water beads are mysterious. Can you lend me a look?"

Yi Qianxiang had no doubt that he was there. He sent the water droplet to Zhang Chengfu with wind control and said, "Senior, please go."

Zhang Chengfu only took a look at it and said, "The water droplets are fake. Where did the thief dare to pretend to be a disciple of Xu Yunzi's predecessor?"