Gossip God

Chapter 33 Wild Island Battle

When the daffodils heard what Brother Mang said, they used their divine knowledge to feel that there was indeed an array on this island. As for what it is, the daffodils really don't know. The five elements mainly practice the art of five elements, and the array is also based on the five behaviors. They don't know much about other arrays. If Zhang Chengxuan is here, he must know what kind of array it is. In fact, there is nothing strange about this poisonous forest array, but it is used to refine more than 900 poisonous snakes into array flags, which can be arranged temporarily or taken back at any time. Once the array is activated, it will form toxicity within the array, and it cannot attract many auras of heaven and earth. It is impossible to trap daffodils. But it is enough to trap the younger generation like Yi Qianxiang.

The daffodils are not afraid and said to himself, "It's okay if you don't start this array. Once you start this array, the aura of heaven and earth will change. Even if Zhang Chengxuan can't feel it, Xu Yunzi can't feel it?" But he said, "What a poisonous monster, opinion treasure!"

In fact, it can't be said that this reckless brother is careless. Generally, an old man at the level of Xu Yunzi will not come out to wander around. His cultivation is basically the top. He also arranged a boundary to isolate the fluctuation of the array outside the poisonous forest array. He can't feel it to his cultivation, but for Xu Yunzi Such immortals, whether it is formation or boundary, are like children's play.

As soon as the daffodil made a move, the water ice master sisters and Zhang Qingyang, of course, could not be idle and looked for their opponents to fight. All the aquarium monsters are besieging the three small ones, and the number of three small children is not superior, and their cultivation is not superior, but a few rounds are phenomena.

The daffodils fight against the three humanoid goblins alone, which can protect themselves for the time being. They want to save others, but they are unable to do it. At this moment, a harpoon ran to the heart of Shui Binghe. Shui Binghe closed his eyes and said, "It's over." Suddenly, Shui Binghe felt a hot face, and a voice came from his ear: "Child, do you dare?" Involuntarily opened his eyes and saw that the monster who wanted to attack him had lost his head and splashed blood on his face. Yi Qianxiang was standing behind the goblin with a golden snake sword. This monster originally thought that it could kill Shui Binghe immediately, but was proudly attacked by Yi Qianxiang. As for the sentence "child, you dare" was certainly not shouted by Yi Qianxiang, but the eagle brother who just went to chase Yi Qianxiang.

Brother Ying just found the place where Yi Qianxiang was lurking. He was thinking of attacking Yi Qianxiang. Unexpectedly, he was about to encounter water and ice in danger. Yi Qianxiang went to attack the monster. He just fell into the air and had to shout, but it was too late to shout. The brother who was still drinking and happy had been cut down by Yi Qianxiang. The head. Since he killed his brother under his eyelids, Brother Eagle's eyes immediately became red-eyed golden pupils and roared at Yi Qianxiang.

Yi Qianxiang killed a famous monster with one sword, which gave Zhang Qingyang the three of them time and reduced the pressure. Zhang Qingyang added a popular charm to each of his sisters and Shuibinghe sisters and shouted softly: "Let's fight and go, waiting for reinforcements." Shuibing Heshi sisters are not fools. They immediately change their tactics and fight more and fight less. Those monsters really have nothing to do for a while.

Yi Qianxiang did not swim with them, because Yi Qianxiang knew that his speed was not as fast as this eagle brother, so he stood up with the golden snake sword and looked desperate. Brother Eagle was stunned when he saw Yi Qianxiang's airs. Is this guy crazy? The cultivation of this eagle brother is much higher than that of Yi Qianxiang. Of course, compared with daffodils, it is still not enough, but now the daffodils are entangled by three people who are not weaker than her, and they can do their best to protect themselves. Yi Qianxiang is naturally less lucky with this eagle brother.

Yi Qianxiang immediately sacrificed the thousand-sliced change hidden in the golden snake sword. The real light blade went to Brother Eagle. The Eagle brother was shocked. First, it was because Yi Qianxiang's thousand-s-sortal change was really amazing. Second, because he knew that this was the blade of the red fairy. He heard that he had fallen into the hands of Zhang Tianshi in Longhu Mountain and now appeared here. In the hands of a young man, what is his relationship with Zhang Tianshi? Isn't Zhang Tianshi also here? There was no room for him to think so nonsense in the battle. In this short moment, the thousand scales had attacked in front of him. Brother Eagle immediately appeared in his original shape and turned into an eagle, with wings protecting him, and was smashed out by Yi Qianxiang's thousand scales.

Brother Eagle was smashed with blood, and his heart was even more angry. He was injured under the attack of a person who was not as good as himself. It was really shameful. No matter who Yi Qianxiang was, or whether Zhang Tianshi was also here. He shouted and was about to attack, but Yi Qianxiang's attack had arrived again. .

Yi Qianxiang has never been a good man, and he has just made a successful blow. The third change of the golden snake sword was immediately used: Yi Qianxiang first stabbed the abdomen of the eagle brother with the golden snake sword. The eagle brother has appeared in his original shape, and his claws are under his abdomen. This pair of eagle claws are extremely hard and sharp. How can he be afraid of Yi Qianxiang's attack? Yi Qianxiang's sword was caught. Yi Qianxiang suddenly turned his sword into a whip, trembled, wrapped around Brother Eagle's neck, and then immediately stimulated toxicity, and a poisonous gas sprayed on Brother Eagle's face.

Can the toxicity of the red fairy be eliminated by the eagle essence all the time? Immediately, I felt that the world was spinning, my mind was hot, and then I was unconscious. In fact, if he is careful not to let Yi Qianxiang get close to him, no matter how powerful the poison is, he can't think of him. Unfortunately, he underestimated Yi Qianxiang's ability to control this magic weapon and the toxicity of this magic weapon. Brother Eagle fainted. Yi Qianxiang always took advantage of his illness to kill him. He immediately turned the whip into a sword and split Brother Eagle in half. When the other goblins reacted, the eagle spirit could not die.

As soon as Yi Qianxiang took action, he destroyed the two monsters in a moment. Although they were all sneak attacks, this method could not be surprising. Both sides consciously stopped their hands and retreated, but the daffodils and Zhang Qingyang were still surrounded by several monsters.

The daffodils laughed and said, "Qianxiang Taoist friends are really good means."

Brother Mang said solemnly, "Who are you?"

Although Yi Qianxiang just attacked, his whole body was almost exhausted. He just took the opportunity to rest and replied loudly, "Master Dao, I won't change my name or change my surname. Yi Qianxiang, a disciple under Xu Yunzi's seat, is also!"

Brother Mang was shocked: "Xu Yunzi?" Then he panicked and said, "No, let's go!"

Daffodils sneered and said, "Do you want to leave now?" It's too late, leave your life!" After saying that, he straightened up the magic weapon in his hand and took Brother Mang directly. Yi Qianxiang smiled bitterly in his heart. Auntie, it's not easy to leave, just let him go. Just wait until you go back and move the reinforcements and then annihilate them all. Why bother at this time?

As soon as the daffodils take action, other monsters naturally can't be idle and look for their opponents to fight. Brother Mang was also angry and shouted, "I don't believe it. I can't deal with your juniors before Xu Yunzi comes." After the words fell, Brother Mang turned into a more than ten-foot-long python, with a head as big as a carriage, and his eyes were blood-red, which was very scary.

The python showed its original shape, and its cultivation immediately rose sharply. The daffodils could not be suppressed. The python spirit rushed to Yi Qianxiang and came. Why did the python spirit come to Yi Qianxiang? First, the daffodil cultivation is profound, that is, he shows his original shape and can't clean it up for a moment; second, it is because Yi Qianxiang has the highest cultivation and the greatest threat among the younger generation; third, this python spirit used to be a red practice fairy and was particularly angry to see Yi Qianxiang holding his old master's golden snake sword. Therefore, it is inevitable to attack Yi Qianxiang.

Yi Qianxiang just urged the golden snake sword one after another, and there was little power left in his whole body. Seeing the python attack, he immediately put the sword across his chest to protect himself. He pinched a escape charm in his left hand in case of emergency. This escape charm was captured from Zhang Chengfu. Yi Qianxiang did not know the effect, but now he can't care about it. That's it.

The python spirit was very direct. He opened his blood basin to Yi Qianxiang and was about to swallow Yi Qianxiang into his abdomen. The escape charm in Yi Qianxiang's hand urged him and immediately disappeared. The python spirit bit into the air and said to himself, "Does this boy still have a escape charm?" However, he did not hesitate. He directly waved his tail and swept at the waist of the water ice lotus. The water ice lotus snorted out painfully, and Shui Bingrong shouted, "Senior sister." He wanted to rescue, but was stabbed by the monster who fought against him while he was distracted.

The daffodil is anxious in her eyes, but there is nothing she can do, because the two monsters fighting with her have also appeared. One is a white snake and the other is a cobra. His cultivation is not weak. If she saves herself, she will inevitably fall into a field like water and ice.

When the python spirit saw that the water ice lotus was hit by him, he immediately wanted to swallow the water ice water ice water. Suddenly, he felt that there was a wind on his head. He instinctively turned his head away, and a figure fell in front of him. The python looked at it. It turned out that it was Yi Qianxiang who had just escaped.

Zhang Chengfu's escape charm is really useful, but there is no accurate head. The escape charm just now should be able to randomly transfer Yi Qianxiang out of a miles, but I don't know how it moved to the sky. Thanks to Yi Qianxiang's royal weapon, the skill of control is also the best. He didn't panic, so he immediately adjusted his body and began to fall. As soon as he fell, he saw that the water ice lotus was thrown out by the python spirit. Knowing that something was going to happen to the water ice lotus, he immediately accelerated to fall in the direction of the water ice water ice lotus. It happened that the python spirit wanted to swallow the water ice water ice water. Yi Qianxiang wanted to give the python spirit a fierce blow behind the python spirit, but he didn't expect to be dodged by the python spirit.

Although the python spirit dodged Yi Qianxiang's attack, Yi Qianxiang also came to Shui Binghe as he wished. Yi Qianxiang raised his sword, stood in front of Shui Binghe, and shouted, "Let's go!" While speaking, the python spirit opened its mouth for the second time and rushed to Yi Qianxiang. Now there is water and ice lotus behind Yi Qianxiang. If he flashes, the water and ice lotus will inevitably be saved. Although Yi Qianxiang is smooth, he still valued morality and righteousness. He said to himself, "Forget it, fold here today and leave a good name for righteousness." Gather all the mana on the golden snake sword and prepare for another thousand scale change.

As soon as Yi Qianxiang prepared the scales, he heard someone shouting in the air: "You dare!" Yi Qianxiang heard that this was his master's voice. He was happy and sent it out with a change of scales. Xu Yunzi is actually still in the cloud. If the python fights for his life, he can definitely kill Yi Qianxiang before Xu Yunzi appears, and he can also pick up water and ice.

In fact, the Python spirit also thinks so. Today's things are absolutely difficult to do, so you have to pull a cushion. The python spirit didn't care about Yi Qianxiang's thousand scales and continued to prick Yi Qianxiang. Many deep visible bone wounds were cut off by Yi Qianxiang on his face, which looked even more ferocious and horrible. Yi Qianxiang said to himself, "It's over." Now he doesn't even have the magic power to urge the escape charm.

At this moment, a bright and snowy sword suddenly appeared between Yi Qianxiang and the python spirit. It was said to be a big sword. In fact, the length was not long, only about four feet, but it was about one foot wide, which was simply a shield. The big sword appeared abruptly, and the python spirit held desperately. The idea came, and it couldn't stop. It was hitting the sword. The sword was almost motionless. It just stopped in the air and buzzed, but the head of the python spirit was already torn apart in pain.

At this time, Xu Yunzi had just arrived, and a python spirit that was still dizzy was kicked to death. He quickly picked up Yi Qianxiang and checked that there was no big problem. However, he took off his strength and was relieved and said, "Which master saved my life? Can you show up and see him?"

When the rest of the monsters saw that the daffodils came to help, their most powerful brother Mang had died and immediately dispersed as birds and beasts. The daffodils were also a little tired now and said to Xu Yunzi, "Senior Xu Yunzi, don't let them run away!"

Xu Yunzi said, "Well, Cheng Xuan has set up a large array of two dragons outside the island. I don't think they can run out. Moreover, this evil beast is dead, and others can't control the poison array outside. I'm afraid that even the island can't get out."

While they were talking, an old man with a red face came out. It was the old man that Yi Qianxiang and others met in the Hangzhou teahouse that day. After coming out, the old man saluted Xu Yunzi and the daffodils separately: "The younger generation Maoshan sent Qingyu, and I have seen Xu Yunzi's predecessor, uncle Shuishi." The voice is loud and powerful, and it is not owned by an old man at all.

The daffodils looked at the green jade and said in her heart, "It is said that the green jade Taoist priest in Maoshan is the best of the young generation. I still don't believe that my disciples are not much worse than him. Unexpectedly, this green jade Taoist priest is already in the realm of immortals, and I'm afraid it is one point stronger than me. It seems that Maoshan is bound to It's time to get the lead."

Xu Yunzi looked carefully and sighed, "I don't want to avoid it. It's so exquisite that you can't even see through the old way. Then it's terrible, powerful and powerful."

Qingyu said, "Xu Yunzi's predecessor is flattered. How can such a small trick escape the eyes of the predecessor."

Several people still wanted to speak, but suddenly heard the murder outside the island. Xu Yunzi said, "It shouldn't be. Can't Zhang Chengxuan stand it?" Xu Yunzi picked up Yi Qianxiang, the daffodils picked up the water ice lotus, and then said to Qingyu Taoist priest, "Qingyuxian's nephew, Rong'er has no choice but to fly in the sky. Please take her along." Qingyu Taoist priest said, "It doesn't matter, uncle, it's up to you." Seven people flew to Zhang Cheng outside the island to announce the position.