Gossip God

Chapter 44 Endless Cave

Although Maoshan's war situation is extremely tense now, Yi Qianxiang fell into the hands of mice for Maoshan. Moreover, Yi Qianxiang's mother Liu Luyi is a disciple of Maoshan. Yi Qianxiang is Maoshan's nephew anyway. How can he sit back and ignore it? Feng Qingyu struggled with the tea cup, but still left a note, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

Ning Changfeng has also entered Chang'an City, but he has lost the trace of the mouse spirit. Although the mouse spirit can no longer use the hidden magic power here, Ning Changfeng can't use the magic power of fire-eyed and golden eyes. When he entered the city, he had lost the mouse spirit. Now he is looking for someone in this vast sea of people in Chang'an. Looking for a needle in a haystack.

Isn't it a rat spirit? Yi Qianxiang is more slippery than a rabbit. As soon as he turned a corner, he disappeared in a blink of an eye. The mouse spirit is the cultivation of a fairy. In Chang'an, he is no different from ordinary people. Where can he find it? The mouse spirit is actually very miserable, because he has just reached the realm of human form and has not been in the habit of entering the city with silver. In the past, when did he lack silver money? Poor, I don't have any magic power now. How can I find silver money?

Yi Qianxiang has now found a lodging inn, took a shower, bought new clothes, had a full meal, and rested comfortably in the inn. At first, Yi Qianxiang found that he had lost all his magical power, and was also scared. He thought that the mouse spirit had used some means to waste his cultivation, but his body was not damaged. He suspected that it was the mouse spirit that sealed his cultivation. He wanted to investigate, but he couldn't. He was very disappointed. After a moment, the mouse spirit chased him and ran away for his life. He had no ability, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't see the mouse spirit chase him. Yi Qianxiang tried again for a long time, and even a magic weapon could not be used. Yi Qianxiang speculated in his heart that the mouse spirit did not chase him, and he could not use magic power himself. Does this place not use magic power at all?

Yi Qianxiang's inference is correct, and Yi Qianxiang also believes that his inference is correct, but Yi Qianxiang does not like to take risks, so he obediently found a small inn to stay in. He hasn't eaten, drink or sleep for half a month. Even if Yi Qianxiang has good cultivation, he can't stand it.

Ning Changfeng walked around the city and did not find the mouse spirit or Yi Qianxiang. He sat down in the teahouse where he and Feng Qingyu met for the first time. Sure enough, Feng Qingyu appeared soon. Feng Qingyu is not dressed as a magic stick this time, but just dressed as a Taoist priest and carrying his sword on his back. Because Feng Qingyu knew that the magic power in Chang'an City was taboo, and he would not release the sword outside the city.

Feng Qingyu came to Ning Changfeng and asked directly, "Where are the people?"

Ning Changfeng said, "I lost it."

Feng Qingyu thought for a moment and did not complain, saying, "It doesn't matter. You have been lucky for so many days. Let's find a place to take a rest first. Leave the rest to me."

The mouse spirit has no silver, but he can't give up the heavy treasure in Yi Qianxiang's hand when he left Beijing. At this moment, he was resting on the street corner. Suddenly, a big sword appeared in front of him. As soon as the mouse spirit looked up, he saw the Taoist priest of Maoshan standing in front of him and looking at him with a serious face: "Hand over Yi Qianxiang and let you run for your life immediately. No However, I will definitely kill you under the sword today.

The mouse spirit lost Yi Qianxiang, and he was angry. Feng Qingyu still talked to him in such a tone. At that moment, he was furious and waved his fist to greet Feng Qingyu: "Ah, ignorant young people, do you really think it's easy to bully?" Yi Qianxiang is naturally not afraid. It is a sword to swiel the sword. The mouse's fists were blocked, and the sword was about to hurt his hand before he found that the steel claws had not come out. Only then did he remembered that this was Chang'an, the forbidden place of magic power. He immediately retreated, but it was too late. He was opened by Feng Qingyu's sword and almost died.

The mouse spirit was so scared that he immediately wanted to escape. Unfortunately, the injured body was still Feng Qingyu's opponent. He was caught up by Feng Qingyu and kicked down. The sword lay on the mouse spirit's neck and asked, "Where is Yi Qianxiang? Don't say no to me, or I'll be excited for a moment, and I'm afraid I'll cut off your head.

Although the mouse spirit really doesn't know, he still dares not anger Feng Qingyu. This mouse spirit knows the truth that people must bow their heads under the low eaves and said, "I know. I'll take you to find it, Taoist priest. For the sake of my practice, let me go!"

Feng Qingyu lifted the mouse spirit and asked, "Ty!"

The mouse spirit rolled its eyes and fainted. Feng Qingyu quickly picked up the mouse essence, moved his fingers like flying, and sealed several acupuncture points of the mouse essence. Fortunately, Feng Qingyu also practiced martial arts for several years before learning Taoism. In Chang'an, which is banned by magic power, he is also a big assistant. He stopped bleeding, picked up the mouse spirit, found a hospital near the left, wrapped the mouse essence, rented a carriage, and put the mouse spirit on the carriage. The carriage wandered out of Chang'an and went outside the net.

Since Feng Qingyu had captured the mouse spirit, there was nothing wrong with Ning Changfeng. Ning Changfeng resigned Feng Qingyu and said that he would travel around. Feng Qingyu couldn't stay and gave him a "Shangqing Classic" and let him leave.

Feng Qingyu first used his means to imprison the mouse's spiritual means before waking up. If others, immortal cultivation, it is impossible to imprison the mouse spirit in the realm of immortals, but Feng Qingyu just has this ability, otherwise how can he break through to the realm of immortals in a short time? Besides, Feng Qingyu also has the ability to save his life. Even if this mouse spirit breaks through the imprisonment, Feng Qingyu is not afraid.

As soon as the mouse opened his eyes, he saw Feng Qingyu's frosty face. He immediately closed his eyes and scolded himself in his heart. What did he do when he woke up? Feng Qingyu said coldly, "Don't pretend to be garlic when you wake up. Tell me quickly where Yi Qianxiang is?"

The mouse spirit felt a pain in the wound, and Feng Qingyu stabbed the sword into his wound again. The carriage was moving forward, and the mouse carefully calculated for a moment and said, "I hid Yi Qianxiang in my cave."

Feng Qingyu said, "Take me there."

The mouse said, "My cave is in Zhongtiao Mountain."

Feng Qingyu said loudly, "Zhongtiao Mountain!"

Now the weather is only in February, and there is still a depression in Zhongtiao Mountain. The driver was sent back early. Now Feng Qingyu's magic power can be used, and it is not very difficult to carry a mouse spirit. Fortunately, there are no tourists and hunters in the mountains, and he is not afraid of shocking the world.

The two came to the mouse spirit's cave in a short time. The mouse spirit's cave was really stingy. Even if Feng Qingyu was worried about Yi Qianxiang now, she couldn't help laughing. Why? Because the mouse spirit's cave has only one hole as big as a mouse hole, if Feng Qingyu hadn't felt that it was full of aura here, she wouldn't believe that this was a cave. Although the mouth of the cave is not big, its tone is not small. When you open the weeds, you can see a stone tablet engraved with four blood-red characters: "Endless Cave Sky".

Of course, Feng Qingyu will not drill the mouse hole. With a wave of the sword in his hand, he blew up the hole and walked in with the mouse spirit. As he walked, he shouted, "Qian Xiang? Yi Qianxiang? Brother Qianxiang?"

The voice echoed, as if the cave was very empty, but no one answered.

Feng Qingyu stared at the mouse spirit fiercely, and the mouse spirit quickly explained, "I imprisoned him with magic in the hole." Feng Qingyu listened to the explanation of the mouse spirit, but she was even more suspicious.

Although the entrance of the cave is not very good, it is still very complicated, and there are no lack of iron locks. Where the magma is exposed, he walked for about an hour and didn't reach the end. Feng Qingyu grabbed the mouse spirit, put the sword on the mouse spirit's neck, and said angrily, "Where is the hell is the person? ?"

The mouse smiled and said, "Here it is."

Feng Qingyu instinctively felt that a dangerous breath was approaching. At present, she no longer hesitated. With a strong hand, a sword cut along the neck of the mouse spirit. Although Feng Qingyu had already used the sword against the neck of the mouse spirit, it was still empty. There was only one shirt left in Feng Qingyu's hand, the mouse spirit. I don't know where to go for a long time. Feng Qingyu couldn't help but feel a little bitter. She was so careful that she still let the mouse spirit escape.

Although the mouse spirit has escaped, the so-called monk can't run away from the temple. Feng Qingyu's consciousness unfolded and searched the cave, but it is still nothing. It is claimed that there is endless winter. It is really big enough. There are so many caves inside that I'm afraid that tens of thousands of them are intertwined and can deserve endless words. If the mouse spirit hadn't been opened by him and his practice would have been greatly reduced, then the mouse spirit would have trapped him now.

A whole hour has passed, and still I haven't found Yi Qianxiang. Feng Qingyu was worried and had to retreat. Otherwise, it would be too easy to calculate himself on the ground of the mouse spirit. Even if the cultivation is damaged, it can occupy the land and make some negative tricks. When he came out of the cave, Feng Qingyu summoned a big sword and engraved a line of words on the stone tablet of "Endless Cave": If you hurt Qianxiang, you will never die up and down Maoshan.

After Feng Qingyu left, a breeze blew, and the middle mountain became quieter, as if no one had been here for hundreds of years.

Feng Qingyu has returned to Maoshan and reported all this to the Taoist priest Lvyang. Lvyang comforted him: "It doesn't matter. Qianxiang is definitely not a picture of abbreth. You can rest assured that when Maoshan's news, he will go down the mountain to look for it with you." Feng Qingyu knew that the master was comforting himself, but there was no other way. At this time, the sky and the earth suddenly changed. The clear sky was almost full of clouds in an instant. After another moment, lightning and thunder were very scary.

Master Lvyang looked at the changing wind and clouds, pinched his fingers, and suddenly turned pale and said, "Someone wants to survive the disaster." Of course, there will be big and small disasters in practicing Taoism and refining qi. To refine the body and essence, what needs to be done is to pass is to transform essence. The body is strong and refine, and replenish qi. That is to say, only when the body is strong can the essence be condensed and the body has the ability to exert force through the air. After refining, it is necessary to refine the essence. The refining of the gods begins to have magical power. In this practice, you need to go through the "no delusional disaster", and no delusional disaster needs to see through the truth and falsehood, so that you can use the magic power. If you pass the no delusional disaster, you will be scattered.

From scattered people to real people, that is, refining gods and transforming qi, refining gods are called scattered people, and transforming qi is called real people. There is no disaster in the middle, but it requires 10th of perception. When a real person comes to immortals, that is, he has exhausted his qi. In order to refine his qi, he needs to cross the sea of suffering, that is, that is, the "sea of suffering disaster". In the disaster of the sea of suffering, many practitioners appear in his previous life and this life, and they need to break through the joints in it. Buddhism said that "the sea of suffering is boundless, and turning back is the shore", which is a way to throw it away and cut off the cause. , all four are empty.

Passing through the sea of suffering is a human immortal. Although he is still a human immortal, he is also stained with the word immortal. Since he is an immortal, he can understand the Tao, and finally refine his qi and is still weak. After the "nine-nine-day disaster", also known as the "heavy yang disaster", he can fly up and become an immortal. But a small number of people are very special and need to get through a "fearless disaster".

This "fearless disaster" can be said to be a disaster or not a disaster, because this disaster has nothing to do with the robber himself, but is a celestial phenomena. That is to say, it is not impossible to avoid it, but once you are afraid, it will be difficult to take another step on the way to practice. Who is looking for this "fearless disaster"? Who has his own feelings in his heart to fight against Tianwei and immortality? The future practice will definitely go further. Of course, not everyone can survive this Tianwei. As long as it can't be passed, it can only be lost.

After the calculation, Taoist priest Lvyang said to Feng Qingyu, "Someone wants to overcome the fearless disaster." After that, Feng Qingyu smiled bitterly in his heart. He bowed to Lv Yang and said, "It's not someone else who wants to overcome this fearless disaster, but a disciple."

Green Yang said, "You are a heavenly qualification, and you are one step higher than others at the beginning. Now there is such a disaster, which is also a fixed number. The so-called eternal way is this truth."

Feng Qingyu said, "My disciples have gone."

Feng Qingyu rose up, and the clouds seemed to suddenly become active, rushing to Feng Qingyu. Feng Qingyu's sword in his hand opened, and a golden light shot towards the clouds. The golden light sank into the dark cloud and did not react. Then the dark cloud rolled up by itself, and a golden light shot at Feng Qingyu, which was exactly the same as Feng Qingyu's attack.

Feng Qingyu's sword hit the golden light and flew away. After that, he saw the lightning flashing on Feng Qingyu's sword body, and there was a faint sound of thunder. When the electric light on the sword condensed densely, Feng Qingyu shouted, "Open." The big sword in his hand came out, and the lightning disappeared into the dark cloud.