Gossip God

Chapter 70 Xun Sword Power

Yi Qianxiang accidentally found his adoptive brother Zhang Erzhuang at the tomb of his stepfather and stepmother, but found that Zhang Erzhuang had practiced magic skills. When he wanted to instruct Zhang Erzhuang to follow him to practice, Zhang Erzhuang's master jumped out. With that miserable opening: "I am also a fairy. Why do you rob an apprentice with me?" A dry and thin old man came out of the shadows with no popularity on his face, like a mummified corpse crawling out of the grave.

Yi Qianxiang has even seen Dixian. Although he didn't find him just now, he was not afraid and asked, "Who are you?"

The man smiled and said, "I'm a man."

Although the old man gave his name, Yi Qianxiang had no impression of the immortal, but the old man's breath was indeed a little familiar. Yi Qianxiang said, "Your kung fu is too dark for my brother to practice."

Yu Chengwen said, "Haha, do you look down on my yin school?"

Yi Qianxiang has the intention to belittle him: "I really look down on him. Since you want to teach my brother, you might as well compete with me. If you lose, return your brother to me.

Yu Chengwen smiled and said, "Ignorant, why did I fight with you?"

Before Yu Chengwen's voice fell, Yi Qianxiang felt the gloomy wind behind his head. He quickly lowered his head and shrank his neck, turned his body to the side, and made an open fire back. When Yi Qianxiang stood up, Li Jian had already appeared in his hand. It was better to deal with this kind of gloomy and terrible thing. The flame that Yi Qianxiang hit did not want to hurt the enemy, but was just a means of self- Protection, so when Yi Qianxiang put on a good posture, the fire was also extinguished.

Opposite Yi Qianxiang, a very harsh woman's voice came: "This method is really not annoying, but the slave family underestimates you."

When Yi Qianxiang heard this voice, he immediately opened his eyes and shouted, "Is it you?" Who is this person? It was the second of the five ghost immortals in Xishan, that is, she directly forced the virtual monk to die, and it was also the relic of the sitting virtual monk. Of course, Yi Qianxiang did not know all this. But this did not affect Yi Qianxiang's hatred for her at all, not only because she forced the sitting monk to death, but also because she and the old man stretched out his hand to her adoptive brother. So this fish Chengwen is the boss of the five ghost immortals in Xishan?

I don't know where the voice of the ghost second came from: "I'm clumsy. I don't know where I've seen the driver? But isn't it too rude to drive? Anyway, my slave family is also the uncle of your brother. Even if it is not called the uncle of the slave family, it should also be called a senior.

Yi Qianxiang said, "I don't have such a hidden predecessor."

Yu Chengwen spoke, but not to Yi Qianxiang, but Zhang Erzhuang: "Child, do you want revenge? The teacher thought that this person would never appear in front of you again, so the teacher never told you. Do you know why your family caused bad luck? It's all because of him! Your parents took him in kindly, but your parents don't know that he is actually a disaster. He brought the bad luck of your family. Kill him, kill him, kill him, you can achieve supreme magic power, kill all your enemies, eat their flesh, and drink their blood.

Zhang Erzhuang's eyes were instantly red, and there was a low roar from the depths of his throat: "Practice your magic skills and kill all your enemies. Practice magical skills and kill all enemies.

Yi Qianxiang was furious. He knew that this was a demagogic spell, but he did not have the corresponding spell to crack. After all, he was also born as scattered and had never learned systematic spells. At present, he didn't know what to do. He pinched the magic formula in his hand and pointed to Zhang Erzhuang and said, "Sle!"

Yi Qianxiang used not the body-stighting technique, at least not the fairy magic power body-stighting technique, but the wind control technique, or the development of Yi Qianxiang's wind control technique. Last time in the green sheep's magic array, Yi Qianxiang used such a spell with the help of Dai Moyun's bird hair. At that time, Yi Qianxiang was in a state of epiphany and faced the earth immortals, so the effect was not very obvious, but that short moment was enough for Yi Qianxiang to deal with the situation at that time. Or, that's the best Yi Qianxiang can do.

However, after three months of retreat, Yi Qianxiang has perfected this method. If the current Yi Qianxiang returns to that battlefield, he will fix the two immortals for more than one breath. Of course, the premise is that the two immortals are still unprepared. Now it is absolutely more than enough to use this trick to deal with Zhang Erzhuang, because Erzhuang's cultivation is far away from the scattered people and the boss.

Yu Chengwen naturally knew that Zhang Erzhuang was not Yi Qianxiang's opponent. Yi Qianxiang was known as the realm of immortals. Although Yu Chengwen himself did not believe in it, he knew that Yi Qianxiang's means must not be weak. Of course, Zhang Erzhuang could not be hostile. He asked Zhang Erzhuang to take action in order to train his disciples, but to give himself a chance to take action. .

Just as Yi Qianxiang fixed Zhang Erzhuang in place, a gloomy wind hit the back of Yi Qianxiang's head. Of course, Yi Qianxiang knew that Yu Chengwen was just a fake shot, so he used his nondescript stylization to restrict Zhang Erzhuang, give Yu Chengwen a chance to take action, and then use his means. Now Yu Chengwen did not move, but there was a yin wind behind Yi Qianxiang's head, indicating that it was the ghost second who attacked. Yi Qianxiang was not panic. As soon as the magic formula was introduced, the space behind him was fixed. Zhang Erzhuang left the support of Yi Qianxiang's formula and immediately fell to the ground softly.

Although Zhang Erzhuang fell down, Yi Qianxiang was not worried. Yi Qianxiang wanted to hurt Er Zhuang by mistake and stunned Er Zhuang by magical means. His fixed-up skill alone can't completely stop the opponent's sneak attack. At the moment blocked by the fixed-up technique, Yi Qianxiang has quickly come to the place where the ghost's second hides. He doesn't know when he has changed his sword and cut it into the void with a sword.

"Ah--" The ghost two screamed, as if he didn't expect Yi Qianxiang to have such a fast body and was caught off guard. Yu Chengwen was shocked and said, "Second sister, are you hurt?"

The gloomy voice of the ghost second came out, but it was a little weak: "It's okay. You can't die. Boss, kill this bastard and vent your anger on the slave family!"

Generally speaking, the ghost second should not be so bad, just because she underestimates Yi Qianxiang too much. Yi Qianxiang's cultivation is strange. It is difficult for ordinary people to see the level and mana. The ghost second is just a fairy cultivation, which is not as good as Yi Qianxiang. However, Yi Qianxiang is too young to let her feel contemptuous. In addition, she is a sneak attack. Of course, she is very sure. Who knows that Yi Qianxiang will move. Do it so fast. Moreover, Yi Qianxiang's shock sword is not ordinary in the first place. After Yi Qianxiang's sacrifice, it has added more power and natural restraint to deal with such yin spirits. With just one move, Yi Qianxiang hit the ghost second.

If the ghost second child knew that Yi Qianxiang could only run for his life under the protection of the virtual monk a year ago, he didn't know if he would be angry.

Yi Qianxiang cut the ghost second with a sword and didn't listen to the move. In the gap between Yu Chengwen and the ghost second brother, Yi Qianxiang had already waved his sword to kill Yu Chengwen. As soon as Yu Chengwen waved his hand, a soul flag appeared in his hand, but Yi Qianxiang suddenly stopped, frowned and said, "Change place!"

Yu Chengwen said, "Haha, why are you afraid? This is a place full of yin and qi, which is just right for my yin school to cast spells. If you are afraid, get out of here quickly.

Of course, Yi Qianxiang is not afraid, nor is he afraid that this is a place full of yin, but he just doesn't want to disturb the undead of his adoptive parents. Of course, Yu Chengwen also thought of this, so he didn't agree to change places. After all, Yi Qianxiang's sword that just attacked the ghost second was not small, and Yu Chengwen was not fully sure that he could take down Yi Qianxiang, so it was better for Yi Qianxiang to have some scruples.

Yi Qianxiang did not talk nonsense with Yu Chengwen. He waved his sword and cut at Yu Chengwen. Yu Chengwen laughed and shook his soul flag. Suddenly, there was a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling in the cemetery, and the yin gas also condensed into arrows and shot at Yi Qianxiang at a speed visible to the naked eye. Yi Qianxiang pinched a magic formula with his left hand, and a strong wind appeared around his body. He immediately rolled down countless yin arrows. His right hand did not stop at all and cut straight at the fish.

Yu Chengwen saw that the first move was not effective, and the soul flag in his hand was placed again, and he fought with Yi Qianxiang in the first place. After fighting seven or eight moves, Yi Qianxiang suddenly pulled back and went straight to the place where Zhang Erzhuang was lying. I don't know when the shaking sword in his hand had been replaced by a feather, that is, Yi Qianxiang's current Xun sword, directly cut it directly to Zhang Erzhuang. Yu Chengwen wondered, is this Yi Qianxiang suffering from madness? How can you wave a feather to your brother-in-law? Wouldn't he rather destroy his brother than let him practice the art of ghost cultivation? Or is he using feathers to drive away mosquitoes for his brother?

"Ah--" The ghost second let out another scream. Yi Qianxiang cut off the feather of the ghost second ghost and actually cut off the ghost second. Just when Yi Qianxiang and Yu Chengwen were fighting, the ghost second wanted to treat Zhang Erzhuang. Even if Zhang Erzhuang couldn't help anything, it could disturb Yi Qianxiang, right? Originally, the ghost second brother's concealment method was good. If it hadn't been for the sneak attack on Yi Qianxiang just now, Yi Qianxiang would not have found her hiding place. Now she secretly treated Zhang Erzhuang. Yi Qianxiang is fighting with Yu Chengwen again. Of course, she would not find it. Unfortunately, she underestimated Yi Qianxiang.

When Yi Qianxiang knocked down Zhang Erzhuang, he imposed a ban on Zhang Erzhuang. When the ghost came into contact with Zhang Erzhuang, Yi Qianxiang knew where she was and immediately broke away from Yu Chengwen and waved a sword at her. The ghost second didn't care about this sword, because Yi Qianxiang didn't have a sword in his hand at all, but only a feather. The original Chengying sword itself is invisible. After Yi Qianxiang's sacrifice, this sword is not only invisible, but also invisible in divine consciousness. How could the ghost second know all this? Let's see Yi Qianxiang wave a feather and sweep it at him. The ghost second ghost didn't take it seriously just because Yi Qianxiang was scaring her. Unexpectedly, this was actually a sword.

The ghost second brother flew out with a scream and unexpectedly showed his figure. She was a beautiful woman with a beautiful face, but now there are two bright red wounds between her chest and abdomen. It is inappropriate to say that the wound is not appropriate, because the ghost is originally an invisible ghost, and of course there will be no tangible wounds. These two wounds are just the external manifestation of Yi Qianxiang's injury to her.

When Yu Chengwen saw the appearance of the ghost second brother, he immediately got angry and shouted, "Kid, I'll fight with you!"