Gossip God

Chapter 78 Fairyland is different

Yi Qianxiang and the other two did go to Maoshan. To be precise, it was Yi Qianxiang and Feng Qingyu who went to Maoshan, and Ning Changfeng said that he would return to his Arrow Villa. No one knows exactly where he went. Yi Qianxiang went to Maoshan and really went to see the Taoist priest.

Xu Yunzi once left a heart seal in his heart, which is Xu Yunzi's cultivation and knowledge in life. When he has enough cultivation, he will naturally be able to understand. In Saren's transformation disaster, Yi Qianxiang also passed the addiction of becoming an immortal, opened the heart seal, and was soon smashed by Yu Chengwen. In this year, Yi Qianxiang realized again and completely understood Xu Yunzi's heart seal.

What's the use for him? In fact, it is useless, but as a reference and reference, it is still of great benefit. In addition, Yi Qianxiang also saw everything before Qingyang became an immortal in the Qingyang array, which almost completely understood Xu Yunzi's heart.

Compared with seeing knowledge, Yi Qianxiang's experience is too little, because of the natural disaster and Xu Yunzi's perception, he has experienced the inheritance of Qingyang. So many things that exceed his experience appear in his perception together, and it is inevitable that there will be confusion. He went to the Taoist priest to solve these puzzles. At that time, he also wanted to talk to the Taoist priest about the establishment of the sect.

Feng Qingyu is a real fairy, but after all, his qualifications are too shallow. He understands some things by himself, but he can't tell Yi Qianxiang to know. The patriarch of the Taoist generation can naturally point out Yi Qianxiang and other juniors.

The two came all the way to Maoshan. The Fenggu Taoist priest seemed to have known that Yi Qianxiang was coming for a long time. As soon as the two went up the mountain, the Fenggu Taoist priest called Yi Qianxiang away.

Yi Qianxiang came to the cave where the Fenggu Taoist priest practiced. Today, the Fenggu Taoist priest is not sitting withered, but cooking tea. After Yi Qianxiang saluted, Fenggu Taoist pointed to the opposite position: "Sit."

After Yi Qianxiang sat down, he was thinking about what to say. Fenggu Taoist priest said, "What do you have, just say it?"

Yi Qianxiang said, "In the mind of the disciples, there is the heart imprint left by the master Xu Yunzi. In the Qingshan outside the fortress, the disciples have also seen the Taoist inheritance of Qingyang. The practice of the two is not the same, and their achievements are also different. Why can they achieve immortals?"

Although Xu Yunzi has not done much, he is a sword-like. Most of his cultivation is on the silver eagle sword, and what he understands is also swords. Green sheep is the essence of green sheep, which is closer to the nature of heaven and earth, and pays attention to smooth changes. If both of them are in the realm of immortals, Qingyang will definitely die when he meets Xu Yunzi.

Of course, the problem is not the perception of the two people, but the denial of the two people. In the heartprint left by Xu Yunzi, he told Yi Qianxiang that practice was originally against the sky, so he had to challenge the way of heaven to achieve immortality. However, in the Taoism of Qingyang, it pays attention to conforming to the way of heaven and integrating with the way of heaven, so that they can overcome the disaster and become immortals.

Taoist priest Fenggu understood and said to Yi Qianxiang with a smile, "Do you think those monsters like besieging Maoshan can fly to immortals?"

Yi Qianxiang said, "It should not be possible. Disciples have experienced natural disasters with divine knowledge. Those monsters have been killed too heavily, and it is impossible to survive the 'punishment'."

The Taoist priest said, "How many fairyland do you think there are in the world?"

Yi Qianxiang said, "Of course, there is only one fairyland."

Fenggu Taoist priest said, "You are wrong. There should be countless fairyland in the world." After Yi Qianxiang asked him, the Taoist priest said, "The thirty-six heavens we know are the largest fairyland known now. In addition, there is also the Buddha world where the infinite light is located, the free world created by the demon king Bo Xun. I also heard that in the far west, there is a fairyland called Amon who created a fairyland called heaven. What kind of achievements can be achieved to fly to the corresponding fairyland. The fairy road is not the end of practice. This passage is to tell Yi Qianxiang that the achievements of different practices seem to be similar, but in fact they are different.

The Taoist priest saw that Yi Qianxiang understood and continued: "There are thirty-six heavens in the fairyland, and each weight is a kind of spiritual understanding. Before becoming an immortal, he did not know the mystery of it. And don't think about the magic and beauty of the fairyland. Everything will have something you don't know. Do you know the three islands of Shizhou?

Yi Qianxiang said, "I know a little."

Fenggu Taoist priest said, "In ancient times, there have been countless great achievements, and naturally there are many people who have the idea of creating a fairyland. The three islands of ten continents are the failed fairyland."

Yi Qianxiang said, "What about these great achievers?"

Fenggu Taoist said, "Of course, it was the failure to create the fairyland, and then turned into the world they created, which is why the ten continents can avoid the disaster."

Yi Qianxiang said, "Can you escape the disaster in the ten continents, but not in the three islands? The achievement of creating ten continents is higher than the creation of three islands? The three islands have always had a higher status than the ten continents. Now he suddenly heard that the ten continents can do what the three islands can't do. Yi Qianxiang is a little curious.

The Taoist priest saw Yi Qianxiang's doubts and smiled and said, "Of course, the achievements of the three islands are higher. The ten continents can only be regarded as a world, while the three islands can be regarded as a fairyland on earth. The ten continents provide shelter for the earth immortals, which consumes the power of the ten continents themselves. When the power is exhausted, the ten continents will collapse. However, the three islands have been integrated with heaven and coexist with heaven and earth.

Yi Qianxiang said, "So how many years can Shizhou provide shelter to these immortals?"

Fenggu Taoist priest said, "At the current number of immortals, it is estimated that they will be exhausted within a hundred years. Just 50 years ago, the immortals of Shizhou never had to worry about it. Because some genius has actually developed a 'stealing array'. As long as the number of immortals in the ten continents is maintained, then the ten continents will become one with the world, connect with each other, and the aura will never dry up.

Yi Qianxiang said, "The way of heaven is normal, and the ten continents occupy more aura. Isn't the world thin?"

Fenggu Taoist priest smiled and said, "I don't know. Don't ask me, just remember your vow."

Yi Qianxiang smiled and didn't ask. Yi Qianxiang's vow is to repair the way of heaven, but the ten continents have made a magic array that steals the sky. If Yi Qianxiang wants to complete his vow, he must smash the ten continents. Of course, Yi Qianxiang is just a fairy now. It's too early to talk about this, so there is no need to say.

Yi Qianxiang changed the topic: "Master, my disciples want to establish a sect and respect my teacher Xu Yunzi as their elders. What do you think?"

said, "Okay, this is a good thing. But it's a little difficult to do, blessed land, classics, disciples.

If Yi Qianxiang wants to establish a sect, he must have three things: the place of the sect, the classics in the door, and the disciples under the sect. These things are not urgent and need to be done step by step.

Yi Qianxiang said, "My disciples all know, but I want to find a blessed place first." What does Yi Qianxiang mean? That is to say, he wants to establish an empty shell sect. The leader is him, and his disciples are also him.

The Taoist priest smiled and said, "This kind of thing has never happened before, but it's not impossible. Do you want to establish Xu Yunzi's sect? Or do you want to establish Yi Qianxiang's sect? Generally, some disciples have been established by scattered cultivation, and there is also some prestige in the practice world. There has never been an empty shell sect like Yi Qianxiang, but it doesn't mean that it won't work.

As for the Taoist priest who asked Yi Qianxiang, is he going to establish the sect of Xu Yunzi or the sect of Yi Qianxiang? This is asking him whose Taoist system he is going to pass down? From the perspective of the Taoist priest, of course, I know that Yi Qianxiang's practice and Xu Yunzi are not the same way, so I have this question.

Yi Qianxiang replied, "Of course, it is the Taoism of Xu Yunzi, my teacher."

Fenggu Taoist priest: "Since it is the sect of Xu Yunzi, there is a Mengle Mountain in Nanzhao, which is very good!" After saying that, he closed his eyes and said no.

Yi Qianxiang got up and said goodbye. Feng Qingyu did not ask Yi Qianxiang what he said. Yi Qianxiang lived in Maoshan for another month. He played chess with Feng Qingyu every day and asked for Taoism. Most importantly, Yi Qianxiang learned Feng Qingyu's skill of changing appearance.

Feng Qingyu is invincible in the world with two hands. One is to run for his life, and the other is to change his appearance. In a month, even if Yi Qianxiang was a talented person, he also learned three points of fire, but for Yi Qianxiang, it was enough.

In two months, it will be the end of the year. Despite Feng Qingyu's hardship, Yi Qianxiang became a martial artist and went down the mountain to Dali.

There is a merchant ship on the Yangtze River. The owner is Zhang Chunxiao, a famous rich merchant in Nanzhao, but Zhang Chunxiao himself, but his brother-in-law Duan Lingde. Duan Lingde is only 20 years old, but he is shrewd and capable. This string of goods is absolutely worth two or three thousand taels of silver. This time, he can also make a start in front of his brother-in-law. Thinking of this, Duan Lingde couldn't help but be a little excited.

The goods must not be lost this time, so Duan Lingde has spent 300 taels of silver to hire more than 30 martial artists. Of course, what makes Duan Lingde more assured is that he is a person who is a practitioner. As long as he exerts more effort, he can step into the realm of scattered people.

Yi Qianxiang is also on this ship. He has no name, so he said that his name is Yi Qianxiang. Anyway, no one knows him. He just changed his face. In fact, he hasn't changed much, but it's just a little darker. Feng Qingyu can also recognize him at a glance. If Lv Pin meets him, he will have to look at him a few more.

Yi Qianxiang likes this Duan Lingde very much. This young man is very smart. He likes it very much. In Maoshan Fenggu Taoist priest once said the word "disciple" to Yi Qianxiang. Yi Qianxiang remembered, why don't he accept a disciple by himself? It's just that Duan Lingde already has practiced and doesn't know who his teacher is.

Duan Lingde actually found that Yi Qianxiang was unusual, but he couldn't say what was unusual. As a young man, he could feel a vicissitudes of life in Yi Qianxiang. Several bandits along the way were defeated by Duan Lingde himself, and there were no big twists and turns.

Because it is already winter, when it comes to the northwest, the waterway is no longer accessible, so we can only turn to the land road. The group of people came magnificently and very smoothly. Now they have come to Nanzhao, and as long as one day, they will enter Dali.

Unfortunately, it was late, and everyone had to stay in a mountain village store. That night, something happened.