Gossip God

Chapter 119 Revisit the Old Place

Although Yi Qianxiang was young, he was very old-fashioned, and after becoming a fairy, he added prestige. His disciples had always respected him, and naturally what he said would not be rebellious. Duan Lingde took the order and sent Xie Ji out.

After Xie Ji went out, he said to Duan Lingde, "Duan Lingde, you and I have a relationship. I really like you, but unfortunately, each of us is our own masters. If your master fails, I will definitely ask the Lord to let you go of your brothers."

Duan Lingde said, "Are you greedy for life and fear of death? Is it the work of my disciples of the infinite sword school?"

Xie Ji said, "Okay, Yi Qianxiang has disciples like you, and this life is enough. Hahaha." While laughing, he strode away. Although his mana was worn away by Yi Qianxiang, his body is still strong, and it must be no problem to walk down this infinite peak.

Yi Qianxiang let Xie Ji go, but Master Zhixian seemed very gratified: "Master Yi's benevolence and righteousness is the first, and the poor monk admires it."

Yi Qianxiang said, "No, kill me. In fact, I want to kill him countless times today, but I just don't know why, but I can't be cruel. In fact, Yi Qianxiang didn't find this matter, but it was only when Zhixian spoke that he realized something.

Zhixian listened to Yi Qianxiang's words but smiled and said, "You don't have to worry too much. The poor monk congratulates Yi first. This is definitely a good thing. Haven't Master Yi heard the words of my Buddhist family that 'sweeping the floor for fear of hurting ant life and cherishing the moth gauze lamp'?

Yi Qianxiang nodded, and Zhixian continued to say, "Everyone has compassion. Cherishing life is also an achievement.

Hearing this, Yi Qianxiang was enlightened and immediately said, "Thank you for your advice."

Master Zhixian smiled, but received this gift safely.

What did Yi Qianxiang realize? Naturally, it is the way of heaven. The practice of immortals and immortals is all about the understanding of heaven. What's more, Yi Qianxiang's practice is originally a reference to the origin of the world. Zhixian said that cherishing creatures should belong to the due achievements of earth immortals. Heaven is eternal, and the universe is infinite. Life is actually very fragile, not to mention those insects and ants, what about these monks who can move mountains and fill the sea?

Take Xie Ji just now as an example, Yi Qianxiang can take his life by turning over. Besides, how many other monks can rise in the end after a hundred years of hard work? How many monks turned into ashes under the disaster? Being able to understand that life is not easy and practice is not easy, which is an achievement. After figuring these out, Yi Qianxiang's fairy realm is more harmonious, and theoretically it has also reached the edge of soaring, that is, the ultimate fairy.

However, his immortality is different from Feng Qingyu. Feng Qingyu's perception and power have reached the end of the law of the world, which is the ultimate of the immortal, but he just felt it to the end, which can be regarded as the ultimate of the immortal. In fact, having this achievement does not mean that Yi Qianxiang will not kill in the future. This is just a kind of understanding and feeling. Of course, with this achievement, you will naturally cherish life. If you don't kill and cherish life, there will be no conflict.

Just as the two were talking, Duan Lingde had sent Xie Ji away and came back to kill him. Yi Qianxiang knew this apprentice, so he was also relieved and ordered his disciples to practice well and leave the infinite peak again. Now that there are more masters Zhixian at home, Yi Qianxiang is very relieved to leave.

Yi Qianxiang got Xie Ji's elixir, which naturally needs to be studied, but he does not know pharmacologicals. With his own strange perception, he can see through the elixir in his hand, but he can't make the opposite elixir. Yi Qianxiang, a pharmacological person only knows one, that is, Zhu Kuang . Although Zhu Kuang has always said that he is Zhu Yushi, not Lang Zhong, but Yi Qianxiang can't know that he can only think of Zhu Kuang when he gets such a tricky thing.

After Zhu Kuang saw the elixir, he was silent for a long time. Yi Qianxiang did not dare to talk nonsense and waited quietly. In a blink of an eye, an afternoon passed, and Zhu Kuang sat motionless until dinner.

It was not until his stomach cooed twice that Zhu Kuang stood up and walked to Yi Qianxiang with an excited face. Yi Qianxiang also stood up quickly to welcome Zhu Kuang. Zhu Kuang solemnly stuffed the elixir into Yi Qianxiang's hand and said, "I can't help it."

Even if Yi Qianxiang already had the cultivation of a fairy, he couldn't stand such a toss, and sat back in the chair with a fart. Then I felt a little embarrassed. However, even if Zhu Kuang didn't know, Yi Qianxiang was not discouraged. He went out and leaned against Zhu Kuang's kitchen and said, "Senior Zhu, have you heard of Xie Ji?"

Zhu Kuang said, "I have lived in seclusion in this town for many years. If you ask me, you might as well ask about the stone monument in the town."

When Yi Qianxiang heard the words of inquiring about the news, he suddenly thought of Lv Pin. He patted his head, scolded himself for being stupid, and said goodbye to Zhu Kuang, and then flew away. Zhu Kuang looked at the direction of Yi Qianxiang's flight and said to himself, "When did this boy become so irritable? I hope I didn't trust the wrong person."

Yi Qianxiang came to the outside of Chang'an City, but it was already past the time to close the gate. The gate is closed, and he can't do anything about it. Chang'an is a place where magic power is prohibited. He has no magic power, and he doesn't venture to climb over the wall. According to his memory, he found the place where he met Lv Pin last time. The cave is still there, and there are traces of fire. It seems that some people have come here to hide.

Yi Qianxiang ignited a fire and sat there quietly without any prohibition. He is now the ultimate immortal. There is nothing to be afraid of. Making a fire is also brought about by nature, and it is meaningless. Yi Qianxiang sat like that without practicing or even thinking about anything. He just quietly looked at the fire and reached an empty state.

A sound of messy footsteps came, but it interrupted Yi Qianxiang's emptiness. Yi Qianxiang wanted to wave his hand to put out the fire, which was still the habit he developed when he was a hunter, but his hands were raised and put them down again. It was mortals. Since it's all a mortal matter, he doesn't want to be more trouble, but this matter has hit his hands, which is also a fate.

After a while, a woman stumbled over and shouted, "Help, help." Behind the woman, followed by several domestic slaves.

The woman was a little unable to run. She saw a cave here, and there was a firelight in the cave. This was already her last straw, and it was the same. So she plunged into the cave and shouted softly, "Help, I fainted."

The woman fainted opposite Yi Qianxiang, but the domestic slave behind him also arrived immediately. They walked to the mouth of the cave and found that there was another person in the cave. He unconsciously stopped. The leading domestic slave looked at Yi Qianxiang's clothes, was infuriated by Yi Qianxiang's demeanor, and bowed: "Excuse me, my son, this is my maid. She stole the owner's house, ran here, disturbed him, and asked him to forgive me. I'll take him away now."

I have to say that this domestic slave is still a little embarrassed and polite. Yi Qianxiang didn't want to embarrass him, so he said, "It doesn't matter."

The slave saw that Yi Qianxiang opened his mouth and saluted others to take away the woman who fell to the ground. Just as the family behind him was about to move, Yi Qianxiang suddenly said again, "Slow it."

The domestic slave's face changed slightly and said, "What else can I do?"

Yi Qianxiang smiled and pointed to the woman who fainted underground and said, "She called me for help before fainted, which shows that your master's law is not light. I'm afraid she will be killed if she goes back?"

The slave hesitated and replied, "This is the master's business. We don't want to talk about our subordinates." That said, but his expression has proved that Yi Qianxiang is right.

Yi Qianxiang said, "Well, she stole your master's things. You can take it back." In addition, I'm willing to buy this maid for twice the price. Do you think it's okay?

The slave saluted again: "Please forgive me. I'm a servant. I really don't dare to say anything about the master's family."

Yi Qianxiang said, "It seems that your master's family tradition is rigorous. Well, can I follow you to visit your master?"

Yi Qianxiang looked at the difficult face of the slave, untied a package from his back, took out a pen and paper, and asked, "Can you tell me the name of your master so that I can write a greeting."

The slave felt a flower in front of him, and the person opposite had a package. He didn't see it just now. Maybe he was really dazzled. How could he not bring a package when he went out? He packed up his mind and said, "My master is a royal family, named Qingxiangbo, and his name is Li Jingye."

Yi Qianxiang said, "Qingxiangbo? All right." After saying that, he shook his hand and threw the invitation into the hands of the domestic slave.

When the domestic slave saw that Yi Qianxiang missed this hand, he did not dare to neglect it. He opened the worship post, which said: "Yi Qianxiang, the gossip Hou, stopped his head. I have heard that Qingxiang uncle Li Gong's name for a long time, came to pay a visit."

When the family saw Yi Qianxiang's worship post, he quickly knelt down and kowtowed and said, "Little slave doesn't know that the marquis has a title. I hope the marquis will spare the crime of disrespect."

Yi Qianxiang said, "I don't know if it's a crime. Get up and lead the way."

Several domestic slaves took turns carrying women, and the domestic slaves who had just talked stood in front of Yi Qianxiang with their way and soon came to a manor. In terms of decoration, this manor has the essence of feng shui, but it has some Taoist flavor. Yi Qianxiang is also a person with a title. The domestic slave did not dare to neglect it and has been bringing Yi Qianxiang to the living room.

Usually, people have fallen asleep at this time, but Uncle Qingxiang has not slept yet. After listening to the report of the domestic slave, he did not deal with the maidservant, so he came to the front hall.

Qing Xiangbo is not an ordinary person. Naturally, he will not easily believe Yi Qianxiang. When he went to the front hall, he saluted him first and said, "I don't know if the gossip Hou is visiting, and it will be far away. Listening to the master's title, it's a little strange."

Although Qingxiang is a little suspicious, he is not sure that Yi Qianxiang is fake. The emperor of this dynasty advocated Taoism and made me emperor. Naturally, it is not impossible to make such a strange title.

Yi Qianxiang knew that Qingxiangbo was suspicious and took out the imperial edict from the package and handed it over.

Li Congye read the imperial edict and quickly said, "It turned out that he was a master outside. Li Congye had no eyes. He was offended and offended."