Gossip God

Chapter 158 Green Jade Mount

While the people of the Fairy Club fought fiercely with the other-footed wolf, Yi Qianxiang and Feng Qingyu took advantage of the opportunity to kill the members of the Fairy Club and suppressed the fierce demon-footed wolf. In fact, the foot wolf is far from so bad, but he suffered a loss on the magic weapon when he fought hard. I don't know what the inconspicuous iron stick is, but it is so powerful. Even so, the wolf successfully put all the other party into internal injuries, and then let Yi Qianxiang take advantage of the loophole.

However, the fact has been completed. Although the foot wolf scolds it unpleasantly, Feng Qingyu will not release it. It is not easy to suppress it. How can it be released? When the foot wolf was tired of scolding, Feng Qingyu took the foot wolf into the magic tower, and then left together with Yi Qianxiang and others. After all, there are many people here. What they want to do has been done. Is it annoying to stay here?

Ning Changfeng has been practicing in 100,000 mountains for a long time, saying that no one will believe him if he has no nest. Ning Changfeng took them to an unknown valley where he often stayed. This valley doesn't look special, but it just makes people feel uncomfortable. It's not particularly awkward. Anyway, it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Yi Qianxiang checked carefully and estimated that a formation was set up here, which was surprisingly similar to the Taihang killing array in Taihang Mountain, but it was different in details. There was not so much murder and resentment, but it was a little bleak and desolate. Under the influence of this atmosphere, the whole valley also seemed a little bleak and desolate. It was not surprising that Ning Changfeng chose such a place or built such a place.

In the valley, there is no grass, warbler flying, no birds and flowers, and some are just dead silence. There is only a cave in the valley, which seems to be Ning Changfeng's usual residence. Even if it is already in the valley, the cave is still very hidden. The cave is not big, but everyone is a practitioner, and they don't pay so much attention to it. They sit down and talk about today's evil demons.

When it comes to the demon, I have to say that the baby. Feng Qingyu was not hesitate to take out the tripod. After reading for a week, they did not find a way to soar. It seems that the previous speculation of Yi Qianxiang and Feng Qingyu and others is undoubtedly correct. However, it is indeed a novel method to portray the array in the magic weapon, but after Yi Qianxiang studied it, everyone was disappointed.

The earth fog array brought by Fang Ding is generally born, and half of it is achieved. First of all, because Fang Ding is strong in earth, it is a rare magic weapon. Secondly, this array is where Fang Ding is the magic power. It can be said to be a big failure of the forger to make such an excellent square tripod with such excellent materials.

Finally, it came to Feng Qingyu's hand. Feng Qingyu smiled for a long time. Everyone asked him what was wrong. Feng Qingyu said, "Although this baby has been abandoned, it is still useful. I will transform him, and maybe I can have a more majestic mount."

Yi Qianxiang asked, "Do you want to subdue the murderer as your mount? I don't think it will succeed. With the murderous spirit of the murderous demon, it is impossible to give in to you.

Feng Qingyu said, "Of course he refuses, but I have a way. Now the murderer is in my magic tower. Almost all my mana can't move in order to suppress it. Please help me refine this baby first. In addition, we'd better change places and don't destroy Ning Changfeng's base."

Ning Changfeng said, "It doesn't matter. In a place like this, I have a lot in 100,000 mountains." Even if he doesn't have it, Ning Changfeng has to say something, otherwise will he really let his eldest brother and second brother find a new place in the dangerous 100,000 mountains?

Feng Qingyu knew that since Ning Changfeng had said so, he would be a little ignorant to go out again, so she nodded and agreed.

The transformation project that Feng Qingyu wants to carry out is neither complicated nor simple. Because there is the earth fog array inside, Feng Qingyu wants to add a formation to the earth fog array. The formation that Feng Qingyu wants to add is not difficult to say, and it is not simple to say. Anyway, it makes Yi Qianxiang tired.

This is what Yi Qianxiang has done without any psychological pressure, because Feng Qingyu said that it won't matter if he destroys Fang Ding. At worst, it's just to kill the murderer. He can find another way for his mount. However, Yi Qianxiang succeeded. Just after Yi Qianxiang succeeded, Feng Qingyu immediately released the evil demon.

Everyone thought that there would be a war between Feng Qingyu and the murderer, but they didn't expect that things could not be simpler. After the fierce demon appeared, because he had been suppressed by Feng Qingyu for a long time, he was a little depressed and roared. After that, Feng Qingyu threw the Fang Ding to the fierce demon. The fierce demon opened his mouth and wanted to put Fang Ding into his belly. Unexpectedly, Fang Ding's contact with it was still there, but he no longer listened to its command and directly detained him. On the head of the three subjects, the fierce demon turned into a black and bright donkey.

Everyone couldn't help being a little stunned. The majestic mount Feng Qingyu said was such a small donkey? Feng Qingyu completely ignored everyone's stunned eyes and jumped forward, stroked the donkey's head happily and said, "How's it going? Handsome, right? I have been like a little donkey of my own since I was a child.

Feng Qingyu is very happy, and the donkey may not be. One mouth is a flame. Feng Qingyu seemed to be prepared for a long time. The folding fan in his hand opened with a crack, and the flames were blocked out - Feng Qingyu was smarter than Yi Qianxiang just by looking at this hand.

The donkey did not give up, and another mouthful of yin water spewed out. Feng Qingyu's fan shook slightly and blocked the yin water out again. Seeing that the two attacks were ineffective, the donkey raised the front kick and kicked at Feng Qingyu. Feng Qingyu retreated slightly, kicked the donkey in front and pulled the donkey to the ground. Feng Qingyu took the opportunity to step on the donkey's back. The donkey jumped like crazy in place and wanted to throw Feng Qingyu down, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Suddenly, the donkey moved, and then saw the donkey's forehead lit up, and a small fog wrapped the donkey and Feng Qingyu. Everyone has seen the strength of the earth fog and studied the ingenuity of the earth and fog array, so they knew that the earth and fog array was not good, so they couldn't help but be a little worried. Before everyone could move, they heard Feng Qingyu shouting, "Let's see how I deal with it." After that, there was no sound, and I didn't know what was going on in the fog.

The fog rolled for three days before dissipated. After the fog dissipated, the donkey foamed and collapsed to the ground. Feng Qingyu sat on the donkey's belly and fanned herself, saying, "Wouldn't I have tried so hard to save you? You guys still don't appreciate it. Are you convinced now? After saying that, he knocked on the donkey's head with the fan in his hand.

What is Feng Qingyu's fan? It's a magic wind thunder fan. The donkey immediately screamed in pain, and then said, "Can't I accept it? But can you change my image? Isn't it too ugly?

Feng Qingyu said, "Bulls, how dare you insult my ideals. I have wanted a donkey like you since I was a child. I don't think you are not majestic enough. What are you complaining about? If you don't talk, who knows you are a wolf?"

The donkey stopped talking, as if he had acquiesced to Feng Qingyu's proposal. Feng Qingyu was also very satisfied and came to Yi Qianxiang and others with a smile. Fang Hong said happily, "It's unbelievable that you can even subdue the fierce demon."

Feng Qingyu was not arrogant or boasting. She responded, "It's just a coincidence. I know the formation on this tripod, and the method of transformation is also temporarily remembered. Otherwise, I can't help it if I lose my second brother."

Yi Qianxiang originally wanted to be modest. Later, he thought that in addition to using wind, thunder, water and fire spells, he also used the power of momentum. Although everyone knows some basic wind, thunder, water and fire spells, they may not be as exquisite as they are. As for the power of the situation, it is not something that anyone can master, so Feng Qingyu praised herself so much that she deserved at that time, so she did not speak.

Fang Hong was naturally happy when he heard Feng Qingyu praise Yi Qianxiang, but when he saw that Yi Qianxiang did not speak modestly, he was a little uncomfortable and said, "Brother Yi, Feng Daoshi praised you, will you suffer? It's really not modest."

Yi Qianxiang didn't know Fang Hong's little thought and said doubtfully, "What is modest? They are all his brothers."

Fang Hong wanted to say something else. Suddenly, he heard Ning Changfeng say, "A guest has arrived. I'll welcome him."

Looking at Ning Changfeng's face and tone, he didn't look like a friend coming from afar, so Feng Qingyu said, "Third brother, let's go together."

Ning Changfeng did not reply, and Feng Qingyu and Yi Qianxiang did not say anything else and flew out one after another. Naturally, the Fang Yufang Hong sisters did not continue to stay, and both of them caught up and flew to Gukou.

There are really many guests who came to visit Ning Changfeng. There are a hundred small people, but their cultivation is not good. Except for the two leading people who are immortals, there are only four immortals, and the rest of the goblins are not enough. Moreover, the two leading immortals are not strangers, but red-haired double lions who besieged Maoshan in those years.

After Ning Changfeng came out of the valley to see the people, he sneered and said, "Who do I think I am? It turned out to be a red-haired double lion. How about it, but I want to obey me?"

I don't know whether it is Lion Zuoxiong or Lion Youxiong and said, "Ning Changfeng, our brother doesn't have time to play with you today. We need to find Yi Qianxiang for revenge. Hand over Yi Qianxiang if you are sensful, or we will definitely break through your valley today.

Yi Qianxiang felt a little confused about the question of the red-haired double lion. When did he form hatred with the red-haired double lion? That is to say, I killed a lot of monsters in Maoshan in those years, which was also to defend Maoshan. Moreover, it is already an old account, and it should not be my turn to calculate today. What the hell is going on?

Just as Yi Qianxiang was thinking, Ning Changfeng had already said: "It's up to you? If you are not afraid of death, you can come up." Just as he spoke, Ning Changfeng had already pulled bows and arrows, depending on who dared to take a step forward and shoot him. Everyone seems to know that Ning Changfeng is powerful. At the moment when Ning Changfeng pulled his bow, except for the red-haired lions, everyone actually took a step back.