
Chapter 1 Good Luck

After spending a lot of effort and almost consuming the last trace of water vapor in his body against the hot sun, Yang Yu finally climbed the highest sand dune, and then Yang Yu saw the scene he didn't want to see. The scorching sun was in the sky, and there was a long yellow sand. He was indeed in the desert!

Yang Yu was dumbfounded. Just now, there was still lightning, thunder and heavy rain. After waking up, there was a scorching sun in the sky and yellow sand. Anyone who has read online novels should know that this is time travel. Yang Yu has followed many articles on the Internet, and naturally knows his situation.

Yang Yu was angry and got angry. He pointed to the sky and scolded, but the scolding removed Yang Yu's thirst, but there was no other benefit. Finally, after he couldn't swear silently in his mouth, Yang Yu fell weakly on the sand and looked at the vast sea of sand. I am at a loss.

In fact, it is no wonder that Yang Yu is angry. Time travel is not a big deal for Yang Yu. Yang Yu's situation is relatively special, but his parents were both killed in a car accident when he was a senior in high school, leaving only Yang Yu, and Yang Yu's parents are also the only children in their respective families. What brothers and sisters, coupled with Yang Yu's only remaining relatives' grandmother and grandfather, died of sadness one after two years after the death of his parents. Yang Yu has no relatives in the world. Even if he travels, he has nothing to worry about, so Yang Yu is actually looking forward to this kind of time travel.

The reason why Yang Yu is not very repulsive about time travel, but he still feels angry after crossing. Except for God's lightning to split him into the desert, the main reason is that his current situation is very bad, indecent and embarrassing, because Yang Yu's clothes inside and outside were all burned by the high temperature of lightning. He didn't leave a piece of cloth, so Yang Yu crossed through with his bare buttocks...

** Walking in the desert, no matter how you look at it, God made a big joke with Yang Yu, which is still very malicious. No matter how miserable other people travel, it will not be the result of being naked and waiting to die of thirst. Yang Yu, who was sad and indignant, stood on the top of the sand dunes, looked around and found that he was in front of him. There are only two roads ahead. One way is that he stays still and waits for the sun to dry him. The other way is to find a random direction to go down and get dry in the middle of the road.

One road is ten deaths without life, and one road is nine deaths. Yang Yu naturally chose the road with a glimmer of vitality. After choosing a direction casually, he began to move forward with a deep and shallow foot.

The sand was very hot in the sun, but poor Yang Yu didn't even have a pair of shoes. He walked barefoot on the hot sand. Yang Yu's feet were soon scalded with countless blisters, and then they were worn out by the sand. Every step he took, he felt pain, but Yang Yu didn't seem to feel the pain from his feet, although The speed is getting slower and slower, but it is still slowly and firmly walking in the direction he chose.

Yang Yu has no choice. It is extremely difficult to walk in the desert. Whether it is dehydration or heatstroke, as long as he falls down, it is no longer possible to stand up, but Yang Yu does not even have a dress that can slightly block the hot sun. The consequence of being completely exposed to the sun is that he will be extremely fast. Time will fall into this desert forever.

Yang Yu thought that he had two to three hours to fight, but Yang Yu soon found that he was still too optimistic. The position of the sun in the sky hardly moved, but Yang Yu almost didn't even have the strength to stand. He had been tired for a day, and his physical strength was exhausted. Coupled with various factors conducive to Yang Yu's quick death, after less than an hour, Yang Yu was finally on the verge of collapse.

Yang Yu, who knew that he had no chance to survive, smiled bitterly and fell on the sand, but after a strange cry, Yang Yu did not know the strength from there. He immediately jumped up and slapped his buttocks with his hands, which was no different from all the people whose buttocks were burned, even if Yang Yu was so tired that he just wanted to Fall to the ground and die.

You can't even die in a more comfortable posture. As long as you are conscious, you can only stand. After crossing, you can't do anything and die aggrievedly. Yang Yu is a little depressed that he died before he succeeds.

After Yang Yu made a boring and dead grievance comment on his 24-year-old short life, he took a deep breath of hot air, and then looked up to the sky and roared, just to vent the depression in his chest. At the same time, it was better not to suffocate himself in one breath. At this time, no matter how to die, it is absolutely It's better than dying slowly in despair.

When a sad and desperate roar stopped, Yang Yu heard a sound, as if someone was running. Although the sound was not loud, it still attracted Yang Yu's attention in the dead desert, and the sound was heard in the dead silence, which was natural to Yang Yu at this time. After listening in surprise and determining the direction of the sound, Yang Yu shouted wildly and climbed up the sand dune in the direction of the sound.

The sand dunes are not high and gentle. They can only block the view. Yang Yu, who was ecstatic, easily climbed up the sand dunes, but when he saw the scene on the other side, he was stunned.

Less than a miles in front of Yang Yu's sight, although it is also endless yellow, the yellow is withered yellow. Although it presents a dry yellow without any vitality, a serious grassland appeared in front of Yang Yu's eyes, and on the withered yellow grassland, there is even one that is enough to be called The wide river is flowing quietly.

The corners of Yang Yu's mouth were involuntarily **. While secretly celebrating that he did not die close to his life, he also saw several people running towards him in the sand. After being stunned for a moment, Yang Yu subconsciously waved his hands at the fastest speed he could reach. The dozen oncoming people ran away.

When the distance was close enough to see each other, Yang Yu found a little inappropriate. The expressions on the faces of the people who ran opposite him were not friendly. After stopping in astonishment, Yang Yu didn't know whether he should turn around and run back or bravely go forward. There is not much time to hesitate. Yang Yu made a decision in an instant. If he runs back to the desert again, he is purely looking for death. It's better to stay and see what these people want to do.

Several people who inadvertently saved Yang Yu's life quickly ran to Yang Yu's forehead. Their clothes were ragged, but they were barely hanging on their bodies, which could avoid direct exposure to the sun. They were also thin and short, and their hair and beards were long, the tallest one. He also lowered his head than Yang Yu and did not hold a weapon in his hand. It seemed that these people were beggars and raised them, but after such a group of people surrounded Yang Yu with bare hands, Yang Yu still had no possibility to escape.

After being surrounded by those who looked like beggars, Yang Yu secretly counted eight people. Although it was not good to be surrounded by a group of seemingly hostile people, the good news was that Yang Yu could be sure that they were exactly the same people as himself, not some strange species, but these people were all over their bodies. Tanned and shabby, Yang Yu couldn't even tell whether they were modern people, let alone other details. A group of strange people surrounding Yang Yu just looked up and down at Yang Yu's smooth body, with a look of astonishment and surprise on their faces. They communicated with each other with their eyes, but no one After speaking and letting Yang Yu, who secretly called himself in a bad situation calm down from the ecstasy of getting out of the disaster, he suddenly realized that he was still naked at this time and quickly covered his ** key point with his hands and squatted down.

He was surrounded by several men with his bare buttocks. Yang Yu even had a dead heart for a moment, and what he wanted to say was also suffoed back. Fortunately, a man finally stood up and first broke the silence.

"Who are you? Why, why are you running around in the desert bare?

Although the emphasis is a little strange, it is pure Chinese. Yang Yu was happy again, but he did not answer that person's question, but said with a wry smile, "Well, I don't want to be bare. Isn't there nothing I can do? Excuse me, this big brother, where is this place? What time is it now?

"It's almost Dinghai Bridge, that is, 40 or 50 miles. It's time. It's not yet."

Yang Yu didn't want to get an answer to this question, but he didn't know how to answer that person's question, but he didn't expect to get valuable information. At least from this person's answer, Yang Yu knew that his time period was not close to the age he was familiar with.

After smiling gratefully, Yang Yu said, "Thank you, but what I want to know is what dynasty is now? Well, what year is it now?"

The man who stood up to ask Yang Yu raised his eyebrows. This time, he did not answer Yang Yu's question, but looked at Yang Yu more curiously. At this time, another person stood up, stood next to the person who asked first, and shouted, "Brother Thirteen, what nonsense are you talking to him? Say, who are you? From Where did you come from? What did you come here for? Hand over all your food.

What the fierce-faced man said seemed to be the last sentence, because after the last sentence was asked, everyone's faces were tight, and then they stared at Yang Yu.

Yang Yu smiled bitterly again and stretched out a hand to point to himself and said, "Dudes, do you still look like you can hide things? To tell you, I really have nothing now."

It was obvious, but after it was really confirmed, everyone's faces still showed extremely disappointed expressions, and several of them sighed repeatedly. Although the person who was called thirteen also looked disappointed, he still asked with some hope, "You said you were in trouble. Did you meet the bandits?" Are you a businessman? Do you still have a companion?"

Since the other party gave an answer that can explain his origin, Yang Yu certainly wanted to take advantage of it. Now he nodded repeatedly and said, "I just met a bandit and was stripped and thrown into the desert by them. My companions, uh, died and were all killed by the bandits. Think about it, if I hadn't met the bandits, I wouldn't have It can't be like this."