
Chapter 5 Merchants

Although the situation was extremely tense, Yang Yu's words still caused a low burst of laughter. Only the man known as Boss Su gave an ugly wink at the people next to him, and the knight who had been following Boss Su immediately disembowed from the horse, raised his long knife and cut his head at Yang Yu.

Seeing the snow-white knife light coming towards him, Yang Yu didn't even have time to feel afraid, but he felt that after a stream of blood surged up his head, his eyes were also dark. What could he react there?

The long knife did not really fall on Yang Yu's head. When the knife was about to cut Yang Yu's face, the knife was slightly biased, so that the knife almost wiped the tip of Yang Yu's nose, revealing a good knife method. After the blade skimmed for a long time, Yang Yu realized that he was fine.

Yang Yu, a modern man, also likes to play with knives, but since he was a child, except for several fights with fists and kicks, he has never used a knife. He has never seen such a situation. It's good that he hasn't been scared to pee in his pants, although Yang Yu doesn't have pants to pee.

Although it was a false shock, Yang Yu's body trembled like a sieve. Not everyone had a chance to encounter this experience of escaping from death. However, after understanding what had happened, Yang Yu's anger also burned, and his body trembled more and more. However, shaking at this time was not entirely frightened. Half of it was the sequelae after being frightened, and most of it was because of the anger in his heart.

After looking at Yang Yu's reaction, Boss Su was very relieved. Yang Yu's reaction would never be shown by the bandits who rolled on the knife all year round. He was indeed an ordinary person with no skills.

The knight who tested Yang Yu with a knife also laughed and said, "Brother, I'm right. Looking at this boy's coward, you will know that he is definitely an unsage."

Yang Yu has never suffered such intimidation and humiliation since he grew up. Although he repeatedly warned himself to endure, Yang Yu could no longer bow down at this time. He stood up and shouted, "I told you that I am not a bandit or a parable. I am a merchant in distress. If you are willing to help, Help me. If you don't want to help me, just leave. You'd better save these troublesome temptations!"

"Hey, the boy is quite strong!"

After trying Yang Yu's guard monster with the knife, he raised the knife and cut it down to Yang Yu again. This time, although Yang Yu was prepared, when the knife came, Yang Yu had no time to make any reaction. He could only watch the knife light fall, and there was severe pain on his left shoulder.

Yang Yu was cut by this knife and immediately knelt down. At the same time, Yang Yu only said that his left arm was no longer guaranteed, but Yang Yu's temper was also stimulated at this time. Before he could check his injury, he immediately stood up again. After standing up, Yang Yu found that his arm was still on his body. The knife just now was made with the back of the knife.

Although his arm was still on his body, his left shoulder was injured, and his left hand did not use strength at all. Yang Yu clenched his right hand into a fist and whispered angrily, "What on earth do you want to do!"

The guard who got off the horse smiled and said, "I don't want to do anything. Although you are a little grassy, you are big and white and fat. People who want to come to the Bai family are willing to pay a good price to buy you. Boy, the old man will exchange you for a pot of wine. How many lifetimes of luck have you cultivated?"

A group of guards suddenly laughed, and some people joked, "Zhao San, we are lucky. I thought that these pardonians had been arrested by the Bai family. I didn't think there was another one who sent them to the door today. The Bai family is now buying these healthy slaves at a high price everywhere, haha, this one The price of the silly boy is enough for our brothers to have a good drink, but don't waste him just now, so it's worthless.

Zhao San spat and said, "What's the fart? What kind of knife method can I cut him down? If you don't accept it, come and try it. I will cut you three times in a row, and there will be no cracks in the bones.

Yang Yu understood that when he heard the meaning of these people to sell himself as a slave, his heart suddenly became cold. He was not afraid of trying hard, afraid that he would not even fight, and finally had to be sold as a slave. Once he thought of the tragic end of being sold as a slave, Yang Yu's heart was still desperate. Hope.

Yang Yu gritted his teeth, clenched his fist, and was about to jump up and fight with Zhao San. Even if he was stabbed to death, he could never be captured. When he saw Zhao San talking to others and turned his body slightly and didn't notice him at all, Yang Yu did not hesitate and punched him with all his strength. In the past.

Yang Yu's punch was hit by Zhao San's back of the head. If this punch was solid, even if Zhao San did not die, he would have a concussion. However, although Zhao San turned his back to Yang Yu, he seemed to have long eyes behind his head. After a slight sideways, he leaned out his left hand, grabbed Yang Yu's fist in his hand, and then raised the knife and used the knife. The handle hit Yang Yu's forehead heavily and smashed Yang Yu to the ground.

Zhao San obviously showed mercy. After being hit on the forehead by the knife handle, although Yang Yu felt that the sky was spinning, there was nothing wrong. He had no doubt that Zhao San could beat out his brains at once. However, although Yang Yu was not Zhao San's opponent at all, he did not intend to stop. He got up from the ground and wanted to He rushed over again, and Zhao San looked at Yang Yu leisurely and did not take Yang Yu seriously at all.

After Yang Yu suddenly rushed out, Zhao San just gently leaned down and stretched out his leg at the same time. Yang Yu fell to the ground again. The huge power gap made Yang Yu's heart cold, but Yang Yu still refused to give up. Now he only wants to die than be a slave, so as long as he can provoke Zhao San to kill him. It is success.

Just as Yang Yu staggered and stood up again and was about to attack in vain, he heard Boss Su shout, "Zhao San, don't tease him. Since he is not a bandit, let Boss Zhao deal with it."

After Boss Su finished speaking, Yang Yu suddenly felt that there was a turning point. At this time, of course, he could not act rashly, so he immediately turned his hopeful eyes to the man known as Boss Zhao.

Boss Zhao is the person who asked Boss Su in the car array. He looks about 50 years old. His body is slightly fat, his temples are also a little white, and he has a long beard under his jaw. He looks like a kind person.

Boss Zhao was still nervous and trembled, but when he learned that Yang Yu was not a bandit, Boss Zhao was no longer nervous before. After hearing Boss Su's inquiry, he slowly walked to Yang Yu.

Boss Zhao looked very kind with a smile on his face and said, "Since you are not a bandit, who are you?"

At this moment, Yang Yu can only walk to the darkness. Ma bandits can't be regarded. As for the sinners, they can't do it. At this moment, he decided to harden his mouth to the end and arched his hand and said, "Boss Zhao, I'm really not a horse bandit parable. Yang Yu, a merchant passed by here. Who knew that when he met the horse bandit, brothers and friends were all lost. I'm the only one left."

He smiled at the boss and said, "If you don't say secrets, young man, you are not smart. Although it's the first time I've taken this business road, you don't want to deceive me. Who in the world doesn't know that the rules of horse bandits on this road are for money and death. Just like you, you can be under the knife of the horse bandits. Run away? Do you want to be a solo businessman? Haha, I heard that no one has dared to take this road alone for more than ten years. It's five hundred miles from Hukou to here. Not to mention that you met bandits along the way, even if you meet other businesses, I'm afraid you won't live today, right?

The more Yang Yu listened, the colder his heart became. What a bullshit world is this? Why does it sound similar to the style of horse bandits and caravans? No wonder no one wants to believe the excuses he made up, but at this point, he can only hold on. "Boss Zhao, this is also the first time to take this business road, although we really only have a few Personally, I went on the road, but I was lucky before today, and I have persisted until today. You can see that I am not like those sinners. If I often live in the desert, I can't be as white as I am, right?

Boss Zhao ignored Yang Yu's words and shook his head slightly. After shaking his head, he still said with a smile, "Since you are determined to be a businessman, let me ask you, who are you?" Where to start? What kind of goods are you going to sell? When did you pass the Hukou Pass? When you get out of the Hukou Pass, you must rely on the relevant road guide. Even if you have lost it, which adult signed your pass and which adult signed for the road guide? Which adult signed for your goods? There is no other evidence. If you answer all these, I will take you out of here.

Yang Yu was dumbfounded. He still knew nothing about the world. Naturally, Boss Zhao's question could not be answered. At this time, Yang Yu had only one thought in his mind, "Fuck, why do you need so many vouchers to go out to do business?"

Looking at Yang Yu's stunned appearance, Boss Zhao sighed, patted Yang Yu on the shoulder and said, "Young man, although it's my first time to take this road, I really don't know much about it here. However, if you want to talk about business, there is nothing to hide from me. No matter what you come from, anyway, I will see it at a glance. You are definitely not a businessman, and you don't have to pretend anymore.

Yang Yu was desperate, and now he has nothing to say. He can only sigh with grief and indignation, just waiting for someone to catch him alive and fight for his life.

Looking at Boss Zhao making Yang Yu's question speechless, Boss Su smiled, jumped down from the horse, arched his hand to Boss Zhao, and said, "Boss Zhao, the origin of this person is unknown. He should have killed him on the spot to avoid trouble, but there is a merchant team of the Bai family in front of us. We can drive fast, and maybe we can chase him tomorrow. On, my brothers wanted to exchange him for a pot of wine, but they couldn't delay anything. I don't know if Boss Zhao can let my brothers take him for a while.

Yang Yu's heart suddenly raised his heart. As long as Boss Zhao nodded, he would immediately punch and hit Boss Su.