
Chapter 31 is done

Everything is ready. The furnace has been built, and two wind bags sewn with countless animal skins are also mounted on both sides of the furnace. Carboniferous and iron sand have been put into the furnace. The mold used for pouring has been buried in the sand pile next to the furnace. As long as the iron water melts out and can flow smoothly into the mold, Great work.

Looking at all this out of thin air on the sand, Yang Yu sighed and sighed. It's not easy. It's really not easy. The iron sand has to risk their lives to fish in the river. The wind bag is made of all the skins taken together by the sinners. The mold is made by cutting the wooden stick from Linshan into the shape of a knife and then covering the earth. Even the ordinary soil elsewhere will be found by the bandits and caravans. It was almost dug out of the grassland, and the sand content of the grassland was still too high. It needed to be washed in the river. After making it into mud, it was slowly dried and collected before it could be transported back. What was readily available elsewhere, but the sinners took painstaking efforts to get it.

The various things in front of Yang Yu made Yang Yu not only feel the difficulties, but also felt great satisfaction. He could lead everyone to do all this today under the premise of nothing, which brought unparalleled pride and satisfaction to Yang Yu. However, in addition, Yang Yu was also very nervous. It turned out that he made knives just for fun, and This casting knife is related to the future and lives of hundreds of people, so he can't help but be nervous.

After looking around for a week, Yang Yu took a deep breath, took the torch in his hand, and lit the dry firewood piled up in the blast furnace. When the fire gradually became bigger, Yang Yu waved his hand and shouted, "Bold the wind."

After hearing Yang Yu's words, Hu Zhong, standing beside the wind bag, pushed the wind bag and blew the airflow into the furnace. Looking at the slowly ignited coal, he felt the heat from the fire. Hu Zhong's heart also seemed to be lit.

As a member of the 76 young and strong sinners, Hu Zhong is the oldest. He is 41 years old this year. Unlike young people born in the desert, he remembers his good life in Yunzhou as a child, the sufferings of the siege of the city for three and a half years, and the despair his parents felt when they were forced to enter the desert, and his father The hatred that his mother was captured by the Bai family's business name was firmly engraved in his heart, deep in his bone marrow.

Although he was still young when he entered the desert, the good memories and the memories of suffering are the same. More than 30 years of suffering life have made Hu Zhong remember the beauty of his childhood more clearly and the feelings of suffering more deeply. So when Sun Shoude came to him and told him that there was someone who could When he helped the sinners make weapons and lead everyone to rob the caravan, Hu Zhong did not hesitate at all and followed Sun Shoude to Yang Yu's side.

Although Yang Yu is still very young and although he is not very familiar with Yang Yu, Hu Zhong did not hesitate to worship Yang Yu after learning that Sun Shoude and the eight young people who robbed Yu Village had worshipped Yang Yu as the eldest brother. At that time, he did not even know Yang Yu's name. For Hu Zhong, as long as Sun Shoudexin's eldest brother is enough. After more than 30 years, he finally looked forward to an opportunity. Whether this opportunity is good or bad, whether it is true or not, Hu Zhong will never miss it. He has been waiting for too long and has no second 30 years to wait.

After worshipping Yang Yu as the eldest brother and learning about Yang Yu's plan, as long as he put forward everything, Hu Zhong will make every effort to complete. Hu Zhong rushed to do the most dangerous work. Hu Zhong still rushed to do the most dangerous work. If Yang Yu said that someone needed to jump into the melt Only by sacrificing in the furnace can you successfully cast a weapon. Hu Zhong will definitely be the first to jump into the fire silently, just asking for his bones to be melted into the weapon. It is enough to wave it to the enemy.

Iron smelting is a hard job. After Hu Zhong's strength was exhausted and replaced by him, Hu Zhong stood beside the blast furnace and looked at Yang Yu, who had been busy by the furnace in an instant. Hu Zhong did not understand iron smelting. Naturally, he did not know whether the situation was good or bad, but he knew that as long as he looked at the eldest brother was fine. If the eldest brother was happy, it would explain It's going well. If the eldest brother is worried, it means it's not going well.

Looking at Yang Yu, he still looked very nervous at the beginning, but the expression on his face slowly became more and more relaxed, and he smiled from time to time. Hu Zhong knew that things should be going well, but soon after Yang Yu's face looked solemn again, Hu Zhong's heart was immediately picked up.

As long as the temperature can reach more than 1,200, the iron sand can melt into iron water, and with the coal and wind bag blowing, the fire can easily reach 1,200 degrees. At first, Yang Yu was worried about whether the blast furnace and crucible built could withstand high temperatures, but watching the iron sand gradually melt into water, and the blast furnace and crucible did not collapse. Yang Yu gradually relaxed with the signs of the crack, but he only succeeded in melting the iron sand into water. Whether the iron water can be poured into the mold smoothly is the key.

Because there is nothing like an iron rod, Yang Yu can't stir the iron water, and he can't take out the crucible with iron water and then pour the iron water into the mold. Therefore, Yang Yu in the first furnace can only wait for the iron sand to melt and open the furnace and crucible to let the iron water flow into the mold along the laid pipe. As long as it succeeds for the first time, Yang Yu You can get a few much-needed iron bars.

Seeing that it was almost done, it was time for the iron water to flow out. Yang Yu was also getting more and more nervous. Looking at Yang Yu's face becoming more and more nervous, Hu Zhong did not even dare to come out of the atmosphere. Finally, Hu Zhong heard Yang Yu shouting, "Open the stove and release the iron water."

Hu Zhong widened his eyes and held his breath to watch Sun Shoude and Yang big mouth open the stove and the crucible little by little with a wooden stick. Under the action of high temperature, the stove and crucible became extremely strong, and it was difficult for the wooden stick to dig them out. Moreover, because of the high temperature, the wooden stick was quickly ignited. Hu Zhong, who was in a hurry, couldn't wait to go up and pick it with his hand. Open the stove, but fortunately, the stove and the crucible have taken these conditions into consideration at the beginning and have reserved the furnace door. Although it has become more difficult than expected after high-temperature baking, the iron water has finally been successfully released.

After the iron water flowed out, along the pipe made of earth, a large amount of iron water became six strands of iron water of varying thickness, and then smoothly fell down into the mold buried in the sand. For the first time, it was experimental. There were two thick iron bars, a big knife, an axe and two spearheads in the buried mold. The molds are buried in the sand to prevent the mold from suddenly cracking and hurting people.

After the iron water fell into the mold, the high temperature also evaporated the only water vapor in the sand. For a moment, Yang Yu stood aside and watched nervously. Although the iron water was successfully poured into the mold, he could not cast anything that could be used.

After the hot iron water slowly cooled down and changed from red to black solid, Yang Yu squatted aside and watched, but the molds were buried in the sand, but the cooling speed was very slow. Although Yang Yu was anxious, he did not dare to water it to cool down. It could only take time slowly. Just wait slowly.

Except for the women who couldn't go out, all the active sinners came, but a total of more than 200 people did not make a sound. They stood aside and looked at Yang Yu eagerly, one by one who was afraid to breathe.

It was not easy to wait until the solidified iron in the mold was almost cooled. After he dared to touch it with his hand for a short time, he was not afraid that the iron would collapse in water. Yang Yu immediately asked someone to water it. After another smoke rose, Yang Yu immediately pulled out the mold of the casting knife from the sand with his bare hands. Come on.

The reason why I checked the knife first was that it was the most difficult to cast the knife. After Yang Yu took out the mold, he saw that the mold was not cracked, and his hands trembled uncontrollably. After smashing the mold, an iron knife stained with loess appeared in front of Yang Yu.

Without of taking a closer look at the iron knife, Yang Yu also took out other molds one by one. After smashing the molds, he found that only two iron bars were much shorter in length than expected, but there seemed to be no problem, at least decent. Yang Yu didn't have time to scrape off the soil attached to the iron knife and picked up the iron knife with one hand. He picked up an iron bar and pushed the blade of the iron knife fiercely towards the iron root.

Mars splashed, and after the loud sound of "ding", the iron knife and the iron bar left no trace. After thinking about it, Yang Yu put the iron knife horizontally on the ground, raised the iron bar, and hit the iron knife with little strength. After this crisp sound, the iron knife turned into two sections. Yang Yu picked it up and broke it. The tip of the knife came and carefully looked at the fracture.

The fracture is gray, and bubbles can be seen. What he smelted is carbon. The carbon content of carbon is too high. Although the hardness is very high, it is also extremely brittle, and there is almost no toughness. If it is suitable to make a thick and bulky iron horse, it is difficult to make it into a thin piece, but these are all in Yang Yu's advance. It is expected that as long as something is successfully cast, the rest will be much easier.

Yang Yu threw the broken iron knife into the furnace and waited for the iron knife to be completely red. Then he pulled it out with an iron bar and put it on the sand again, waiting for the iron knife to slowly cool down. The purpose of doing this is to decarbonize the carburize the carburization of the carburization of the car, so as to improve the hardness and toughness. However, Yang Yu only knew that he could do this, but in the end He doesn't know how to do it, so he can only try it.

After the iron knife cooled down again, Yang Yu picked up the iron bar and hit it on the surface of the knife again. His strength was about the same size as last time, but the iron knife passed the test this time and did not break. Yang Yu was happy and felt that the annealing was really effective. Then he increased his strength and hit the iron knife again and again, but the iron knife always refused. It was broken into two pieces. In the end, Yang Yu used his greatest strength and smashed it desperately before the iron knife was finally broken into two pieces.

Although the iron knife is finally broken, Yang Yu is still ecstatic, because the iron knife after annealing and decarbonization can definitely withstand strong bumps without breaking, especially Yang Yu's smash is the cross-section of the knife body. If it is the back of the blade, Yang Yu may not be able to break the iron knife, that is to say, casting Whether the weapon is a knife or a sword, as long as it is not so brittle after annealing and decarbonization, it can definitely go to the battlefield.

Yang Yu picked up the broken knife and nodded to a crowd staring at him silently. Without waiting to say anything, tears flowed down. After wiping away his tears, Yang Yu suddenly raised the iron knife and roared, "We succeeded!"