
Chapter 49 I represent the werewolf clan

The four orcs are facing the risk of division and civil war, but this has nothing to do with Yang Yu. As long as the sinners and the wolf green tribes are fine, Yang Yu will not pay attention to it. Yang Yu just doesn't understand that the werewolves and leopards among the four orcs are difficult to make a living and want to make a living, no matter how dangerous it is. It's dangerous and has nothing to do with tigers and bears. Why would tigers and bears would rather stop the civil war?

"Big elder, if the tigers and bears live a relatively easy life for the time being, then they can just stay in the desert by themselves. Why are you sure that they won't let the werewolves and leopards leave the desert?"

"Because we once agreed with Dawu that orcs can never step into the grassland. If the orcs do not leave the desert, Dawu will not attack us, but once we leave the desert, we will declare war on Dawu."

Yang Yu sighed and said hatefully, "I think I understand that tigers and bear people can't beat Dawu, but they can beat werewolves and leopards, so after they occupy an oasis that is enough to survive, they are at ease and don't care about your life. If you want to leave the desert and return to the grassland, tigers and Bears will join hands to stop it. If you dare to fight with them, they don't mind destroying you. Isn't that such a thing?

The wolf stick nodded and said, "Yes, that's it."

Bai Zhengxing has been listening to the story of the wolf stick without saying a word, but at this time Bai Zhengxing couldn't stand it and said angrily, "It's really unreasonable, how can it be! Originally, he was a lineage of the same spirit, but he actually took care of himself and ignored the life of his brothers of the same lineage. Where is the reason? Is there any justice in the world?"

Sun Shoude also said angrily, "Although our remnants of Yunzhou have suffered many disasters, they can always help each other and help each other. Now, I heard that the orcs are barbaric and united, and they will advance and retreat together in any case. Who would have thought that today I know that there will be such no way among orcs. Righteous man."

The wolf stick sighed, "I miss how many disasters the four orcs have encountered since ancient times, and we have worked together to survive. Is it finally time to perish now?"

Yang Yu thought for a moment and said, "Big Elder, I don't understand that although the situation of the orcs is difficult now, there is no danger of extinction for at least for a while. Why do the tigers and bears abandon the morality of the orcs since ancient times and ignore the life and death of the werewolves and leopards? Is the attitude of the tiger and the bear people towards you unified, or are there differences? The orcs have been passed down for a long time. If it were only 20 or 30 years, I don't think all tigers and bears will lose thousands of years of traditions, right?

The wolf stick looked at Yang Yu and said respectfully, "The leader is right. Although the four races of orcs are divided into four tribes, they are one. Even if the situation is difficult, the tiger man and the bear man will not forget the inheritance of the orcs for thousands of years. In fact, the tiger man and the bear man are not all im moral people. For our attitude, the tiger man and the bear In fact, there are also great differences between people. The reason why the four races have come to this point is that they are all blamed on the tiger patriarch, the tiger bully.

Yang Yu nodded and said, "Sure enough, no matter which clan, it is not so easy to accept to watch your brothers and comrades-in-arms starve to death, so I think the tiger clan and the bear clan will not necessarily be monolithic. Such a big elder, why did the relationship between the four orcs come to this day because of the tiger hegemony? What's it like?"

"There are too many werewolf clans, only large and small tribes, but there is no unified head, and the other three clans are patriarchs. When we first retreated to the desert, Huba became the patriarch of the tiger clan, and after Huba became the patriarch of the tiger clan, he wholeheartedly considered the tiger clan. , tried his best to occupy the living space of the rest of our three clans. Xiong Zhuang, the patriarch of the bear people, was able to speak righteously for us and leopard people at the beginning. He was extremely dissatisfied with the hegemony of the tiger people. However, Xiong Zhuang died of illness, and the bear clan elected the current patriarch Xiong Bigfoot. Unexpectedly, this bear big foot was also only for the bear people. Unexpectedly, After the tigers formed an alliance and suppressed us werewolves and leopards together, and the tigers and bears united, we could only accept the reality and slowly be excluded.

At first, the people of the Tiger and Bear people were also very dissatisfied with the patriarch's decision. They have always had voices to help me speak, but no matter what objections, once the decision is passed within the clan, there is no way to change it. Therefore, although the Lakers and Bear people have different voices, they are only within their people. It still didn't help. Later, the people of the Tiger and Bear also tasted the sweetness, and gradually there is no voice against Tiger and Bear Bigfoot now.

In the first two years, we and the leopards felt that survival was becoming more and more difficult, and we felt that we could not wait to die in the desert. If we wanted to go to the grassland, even if there were no livestock, the huge grassland could feed us. It was better than staying in the desert and waiting to die, but I don't know how the news leaked out, tigers and bear people. After learning, he actually said that we had broken our vows, and Hu Ba was even more blunt, saying that if we dare to return to the grassland without permission, it would be the enemies of all orcs. They would not hesitate to fight, so we could only stay for the time being. Alas, it's not that we are timid and afraid, but once we really get to the grassland, we will not only deal with it? Coffee and the caravan should also beware of sneak attacks behind their backs. For now, when we unite with the leopards, we are not the opponents of the tigers, let alone the tigers and bears.

Yang Yu frowned and said, "I remember that the werewolf Qing said that although the number of werewolves is weak now, the number of people is still similar to that of the other three races, and there are also crazy wolves to help fight. Is this a big tiger family with leopards?"

The wolf stick smiled bitterly and said, "Let's put it this way, if there is a weapon, we werewolves are not afraid of anyone, but if there is no weapon, we can only fight with bare hands. Even if ten werewolves add a mad wolf, they can't beat a tiger man. With weapons, the tiger man is still a fart.

The leopard man is even more dexterous, but the leopard man is extremely dexterous, but they have no weapons and only rely on their teeth and nails. Even if they can hit the tiger man and the bear man, it is just like tickling. If there is a weapon, with the leopard man's dexterity and extreme skill, it is difficult for the tiger man to hurt the leopard man, let alone the clumsy bear man. However, the leopard people can hurt each other. Unfortunately, we and the leopard people are the most dependent on weapons, so without weapons, we can only be bullied by the tigers and bear people.

Yang Yu patted his thigh and shouted, "Isn't this a detour again? You and the leopards don't have weapons. We can't build weapons now. We only have weapons. How can we look at the faces of the tigers and bear men?"

The wolf stick nodded and said, "Yes, so when the wolf green told me that you could really build weapons, I knew that the werewolves had hope, but the leader, we werewolves now add up to at least 670,000 people, even if there are only 20,000 people in this battle, dare to ask How long will it take for you and your people to build the weapons of our 20,000 people? I think the current output is enough in a year. Well, we werewolves only need 3,000 soldiers and 3,000 soldiers equipped with weapons to fight against the Tigers, but how long will it take for 3,000 weapons to be built?

Yang Yu was silent. He never thought about the life and death and future of the whole werewolf family on his shoulders. After a while, Yang Yu said in a low voice, "Big Elder, frankly, I have never thought of saving you werewolves. I just want to take my brothers to have a mouthful of food, and I won't starve to death here. In the desert, if there is a chance, I will take them with me, so I think the farthest thing is to pull up a team of up to three or two thousand people and make a living by the Jinshui River. When we have saved enough, we will leave. Wolf Qing is my brother, and his people are my people, but it is limited to your tribe. That's all.

After you asked me about my plans for the future, I suddenly decided to tell you the three-step plan, but I thought it was your own business by then. I thought I would give you a chance, and then you would do everything by yourself, but now it seems that I still think too simple. Dan, you orcs are already facing division. I don't have the ability to save all your people from water and fire. I'm sorry.

The wolf stick nodded, sighed sadly, and said, "I understand, leader, if the four orcs try their best to return to the grassland, there will be no chance, but now, it's difficult. Once the news leaks, the tigers and bearmen will definitely refuse to give up."

Yang Yu smiled, spread out his hands and said, "Just understand, elder. Now, can you tell me your plan?"

The wolf stick's eyes burst into a burst of brilliance. He stared at Yang Yu, suddenly knelt down and shouted, "Head, I'll tell you the truth too. All I think is to ask you to accept all our werewolves to follow you. Frankly, we have no other way out and we are not qualified to negotiate with you, so I I am asking you to ask you on behalf of all my clans. We are willing to become your followers. When the Tigers and Bears find out what happened here, that is, when the civil war of the orcs officially begins, I will only ask you to lead as many young people of our werewolves as possible out of the desert. Some werewolves will block the tigers and bears, and will never let the tigers and bears hurt you and your people. I think the four orcs will disappear because of internal consumption, but I hope that the werewolves can continue to exist.

After the wolf stick knelt down, Lang Qing also knelt down and said nothing in front of Yang Yu, but looked at Yang Yu with pleading eyes.

Bai Zhengxing and Sun Shoude also looked at Yang Yu with hopeful eyes, but the two of them did not say anything. On such a big matter, Bai Zhengxing and Sun Shoude will not make a decision for Yang Yu, as long as Yang Yu is in charge.

Yang Yu reached out and held up the wolf stick and the wolf green. Although the wolf stick wanted Yang Yu to agree to his request, he could not and dare to kneel all the time. As followers, they must not force the leader to do anything, even if it was a request.

Looking at the pleading eyes of the wolf stick and wolf green, Yang Yu suddenly smiled and said, "There are 60,000 to 70,000 werewolves. Elders, are you so sure that they are all willing to follow me?"

The wolf stick nodded repeatedly and said, "Leader, I dare to guarantee with my own head that no one in the werewolf family will oppose it. Really, no matter how many people there will be no one opposes."

Yang Yu laughed and said, " Elder, if you dare to bet on the future of your family on me, it makes me feel very stressful, and this matter is not small. Well, of course I will try such a difficult thing."