
Chapter 63 Good Retribution

For Zhao Yixing's words, Yang Yu is skeptical. For Yang Yu, no matter who killed him is, he has to fight to the end with the other party. He can't make any compensation. Yang Yu feels that the Lu family will not give up easily. But Zhao Yixing is a businessman. From the perspective of a businessman, maybe the Lu family will indeed cut off the interests of the Lu family as long as it does not hurt the interests of the Lu family as Zhao Yixing said.

After ponder for a moment, Yang Yu said in a low voice, "If you look at Mr. Zhao, how should the matter between me and the Lu family be solved?"

Zhao Yixing stood up and walked back and forth a few steps in the room. He stood still and said, "I think if Brother Yang can come to the door and tell the Lu family that Lin Shan has changed owners, and express his willingness to continue to cooperate with the Lu family like urging Biao, then the Lu family should not interfere with Lin Shan. As for the Lu family robbed by Yang Xiaoge The camel team is also easy to handle. When you go to the Lu family, bring a heavy gift as compensation for the loss of the Lu family. As long as you put the responsibility for the Lu family's camel team on the one who urged his life, the black pot will be asked to carry it. This is just a step down for the Lu family. Although the Lu family knows that it was made by Brother Yang, they have all face. I will never turn against you for 30 people.

Yang Yu also thinks that Zhao Yixing's idea is feasible, but he still has to maintain high vigilance before he ensures nothing. In case the Lu family really attacks, Lin Shan has no master who can compete with a seven-level magician at all.

After nodding his head, Yang Yu said, "Yes, as Mr. Zhao said, I will go to the ghost gate and talk to the Lu family. Of course, it is a good thing if I can reconcile with the Lu family. Not only is the safety of Linshan guaranteed, but the most important thing is that there is no need to think about the source of food in the future, but I still have to be unprepared. Be careful of the Lu family, Lang Qing and Bao Wei, what do you think?

Wolf Qing stood up, scratched his head and said, "Head, if you want to fight or something, just ask me, but you can make your own decisions about this kind of thing. Ask me, and I don't know. Anyway, where the leader points, we will go."

After a while of silence, Bao Wei also said, "I will do whatever the leader says."

Yang Yu couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Forget, it's useless to ask you. Well, I plan to go to the ghost gate as soon as possible. At that time, Linshan's defense will be handed over to you two. Be careful not to happen."

Leopard Wei said in a low voice, "As long as I'm not dead, Lin Shan will not be lost. However, leader, why do you have to go to the ghost gate in person? Just let others go. If you go in person, it's too risky."

Wolf Qing also shouted, "That's right, boss, you go by yourself. It's too dangerous. Just let me go."

Yang Dazui said even more eagerly, "Brother, you can't go anyway. Anyone can do without you, but you can't go. Let me go. I know that Langqing and others can't show up, but it's okay for me to go. Just change my clothes. Who can tell that I'm a criminal."

Gao Yongming also said, "Big Mouth is right. I think we should go together with Big Mouth. Why should we go in person?"

Ma Liu knew that it was time to perform, and now he also stood up and said impassionedly, "If you trust the big master, let me go for you."

Yang Yu smiled, waved his hand and said, "Sit down. Langqing and Baowei can't show up. The news of the orcs out of the desert can't let anyone know for the time being. Big mouth, you have been in the desert. After all, there is a lack of knowledge and conversation. I'm afraid that you will be seen by saying a few words. Ma Liu, you and Lu before Have you ever had a hot photo of your home?

Ma Liu nodded and said, "Although I don't deal with many people from the Lu family, I often meet them."

"That's it. I'd better go in person, which also seems to pay enough attention to their Lu family. I think what Mr. Zhao said is very reasonable, so as long as I show enough sincerity, it should be fine."

Although Zhao Yixing felt that the Lu family should not have any hostility, it was just speculation. Now Yang Yu insisted on negotiating with the Lu family in person, but he was a little afraid. At this moment, he said, "Brother Yang, how about I go for you?"

Yang Yu shook his head and said, "Well, don't say any more. I'll go, well, Yongming, and Ma Liu will go with me. Mr. Zhao, just rest in peace. When I go to the ghost gate, I will see if I can find a guard to escort you back. In this way, then everything Solved."

After Zhao Yixing got a glass of wine, he knelt in front of Yang Yu with a plop.

Zhao Yixing's behavior shocked Yang Yu. Yang Yu quickly went to help Zhao Yixing and said, "What is Mr. Zhao doing? Don't break up with me. Get up quickly."

Zhao Yixing just knelt on the ground and said, "Brother Yang, you are still facing a dangerous situation when you first settled in Linshan, but you still care about it. It is difficult to repay Zhao for your great kindness. I only ask you to drink this glass of wine. From then on, even if it is Brother Yang, please don't refuse. Otherwise, I will never get up."

Yang Yu smiled bitterly and said, "What is Mr. Zhao doing? I only want to repay you and my great kindness, but now you are like this. How can this make me good?"

Zhao Yixing stubbornly said, "Zhao works in this life but wants to have a clear conscience. You only ask for peace of mind, and I also only ask for peace of mind. If not, I really can't go home with peace of mind."

Yang Yu persuaded him for a long time, but Zhao Yixing just refused to get up. In desperation, Yang Yu had to take over the wine brought by Zhao Yixing. After drinking it, Zhao Yixing was willing to stand up.

Yang Yu scared Zhao Yixing with a lot of emotions in his heart, and Zhao Yixing secretly congratulated him. Who would have thought that he was just a small thing, but he could bring him a life-saving benefactor and gave him a lot more fashionable and rich family property than him. After thinking about it, Zhao Yixing can only say that good people will be rewarded. If it hadn't been for his good intentions, where would these good retributions come from now?

After the banquet, Yang Yu still had a lot of things to do. He had to let Zhao Yixing stay in the room that urged him to rest, and he just went to do things by himself, but Zhao Yixing refused to agree. No matter what Yang Yu said, Zhao Yixing refused to occupy the room that urged him. Later, Yang Yu had no choice but to let Ma Liu went to find a well-conditioned room and packed it out for Zhao Yixing to live in. After everything was arranged, Yang Yu and Lang Qing and others left.