
Chapter 120 The Cost of Enlargement

There is no road in the world. If there are more people walking, it will become a road. Similarly, if you are struck by lightning, you will naturally have the experience of being struck by lightning.

Yang Yu's experience was struck by lightning. After the last time he fought with Mr. Bai Si, Yang Yu had a feeling that when he was connected with the clouds in the sky or the big whirlpool, the electric current contained in the clouds could be completely used by him, but Yang Yu still didn't know how to use it. When the lightning was no longer under one by one, but formed an extremely thick electric column and fell on his body, the charge in the clouds was also consumed very fast, so Yang Yu did not have the opportunity to verify his ideas, and the lightning had completely disappeared, but this time Yang Yu experimented it according to his own ideas. It was found that he could indeed control the lightning.

When the charge in the cloud turns into an electric current at a very fast speed and falls on Yang Yu's body, except for a very small part of the power in Yang Yu's body, most of the rest will be annihilated quickly, and what Yang Yu did is not to let the body become the end of the electric current. Starting from the top of his head, electricity The flow spreads around to form a power grid, and the limit of this power grid is about 100 steps.

The artificially controlled lightning is undoubtedly horrible. When Yang Yu is the center, it begins to discharge crazily from a distance of 100 steps around. There will be no living things left in this range, and it is not only within Yang Yu's 100-step range. Don't forget that water also conducts electricity. The accumulated water on the ground can direct the current farther, and That is to say, within a radius of 600 steps around Yang Yu's body, it can be said to be a forbidden area of life.

The distance of 600 steps is almost 500 meters, a full of miles away. Yang Yu's hand summoning thunder is almost as powerful as the last forbidden curse, and the Bai family's camp covers an area of no one-mile, so when the electric charge in the clouds is exhausted, except for Yang Yu, there is no more than Yang Yu in the Bai family's camp. There is a living thing, and the difference is only the miserable degree of death.

Within a hundred steps centered on Yang Yu, everything is for ashes. Even metals such as weapons, gold and silver have disappeared. Only a very regular circle is left on the ground. In this circular area, the ground has become something similar to magma cooling. When the power of lightning is not in Yang The consequences of the annihilation of Yu's body are so horrible.

From a hundred steps away from Yang Yu's body, all the creatures have been ripe, emitting a strange smell that can't be said to be unpleasant or good. From this range, all people can't see any abnormality on the surface, but they have died, but there are burn marks somewhere on their bodies.

After the whirlpool dissipated and turned into thick dark clouds and began to rain, Yang Yu sat on the ground, just watching the amazing consequences caused by him in a daze. He did not expect that his whim would cause such a brilliant and horrible result. Now he has begun to worry about them. Has it been affected?

Yang Yu knows how lightning comes from, and anyone who has gone to school should know that rain clouds will produce electric charges. When clouds with negative charges and yang charges meet, they will discharge. This is lightning, and the temperature of lightning ranges from 17,000 degrees Celsius to 28,000 degrees Celsius, which is higher than the temperature on the surface of the sun. The degree has been done several times, and with the super voltage, its power can be imagined.

Yang Yu's current concern is not how he attracted thunder and lightning, nor why he was hit by lightning. Since this kind of thing can happen through time, it is not surprising what strange things happen. Yang Yu is thinking about how to be struck by lightning again. At that time, the clothes on the body will not be burned to ashes, and how can the hair be kept? You should know that the price of each big move is that you must run naked and be bald for a long time, which is really a very painful thing.

After Yang Yu covered the key parts with his hands and trotted out of the place where everything melted, he began to look for clothes one by one in the tents that he could wear, but he definitely didn't wear the clothes on the baked people, and Yang Yu always felt that he couldn't say anything about the "acquaintance" that still exuded this heat. After twisting and hurriedly running to the pile of dead people who were at least have nothing strange in appearance, Yang Yu held the lamp that had not been extinguished in one hand and rummaged for clothes and boots in the things carried by Bai's guards in the other hand. The hateful thing was that the more eager he was to find something, the more he couldn't find it.

After looking in and out of several tents for a long time, except for finding piles of dead people, no extra clothes were found. It is estimated that after Wolf Qing and others arrived, Yang Yu had no choice but to peel off a dress from the dead.

When Yang Dazui and Lang Qing found Yang Yu in a hurry, they saw that they were stripping clothes from a dead Bai guard naked. The worst thing is that no one would wear any other clothes in the robe, whether it was on the grassland or in the desert.

When Yang Yu was stunned to find that there were more than a dozen people standing outside the tent and quietly looked at him with a strange face, Yang Yu looked at his bare body and then looked at the very indecent corpse in his hand. Yang Yu had a chill and had a chill.

Wolf Qing coughed softly and shouted to the people behind him, "Oc's it. The boss is fine. He's gone. Hurry up and clean up the battlefield."

Yang Yu wanted to cry without tears. Fortunately, he was blessed at this time. When the inspiration flashed, Yang Yu shouted, "Don't go, stop!"

After saying that, Yang Yu strode to the strange people all the way. After scanning for a week, his eyes finally lit up and shouted, "The clothes I was struck by lightning just now are gone. You came when I was looking for clothes. Just right here, fat man, your size is about the same size as me. Take off your clothes. Put it on."

Gao Yongming was stunned and said, "What? Why me? Brother, you're about to peel off the dead man's clothes. Why don't you just wear his? Why do you want me?

Yang Yu's face was rigid and said, "First, you are either too tall or too short, just like me. Second, don't you feel awkward to wear clothes from the dead? Third, I'm your eldest brother. Don't talk nonsense, give me your clothes, and peel off people's clothes by yourself.

Gao Yongming wanted to cry without tears. After looking at several people with a bad smile around him, he stamped his feet with hatred and said helplessly to Yang Yu, "Brother, I'll discuss something with you. I'll admit my bad luck this time. Next time, shall we take a change of clothes?"